Friday, May 25, 2012

Summer Starts! Everypony Celebrate!

Who hoo! School is over, summer begins, and everypony is happy! To all finishing up school, congrats! Time to move on in life to much bigger, better things! To others that are still striving to that point, congrats on the summer vacation! Some of us lost that WAY long ago hahaha! Time to break out some big RP for us all and be ready for the summer until Season 3! Question is: What will it be? Will see as we go!!

Okay this isn't a shipping pic, but hey, I can break that whenever I want! Besides, this picture look so amazing. Look at that sparkle in Twilight's eyes, its so adorable.


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Slots said...

(And First for the Summer start!)

Rita Lot said...

(And second for... something!)

Afro Mane said...

(I said Afroulette, not TaviScratch! How dare you not listen to me!)

Tinka Lot said...

(I always get 4th for some reason. no idea why.)

Tinka Lot said...

I dunno. I assume so, as everypony here has most likely been genderbent before. Except... Hey Aura, do you have any potion laced bubblegum?
(Who here can guess what I'm planning?)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
Why do you ask for that Rita? *tilts her head* And also, yeah, Rain has never been a mare before... you should check on her up in the bathroom.

Pewny said...

@Rita Lot
[Rita's 'friends']

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot

*knocks on door* Rain?

Tinka Lot said...

Oh, no reason. In case of something. And yeah, I'll go check on hi-her... *trots off*


Pewny said...

@Rita Lot
[*headdesks* Right, I confused Tinka with those 'friends' of hers]

Tinka Lot said...


Laz said...

@Afro Mare
Go away! *voice cracks*
(If I'm going to come out, give me some time to get home from school so I can edit myself)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
Well just bring Rain back and I'll give you what you need then Rita! *waves*

Tinka Lot said...

@Black Rain
(you already look like a mare.)

*walks to bathroom door* *knock knock*

Laz said...

@Rita Lot
( Still. Give me 2 hours to get out of school.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Black Rain
(Curse the different timezones. If you lived in mine and Aura's timezone you'd only need one.)

Rita Lot said...

@Black Rain
(Fine, we can give ya two hours lol. But that is the perks of being a Senior- I am done with school and graduated.)

Laz said...

(Only reason I've been able to talk is because we're watching a movie. :P)

Rita Lot said...

@Black Rain
(Pfft. Finish school faster then.)

Laz said...


Rita Lot said...

@Black Rain
(I just said I already graduated from High School)

Tinka Lot said...


Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Thank you! I feel so old now, being 18 XD)

Tinka Lot said...

(and I was feeling old from being 13. OK then.)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Heh heh. I feel old after every one of my brithdays, so... yeah! XD

Take it though you are on summer vacation too?)

Tinka Lot said...

(Unfortunately no. Not sure I'll even have one. Gah, so much work for the homeschooled.)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Ouch, that sucks... I feel sorry for you, really. Less sorry for the Afro that abandoned us though.)

Afro Mane said...

(I was buying Diablo 3!

Sorry Rita.)

Rita Lot said...

@Afro Mare
(*raises eyebrow* And how do you have the money to buy Diablo III, let alone the intelligence?

I kid heh, but really, I wont be buying it anytime soon. Not unless it goes free.)

Pewny said...

@Afro Mare
[Oh, the game that had the WORST release since... Original World of Warcraft and with possibly the worst DRM for a single player game?]

Afro Mane said...


Rita Lot said...

@Afro Mare

Afro Mane said...

(Say what now?)

Pewny said...

@Afro Mare
[On the day of release and the next 2 days many people (mostly from US) was unable to play since servers were overloaded. One would think that after it happened during WoW's release they would know they need more power on release day.

As for the other point: To play SINGLE PLAYER mode if Diablo 3 you need to be CONSTANTLY connected to the internet. You lose connection? Haha, back to main menu. Hell, it's even worse than Ubisoft DRM. With those at least you have complete game on your HDD. Here all monsters, spells and items, also YOUR CHARACTER are stored on, so there i NO way to avoid having to be connected with a crack.]

Rita Lot said...

(So... you are angry that you cannot torrent a crack to play? I am confused by the message you are sending.)

Pewny said...

[Um, no. More like something like this:
1st point: Again, people who actually bought it are having problems (unable to play on release)
2nd point: Imagine you are on, let's say, a 6 hour bus/train/plane trip. You have a laptop with Diablo 3 installed. "Oh, I know, how about some D3 single- oh right, no internet access"]

Rita Lot said...

(Oooh I get you, I get you. Yeah, Blizzard isnt the best about it... but I guess to prevent people from actually torrenting it, they do stupid things. Why I will stick with not stupid people like Valve and Nintendo.)

Afro Mane said...

(Wow... That IS a terrible DRM..)

Pewny said...

@Aura @Afro Mare
[That is a stupid DRM indeed. Valve knows what it's doing, you NEED Steam to ru their games true, but all SP games are playable without internet, just launch Steam in offline mode.

And why I brought in Ubisoft earlier - let's take Assasin's Creed 2 - first game that had always-online DRM. Five days later there was a crack, EVERYONE rejoiced. Again, legitimate buyers become able to play the game when and where they want. Same with AC: Brotherhood, Revelations, Settlers 7. Althought for those games crack showed up much quicker, Ubisoft didn't change anything since AC2.]

Rita Lot said...

(Ubisoft is pretty stupid, but at least there are alternatives for them with their console versions. Although I dont know how it works with Anno 2070 on Steam *shrug*)

Pewny said...

[Anno was released by Ubi, right? Then you still need internet to play, even with Steam in online mode since their DRM is still there.]

Rita Lot said...

@PewnyPL(Okay then, makes sense. Not really but meh, the entire game does require online anyway... since it has voting things and senates and such that you vote for that affect every player and give bonuses.)

Afro Mane said...

(DRMs are retarded. RP nao?)

Pewny said...

[... I sure hope that by "every player" you don't mean everyone that bought the game...]


Afro Mane said...

(Why do you hate me?)

Rita Lot said...

@Afro Mare
(We have to wait for little Rain to come back and make himself a mare.)


Pewny said...

[Because in my opinion nothing should have ANY impact on single player game other than patches for the game...]

Afro Mane said...

(Leave our single player alone, dammit! Screw with multiplayer!)

Rita Lot said...

(Yeah, no, every player that bought the game. In fact, when you launch it through Steam it launches the Ubisoft launcher.

Now, the bonsues you have to activate them in the game itself buy paying these in-game things you get for doing missions. So you can not let them affect you.)

Tinka Lot said...

(he has 15 minutes left.)

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
(Then we jump 'im!)

Pewny said...

[I know, like I said, Ubisoft's DRM is still on top of Steam's, and Ubi Launcher is the one that handles it.

Oh, that's a relief then.]

Rita Lot said...

(I get you I get you.

And yeah. You still vote though just in case. The only real thing about it is that you can also make your single player games multiplayer... or open them up for drop in joining too. So Anno isnt really even a single player game anyway.)

Afro Mane said...

(Cool story brony.)

Rita Lot said...

@Afro Mare

Afro Mane said...

(Close enough. Where's Rain?)

Rita Lot said...

@Afro Mare
(*shrug* Should be here soon I would think.)

Pewny said...

@Afro Mare
[He is not coming]

Tinka Lot said...

(that term annoys me. I don't want to be a pegasus. Why can't girls have a non-breed term? That's why I stick with brony.)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Heh, sorry Rita. But I am a pegasus, so I go with it :P)

Tinka Lot said...

(So is Pewny. Is he a girl now?)

Laz said...

(I am late.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Black Rain
(yes you are. by 9 minutes.)

Laz said...

@Rita Lot
(Pish posh.)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(If he wants to participate in this RP he can be! :P)

@Black Rain
(You are late. Also get to work. Cant make a girl yourself by doing nothing y'know XD)

Afro Mane said...

@Black Rain
(GO be a mare now!)

CC said...

(Actually y'all, Brony really isn't really a gender specif' term or anythin', yo. It's one-a-those word mixes. Of /B/ro, 'chis anyone from /B/, male o' female, an' Pony. 'Dat brony term can apply to any an' all a' my brothers an' sistas.)

Laz said...

(Rita was sorta right, I could pass as a girl.)

Pewny said...

[Haha, NO]

Afro Mane said...


Rita Lot said...

@New Sandwich
(CC, you are weird.)

@White Snow
(Indeed you could easily lol. Anyway, alright, continue on)

Afro Mane said...

@White Snow
(And off we go.)
*knock knock knock* C'mon, Rain!

Tinka Lot said...

@White Snow
(... you honestly don't look much different except for hairstyle and eyelashes.)

CC said...

(Woa, ma' sista... Don' be hatin' the Sandwhich love...)

Laz said...

@Rita Lot
(It's what 2 minutes of lazy changing of settings gets you :P)

Rita Lot said...

@New Sandwich
(Don't make me eat you. I am immune to the effects of you.)

@White Snow
(It works for what is needed lol)

Afro Mane said...

@New Sandwich
(CC, join us! You can swap genders, too!)

@White Snow

Laz said...

@Afro Mare
No! Get her to change me back!

Afro Mane said...

@White Snow
It can't be that bad! It's happened to me like, four times! *bang bang bang bang*

Rita Lot said...

@Afro Mare
(Welcome to the Sitcom Maresion! Once you enter, you never go back to being a guy... DUN DUN DUN!!)

CC said...

(A'ight. C'mon do it then. Eat me.)

Tinka Lot said...

@White Snow
Rain? Open up. It's me!

Afro Mane said...

(Ya keep pulling me back in! Now change CC into himself, then a mare. And make Rita a colt! It'll be great!)

Tinka Lot said...

(Unless you're already a mare, then you occasionally become a colt.)

Rita Lot said...

@New Sandwich
(*eats in one bite without any side effects at all ever happening to her during or after the consumption of the sandwich*)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mare
(mmmm no thanks.)

Laz said...

@Rita Lot
Please, just go get her!

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot @Afro Mare

(The two of you almost make me want to make Rita a colt now... but eh, I leave that choice to you Rita.)

Laz said...

(Whatever happened to that one pony that came here and asked to RP, then never came back?)

CC said...

(Mmm... yeah... Nice an' slow...)

Afro Mane said...

@White Snow
(No idea...

Whatever happened to Lazulic?)

Laz said...

@Afro Mare
(An hero.

But seriously, I dunno.)

Rita Lot said...

@New Sandwich
(*Then turns the crumbs back into CC, or at least the hologram*)

Tinka Lot said...

@White Snow
*jiggles the handle* let me in.

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
I got this. *backs up a few paces and charges the door, attempting to ram it in*

(Not funny.

Okay, maybe a little bit. Go be him now.)

Laz said...

@Afro Mare
Is it impossible just to be alone right now?

Afro Mane said...

@White Snow
*forces the door open with surprising strength* No.

Rita Lot said...

@White Snow
(The implications of that sentence are astounding. THE IMPLICATIONS!)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mare
You mean yes? *trots in after you*

Laz said...


Rita Lot said...

@White Snow
(I laughed at your reaction XD)

Laz said...

@Rita Lot
*sitting in front of the sink, in all her girly self*

Tinka Lot said...

@White Snow
*runs and hugs you* You look so adorable!

Afro Mane said...

@White Snow
*girly giggle*

Laz said...

@Rita Lot
*sighs* I hope at least you're happy...

Tinka Lot said...

@White Snow
*pats you on the head* Yes I am.

CC said...

*Phazes in.*

Afro Mane said...

@White Snow
*trots in and makes it a group hug* Now you know how I feel...

Rita Lot said...

@Hologram CC
*waves* Hey AI CC. I am about to rewire your coding so you are a mare.

Afro Mane said...

(You are evil.)

Sitcom Mansion said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sitcom Mansion said...

@Rick Mastermind
The shit? I'm still logged on her account on Opera?
Better question, why am I using Opera? Eh, whatever.

Laz said...

@Afro Mare
What do you mean?

Afro Mane said...

@Rick Mastermind
(Because Opera is best browser.)

Rita Lot said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rita Lot said...

@Rick Mastermind
(Oh, well then derp XD)

CC said...

...You don't know how to work my coding...

(...I have a bad feeling about this now though. :x Her computer screwed over and she hasn't had internet access for the last couple weeks. ...Though she still has her low tech phone that allows her to view the blog. But not post. .....She's going to RP through me and make post for her, I just know it. >>)

Rita Lot said...

@Hologram CC
*holds up a hologram generator* I found this under CC's pillow. Look familiar?

(That really sucks... no wonder she hasnt been around huh... and mm, I see then. That might not be good then, but what can ya do?)

CC said...

...That's not mine.

MM through text 3 minutes ago:
"I was just going to say dont mess with my account, but thats a MUCH better idea!!"

Well ****)

Rita Lot said...

@Hologram CC
Then whose is it, if not yours?


Rita Lot said...

(And then everyone vanished.)

Laz said...

(Like the apocalypse...)

Leeky said...

I was kind of waiting for a good time to appear.]

Rita Lot said...

@White Snow
(Quite like the apocalypse. Who knew that turning the Sitcom Mansion into the Sitcom Maresion would cause the apocalypse?)

Rita Lot said...

(Hello Leeky!)

CC said...

...Uh... It's... a prototype.


Rita Lot said...

@Hologram CC
*pushes some buttons on it, displaying the Hologram CC just as he is standing* And how do you explain THIS?


Leeky said...


Rita Lot said...

(how art thou?)

CC said...

Uh... Magic?

Rita Lot said...

@Hologram CC
*shakes head* I'm a pegasus not a unicorn. And you can either comply and change yourself, or I will do it for you. And your personality too.

Leeky said...

[Burnt. Does anyone want their sun back? I'm not sure if I want it any more.
Also congrats on graduating!]

Rita Lot said...

(Ouch, sounds "fun". And no, I will stick with clouds and rain thank you.

Also thank you for that!)

CC said...

...Well, even if you have that, you still can't change me! *Smirks.* You still need to know to work my programming and everything. And that thing's just an alt projecter- I'm running off the base server in CC's room anyway! *Nods smugly, before realizing what he just said.*

Leeky said...

[...But I miss them...even though as soon as they come back I'll start complaining again, I miss them.

...I'm assuming that graduating means you've finished school?]

Leeky said...

@Hologram CC
*from inside a vase*
Dun dun Dan!

Rita Lot said...

@Hologram CC
*smirks* Thank you for calling my bluff, AI CC. I knew you were easy to fool. *flies quickly to CC's room*

(Heh, I complain about the sun, not the rain XD Now, the wind, you can have that.

And yep, will be starting college classes in the fall, and my schedule is my morning until like 11 AM EST and that is it.)

CC said...

*Groans.* Craaaaaap
*Phazes out of the living room, back to CC's room*
*Tund to the door, checking the Pewny's lock*
...Phew... Still armed and activated...

Tinka Lot said...

(Ugh. I know what you mean. I was dying yesterday when I went to Legoland.)

Rita Lot said...

@Hologram CC
*crashes through the door, not bothering with the knob at all*

Leeky said...

[Meh, we have enough wind.
In that case *hopefullhoofbump*
Wait, your classes only last till 11:00am? Or am I getting something wrong...I'm guessing the latter.]

Rita Lot said...

(No, you were right the first time. My classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday go from 8 AM to 8:50, then 9 AM to 9:50. Then the drive home, and I am back around 10:30/11 AM.

Tuesday/Thursday is from 8 to 9:15, so I am home by like 10 AM.)

Leeky said...

[:0 Those are short...]

CC said...

Gah! Hey! Someone's going to have to fix that!!

Rita Lot said...

(I'm taking 12 credit hours, so it isnt all that long anyway. And I have one online class.)

Rita Lot said...

@Hologram CC
*crashes past you and barrels into a wall, cracking it*

Leeky said...

[@Rita Lot
...How many Legoland's are there? Are they breeding?
Today I'm discovering the many downsides to being an idiot.]

Rita Lot said...

(What heh? You aren't an idiot, that is for certain. Of course, I also am going to a community college to get rid of my Generals. Cheaper that way here.)

CC said...

*Flinches.* Urgh... ...Wait, GEDDOUT NOW!

(Gah, I haven't even gotten my classes for this year yet... I should probably stop procrastinating that. :x)

Rita Lot said...

@Hologram CC
*the wall crumbles away revealing the secret wall of computery things* Hey... I found your main hub!

(You probably should lol.)

Leeky said...

[...I still don't understand but ok.
...I'm sorry.]

Rita Lot said...

(Its fine heh. American schooling is a bit weird when it comes to universities and colleges.)

CC said...

Nah. *Waves hoof.* Most of those are Pewny's. Anyway AH SAID GEDDOUT!

(Nah- trust me, it's not you. American education system can be damn confusing. >>)

Rita Lot said...

@Hologram CC
You just said MOST of those are Pewny's... but I think that big one marked "HOLOGRAM HUB" might be yours. *pokes a button it on*

Leeky said...

@Hologram CC
[I don't even understand ours...]

CC said...

Uh... ...Gah, no! Stop pressing things...!

(Half of us don't understand ours either. :X)

Leeky said...

*in an alternate universe*

Rita Lot said...

@Hologram CC
*pushes more button, seemingly knowing what she is doing* Again, you can comply and change yourself and I dont have to do this!

(Seriously heh XD)

Leeky said...

*in multiple alternate universes.*

CC said...

Uh... No! Oh no! Stop...! Uh, please!

(Pfft. XD)

Rita Lot said...

@Hologram CC
*edits personality to utterly girly*

(I was going to go with Aura was bluffing the entire time, but AI CC is too stubborn XD)

CC said...

Oh, oh! You're... hurting... me. *Slowly lays on the floor.* Oh! Oh, the, uh, the pain!

Rita Lot said...

@Hologram CC
*raises eyebrow* I am going to have fun with this. *connects the terminal to the hoof-held hologenator that is connected to your mainframe, and presses "apply"*

CC said...

Er... Ow! *Blinks and looks over.* What is it that you're doing? ...Um, THE PAIN!

Rita Lot said...

@Hologram CC
I'm busy using this fake terminal to distract you while I hack into your actual terminal with a robotic assistant.

CC said...

Wh... *Blinks.* But... That is my real terminal... THE PAIN!

Rita Lot said...

@Hologram CC
(Come now, do you think me so unintelligent, Mr. Bond? I told you to die! *mad cackle*

...what do you mean wrong script? Oh whatever...)

*blinks* It actually is? Then what did I send my robot to hack?

CC said...

Uhhhh....... Another prototype?

Rita Lot said...

@Hologram CC
*hears screaming coming from down the hall* ...Oh. Well uh... *pushes another button, uploading a new holoimage of a mare CC to the hologram, overriding the old hologram image*

CC said...

*Turns quickly.* Wait, what was that screaming!? *Turns back.* I- uh, wait, it doesn't work that way...!

Rita Lot said...

@Hologram CC
What do you mean it doesn't work that way? Don't I just push this button here and it changes yo- *an explosion rocks the house* *blink*

CC said...

*Shakes head frantically.* What the heck was that!?

Rita Lot said...

@Hologram CC
*pushes glasses back up* I have no idea. Now, how the heck DO you work this then? Because apparently all I can do is make things explode.

CC said...

You, uh... Broke it. ... *Fizzles*

Rita Lot said...

@Hologram CC
Well don't worry! I have a 100 to my Repair! *fixes terminal, causing another alternate universe to explode*

Rita Lot said...

(Okay, rolecall, who are we missing? I think Afro died or went off to play Diablo, so he'll be back as soon as we all finish and demand we RP, but are Rita and Rain/Snow here still?))

CC said...

*Fizzle.* *Blink blink.* ...Uh *Disappears*

Rita Lot said...

@Hologram CC
*blinks* ...I can fix this!! *reboots system, saving changes to girly personality, and making him reappear*

(Are you busy at work on a hologram CastMare there CC? XD)

CC said...

*Nothing happens. Nothing at all.*

Rita Lot said...

@Hologram CC
*blinks* Good try, and welcome back.

Afro Mane said...

(Oh herro.)

Rita Lot said...

@Afro Mare

CC said...

*Wisps into the room in a thin cloud of smoke, before forming into CC.*
...Aura, what are you doing in here?

Rita Lot said...

*blinks* CC...? But... you went missing months ago!

CC said...

...I did? *Blinks.*

Rita Lot said...

(Yeah! Out in the cold deserted north looking for something important! breaking the fourth wall? Fine...)

Yeah! Even Mastermind could never find you!

CC said...

...Don't remember none of that... *Raises eyebrow.* Say, what are you doing in the closet?

Rita Lot said...

*looks around* Uh... uh... having a drink? *takes a bottle out of her scarf and chuggs it* Mmrhnph? *holds it out towards him*

Tinka Lot said...

*trots in, dragging Rain/Snow behind me* Hi.

Tinka Lot said...

(/inb4 potion.)

CC said...

*Eyes the potion bottle.* Uh... No thanks. *Comes closer.* What are you doing with that old terminal?

Rita Lot said...

*suddenly jumps at you and kisses... passing the potion still in her mouth to yours, then spitting when finished* Bleh! I was trying to hack your stuff, but this works much better.

*sees Rita and Rain* Oh, look... how is she Rita?

Tinka Lot said...

*sees you kissing* Ew. She's fine.

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
*being dragged as well, holding onto Snow's hoof*

@Diablo 3

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
That's good then! So is she fine with it?

@Afro Mare
Oh, and hello to you.

CC said...

*Jumps back.* Blagh, plhackptththpthh!! *Spits and shakes out his head.* F*CK, the HAY was that!?!?

Rita Lot said...

*smiles at you* Something you cant escape now that it was in your mouth... a mare-changing potion. You have some time still, but in a short while you will be a mare, just like Rain and Afro over there. *points to them*

Tinka Lot said...

Nah. But isn't she just adorable?

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
*nods, giggling* yes she is heh! We need to dress her up as soon as she regains consciousness... and I guess we can dress these other two up as well, if you want to?

Tinka Lot said...

Of course!

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