Look at that, another post filled (soon enough :-P). So many random RP's, stories, and conversations go on when I'm away and such heh! Congrats ponies, we just continue to fill this blog up with post after post!! As for this pic, I guess this can be counted as, like, the first fanart we ever got (even though I'm sure it was a request). Either way, still quite amazing to see our Nightmare Moon fully realized on her trike! Here's hoping we see this trio again soon!
(Oh would you look at that, another random ship pic got in here heh. Your welcome Aura, enjoy this. (TwiLuna still is best :-P)
«Oldest ‹Older 2201 – 2400 of 4989 Newer› Newest»@zSONICoz
(Oh. Is Quick Step older or younger than you?)
@Rita Lot
[He is younger than than me. Also WHY are we talking about him? XD]
@Rita Lot
[Y'all is crazy.XD]
(So's y'all.)
@Black Rain
@S.Aura Knight
@Black Rain
@S.Aura Knight
@S.Aura Knight
@Black Rain
(Back. No flash this time. Last time I got a grape smashed, and became a mare.)
@Rita Lot
(ello dere)
@Afro Mare
[...I'm sorry What? You lost me.]
@Black Rain
@Afro Mare
(Hello there Ms Mare.)
@Black Rain
(*a top hat appears on your head*)
@S.Aura Knight
@Rita Lot
(*is too big, and falls over his head* Ahh! The lights!)
(Usually when I return from more than a one day leave, I return with some flourish. If you're still lost, the first page or so will fill you in.)
@Black Rain
@Afro Mare
(So the real reason why you never turned back was because you didn't say the magic words during the act.)
@S.Aura Knight
@Black Rain
(Gotta go. Dinner/)
@Black Rain
(Chi- ...I'm sorry I can't do that.)
@Rita Lot
(*lifts it up* Oh...hehe)
@S.Aura Knight
@S.Aura Knight
(Bullcrap. *whispers* where's Caramel?)
@Black Rain
(Chuck. Which was a good show.)
@Afro Mare
(*shrug* Check the farm.)
@S.Aura Knight
(Church. Who is from another good show)
@Black Rain
(Sorry, I hear "Church" and I instantly think of Red Versus Blue.
Clutch, because I can't make anything only changing one letter.)
@S.Aura Knight
(Yes, I meant the RvsB Church. Who else?)
Clench, cause I can't either)
@S.Aura Knight
(Ugh. *calls out* Goin' back to the farm!)
@Black Rain
(Oh well then. I know that there's another show with a "Church" though. I also know that I haven't seen RvB since they started the animation stuff and stopped being a pure machinema.
Crutch, because changing two letters/adding one is the new rule.)
@Afro Mare
(Have fun Ms. Mare!)
@S.Aura Knight
@Black Rain
@Afro Mare
Somepony call?
@S.Aura Knight
(Cro- okay you know what i'm saying.)
@Black Rain
@S.Aura Knight
(*without looking back* Don't call me that, Slots!)
@Rita Lot
(*puts it on your head*)
@Black Rain
(Yes I do. Croquet.)
@Afro Mare
(...I'm Aura!)
@Black Rain
(*giggles at the top hat now sitting on head* Fine, but you have to where this! *pulls out frilly blue bow*)
@Rita Lot
(*looks at it wide eyed* I-I didn't sign up for this!)
@S.Aura Knight
(I got nothin)
@Black Rain
(Oh man, Rita trying to put her accessories on you because you put yours on her? It's tru wub!
Also same.)
@Black Rain
(OK OK, you don't have to wear the bow.)
(Shush you.)
@Rita Lot
(*wipes imaginary sweat from forehead* Good.)
@Black Rain
(BUT... You have to wear this instead! *brings out pink baby bonnet.*)
@Rita Lot
(*just stares, wide eyed*)
@Black Rain
(Well? Bow or Bonnet?)
@Rita Lot
(I-I think i'd like the hat...)
@Black Rain
(Hat is unavailable. Bow or bonnet?)
@Rita Lot
@Black Rain
(Neither is not an option. Both, however, is.)
@Rita Lot
(*looks at door, then to imaginary wristwatch* Whoooo boy, look at the time! I have ta get going home now! *begins walking unusually fast to the door*)
@Black Rain
(*Stands in front of the door grinning evily* Can't leave. Construction work going on.)
@S.Aura Knight
(*stops* Construction? B-but things were just fine getting here!)
@Black Rain
(*grins evilly*)
@Rita Lot
(*bites lip and attempts hard to get past Aura*)
@Black Rain
(Afro walked out. She destroyed half of the sidewalks in a rampage, and they had to call in workers. You cannot pass. *laughs*)
@Black Rain
(Dude, she's a royal guard. Ponies have been failing to get past her for a long time.)
@Rita Lot
(*looks both ways, then attempts to climb a bookshelf*)
@Black Rain
(*levitates you off the bookshelf*)
@Rita Lot
(*loses grip, and hangs in the air*)
@Black Rain
(*sets you down gently*)
@Rita Lot
(*looks at you* Is there anything I can do so I don't have to wear....that?)
@Black Rain
(Thats the same thing Slots asks all the time I do this *smiles*)
@Black Rain
(hmm... nah.)
@Rita Lot
(*runs up the stairs and hides*)
@Black Rain
(Rain, you get down here and dress up for Rita! *trots upstairs after him*)
@S.Aura Knight
(*watches from behind a few books*)
@Black Rain
(*glaces to and fro* Hmmm...where did you go...)
(*uses living thing tracker spell on the entire library and is soon enveloped in a soft purple glow*)
@S.Aura Knight
(*knocks a book over, and hopes you didn't hear*)
@Black Rain
(*Stops short, and turns around seeing the book* Hmm *trots up to it slowly*)
(*trots upstairs* *sees purple glow around Aura and behind a bookshelf* How curious.)
@S.Aura Knight
@Rita Lot
(What is it Rita, ya see him?)
@S.Aura Knight
(*points towards glowing bookshelf*)
@Rita Lot
(*smiles* HAH! *jumps and grabs him*)
@S.Aura Knight
(AAH! No!)
@Black Rain
@Black Rain
(*pulls him from the shelf* Ha, gotcha! Now, Rita, if you will~?)
@S.Aura Knight
(*plops bonnet on head and ties bow around neck* You look so cute!)
@Rita Lot
(*slumps down, lifeless-like*)
@Black Rain
*sets him on the ground giggling* Oh yes he does!
@Black Rain
(*uses magic to prop you back up*)
((Fanart needed.))
@Rita Lot
(*sits staring at the ground*)
@Black Rain
(Don't look so glum!)
@Rita Lot
(*stares up, only slightly*)
@Black Rain
(It could be so much worse you know! So chin up!)
(*muffled slam*)
@S.Aura Knight
(Yeah! The bow could be pink too!)
@Rita Lot
(*gets up and walks to mirror*)
@Rita Lot
(I more meant I could have messed with him using my potions.)
@Black Rain
(You could've. But you wouldn't, right?)
@Rita Lot
(*whistles innocently, and there is the sound of shattering glass behind me*)
@S.Aura Knight
(*whips around from looking at Rain to see shattered glass and a pink liquid on the floor behind Aura* You would.)
@Rita Lot
(*attempts to take off the bow, but to no avail*)
@Rita Lot
(Yes I would... I mean nope.)
((*muffled groan*)
@S.Aura Knight
(I don't believe you.)
(permanent sticking charm. Won't come off unless I tell it to. Bonnet to.)
@Rita Lot
(*looks at you, then begins to hold his breath until you take it off*)
@Black Rain
(*pushes you over*)
@Rita Lot
(*falls on side, still holding breath*)
(*muffled clopping*)
@Rita Lot
(You should believe me. It was totally for you!)
@Black Rain
(*sighs* *sits down to watch you turn funny colors*)
@S.Aura Knight
(Yes, that makes me feel so much better. *rolls eyes*)
@Afro Mare
((That's one way to embrace your new self, since I don't recall anypony else around...))
@Rita Lot
(It would have improved your magic!)
@Rita Lot
(*Turns blue, and begins to shake*)
@S.Aura Knight
(Sure it would've.)
(You can breath any time now.)
@S.Aura Knight
((You are disgusting. I wasn't going for that, but, whatever.))
(((Probably shoulda said hoofsteps.)))
@Rita Lot
(*shakes head, and turns purple*)
@Rita Lot
(It totally would have! or miiight have given your magic to Rain. I 'unno!))
@Afro Mare
((Thank you for realizing that. And that is what you are clearly going for now.))
@Black Rain
(*horn glows blue and water poors onto your head*)
@S.Aura Knight
@Rita Lot
(That would have been bad right?)
@Rita Lot
(*get drenched, but still holds breath. he wobbles*)
@S.Aura Knight
(Yeah. And my magic is already pretty strong for somepony my age.)
@Black Rain
(*sighs and forcibly opens your mouth using magic*)
@Rita Lot
(*doesn't breath out, and faints*)
@S.Aura Knight
((In the back of my mind, maybe.))
(*muffles hoofsteps*)
@Black Rain
(*facehoofs and does a bad scent spell next to your nose*)
@Rita Lot
(So giving it to Rain...)
@Afro Mare
(More likely the very front of the blog.)
@Rita Lot
@S.Aura Knight
(I dunno what would've happened.)
(*stops spell and throws water at you again*)
@S.Aura Knight
((Who needs PG?))
(*peeks in doorway* Hello?)
@Rita Lot
(*gasps in a large breath, and coughs many times*)
@Black Rain
(You ok?)
@Rita Lot
(It would be a lot more fun here.)
@Afro Mare
((Not me!))
@S.Aura Knight
@Rita Lot
(*coughs a bit more*)
(*walks in a bit farther* You okay, Rai-- ...is that a bonnet on your head?)
@Rita Lot
(I wonder what you two would do as each other...)
@Black Rain
(*pats your back*)
(Yes it is. You want one too?)
@S.Aura Knight
(Don't. Even. Think. About it.)
@Rita Lot
(*smiles slightly, and points to Afro* I think he wants one...)
@Rita Lot
(Whaat~? Oh... I could get Slots and I in on this too!)
@Black Rain
(*smiles evilly* I think he wants one too. *pulls out large purple bonnet*)
@S.Aura Knight
(You;re thinking about it. Bad Aura! Bad! *sprays you with water*)
@Black Rain
(...Nah, I'm good. *begins to slink out*)
@Rita Lot
(*is spritzed with water* Aaah! Aaah! I'm not a cat why does this affect me so much! *scampers off*)
@Rita Lot
(*grabs your hoof* Can you...please...take this off?)
@Afro Mare
(Oh no you don't! *closes and locks door*)
(*sigh* Fine. *takes off bow and bonnet*)
@Rita Lot
(*sighs happily and slumps to the floor*)
@Rita Lot
(*backs up against door* ...Great... *Afro is plowed over by a scampering Aura* ...Owww...)
@Afro Mare
(*waters down your mane to flatten it and pops the bonnet on and ties it tight*)
@Rita Lot
(*watered* H-hey, not the-- *bonnet'd* ...Woooow... *glares at Black Rain*)
@Afro Mare
(*sticks tongue out*)
There's a whole lot of lack-of-consent in 'dis here place.
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
Not that that has ever stopped us before.
*Carpet bombs the mansion with potions*
@Black Rain
(*continues glaring* ...You're on the list...)
@Afro Mare
(*sticks matching binky in your mouth*)
@Afro Mare
(*sarcasm* Oh no! *hides behind Rita*)
@Black Rain
@Rita Lot
@Black Rain
(Afro looks funnier than you did!)
@Rita Lot
(You still owe me. Big.)
@Black Rain
(I thought this would be enough. *nods toward Afro*)
(*comes back in after carpet bombing the mansion* Hello again Everypony.)
@Rita Lot
(That's more punishment for him)
@Black Rain
(It's funny though.)
(Hey. Where you been?)
@S.Aura Knight
How'd you ever get so into those potions anyway?
@Rita Lot
(Uhm... nothing. You shouldn't go outside the mansion though for a bit.)
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
Celestia introduced me to Zecora.
@S.Aura Knight
(Isn't there construction anyways?)
@S.Aura Knight
(Outside? Why?)
@Black Rain
*Hanging from the ceiling*
Construction? Not that I remember.
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
*looks to you, then Aura* So you lied?
@Black Rain
(Eh heh ehe...)
@Rita Lot
(Uh... I may have gone crazy after you squirted me with water and carpet bombed the entire place with potions using one of Sonic's planes.)
@S.Aura Knight
...You have a LOT of potions.
@S.Aura Knight
*groans, then heads for the door*
@S.Aura Knight
(*facehoof* I know! We'll send Afro out to see if its safe!)
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
I have a LOT of potions yes.
@Black Rain
I wouldn't do that unless you want to risk becoming an abomination! Or a mare! Or something else entirely!
@Black Rain
No. *stops you* too dangerous.
@S.Aura Knight
Being an abomination's not that bad.
@Rita Lot
*shakes off* Why? She already lied once. *he opens the door*
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
Oh right you were one before, and you were screaming "AAAAAAAAAAAAAA WHAT IS GOING ON"
@S.Aura Knight
...In my defense, I was on lots of cocaine at the time.
@Black Rain
*pulls you back by your tail*
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
So was Rita.
@S.Aura Knight
And then she started talking to the Titans from Hercules while she was having a seizure on the floor. Ahh, good times...
@Rita Lot
*by his strength, he pulls you along*
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
Very very good times... seems like it was only yesterday really!
Also... should we stop them? I mean, you were my co-pilot, so you know I did bomb the mansion. I don't want anything freaky happening to those two.
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
Doc drugged me and you know it.
*pulls harder*
@S.Aura Knight
Hmmm... But it would be funny....
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
It would be... what do you think would happen first to them?
@Rita Lot
Will. You. Let. Go?! *he pulls harder*
@Black Rain
No! I don't want anything bad happening to you! *pulls even harder*
@S.Aura Knight
I don't know, lets try it out and seeeee!!!!
@Black Rain @Rita Lot
*Bucks the two of them, sending them flying into the next room*
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
GAH! *enacts shield spell in midair*
(new page!)
@Rita Lot
*gets bumped inside shield*
@Black Rain
*crashes into you, breaking off the spell*
@Rita Lot
*lands in a puddle of something*
@Black Rain
*lands next to you, not in a puddle*
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