Friday, May 25, 2012

Summer Starts! Everypony Celebrate!

Who hoo! School is over, summer begins, and everypony is happy! To all finishing up school, congrats! Time to move on in life to much bigger, better things! To others that are still striving to that point, congrats on the summer vacation! Some of us lost that WAY long ago hahaha! Time to break out some big RP for us all and be ready for the summer until Season 3! Question is: What will it be? Will see as we go!!

Okay this isn't a shipping pic, but hey, I can break that whenever I want! Besides, this picture look so amazing. Look at that sparkle in Twilight's eyes, its so adorable.


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Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
Aura, stop ignoring me!

Tinka Lot said...

No idea.

*does not respond because she does not realize you are speaking to her*

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
*poke* Aura!

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
*kicks you in side with back hoof* Don't touch me.

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
*winces* That looks like it hurt. Maybe the potion will just wear off soon?

Tinka Lot said...

I hope so, but you never know.

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
Well, I would hope so too. But what is the emergency plan in case it doesn't?

Tinka Lot said...

Can you make an antidote?

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
An antidote? Yeah, I could do that.

Tinka Lot said...

Do you need any help?

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
I don't think I will. Maybe.

Tinka Lot said...

How about ingredients? What kind of things would you need?

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
Really simple things. Poison Joke, vanilla, water, some small berries and such.

Afro Mane said...

(That was mean.)

Tinka Lot said...

How are we going to collect Poison Joke? You can't use magic and we can't so much as lightly brush against the stuff without nasty effects, let alone pick it up with our hooves, wings, or mouths. I don't want to think about what would happen if one of us accidentally ate some!

(I never said it was particularly hard.)

Pewny said...

@Rita Lot
[I'd say "Throw the scarf at it", but then there would be a problem of recovering it from inside the scarf. Plus, I am actually curious myself how Aura does that 'normally'.]

Tinka Lot said...

@Cloud Pewny
(Pick it up through a cloth?)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
Well, I normally do use magic, of a kind. Turns out that Zecora's quite good at keeping that Poison Joke counter at her hut, so harvesting it's no problem. And then it's a matter of using some tongs to put it in the pot.

Rita Lot said...

@Cloud Pewny
(Normally is the practical way, surprisingly! Humans use tongs for lots of dangerous metalcasting, and even around the kitchen and such, so a pony like Aura would have a pair to use as well.)

Afro Mane said...

*standing there, waiting for someone to acknowledge him*

Tinka Lot said...

I guess that makes sense. But can you use the antidote for the Poison Joke immediately or do you have to wait for the effects to kick in before it will work?

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
We'll have to let it wait a bit sadly.

Tinka Lot said...

Oh. Well, I've never experienced Poison Joke and I don't want to do it willingly. I also don't want you being affected while in my body, Antidote or no. So who can we send to get it?

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
*waving at you*

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
I can go get some poison oak for ya.

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
Not poison oak. Poison Joke.

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
Yeah, let's send Afro. He's the safest idea really.

Afro Mane said...

@Aura Lot
Good idea. Now, uh... How do I go about collecting Poison Joke without getting Poison'd?

Rita Lot said...

@Afro Mane
You don't. That's why you are the safest choice.

Afro Mane said...

Okay... I wonder what'll happen?

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
Me too. I suppose we'll find out.

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
Well, I'm off! Bye Rita! Bye Aura!

(He still doesn't know.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
Goodbye, Afro.

Afro Mane said...

*out in the backyard* Y'know, it's pretty convinient this stuff grows by the treeline. *starts grabbing some in his mouth and putting it in his saddlebags*

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
So, while we wait for him to go into the Everfree and get Poison Joke, and not the Poisson Joak that grows in our backyard, what should we do?

Tinka Lot said...

Lower random stuff into the scarf-realm and see what it turns into?

Tinka Lot said...

(What's the difference between Poison Joke and Poisson Joak?)

Afro Mane said...

*trots into the room* Got it! *dumps the Poisson Joak on the floor*

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
That might be fun.

(It's a play on words, since it would be Poison Joke and Fish "joke")


Is that it, from Everfree, already?

Tinka Lot said...


*backs away*

Afro Mane said...

...This is from the backyard...

Rita Lot said...

@Afro Mane
Then it's not the right stuff.

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
Remind me not to go in the backyard any time soon.

Afro Mane said...


Rita Lot said...

@Afro Mane
You got the wrong stuff. It can only grow in the Everfree Forrest.

Afro Mane said...

Oh. Bye! *trots out again*

Afro Mane said...

*returns* Alright, got it!

Afro Mane said...


Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
That was fast. Are you sure you got the right stuff this time?

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
Pretty sure, Aura.

Afro Mane said...

(Anyone home?)

Afro Mane said...

(Pony for Turkey Day?)

Afro Mane said...


Afro Mane said...

(Come out, ponybutts.)

Afro Mane said...

(Don't leave me alone...)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
(You're the ponybutt.)

Rita Lot said...

(I've been busy with family stuff for the past couple days really, and a bit of school work. So there's my excuse.)

Afro Mane said...

(Well stop.)

Tinka Lot said...

(Scootaloo was flying. Sweetie had a sparking horn. We saw Sweetie Belle's house. This is an accomplishing episode.)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Scoots was hovering/gliding, not flying. Sweetie Belle still confirmed for best CMC. A-Team montages are the best montages.

Now, back to sleep/school work.)

Tinka Lot said...

(A lot better than she had been doing. And I agree with the rest of your statements.)

Pewny said...

[It seems I am the only one who didn't really like the episode]

Tinka Lot said...

@Cloud Pewny
(I think they're just going more for comedy this season. It kinda irritates me too, but the episodes are good. It's not at the point of random silliness, the storyline is still coherent. I understand. I kinda prefer season 2 so far.)

Pewny said...

@Rita Lot
[It's not that. Besides, taking the premise of the episode there wasn't much comedy. I didn't like the episode as a whole, but to explain I would need to say what was in the episode and I don't want to spoil anything for people that didn't get to watch yet.]

Tinka Lot said...

@Cloud Pewny
(The music sequence was good.)

Leeky said...

[I loved the song,it reminds me of something but I'm not sure what.
Also, I found the CMC to be really adorable this episode.]

Tinka Lot said...

(The CMC are always adorable. Especially Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle is most adorable filly.)

Afro Mane said...


Afro Mane said...

(My rage cannot be contained. Babs Seed must DIE.)

Afro Mane said...

(Oh, she's good now.

We must only maim her.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
(I liked her. She was cute. When she wasn't being a brat.)

Laz said...

@Rita Lot
(She was a she?)

Tinka Lot said...

@Black Rain

Laz said...

@Rita Lot

Afro Mane said...

(A very manly mare, yes.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Black Rain
(You didn't notice that Babs was a filly, or are we talking about somepony else

Also, the Doctor was dressed as a pear. Why?)

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
(The animators are messing with us. Season 3's gonna be the season where they try to please us again.

And we all know where THAT got us last time...)

Laz said...

@Rita Lot
(Well I only watched it only once in crappy quality, and to me her voice was borderline with a colt's.)

Afro Mane said...

@Afro Mane
("I just don't know what went wrong!"

You know exactly what went wrong. Tumblr bronies got plothurt because Tabitha St. Germaine and DHX Media made her sound... Slow-witted. Now they're making up for it by sucking up to us and making Derpy... Disappear.

Time Turner (Dr. Whooves) dressed as a pear, Trixie returning, Scootaloo... Hovering? It's designed to make us placent and happy, to lull us into a false sense of security. It's all part of a grander scheme, man! *downs another energy drink* A graaaand scheme! *eye twitch, ear flick*)

Afro Mane said...


Leeky said...

@Rita Lot
[It's all part of overcoming his hatred of them.]

Afro Mane said...

(Darn blank flanks.)

Afro Mane said...

(Anypony home?)

Tinka Lot said...

(He must have joined a 12 step program.)

Rita Lot said...

(Hey blog. I finally have a bit of time to show up now.)

Afro Mane said...


Leeky said...

[Babs Seed, Babs Seed, she's just a bad, bad seed!]

Sitcom Mansion said...

Hur-blur-blur-blur-blur-flpptthh blurble


Tinka Lot said...

@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind

Rita Lot said...

(Anypony lurking around?)

Tinka Lot said...

(Nope, especially not me.)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(hi Rita!)

Rita Lot said...

(and apparently bye Rita randomly! (at least until the episode tomorrow) :P)

Tinka Lot said...

(And now it's time for The Greatest and Most Powerful Episode of All!

Pewny said...

@Rita Lot
[In 3 hours 11 minutes]

Tinka Lot said...

@Cloud Pewny
(Still today.)

Leeky said...

[One wonders if Derpy will decide to make an appearance today?]

Pewny said...

[OK... It's only 1/3'rd of the episode, and I can already say that it's best episode ever.]

Rita Lot said...

(That ending just happened.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Cloud Pewny
(I agree.)

(Yes it did.)

Tinka Lot said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Blog Trixie is canon Trixie.)

Tinka Lot said...

(She is! I also have new appreciation for Trixie's mane style. Couldn't see it much under her hat before, but it's cute!)

Pewny said...

[In what way exactly?]

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Trixie's mane is really nice.

It is really quite awesome how they did this episode, though! Interactions were at their best, Zecora is literally every movie teacher ever and is apparently more powerful than Twilight because voodoo magic, Trixieville, so much!)

Tinka Lot said...

(I wonder if Zecora is secretly a unicorn and is hiding her horn under her mowhawk.)

Rita Lot said...

@Cloud Pewny
(Our Trixie was a redeemed Trixie (since it was Twilight that put us on the moon, and Trixie was trying to help get us back). Trixie got redemption at the end of the episode.)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(I expect this fanart to exist five minutes ago.)

Tinka Lot said...

(I expect it to exist 11 minutes ago.)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
I expect it to exist before the season started!)

Tinka Lot said...

(I expect it to exist before the show even started)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(...touché, Mlle. Rita.

Don't ask why I use mademoiselle. I'm allowed to be French; I'm still small(er) and pink.)

Tinka Lot said...

(Usage of the term Alicorn is also confirmed for cannon.

Pewny said...

@Rita Lot
[We don't know what they meant by it tho. The 'alicorn' is, according to myths, substance from which unicorn horns are made.]

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(That's something, it is. The Alicorn sisters and Cadence. The One Ring... I mean Alicorn Amulet, and its corruptible powers. Trixie still being a braggart, even redeemed. Plus that tripping. By Celestia that trip was amazingly cute.

Actually, mentioning the One Ring, anypony NOT Slots want to see The Hobbit when it comes out?)

Pewny said...

[Also: A possible whole-season spoiler, click on your own risk]

Tinka Lot said...

(Me. I read it, it was good. Tried to read the series though, couldn't get through the first book.

I don't think they meant it as that

I know. Do not want.)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(The problem with the mane series of Lord of the Rings is that all three books are the size of the prequel book or larger. So you have to read through a LOT of book. Though the movies may have condensed too much down.

Which I guess is why Peter Jackson is turning one book into three movies, so he can tell the story of the book in 6-7 hours of movie instead of trying to tell a 8 hour movie in 2 and a half to three hours (I'm looking at you, The Two Towers...).

anyway, anything else Trixie to Trixie? I mean episode to talk about?)

Rita Lot said...

(Apparently there's nothing left to Trixie about, or everyone randomly vanished. only one thing to do in that case.


Tinka Lot said...


Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Babs Seed Babs Seed she's just a bad bad seed.)

Tinka Lot said...

(I wish Trixie had had a villain song. That's the only way the episode could have been better.)

Pewny said...

@Rita Lot
[Oh hell no. Then it would even top freaking Discord.]

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(oh my Luna. That wouldn't have made the episode better. That would have basically made the episode a singularity of amazing, cute, awesome, epic, amazing, perfect, the best, and amazing. Also possibly amazing.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Cloud Pewny
(Would that be good or bad?)

(I agree. Also, when typing your name, I almost typed Trixie.)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Better than the time I almost typed my own name addressing you :P)

Pewny said...

@Rita Lot
[Rather bad as one does not simply top the Q]

Tinka Lot said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Both actually. That says a lot about me XD

Also Prixie sounds funny. Triny? Pewixie?)

Tinka Lot said...

(Was this before or after we switched pictures?)


Tinka Lot said...


Pewny said...

@Rita Lot
[Prixie sounds so wrong...]

Tinka Lot said...

@Cloud Pixie
(How about Pixie?)

Rita Lot said...

(Pixie? Ehh... that makes it sound faierylike, since... pixies. XP)

Tinka Lot said...

(He can fly though.)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(This is true, he can. So can you! Or me... I have no idea anymore. I'm too used to being small(er) and pink here on the blog now XD)

Pewny said...

[Not that you are being yourself outside of the blog]

Tinka Lot said...

(Rita's almost fully grown.)

Rita Lot said...

@Cloud Pixie
(eh wot?)

(Which is why I have the er in parenthesis. She's almost full grown, but Aura is... sorta as tall as Slots, or slightly taller. I forget.)

Pewny said...

[As in: Outside of the blog you are not being Aura anyways]

Rita Lot said...

@Cloud Pixie
(Oh! That's what you mean! Yeah this is true. I... don't interact outside of the blog with blogger, so not like I am being me anywheres else (Skype nonwithstanding)! And at last check EqD uses IntenseDebate so doing this doesn't affect much anyways if I needed to comment elsewhere XD)

Afro Mane said...

(Still waiting on Trixie to show up...)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
(I am too.)

Rita Lot said...

(Sadly, Trixie only has access to a computer for about half an hour to an hour a week, while she is at Church on Sundays. And that time is spent messaging Slots, and them catching up on their weeks.

So, she won't be showing up again sadly, at least, not while her only internet access is that.)

Afro Mane said...

(Why doesn't she have internet?)

Pewny said...

@Afro Mane
[Because you tou- screw it, not doing that joke. Because her PC broke.]

Tinka Lot said...

(Why doesn't she go to a library? Or do libraries only have computers in Florida?)

Rita Lot said...

(Her time is usually spent doing Church activities, so she doesn't actually have much free time. Or at least, from what I remember that's the case. She's in charge of a whole bunch of things there.)

@Cloud Pixie
(That joke is turrible)

Afro Mane said...



Pewny said...

@Afro Mane


[Like y- *shot*]

Tinka Lot said...


Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(yeah! It's kinda sad, but she has fun with it!)

(see Pixie's answer.)

Afro Mane said...

(Fine, DON'T have fun.)

Rita Lot said...

@Afro Mane
(I'm sure we're having fun doing our own things.

Also, Rita and I still need to figure out where what we were doing is going/went.)

Afro Mane said...

(Okay, that may have just become my favorite episode. I mean, holy crap.

The power...)

Leeky said...

(Said it once, I'll say it again: So many call backs!
Did anyone else notice Lyra though?]

Tinka Lot said...

(Oh Luna, yes. She didn't care that Ponyville was being run by a corrupted OP dictator as long as she had her beverage.)

Tinka Lot said...

(What if the Alicorn's amulet is what the unicorns used to raise the sun?

Pewny said...

@Rita Lot
[Let me answer with a question - ever seen Celestia or Luna without something around their neck?]

Rita Lot said...

@Cloud Pewny
(Plenty of times! /fanart XD)

Tinka Lot said...

@Cloud Pewny
(You're right!)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(I'll admit, it is a very interesting theory. And I'm sure there are thousands of fanfics working on it now. But it remains to be seen if it will be canon, or just the Princesses always being portrayed in their royal garments since they are literally always around somepony (or will be around somepony shortly), and it might be perceived wrongly if they were "naked" in that sense.

I'm hopeful to be proved wrong though. Or maybe I'm not, because then the chances of Alicorn Twilight will skyrocket.)

Pewny said...

[Check that possible-spoiler pic I posted yesterday. I think it rather confirms it will happen...]

Rita Lot said...

@Cloud Pewny
(The problem is that nopony WANTS that to happen at all. As I've said before, here on the blog, the only way they can get away with making an Alicorn Twilight is if by the end she gives it up because she realizes her friends are more important than being a princess/a true teacher's pet, or outright turns it down from the getgo and the toys are a "What could have been" style thing. Anything else will probably cause a lot of bronies, and even the actual intended audience, some headscracthing (for the little girls) and quite a bit of an angry reaction (for the bronies).)

Tinka Lot said...

(Also, liquid elemental manipulation (AKA Waterbending) confirmed for canon!)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Yay! *dumps a bucket of water on you without the bucket*)

Leeky said...

[I don't actually mind the premise in itself and truth be told, I've been expecting it since I first started watching FIM. The only downside I can really think of is that a permanent transformation would probably mean the end of the show. We've been following Twilight through her studies and this would likely be a sign that she's succeeded in that.
If they are continuing the show, I'm guessing it's more likely to be a temporary power up. Then they can sell ordinary Twilight merch and alicorn merch.
Not quite sure what aspect of the premise is getting people so riled up though.]

Leeky said...

[Happy (maybe belated?) Birthday Pewny!]

Afro Mane said...

(My bands for my braces are yellow and pink.

Get on my level, bronies.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
(I don't have bands on my braces.)

Rita Lot said...

(I'm lucky. I don't have braces, though my teeth are slightly crooked.)

Tinka Lot said...

(I have a crowded mouth and an overbite. I'm also half vampire.)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(That sounds extremely painful actually.)

Tinka Lot said...

(Not really.)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Well, if it isn't that's good at least ^^)

Afro Mane said...

(Now you have the Alicorn Amulet. And a horn, if you didn't already. What now?)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane

Rita Lot said...

@Afro Mane
(Send you away into the void forever, then use the amulet as a bookmark.)

Tinka Lot said...

(Bookmark sounds like something I would do.)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Well, I'm currently rereading through Brian Jaques' Redwall books, and I need a new bookmark, so it would work.

Or, alliteratively, for a non-real reason, because the pictures :P)

Afro Mane said...

(Why don't you love me?)

Pewny said...

@Afro Mane
[That should be obvious by now]

[And a highly belated "Thank you"! ^^]

Tinka Lot said...

@Cloud Pewny
(And another highly belated "Happy Birthday")

Pewny said...

@Rita Lot
[Thank you ^^]

Tinka Lot said...

@Cloud Pewny
(You're welcome!)

Tinka Lot said...


Tinka Lot said...

(new page)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(I'm so slow on these new pages.)

Tinka Lot said...

(Because I get them first)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(You do! And you're probably even faster since you can fly.)

Leeky said...

@Cloud Pewny
[And a fairly on time; no probs!]

Pewny said...

[Well, yours wasn't 'fairly' on time as it was right on time (same timezone as you... or an hour ahead, never sure)]

Leeky said...

@Afro Mane
[Other than go crazy and start tormenting others?
Use it to pin up a poster.]

Afro Mane said...

(I'd use it to rule Equestria with an iron hoof.

Y'know, normal stuff.)

Tinka Lot said...

(Greetings from the wonderful world of mobile.)

Tinka Lot said...

(Apparently my grandfather went into cardiac arrest)

Tinka Lot said...

(I can't figure out how to refresh)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(1. Mobile sounds really hard to use.

2. That's not good at all D: *hugs*

3. No idea, see 1.)

Tinka Lot said...

(I'm ok. Mostly just bbored. His heart rate is stable, which is a good sign. Heh, stable. Ponies.)

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