Look at that, another post filled (soon enough :-P). So many random RP's, stories, and conversations go on when I'm away and such heh! Congrats ponies, we just continue to fill this blog up with post after post!! As for this pic, I guess this can be counted as, like, the first fanart we ever got (even though I'm sure it was a request). Either way, still quite amazing to see our Nightmare Moon fully realized on her trike! Here's hoping we see this trio again soon!
(Oh would you look at that, another random ship pic got in here heh. Your welcome Aura, enjoy this. (TwiLuna still is best :-P)
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@Black Rain
TO SLOTS' HOUSE! *takes off*
@Rita Lot
Yes, lets...*sighs and follows*
@Black Rain
@Rita Lot
@Black Rain
We're on a quest.
@Rita Lot
Of course we are. *laughs* Cute.
@Black Rain
*blushes a bit*
@Rita Lot
Wait, did we forget Terra?
@Black Rain
... Oh crap.
*gallops back to park* TERRA!!!!!
*sigh* Okay. I'm now a mare. Nuts are gone, one perminately. Probably kicked out of the house, made enemies out of Slots, Aura and Trixie... This sucks.
@Afro Mare
[Afro Mare...... Afro MaRe... Afromare?"]
@Rita Lot
*looks around* Did she leave?
(Not avaliable on mobile. Dang.)
(Sorry, fell asleep)
@Rita Lot
[Well, it WAS quite late where you live I think, right? *still laughs from that song*]
@Rita Lot
[Pfff, yesterday I fell asleep at 4PM to wake up at 10PM... Believe me, I was not amused...]
(And then you couldn't sleep all night?)
@Rita Lot
[I did catch 2-3 hours of sleep at night so it wasn't THAT bad, but still...]
(And its not like you had no sleep at all besides that, right?)
@Rita Lot
[True, but I already had enough of my night-life, I want to switch to normal...... which partially I did, just today it...... screwed up bad XD]
(wow. So, you excited for the new episode?)
@Rita Lot
[And what is in the next ep? I kinda don't follow spoilers too close]
(Secret Of My Excess. Spike hits puberty.)
@Rita Lot
[Oh, it's this one already? Lost track somewhere. Well... Spike = new Rainbow Dash. RD = best pony. Maaaaaaybe...... But seriously now, the ep may be interesting, since apparently some destruction of Ponyville will be involved XD]
(When is destruction of Ponyville not involved? It seems like every other episode is the destruction of Ponyville, and sometimes 2 eps in a row!)
@Rita Lot
[Sisterhooves Social. Lesson Zero - even with all that shitstorm Twi caused I don't think they destroyed anything. Best pet - also nothing. I think your argument is invalid XD]
(Even slight destroying or causing panic in Ponyville.)
(AAAND it got quiet.)
@Rita Lot
[THAT sure is true.
And sorry for disappearing, my internet is still highly unstable and it crapped out >_>]
(Ah. I see.)
(More quietness.)
@Rita Lot
[Sorry. I'm not a good conversation partnerr, had to find a topic to talk about...]
(That's understandable.)
(Hey nopony.)
@Afro Mare
@Afro Mare
[*laughs hard* Seriously, every time I will see your actual name I will be reminded of that PMV XD]
(What now?)
@Rita Lot
[Still here, nothing to talk about]
(If there's nothing to talk about, why don't we do an RP?)
@Rita Lot
[Any ideas for one?]
(NOt at all. You?)
@Rita Lot
[Have you seen me RPing at all lately? No? Well, then I think you know if I have any ideas]
(Something with nameless villain again?)
@Rita Lot
[...... No ideas for him sadly]
@Rita Lot
[I'm sorry Rita... I'm just an useless RPer is all...]
(Nah, you're just out of practice.)
@Rita Lot
[More like my imagination is out of practice since I can't think up anything, nor can I find a way to join anything......]
(Hm. You just need to try harder. We're in a world of colorful magical ponies for Luna's sake!)
(Ohyia! How is everyone doing)
(Trying to figure out something to RP.)
@Rita Lot
(And here I heard this place is pretty rocking! What's going on, ponies?)
@DJ Pon-3
(Yay! DJ Pon-3!)
@Rita Lot
(Hey, a fan! *trots over* How's it going? Where is everypony?)
@DJ Pon-3
(Right here!)
[Sorry walking home in a cast is not easy. XD I made home earlier. That's a record. Also I WELCOME YOU MS. VINYL! WHASSUP?!]
(*looks over* Oh hey! Nice to meet ya!)
@DJ Pon-3
(Good to meet you as well Ms. Vinyl. *shakes your hoof*)
(*smiles and shakes back* Oh yeah! I heard you ponies are pretty neat to hang out with, and since 'Tavi is away right now I decided, why not take a shot and visit! *shrugs*)
@DJ Pon-3
(Ah, I see well I welcome you then. I'm sure the others are busy but I'm sure they'll turn up sooner or later.)
@DJ Pon-3
(Everything's great!)
(Oh I hope so, the more the merrier I always say! Gotta pack in those clubs! *laughs* So, what's with this place? *looks around the mansion with her deep red eyes*)
@Rita Lot
(Oh that's good to hear! Better when everypony is in a good mood! *smiles and rubs the top of your head a tad*)
@DJ Pon-3
(*nods* Indeed so. *smiles*
This is our home. We all used to live down in Ponyville until the mansion burned down. Caused a ruckus if you catch my drift. Anyway so now it's rebuilt and we're just now returning. )
@DJ Pon-3
(Oh it burned down? That would have been a site to see, I've seen my share of places burn down when things get to hot! 8laughs* But well, seems it's fine now, yeah. Good on ya! *looks more around* A pony sure could have a crazy party here. You ever hear about that gig the one mare Twilight had at the Canterlot Castle?)
@Rita Lot
(So, your a fan of my work there, miss...?)
@DJ Pon-3
(*laughs* I was there when it happened though I was filing paper work there since the general of this country must protect the freedom of our people.)
@DJ Pon-3
(Rita! And yes, I'm a big fan! But not as big a fan as my friend Slots!)
(Oh, so YOUR that general I heard about, uuuh...Sonic, right? Huh I can see why you were there then. Maaaan what insane party, when those drinks started flying! You would never think a mare like her could drink so much! Life of party she is!)
@Rita Lot
(Rita huh/ nice name! And it's always good to hear a fan like my work. But uh, Slots? Hmm....OH, you mean that stallion1 *laughs* I see him all the time at my shows near Ponyville! Yeah heh, he's quite a big fan. Um, does he really have my manestyle?)
@DJ Pon-3
(Oh yeah, he has it all right!)
@Rita Lot
(*blushes a tad* Heh oh wow, that's uh...that's kinda...funny in a way. He must be some fan! I always see him going nuts on the dance floor when I turn up the bass heh.)
@DJ Pon-3
(Yes, I am though truth be*ponders for a bit* OH! I know who you are refering too that Punch mare yes I saw her walking home....I never saw a mare that drunk in my life. *laughs* I digress that was an insane party the music made my desk shudder. *shakes head*)
(That's pretty neat, never thought I'd meet a general before! *laughs* Oh Berry? Yeah she was there, but she always comes to those gigs, even when not invited! I am speaking of Twilight of course, Twilight Sparkle! She was the life of the hour of course being her party and whatnot!)
@DJ Pon-3
(Twilight Sparkle is my cousin!)
@Rita Lot
(*looks down* Oh is she now? *giggles a tad and bops you on the nose lightly* And are you just about as crazy as your cousin when she gets into a party then, Rita?)
@DJ Pon-3
(Well truth be told I was supposed to retire last year as a soldier but I was appointed head of the Armed Forces so here I am.*tilts head* Well now that is different! Never thought she would get down and boogie! *laughs* First time for everything no?)
@DJ Pon-3
(Nah, I'm not that crazy!)
(Oh I see, I see, heard about that, but, didn't catch the whole thing, shows to do ya know? *laughs* Oh yeah they were dancing on the tables, drinking like it was gonna dry up, and everything! Even Princess Celestia was there! *nods* Oh yeah, when drinks and music are mixed, anypony will get down!)
@Rita Lot
(*laughs* Oh I see then! I gotta say, I don't see you at the clubs where I perform, even at the ones that are legal for foals to come to heh heh?)
@DJ Pon-3
(I don't really go to concerts that often.)
@Rita Lot
(You should Rita! It's a blast, with everything going on! And I love to see my fans there and happy!)
@DJ Pon-3
(*nods* That is true.)
(Still, we all move on! Off to the next party to see what goes on then, right? *nudges lightly*)
@DJ Pon-3
(I think I'll go next time you have a concert! Well, one that I'm allowed to go to.)
@Rita Lot
(I've got a couple coming up you can make it too! Hey, got a pen and paper?)
@DJ Pon-3
(*nods* I'm guessing your inviting us to your next gig?)
@DJ Pon-3
(Yup! *brings out pen and paper*)
(Hey why not, right? Again, the more the merrier I always say!)
@Rita Lot
(Thanks! *levitates the paper and begins writing something, slightly sticking her tongue out as she writes*)
@DJ Pon-3
(*nods* I'll be there I haven't had much to do anyway. Thank you.)
@DJ Pon-3
(*watches with growing smile*)
(*nods still writing* Uh-huh, yeah, ti be great to see yoru faces!)
@Rita Lot
(*finally finishes writing and passes the paper to you* There! Give 'em this when you get your tickets, and you all can get some backstage passes! Just let 'em know Vinyl sent ya, with 'Tavi's approval! *smiles*)
@DJ Pon-3
(Thanks! I'll be sure to!)
@Rita Lot
(Good on ya then! *laughs* Oh and, be sure to let that fan of mine Slots know he's welcome to come too, heh!)
@DJ Pon-3
(I will!)
@Rita Lot
(Awesome! Now uh....hmm, got a stereo or anything? I gotta say this place is pretty quiet....)
@DJ Pon-3
(Um, I think so. Haven't been in here in a while so I kinda forgot. You know, with the fire and all.)
@Rita Lot
(Oh yeah, yeah fire. Hmm, let's look for one then? Gotta get this house rocking, Rita!)
@DJ Pon-3
(Of course!*starts trotting away to find stereo*)
@Rita Lot
(*trots along side you, whistling a tad a small tune* Nice place you got here, Rita!)
@DJ Pon-3
(Thanks! It belongs to our friend!)
@Rita Lot
(Then you got some awesome friends, Rita! *nudges* You could be living like a king with this place!)
@Rita Lot
(*watches you both trot away to find stereo*
Hmm...well I have no clue where to find a stereo...*sits down on the couch*
@DJ Pon-3
(Yeah. *smiles*)
@Rita Lot
(Oh, uh, Do you know where the bathroom is?)
@DJ Pon-3
(Upstairs. I'll take you to it.)
@Rita Lot
(Uh I think i can find it, so, keep looking for that stereo, Ill be right back, okay? *gallops off upstairs*)
@DJ Pon-3
(OK! *keeps looking*)
@Rita Lot
(*after searching every floor, including the basement* I'm starting to think we don't have a stereo.)
(*Looking at something*)
(*picks up a picture frame and looks at it and smiles*
Ah...No matter how old...now matter how time has past....I still love this memory....I wish it could happen again..just one more time..)
(*walks into the room you're in* Do we have a stereo?)
@Rita Lot
(*turns around as you ask* I do I remember Slots telling me about a pool party you guys had and you had a stereo...though I don't remember if you guys still have it.)
(Well, I haven't checked outside yet. Thanks! *gallops away*)
@Rita Lot
(*nods* No problem....Would you like some he-...Too late...*sigh* Oh well *takes picture frame with him and sits down on the couch. He floats a pencil over to him and begins drawing on some paper.*)
(*looks outside*Yes! *gallops back upstairs to floor with bathroom*)
@Rita Lot
(*finally steps out of the bathroom, mane slightly wet, as she shakes it with a smile* Haah! much better!)
@DJ Pon-3
(I found a stereo!)
@Rita Lot
(*looks over to you* Hey, awesome! Come on, now we gotta find someplace to crank it up and have a blast! *trots downstairs*)
@DJ Pon-3
@Rita Lot
*looks back and forth* Hmm, we need a big space...plenty of room for dancing...*stops suddenly and looks back* Got anything like that Rita?
@DJ Pon-3
(Well, I think we might have a ballroom somewhere. I don't think we've ever used it before, but mansions do usually have ballrooms. I'll ask Sonic!)
@Rita Lot
(*nods* Alright, that sounds perfect, see if he knows! *looks at some of the odd paintings, slightly bobbing to a tune in her head*)
(*finishes* Done! *teleports it to his room*
Now let's see here....what to do next?)
(Hi anypony!)
@Afro Mare
(*looks behind her* Oh hey, your a new face! what's up?)
(*runs into room where you are* Do we have a ballroom or anything like that?)
@Rita Lot
(*looks up from what he is doing*
Yeah, I remember we do. I think it's down the hall where the living room is here I'll show you. *trots out of the room and goes towards the living room*)
@Rita Lot
(*enters the living room*
Oh hey Vinyl. Liking the place also.....Who is this?)
(*looks back* Oh hey! yeah, it's pretty rad, I have to say! Any luck with that room? Oh, and uh *shrugs* I dunno, some mare with an afro! Ya know her?)
(*giggles* Who does it look like?)
@DJ Pon-3
(*nods* Yeah, it's this way also...Afro'd mane........Oh....dear me...)
@Rita Lot
(*facepalms* Please tell me that Afro stepped into some Poison joke and that happened.)
(Oh, sweet then! But...you look a little upset now, what's with this mare?)
@DJ Pon-3
(To put it simply, she's not usually a mare.)
@DJ Pon-3
(*thinks for a minute*....You know...let's just go to that ball room I'll figure this out later. *motions to the hallway* This way. *trots away*)
@Rita Lot
(*tilts head* Huh?)
(*looks to you* Oh, well, alright then, lets get to that room and have some fun then! *trots off with you* Come on Rita!)
@DJ Pon-3
(Hey Vinyl.)
@Afro Mare
(*looks back* Uh, yeah, hey!! *smiles and continues off*)
@DJ Pon-3
@DJ Pon-3
(*nods* Right then. *trots down the hall and to the farthest door.*
Here it is, *opens the door and you are greeted by gleaming chandeliers hanging gracefully from the ceiling. The floors are painted and gleam brightly, the walls are decorated with the finest velvet and a stage adorns the very back.*
Wonderful thing isn't it?)
(OOOH! Pretty!)
@Rita Lot
(*smiles and nods* Indeed...I think Mastermind did a wonderful job fixing this place up. I think this is a new addition that I happened to stumble upon while searching for something but I ended up finding this.)
(*looks around with a big smile* Oh this is a pretty fancy room! That decor screams things 'Tavi would like! But yeah, this'll do, big room, plenty to dance, oh yeah this is perfect!)
(That would exolain why I've never sseen it before.)
@DJ Pon-3
(*nods* I'm sure she'd love it being a fan of classic music and classic decor.)
@Rita Lot
(*nods* Yeah, I think there's more stuff she added while it was being rebuilt.)
(OH! Maybe she expanded the library!)
(*nods happily* Oh yeah, 'Tavi loves that kind of silly stuff, the high up and whatnot! Still, this will work for us! *slips on her glasses* Come on Rita, let's set up that stereo!)
@Rita Lot
(*nods and smiles* Already checked it expanded. It's a lot bigger than I remember it being.)
@DJ Pon-3
(*nods* Right then, I'm glad it will suit the needs.)
@DJ Pon-3
(The stereo is outside.)
@Rita Lot
(Oh is it? You said outside right? I'll be back then, clear some room for us!)
(Oh yeah, it sure would, so thanks! *trots off out of the room*)
(*knocks on the door of the library*)
@DJ Pon-3
(Will do! *to Sonic* We better take down the chandeliers. Don't want them to break!)
@DJ Pon-3
(*nods* Your welcome.)
@Rita Lot
(*laughs* I knew you'd like that.)
(Library! Yay!)
@Rita Lot
(*nods* Let's do then. Those chandeliers are heavy...here let's both use our magic to bring it down. It'll be easier on us both.)
(*focuses magic on one chandelier as you do the same*)
@Rita Lot
(*follows you then looks at you* Alright now steady now *begins to bring it down slowly*)
(*does same*)
@Rita Lot
(*Lands with a soft Thoom on the ground* Alright let's repeat that on the next few.)
(*repeats on next few*)
(*bangs head on ballroom door*)
@Rita Lot
(*a little while later*
There! All done...whew sure was tough. You want something to drink after all that work?)
(Nah, I'm fine. *hears banging* What's that?)
@Rita Lot
(Alright...*hears noise* Don't know let's go see. *trot to the door and opens it* Yes?)
(*falls through the door and on his face, getting up and brushing it off like nothing happened* Hi there!)
(*trots over as well*)
@Black Rain
@Black Rain
(*smiles* Hello Rain.)
@Rita Lot
(No, *eye roll* Fluttershy.)
*sees Sonic* Hey Sonic. Guess who~?
@Black Rain
(Rainbow Dash has used that retort before, so don't thiknk you're being original.)
@Rita Lot
(Aww, You two are like a married couple...without the wedding vows and such. *shrugs*)
@Afro Mare
(*facehoofs* Afro...What happened to you?)
@Rita Lot
(Oh, don't be so smart! Anyways, what're we doing here?)
(*trots back in the room floating the stereo (as well as a few more speakers) into the room with a cheeky smile* I'm back~! *looks at the new ponies* Oooh I see we're getting the gang together for this! *trots a little ways off and begins to set up the system* Hope you don't mind, but I got a few of my speakers for this!)
@DJ Pon-3
(*smiles and nods* It's fine you are a DJ after all.)
(*nods without looking back, connecting a few wires with her magic* Uh huh! Gotta have that power and bass with any kind of music I play!)
@DJ Pon-3
(Indeed! *grins* Should be quite the experience.)
(*looks back, glasses shimmering in the light* Oh you have no idea! *returns to her work*)
@DJ Pon-3
(*laughs* *sits down and relaxes*)
(*after a few more minutes, finishes setting up and smiles* Alright, we are all set! Who's ready to start this!?)
@DJ Pon-3
(I am wait where the others?)
(*pops head from behind a chandelier* Here!)
(*shrugs* I dunno!)
@Black Rain
(Answered my question)
*wanders in* Woo!
@Afro Mare
(*trots up to you*
How did you become a mare?...Really did you step in Poison Joke or did you drink a potion or did Twilight mess up another spell?)
*sighs* I was gonna play a prank on Slots by dressing up as Trixie. Trixie found out and turned me into a mare as punishment. OH! And Slots smashed one of my berries!
@Afro Mare
....Ok that clarifies a lot and Also...That must've hurt bad...I wouldn't want that....and Why did you get your berry smashed...
You're dang right it hurt! He did it because I told Trixie I hated her for turning me into a mare.
@Afro Mare
....Rule 1 of life Afro....Never tell a mare you hate them.
((Just letting you all know, I'm really behind in schoolwork so you might not be seeing me for a while. I'll try to get on whenever I can, but It might not be for a while.))
@Rita Lot
[Understood Rita. School IS the most important, especially at your age. So sure thing]
((Glad you understand!))
@Rita Lot
[*smiles and hugs lightly* I sure do Rita... Believe me, I myself fell behind in school earlier...... Now I just have a lot of problems with math since I don't understand some basic things...... It's really not helping on a math-heavy thing like computer engineering, believe me. So yeah, catch up with school and don't worry about us, we will be happy to see you whenever you will have a chance to come on here *smiles*]
((*Smiles* OH! Also, new page!))
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