Well, who would have thought, we would get a new post, pretty much for the start of the year! It's been 5 months since our first posts on the original Mars post, and to see how many blog posts we've filled since, is quite the achievement. Let us hope for more fun, epic filled RPs for the foreseen future ponies, Hoorah!!
What? This is almost tradition now, me to put a shipping picture! Besides, bedhead Octavia and Vinyl Scratch is so cute!
«Oldest ‹Older 3401 – 3600 of 4961 Newer› Newest»@Afro Mane
(Who's mane did you cut?)
@Rita Lot
Pfft, whatever. *Flips hair*
@Afro Mane
Cutie Marks are too mainstream. Everyone gets one nowadays. I don't bother.
(Lyra. She actually trusts me!)
(*sticker falls off*)
@Afro Mane
(You style it like Twi's?)
(Goin to beed.)
@Rita Lot
@Hipster Mastermind
Buh... without uh' cutie mark, how're ya ever gonna know what y'er special talent is?
@Apple Bloom
(Did you ever think that the special talent comes before the cutie mark?)
@Rita Lot
And just how are you supposed to know what your special talent is if you don't get a cutie mark for it?
(Just passing through.)
@Afro Mane
(You know Scootaloo does raise a good point. I mean, if you don't have much of an idea, how the heck ARE you supposed to know what you should do?)
[Look at your name?]
[Well that's uncanny.]
@Apple Bloom
Well, I dunno. I don't really need a special talent though.
(Passing through again...)
*Mysterious laughter...*
... Trying to steal my mysterious air of mysterious mysteriousness with mysteriously mysterious laughter of mysterious intent are we?
@Mysterious Disembodied Voice
(How mysterious.)
@Mysterious Disembodied Voice
Don't anguish, your place is safe and sound,
There's plenty of riddle to go around~
(Hello my fellow bloggers...it's been a while too long to say the truth and it will continue to be that way. I am broken right now since I've been shouted at by my teacher. She called me "Worthless, Stupid, Useless, and Incapable of Learning." Yes, I am hard at learning it's been that way since Kindergarten. I unfortunately am quitting the blog right now since in my own word I'll put it You guys don't deserve a pony who is broken who will ruin your fun For the time being I will leave my OC in the capable hands of my brother until I decide to come back. I hope you understand my decision and someday I will decide to come back. I'll feel much better than I am for right now. So for now I bid you all a farewell.)
Where's Tom Dan when you need him.
@Afro Mane
(Afro. Gmail. denbroncjr@gamil.com We need to discuss some things and I need to let you know some things too.)
Stop wiping things, Slots!
@Afro Mane
It's me that is doing it and I will NOT stop.
@Afro Mane
(Im serious Afro, get in gmail. I need to tell you things rather than here. Its private.)
(...I don't have gmail. Just email me. You'll find the address in my profile page.)
(...Or not. dakbrae2@yahoo.com. Hit me up.)
@Afro Mane
(Received, and reading.)
(Okay, Slots has opened my eyes via email. Apoligies to Quick Step and Trixie. Especially Quicky. You my bro, dawg. *brohoof*)
(I know everypony hates me right now, but I'm just throwing this out there: I have an Ask Tumblr.
URL later.)
@Afro Mane
[There be no hate coming from here.]
[I'm just gonna leave it here]
(Daring Doo is freaking awesome!!)
[Oh so sick AGAIN. Woke up at 3 with a real bad feeling in my stomach, and couldn't get back to bed. So i'm sleep deprived and feel like crap
On a happier note, the episode was enjoyable! I wouldn't say my favorite, but it was pretty good]
@Black Rain
(Oh well that sucks man. D: I hope you get better soon.)
*on the porch, attempting to read a slightly more advanced book then he's used to*
[O hey, look, another animation. This time not based on RP XD But shows pretty much what would happen if those two would meet.]
Poor innocent Pewny. D:
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(Never saw it coming.)
He's going to need a bandage.
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
[He will look wore than Twilight back in Season one or that pony from yesterday's episode]
(And them Pewny discovered the magic of reading!)
[*looks at Pewny's cutie mark* I think he had to discover it a long time ago]
[OK, I get to the moon and meanwhile Insane Pewny will drop something on Slots' head]
[*looks at Slots* Uhhuh, like hell am I going to remake THAT in Flash]
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
[ALL the ponies? That would have to be one bigass piano]
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
[But I only have Rita, Rain, Pewny and Insane Pewny made so far. Afro would be easy, CC also wouldn't be a problem... For you I would just use Derpy.......... Ad then we have bloody Slots who is so complex......]
Dangnabbit that Slotso and his compi-locations.
(You all just jelly cause I look good *flaunts his mane*)
Jelly? Awwww it's on now bro.
*Flashes brightly*
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
*Light fades away*
Hey, how is everypony doing?
@Slots Mastermind
(*Blinks*......*blinks again* What the hayseed!?)
Oh, haldo~!
@Slots Mastermind
(Also Im off again sorry ponies, ugh Sundays are the worst XD))
Oh, I cuz, heh.
*Listens to music on his headphones*
Replaces all the music on Slot's musically devicey with 'Shoo bee doo'.
ALL of it. Ten thousand tracks of 'Shoo bee doo'.
@Seapony Maid Bonbon
(That be terrifying if that happened since I actually do almost have ten thousand tracks....dear Celestia the nightmares...)
(I'm just gonna leave this here.)
(HINT: Look at The female one who I am not going to name due to spoilers.)
@Rita Lot
(Isn't it though? And look at the cutie mark!)
@Rita Lot
(Totally not trying to hint at anything at all of course Rita. Nope!)
(*eyebrow raise*)
@Rita Lot
(What? *shifty eyes*)
(*other eyebrow*)
((I seriously have no idea what you are trying to hint.)
@Rita Lot
((Manestyle slightly matches, books for cutie marks, that kind of hinting.))
((Why do you think I put it up? :P )
@Rita Lot
((Why do you think I said you wernt 'trying to hint at anything'? XD)
(Oh, I thought you meant you were being hintful.)
@Rita Lot
((Derp nope not that XD))
(This has been confusing.)
@Rita Lot
Good morning
@Rita Lot
(This has been you daily confusion in the blog. We now return you to your regular silence of the day. Thank you.)
@Black Rain
(Silence is so... silency.)
@Rita Lot
(I vote for no silence, sick days are boring)
@Black Rain
@Black Rain
(Sick days are the worst, more so for me cause it would mean no money from work.)
(I just get a boring day)
@Black Rain
(Hmm....am I in a streaming mood right now...)
[And I will just leave a small WIP here]
(By the way, that reminds me. Did you ever do that necklace? because I decided on a design.)
@Rita Lot
(Ive actually been keeping myself busy with some side projects actually so no. So if you have any ideas please be my guest!)
(I thought you normally had things to do at this time of day)
@Black Rain
(Not all the time. Sometimes I do, with work, or applying for things, or some small business....or sleep, sleep is nice. But today I am awake with some good music from my radio station.)
(I was thinking a silver chain with blue and white swirly pendant.)
(Shouldn't I be taller?)
@Rita Lot
(Possibly the shape of a raindrop, the pendant?)
(Sounds good!)
@Rita Lot
(Alright then heh I can get to work on that then!
@Rita Lot
[I'm using your old look, if you didn't notice it has the mane you had earlier, not the one you have now]
(Yes, I know, but still. Rita is a bit older than Rain, so shouldn't she at least be the same height?)
@Rita Lot
[I thought you were the same age and went with "Rain is a colt" thing XD In that case I can just scale Rita up there]
(OK, I said a bit, which could be a few months or weeks or whatever, but yeah about the same age. Scaling up would be good.)
@Rita Lot
(How's this Rita?)
(Looks good, but if the charm could be a little bigger and have more blue?)
@Rita Lot
(You got it!)
@Rita Lot
(And this?)
(I really like that!)
@Rita Lot
(Yay~ I did good then! Alright then, Here's the final save. Feel free to post it up and use it to your will! Member, copy the URL of the image and post it in your blog pic to get the far far FAR larger pic!)
(Thank you sooooooo much!)
@Rita Lot
[A new challenger appears (also, resize)]
(*slow clap*)
(just popping in to say I'ma be gone for awhile. Got in some trouble in school, long story short, it'll be a month minimm before I'm back. You'll be in my thoughts, because even if I tried, I couldn't. I'll try to be back sooner, but it's out of my control as of now.
-Afro Mane
@Afro Mane
( :( )
@Afro Mane
(Well thats a shame..)
@Afro Mane
(Well we'll be here when you get back, heh!)
(*brushes mane*)
@Slots Mastermind
(How long are you gonna stay as me, cause this is pretty odd.)
(I guess it depends.)
@Slots Mastermind
(I see...depends on what?)
(Um... I dunno heh.)
@Slots Mastermind
(Well as long as you dont go turning into Blackjack or something I guess Im okay with this.)
(...*Rubs hooves together* oh no no, don't worry.)
@Slots Mastermind
(....Now I am worrying...)
(Well you shouldn't be.)
@Slots Mastermind
(Well...okay then)
(Come on, don't you trust this face?)
@Slots Mastermind
(Considering it is from Hush Now Quiet Now? Yes.)
(Good. Considering it's kinda your face in a way, heh.)
@Slots Mastermind
(Yeah heh that too of course.)
(oh, hey, look. I popped back up. As I will, sporadically.
Still love you guys,
(If I could make an animation suggestion: Pewny hitting Afro in the face with the microwave. That is all.)
@Afro Mane
[*chokes on drink and his jaw drops* What the %^&$... Can you read my mind or something? That one was planned actually......]
(NO blood though.)
(I read that as: Pewny hitting on Afro.)
@Rita Lot
@Rita Lot
[And did you see any blood on IP dropping a piano on Pewny? So yeah, nothing like that here.
Also... Seriously, Pewny hitting on Afro? Pewny would rather try to hit on an angry Ursa Major]
@Black Rain
[I would even say Ewwwwww]
(I glanced at it. And now I would like to see an animation of Pewny doing just that. The Ursa, I mean.)
(Blame my mind.)
@Rita Lot
(I will. And out of randomness, I think it may be time for me to get a Cutie Mark, plus grow a bit. How bout it?)
@Black Rain
@Black Rain
(*shrug* if you want.)
@Black Rain
On a side note: Rain, seriously,using R33MIX's videos on me? I saw them all, his mind$^&% scale doesn't work on me]
[Sorry, I don't look these things up]
@Rita Lot
[Damnit fellas I said no]
(Sneaky ninja pony...)
@Afro Mane
(Didn't you also say you weren't gonna get on another time?)
(Like I said, sneaky ninja pony.
Not a mind reader, just running off the evidence.)
(sneaky sneaky sneaky.)
@Afro Mane
(Isn't pound cake adorable?)
(Oh, God yes.)
@Rita Lot
(But Pumpkin is adorable...er.)
@Afro Mane
(But pound cake has those tiny little wings! All though Pumpkin chewing on squeaky toys is cute too! They're both equally adorable!)
@Rita Lot
(I reject your accusation, and raise you a Derp)
@Afro Mane
(That's Dinky.)
@Afro Mane
[It's Dinky you numnut]
Also, @Pewny
That is all.)
@Afro Mane
[Whenever I feel like making it chucklehead]
(Page new.)
@Rita Lot
(And it shall be glorious when it happens.)
[Wasn't mansion actually very close to Ponyville?]
@Afro Mane
(No idea. Where's Mastermind or the talking mansion with the answers.)
@Afro Mane
(Oh yeah!)
@Rita Lot
(I'm going to bed.)
@PewnyPL @Slots
The Mansion is located along the outskirts of Ponyville.
@Sitcom Mansion
[Told ya Slots]
@PewnyPL@Sitcom Mansion
(*comes back to many objections*
I'm not reading all of those)
...Very interesting...
(Bluh, just had a blood test :( )
@Rita Lot
[O hai.
Also, I will just leave this here]
(You even did ??? !)
@Rita Lot
[Hehe, yeah I did... But with a mare's muzzle. In that pose he has there it's impossible to change it sadly... Not with my skills anyway]
(I had an idea... What if ??? and Insane Pewny met?)
@Rita Lot
[You surely forgot a certain part of that RP]
(...what exactly did you link to?)
@Rita Lot
[To an "old" RP where Insane Pewny and ??? talked? Look at those silhouetes (http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/4353/outline3.png http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/4633/outline4.png)]
(I never noticed that. Also the link to the pic didn't work.
@Rita Lot
[Now you know. As for the linkS (yeah, there were 2), I couldn't be arsed to do "a href"s so I just copied them, just copy-paste them yourself XD]
(...I feel kinda dumb now.)
(So I made a Ponysquare...)
@Black Rain
(A what?)
@Rita Lot
(It's like a pony Facebook...)
(Sounds interesting...will have to check it out when I get homd from woek tonight or in the morning before work.)
@Black Rain
(Ur profile pic takes me out of my natural state. Which is depression. It makes me happy.)
@Rita Lot
(Well, you're welcome! *hugs*)
@Black Rain
@Black Rain
(You use Black Rain more than you use Lazulic now, don't you, heh?)
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