Friday, October 21, 2011

Da Munsters Guys!!

Well, would you look at that. We've filled up our first post here in the new blog, hooray! So that brings us to-*counts on fingers* ...close to 30,000 posts!! Wow, everypony, We need to send somepony to count EVERY post in Equestria Daily, see how many we need to match that *laughs* Anyway, heres our new post, and ADORABLE TWILIGHT SPARKLE for our new pic! Hee hee, its fun being able to pick the new fact...I can post anything....hmm...


(.....I'll remove it later okay, sorry XD)


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Tinka Lot said...

(The new season is awesome! Love the new Luna, and the episodes have been hilarious! I'd have to say that Sisterhooves Social and Cutie-Pox have been my too favprite so far besides Luna.)

Tinka Lot said...

(new page!)

Tinka Lot said...

(Best pony in socks, you say?)

Slots said...

@Dreama Lot
(I was wondering if you liked the official Luna ^^ she was amazing, and hilarious, THIS Was the best XD And yes, this new season has been hilarious, all grand and awesome ^^ I would have to go Lesson Zero and Cutie-Pox as my personal faves other than Nightmare Night. Again, I don't care much for Rarity (though her parents were awesome lol))

(And I was ABOUT to post that too XD I counter with a Funny Comic!)

Tinka Lot said...

(LOL YES! The fun has been doubled!)

Slots said...

@Dreama Lot
(Silliest, but best line, ever XD)

Tinka Lot said...


Slots said...

@Dreama Lot
(I also hold this scene as the most emotional touching scene of the season, as of now. Only doubled by Super Mario Galaxy 2 Music.)

Tinka Lot said...

(Love how the gala dresses are in all the Boutique scenes. Sweetiescoot was a very funny part of the episode! I also notice that Scootaloo hasn't had her own episode. Not even last season. It's either all three of them or Apple Bloom or Sweetie Belle.)

Slots said...

@Dreama Lot
(I know, a nice little detail for us to spot, huh? And heh, that it was, very funny ^^ And well, perhaps they are saving it, we do still have quite alot more season 2 to get through, they may just do it soon enough, maybe her first flight!)

Tinka Lot said...

(Maybe! Or what happened to her parents! Maybe it'll introduce them with no warning coming like Rarity's parents! Cause i was just watching the episode and then BOOM! parents. And Canadian parents no less! And I kinda have a theory for Applejack's parents.)

Slots said...

@Dreama Lot
(either would be good, they did promise us alot more episodes with their families, the ponies heh! And yes, Rarity's parents just came from nowhere, and were hilarious XD Oh Luna, never thought they would be like that! And what would that theory be?)

Tinka Lot said...

(Applejack's dad grew up on the farm with Granny Smith. Then, when he went to Manehatten to organize some sales, he met a socialite mare and fell in love with her. but she wouldn't date a farmcolt, so he told her he was a business stallion. So she believed him and married him, and he wrote home to Granny Smith that he had found a new life and a wife, and sent back his old hat, the same on AJ wears now. Soon they had Big Macintosh, but the socialite didn't want kids so the stallion sent him to the farm, same with AJ and AB.)

Tinka Lot said...


Slots said...

(sorry busy, be back in one sec)

Tinka Lot said...


Slots said...

@Dreama Lot
(okay, back, sorry heh, Parents needed me to run and do something for my Grandmother down the street.)

(ANYway, that theory IS quite interesting, the idea that their father took off. But, it also would be really harsh if it was true, like, quite sad. I dunno if MLP would do something as such. Plus, to send 3 foals back to Granny? Wow, that's insane.)

Tinka Lot said...

(Well, they only sent one at a time, and by the time AJ was born Mac was late teens, and by the time AB was born AJ was mid teens. And he knew Granny Smith needed help on the farm too. It isn't like he just sent them away to an orphanage. He still wanted them, his wife just wanted a carefree life.)

Tinka Lot said...

(Plus the only other reason for them never helping on the farm would be that they died right after AB was born.)

Slots said...

@Dreama Lot
(Well, wouldn't Big Mac confront his parents for doing as such to all three of them, sending them away instead of raising them? BM Just seems he would do as such, I dunno. And if that is true, then i'm sorry to say that AJ's mother is extremely selfish. You know, IF this theory was correct heh heh!)

Slots said...

@Dreama Lot
(I think we can all safely assume death of that caliber will never be in MLP thankfully heh.)

Tinka Lot said...

(Big Mac never went to Manehatten, and he doesn't have the lettering address, and Applejack never knew about them when she went to Manehatten. Apple Bloom still doesn't know. And they're mom doesn't even care there middle child is a national hero or that they're youngest caused a problem so that the middle could be a hero again.)

Tinka Lot said...

(Death of any kind will not be in it. I think mine is the most extreme. Probly either something like mine or they've been in full body casts for a year. They weren't even at the reunion or Applebuck season.)

Slots said...

@Dreama Lot
(This all sounds like it could make an interesting fanfic if it had a good writer behind it actually. I can see it working well)

Slots said...

@Dreama Lot
(Yeah it would be extreme. I dunno, hopefully soon enough the show sheds some light on AJ's parents, and, the others)

Tinka Lot said...

(My special talent is writing! yay!)

Slots said...

@Dreama Lot
(Then get to work haha!)

Tinka Lot said...


Slots said...

@Dreama Lot

Tinka Lot said...

(I just came up with an amazing title: Apples and Origins.)

Slots said...

@Dreama Lot
(Aura may smack you for that Pun, but I would say its clever :P)

Tinka Lot said...

(Well, it is kind of MAC and Cheesy! *shot* :P)

Slots said...

@Dreama Lot
(okay, THAT one made me laugh and groan UGH XD)

Tinka Lot said...

(If you want groaning, listen to this!
One Halloween night, Bob Hill and his wife Betty crashed into a tree in their car. Betty was knocked unconscious. Bob started dragging his wife to an old house he had seen half a mile back. When he got there, he knocked on a door. An old, hunchbacked man opened it. When Bob saw him, he said:Hello, my name is Bob Hill, and this is my wife Betty. We were both in a terrible car crash. Can We use your phone to call an ambulance The Hunchback shook his head. We do not have a phone, and the next hospital isn't for miles. But my master is a doctor! Maybe he can help with your injuries! So the hunchback led them inside, where they met a man with crazy hair. I'm afraid my assistant has misled you he said. I am not a medical doctor, I am a man of science. But I will try and help you. He carried Betty to his lab as Bob followed. Bob then collapsed out of his own exhaustion and injuries. The4 doctor tried everything he could, but soon the Hills were no more. Distraught, the doctor went to his organ room and started playing a dreary melody. The hunchback, who had stayed behind, saw something move out of the corner of his eye, turned to see both Bob and Betty stiffen, then sit up groggily. Amazed, he ran to his master and said:...

Sir! The Hills are alive with the sound of music!

Slots said...

@Dreama Lot
(uuuuuuuuuuuugggggggghhhhhh my CELESTIA WOW.....)

(funny story though :P)

Tinka Lot said...

(Yeah. It's one of those jokes that you really should have seen coming but don't XD)

Slots said...

@Dreama Lot
(I had a feeling it may have gone there, but ugh, you just, aren't ready for that punch XD)

Tinka Lot said...

(Heh heh yeah. when I first heard it i had no idea!)

Slots said...

@Dreama Lot
(Well thank you for sharing it my dear, made me laugh and smile from it XD)

Tinka Lot said...

(Just set up a DeviantART account!)

Slots said...

@Dreama Lot
(lol you didn't have one before? How do you save images without saving it to your computer! XD)

Tinka Lot said...

(What do you mean?)

Slots said...

@Dreama Lot
(...oh am I the only one that has alot of pony images fav'd? :\)

Tinka Lot said...


Slots said...

@Dreama Lot
(whatever lol planning to share that account or keep it hidden :P)

Tinka Lot said...


Slots said...

@Dreama Lot
(Found ya)

Tinka Lot said...


Slots said...

@Dreama Lot

Tinka Lot said...


Slots said...

@Dreama Lot
(Be sure to add me as a follower so you can see any pony images I submit ^^)

Tinka Lot said...

(Will do!)

Tinka Lot said...

(Pewny, I know you're lurking!)

Tinka Lot said...

(Still working on the fic)

Slots said...

@Dreama Lot
(Have fun! Don't rush it, enjoy it!!)

Tinka Lot said...

(What would you set a picture of an Oc as if you're submitting?)

Slots said...

@Dreama Lot
(Well when I posted Slots I used those tags you can see there)

Tinka Lot said...

(Thnx! Just created my first deviation!)

Slots said...

@Dreama Lot
(Woo Hoo!!)

Tinka Lot said...


Tinka Lot said...

(got quiet.)

zSONICoz said...

@Dreama Lot
(It happens, though for the life of me why am I here when I should be resting after getting a concussion...the answer is clear....I'm an idiot. XD)

Tinka Lot said...

(Hi! Wait, you have a concussion? Why?)

zSONICoz said...

@Dreama Lot
(I fell down the stairs yesterday. Also hang on their is somebody I want you to meet.)

Tinka Lot said...

(*winces* ouch)

zSONICoz said...

@Dreama Lot
(Yes, But I'm better and...he still has yet to comment. Come bro comment already as yourself. Stop being a jew bagel.)

Tinka Lot said...

(A what?)

Jenner said...

Alright, Butt nugget jeez. Your like Mom. *groans* Anyway Hello all you various ponies and peoples behind the ponies.

Tinka Lot said...


zSONICoz said...

(Uh-huh, Yeah Anyway go make a Blogger already and make yourself a pony. May I present my brother.)

Slapstick said...

(Hey everyone!)

zSONICoz said...

(Yo, sup slapstick that is you and not me being dizty again from this pain...Ok yeah it is. WHASSUP!)

Tinka Lot said...

(Hey Slapstick!)

Slapstick said...

(It is me lol! How's it going?)

Slapstick said...

@Rita Lot
(Hey Rita Girl! Haha how's it going?)

zSONICoz said...

(Still recovering from falling down the stairs and getting a concussion. XD Other than that I am fine.)

Rita Lot said...

(*yawns* Ugh... too much to catch up on the blog, too much pony to catch up with, too much video games to play ugggggh life y u so tiring.)

Slapstick said...

(well that's no Bueno! But at least your feeling better!)

zSONICoz said...

(Your telling me. XD A mi no ME GUSTA! Anyway I'm getting better also this is a heads up to everybody if I'm saying something I don't typically say then it's my mind going wonky. Tell me if that happens.)

Tinka Lot said...

(good! Just got a deviantart!)

Rita Lot said...

@S.Aura Knight
(Baaaah Crisis: Equestira and It Takes a Village updated too ugggh you guys may not see me for the rest of today XD)

Tinka Lot said...

@S.Aura Knight

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(D'oh you.

Also I see you changed back.)

Tinka Lot said...

@S.Aura Knight

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(No particular reason, or what?)

Tinka Lot said...

@S.Aura Knight
(got bored of being not me.)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(...that's possible?)

Tinka Lot said...

@S.Aura Knight
(I guess?)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(I'm never bored of being not me!)

Quick Step said...

Why you guys questioning possiblities when you could be eating pancakes! There delicious.
Also bro I made myself a blogger. :D I feel accomplished. ^^

zSONICoz said...

@The Toasty Pancakes
(You named yourself the toasty pancakes....*laughs* Original and funny I give you props. XD)

Quick Step said...

(Now time to make that pony...*hums as he goes back to work*

Tinka Lot said...

@The Toasty Pancakes
(The toasty pancakes? You aren't making an OC for yourself? He can be a pancake chef!)

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot

Quick Step said...

@Rita Lot
Fail much. XD Anyway back to work.

I'm a little tea pot short and stout!~
Here is my handle here is my spout!~
When I get all steamed up here me shout!~
*deep voice*

Rita Lot said...

(Well anyway ponies (and pile of pancakes), I'm headed out to do stuff and stuff and more stuff. Might be back later if there's time abound and I'm not busy busy.)

Quick Step said...

@S.Aura Knight
Have some fun! I hope whatever your "Stuff" might be. *waves with a syrup hand*

Leeky said...

@The Toasty Pancakes
[Modryb Elin Enog
Os gwelwch yn dda ga'i grempog
chewch chithau de a siwgr gwyn
A phwdin lond eich ffedog

Modryb Elin Enog
Mae ngheg i'n grymp am grempog
Mae Mam yn rhy dlawd i brynu blawd
a Sian yn rhy ddiog i nol y triog
A Nhad yn rhy wael i weithio
Os gwelwch chi'n dda ga'i grempog?]

Tinka Lot said...


Leeky said...

@Rita Lot
[A song from my childhood...and the eisteddfod...and perhaps from being stuck in a bus filled with singing students when we were in Paris.
Good times.]

Tinka Lot said...

(It's french?)

Leeky said...

[Now that I think about it, they'll probably add "singing art students" to the list of why our tourists suck...]

Tinka Lot said...

(welsh. still nonsense.)

Leeky said...

@Rita Lot
Dwy ti ddim yn cydnabod yr iaith Gymraeg? :P]

Tinka Lot said...

(Nope. I put it in google translate. it translated but i still have no idea what it means.)

Leeky said...

@Rita Lot
[And bingo! Not so sure about nonsense's a song about asking Aunt Elin Enog for pancakes...ok it might be a bit nonsensical...better than the one about the pink elephant in the sink...]

Tinka Lot said...

(Welsh songs are weird.)

Leeky said...

@Rita Lot
[Yeah, google translate is not good with welsh. Or welsh is just really awkward. The welsh language's closest equivalent to 'evil' is 'drygionus'...which I've always though sounds closer to 'naughty'. "*insert name here* killed thousand of innocents in her quest for power, she was naughty." just doesn't sound right.

Tinka Lot said...

(It actually sounds funny. Like "She'll be getting a lump of coal for Christmas because she was naughty and killed millions of innocents just for power!")

Leeky said...

@Rita Lot
[Well they're either weird or annoyingly patriotic...I prefer the weird.

Mi welais Jack y do
Yn eistedd ar ben to
Het wen ar ei ben
A dwy goes bren
Ho ho ho ho ho ho ]

Tinka Lot said...

(I know a guy with 2 wooden legs named Jack!

What were the names of his arms?

Leeky said...

@Rita Lot
[Well I don't think father christmas could do much else...well he could, but it would probably create some moral conflicts.]

Pewny said...

@Rita Lot
[That was so bad you made me to comment here. Congratulations... Now I will keep to what I said in my very late yesterdays comments and leave finally... *unsubscribes*]

Leeky said...

@Rita Lot
[Well he can't have arms, he's a crow! Honestly Rita.]

Leeky said...

@Rita Lot
[Well he can't have arms, he's a crow! Honestly Rita.]

Tinka Lot said...

(You'll be back. They all come back. *fades into shadow*)

Tinka Lot said...

(What would a crow need with a wooden leg?)

Leeky said...

[Oh, um. You've left? Ok, sorry, uh thank you. Um, I'll probably talk to you again anyway. Thank you again and I hope you feel better soon :)]

Leeky said...

@Rita Lot
Do not ruin my child hood!
Anyway, I need to go sleep. Night everyone! Have fun saving the universe!]

Tinka Lot said...

(Um, night?)

CC said...

I've been a bit absent for the last couple days. Was doin' some things, ya see. Goin' to places. Nyngg.

One thing I did though was go to a farmer's market. They had a bunch of things. A lot of it was HUGE (Yay for four and a half inch muffin!), and much I haven't even heard of before. o.o
Also I took this picture just for Leeky.
She can enjoy it when she wakes up. ;P

Tinka Lot said...

(NO! NOT LEEKS! *backs away*)

Leeky said...

[Or now. XD Thanks for taking the pic. The leek missile may be much improved with there use. And if you have a muffin to spare I'll be more than happy to take it :P
But now I really do need to go to sleep. Night for probably real now!)

Tinka Lot said...

(night. again.)

Tinka Lot said...

(it got really quiet.)

Laz said...

(*a boom is heard* OW!)

Tinka Lot said...

(You ok?)

Laz said...

@Rita Lot
(*sounds of things crashing* CELESTIA!)

Tinka Lot said...

(*runs to where you are* Lazulic?! Are You ok?!)

Laz said...

@Rita Lot
(*he is juggling an assortment of pots and pans, he looks in your direction* Uh, hehe...)

Tinka Lot said...

(What are you doing?)

Laz said...

@Rita Lot
(*he drops them all to the floor in a large ring* Uh, nothing. I was gonna make some food...)

Tinka Lot said...

(Like? I doubt there's any food that takes that many pots.)

Laz said...

@Rita Lot
(*thinks* Soup?)

Tinka Lot said...

(You only need one or two pots.)

Laz said...

@Rita Lot
(It's...special soup. Very complicated.)

Tinka Lot said...

(Of course. Need any help?)

Afro Mane said...

(Suddenly, Afro.)

Laz said...

(Would you both?)

Rita Lot said...

(FINALLY hello I am back ugh four+ hours just down the drain. Thank you mom for taking me shopping with you when I didn't even need to go.)

Afro Mane said...

@S.Aura Knight
(Welcome back.)

Tinka Lot said...

(Sure! i love cooking!)

Laz said...

@Afro Mane
(Hows about it?)

Afro Mane said...

*a gray and yellow blur falls from the roof, pasing throug the line of sight of the kitchen window, and a thump is heard*

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
... what was that?

Laz said...

@Rita Lot
*looks round, still blind* Where?

Tinka Lot said...

Oh, right. You don't know. There was a thump outside the window. *trots over and looks down to see... nothing* Huh, odd.

Laz said...

[so sorry, i'm feeling a little under the weather, and I better get some rest. Continue cooking without me if you like.]

Afro Mane said...

(Night!) *twitches slightly*

Afro Mane said...

*twitches again*

Pewny said...

@Afro Mane
*an ethereal leg shows up from nowhere and kicks him in the gut. Hard*

[Yes... I know, I'm bad at that whole quitting the blog thing...... If it goes like this I can just delete my comment frorm yesterday... Damn you blog.. Just something...... it's like a black hole...]

Afro Mane said...

*gets up, and looks around* Huh?

(I know, man. It's... unholy.)

Tinka Lot said...

(Toldja you'd be back. Nopony can leave forever. Just look at Aura and Trixie! They said they were leaving forever too! Trixie still appears regularly and Aura came back!)

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
(It's unholy, I'm tellin' ya. Something about pretending to be an anthropromorphic horse going on insane and awesome adventures
with other anthropromorphic horses.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
(You sound like one of those people who think everything was created by devils. "oh! It's a happy colorful little kid show about cute little ponies who like to make friends! It must be evil!)

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
(Damn right! "Wholesome tv", it's the DEVIL'S ENTERTAINEMENT!)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane

Slapstick said...

@Rita Lot

Leeky said...

[Hello Slapstick,]

Pewny said...

@Rita Lot @Slapstick @Leeky
[Hello ya'll... Yes, I am still here... And to tell the truth... I am staying. Really... I thouht that leaving is possible for me. But seems it's not. And well, I do already feel better, so I think it's safe. Soooo... yeah, not quitting. Although me RPing may still not happen, the reasons known XD]

Tinka Lot said...

(yay! Nopony can leave forever!)

Leeky said...

[*flying tackle hug*]

Pewny said...

@Rita Lot

[*gets tackle-hugged, falls to the ground, hugs back, laughs* Hey, Leeky, not so hard]

Leeky said...

[I am the master of hugs! :P
I am glad you're staying though :)]

Pewny said...

[*laughs* I can see that
And yes, I am. That was a stupid idea... This blog and all you people... It just attacts in too much XD]

Tinka Lot said...

(So what now?)

Leeky said...

@Rita Lot
[We drink tea!]

Tinka Lot said...

(With or without monocles?)

Leeky said...

@Rita Lot
[Monocles and hats.]

Pewny said...

[I fully agree with this statement m'lady]

Tinka Lot said...

(YAY! *puts on a monocle and a hat*)

Leeky said...

@Rita Lot
[Huzzah! Now, who bought the triangle cut sandwiches and scones?]

Tinka Lot said...

(The fun has been DOUBLED! HUZZZAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Leeky said...

@Rita Lot
[Miss Rita! We do not yell at the table.]

Pewny said...

[*sips tea quietly*]

Tinka Lot said...

(Sorry. *takes tiny bite of tiny sandwhich quietly*)

Leeky said...

[*takes a pause from sipping tea* So Sir Pewny, how is your family business doing?]

Leeky said...

@Rita Lot
[*gives a nod of approval* Do not worry, that is quite all right.]

Pewny said...

[*pauses himself* Ah. I will say, it's going quite good. Why, thank you for asking Lady Leeky *tips tophat and bows his head lightly*]

Tinka Lot said...

(*Sips tea quietly*)

Leeky said...

[I am glad to hear that. *turns to Rita* So how are yo fairing? *takes a small bight from a scone*]

Pewny said...

[*takes a bite of sandwich and sips tea again, listening*]

Tinka Lot said...

(I am fairing well. And you?)

Leeky said...

@Rita Lot
[Very well thank you. Oh, Sir Pewny. Do you know what are in these sandwiches?]

Tinka Lot said...

(*nods and looks at Pewny* Oh yes, do tell! They are quite divine!)

Pewny said...

@Leeky @Rita Lot
[*lightly shakes head* Please, forgive me Ladies Leeky and Rita, but that is a family secret.]

Leeky said...

[*looks somewhat uncomfortable* Well, if I may be so rude as to ask, there wouldn't be any cheese or onion in these sandwiches would there?]

Tinka Lot said...

(*blinks* Oh yes, I understand. Secret recipes and whatnot! I won't intrude.)

Pewny said...

[Oh, and why may you be asking m'lady? Are you by chance allergic to those?]

Tinka Lot said...

(*eats another tiny sandwich*)

Leeky said...

[Oh no! However as I'm sure you know, there is nothing more rude in polite society than for a stallion to have an odour of cheese or onion. *laughs*]

Pewny said...

[*chuckles* Ah yes, that is very true. Worry not m'lady, I assure you they are free of anything like that]

Tinka Lot said...

((You going ti slap him now?))

Leeky said...

[Of course, I would not expect anything else from a gentel-stallion like yourself *smiles and takes another sip of tea*]

Leeky said...

@Rita Lot
[[It would seem not XD]]

Pewny said...

[*smiles and bows* Oh, you flatter this simple stallion Lady Leeky]

Tinka Lot said...


(*Sips tea*)

Leeky said...

[Nothing that you don't deserve. Are you enjoying yourself Miss Rita?]

Quick Step said...

There's a troll on my computer and his took my work away!~,
I don't why and that's why I can't be a pony.~

Pewny said...

[*bows again and goes back to sipping his tea, occasionally taking a bite of a sandwich*]

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