Well, would you look at that. We've filled up our first post here in the new blog, hooray! So that brings us to-*counts on fingers* ...close to 30,000 posts!! Wow, everypony, just...wow. We need to send somepony to count EVERY post in Equestria Daily, see how many we need to match that *laughs* Anyway, heres our new post, and ADORABLE TWILIGHT SPARKLE for our new pic! Hee hee, its fun being able to pick the new pictures...in fact...I can post anything....hmm...
(.....I'll remove it later okay, sorry XD)
«Oldest ‹Older 2401 – 2600 of 4998 Newer› Newest»@Leeky
(Of course I am, Miss Leeky! What about this tea party is not to enjoy?)
((New page))
@Rita Lot
[Of course wouldn't be the blog if rita didn't say "NEW PAGE!"]
@Rita Lot
Do you always do that? I now understand why Jorge constantly bitches about it *locks his door before he comes after him* I shall barricade my door before you come after me.
@The Toasty Pancakes
(It's tradition.)
@Rita Lot
[Indeed, I am having a most splendid time.]
[[Hmm, I have to leave now. I might be back later.]]
@The Toasty Pancakes
[Don't make me come get you. I will make you suffer!]
((It's been splendid dear. Although I think I may be stuck talking like as such for a bit.))
Indeed indeed. Sir Pewny, Are you having a wonderful time as well?)
[[Alright Leeky, see you whenever you are back then]]
Alright, Alright, back to work for this brony! I'll comment when I has my PONY! DFSDFSDFSDFSFGSD! Oh sorry got a bit excited I accidently the keyboard...NO NOT LIKE THAT! Hmph! Get you minds outta the gutter! *leaves*
@Rita Lot
[Why yes Lady Rita, I am having a splendid time with you *sips tea*]
@The Toasty Pancakes
[...*mwah* G'night Everypony! *waves*]
(Indeed. *eats another tiny sandwhich*)
((Aaaaaand this got boring.))
@Rita Lot
[*finishes his sadwich and takes the last sip of tea*]
[[In a way, yes indeed]]
(Whoa, what? Pancakes?)
@Afro Mane
Thank you, thank you.
@Afro Mane
(Sonic's brother)
(Well, this was indeed fun, but it seems we have consumed all of our refreshments. We will have to do this another time. Ta ta! *leaves in a magical candy carriage pulled by butterflies*)
@Rita Lot
What are you, The FBA?!
@Rita Lot
[Ah yes. Well then, until next time Lady Rita, Lady Leeky *bows and leaves using unknown measures*]
@The Toasty Pancakes
(Don't blame me, blame Afro! He asked!)
@Rita Lot
(...What? We're British now?)
(Nice to see you back and in an RP, but...what?)
@Afro Mane
(We were having a tea party!)
@Rita Lot
(Alright.) *limps away from where he landed* Ow...
(Dunno. I don't really care about games like that. I do like lego Harry Potter though! Also hi!)
@Rita Lot
(You would, when you maybe get older and such ^^ And yes, Ill agree to that, Lego Harry Potter looks like alot of fun, but I'll be playing that later on. Also, haldo~)
(I can has RP?)
@Afro Mane
(I am gonna be eating pretty soon actually lol)
(Who needs food?)
(It is a lot of fun! It's based off the movies but they have little silly things in it!)
@Afro Mane
(um, everypony. It's kinda necessary to live.)
@Rita Lot
[Like every LEGO game so far XD]
@Rita Lot
(Right. Want a sandwich? I'll buy.)
(Yeah, pretty much. But then, I've only played this and lego star wars for game cube :P)
@Afro Mane
@Rita Lot
[And I only played first Star Wars (1,2,3), few levels of second one, and demo of Batman, so yeah XD]
(The don't even make game cube games anymore! 9_9)
@Rita Lot
(Fine. I'll go alone.)
@Afro Mane
(K. have fun.)
@Rita Lot
(Kay. Fine. I will. No burger for you.)
@Rita Lot
[Taking how long Wii, PS3 and 360 were around? Not big surprise. Although EA did release FIFA 12 on PS2 this year... What are they thinking? O_o]
@Afro Mane
(Don't like them anyway :P)
@Rita Lot
(I played the Star Wars games, and throughly enjoyed them all heh. Haven't played most of the others, but look forward to the Lego Harry Potter game)
(Dunno. But I'm used to nintendo devices and its confusing to us playstations.)
(The first one was just the first 4 movies, but the one with the others came out a few days ago. Why do so many games come out in november?)
@Rita Lot
(heh you think that is nuts, member, just yesterday about 7 games ALL came out at the same time, it's insane XD And well, the big reason is because of the holiday season, they make good good gifts.)
(true. Very true.)
[Well, it's still over a month till christmas, so why not release them on December then?]
@Rita Lot
(So yeah, this is why I got Skyrim, it'll last me a LONG time, for thins to do. Today was insane, took out 3 dragons! O.O)
(Too close for people to do layaway.)
(Early shoppers dude, early shoppers.)
(*gasp* What will spike say XD. It gets to the point in this fandom where you forget its about ponies. Then you look at something and you're like: Oh yeah, ponies. Cool.)
(I'm gonna hit the hay. Night everypony!)
@Rita Lot
(Night Rita ^^)
@Rita Lot
(Spike would say: FUS RO DAH!
*goes back to reading and watching videos*)
@Rita Lot
[Night Rita]
(Anyone on right now?)
(How about now?)
@Afro Mane
(I is.)
(I'm Back as well)
[Hello there Slapstick, everyone]
(how goes it?)
(Quite fine. And you?)
(I been good for the most part, Work has been hellish though but its getting closer to the holiday)
[Well then, aside from the work (which pretty much is normal XD) it's good. And yeah, closer and closer to them, eh?]
(LOL yeah this year has gone by uber fast, I been trying to come back into Blog cuz its been to long.)
[Yeeeeah, this year passes like crazy, just rrecently I was: "It has been almost 3 MONTHS since MARS BEGUN?" XD And yeah, you weren't around recently, but then again, you do have work, so it's understandable.]
(well thanks buddy! It seems like its been dead on the blog lately.)
[No problem XD And a bit, yeah, it got quite silent lately. Oh well, maaaaybe on weekend it will liven up]
@Rita Lot
[Hello there!]
@Rita Lot
(hey Rita)
@PewnyPL and Slapstick
(And I killed the convo.)
@Rita Lot
[I would guess that Slapstic just had to leave, and I had nothing to say, so yeah]
@Rita Lot
[There are leaving but never true Good-byes.
Anyway's I'm finally getting back to this. HOW BOUT THAT SHIIIT!]
(In the mean time, have some cute Apple Bloom!)
(My thoughts exactly!)
@Rita Lot
(*zips lips*)
(I'm gonna go now. had an exhausting day. See y'all later.)
(RP now?)
@Rita Lot
(lol I see you caught what i was doing lol Anyway, all done, and amazingly adorable picture ^^)
@Rita Lot
[Sure thing Rita, Good night]
@Rita Lot
(Night Rita ^^)
@Afro its late for me in a way too lol and my mind is fried due to work XD Perhaps tomorrow, I have a few ideas here and there, but need a working mind.)
(Fine, Slots and I will go on an adventure.)
(I am awake now!)
@Rita Lot
[Morning Rita *smiles*]
@Rita Lot
[How are you little one?]
(Fine. You?)
@Rita Lot
[That's good. And I am fine myself too ^_^]
@Rita Lot
[That there indeed is quite a happy face XD]
[ Wouldst somepony care to explain this? What on Equestria was going on!? ]
(Yup! Who's your favorite CMC? I can't decide between Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom.)
(Hi Luna! Oh, I remember that! It was a random RP. Mastermind was being Seapony Lyra in a bucket, who was then taken by Nightmare Moon who was riding a tricycle.)
[OOC: *sees the image, laughs hard to his memories*]
[I'm sorry princess... But my guess is as good as yours at the moment. I believe you propably should ask this question to an Earth Pony named Slots]
@Rita Lot
[I never, ever chose a "best pony" in anything. Too many problems and arguing on the net.]
(Not best pony, just favorite. Favorite is an opinion that other ponies can respect. Best pony means that you think this pony is better than all the other ponies and you don't care what other ponies say.)
@Rita Lot
[For me it was the same thing, so... Not any favorite ponies here]
(Oh. ok. do u have a least favorite?)
@Rita Lot
[Snips and Snails, "Twischt", Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon...... So much hate for foals, eh?]
(Yeah. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are EVIL)
@Rita Lot
[That they are, freaking bullies. And hypocritic too. Cutie Pox - telling Apple Bloom "That's your special talent"... Um, hello, you two have a freaking "big crown thingy" and a spoon for Cutie marks... What talents are THAT?!]
(I know! I was actually expecting Apple Bloom to point that out! New pony tomorrow! Woo!)
@Rita Lot
[Heh, I also awaited her to say that. Well, i guess guys at Studio B were like: "We gave them WHAT for CMs? F***! Oh well, ignore it" And indeed, pony day tomorrow, woooo]
I heard my name! I heard my name!
And Apple Bloom's having some problems. They disabled her thing so she can't come on.
@Sweetie Belle
[Disabled? What did they disable it for Sweetie?]
@Sweetie Belle
(Darn. Hi Sweetie Belle!)
They didn't say. She said they said 'your account has been disabled'.
Hi, Rita!
@Sweetie Belle
[Dumb Google...... Well then, a new account for AB then?]
@Sweetie Belle
(What about Scootaloo's? She say if anything was wrong with hers?)
Uhuh. She's waiting for them to say why.
What's going on? What about Apple Bloom?
Apple Bloom said her thing was disabled.
@Sweetie Belle
What does that mean?
It means she can't come on here now.
@Sweetie Belle
What? Why?
*Shrug* Iunno.
Shoo be doo~ Shoo shoo be doo~ (\(O▽O)/)
@Seapony Lyra
(Call upon the seaponies when you're feeling- AUGH! You got it stuck in my head!)
(Oh my dear Celestia that image is amazing! 8D So many good, hilarious times are tied to that idea alone! Woo!!)
((But this reminds me, I wonder if NMM forgot about Boxey, and has just left him to...well be a box. I still have him, put away up in my closet.))
((Really? You still have Nightmare Moon's box?))
@Rita Lot
((Well yeah, it was the one thing I saved from the fire. I kept it in hopes she'd finally trade me Mastermind Bucket.))
(Well, maybe Luna has the bucket?)
@Rita Lot
((Well, only Luna could tell me that, but her and Nightmare seem to be almost a separate entity now.))
(True. But you could always ask.)
@Rita Lot
(I suppose I could)
(Princess? Princess Luna, are you here?)
(You've got Afro, for about five minutes.)
@Rita Lot
@Rita Lot
[Again? *laughs* Oh Rita, you are such a silly filly sometimes *pats your head*]
(*sticks tongue out*)
@Rita Lot
[*chuckles* So, what do ya want?]
(I want tomorrow to come faster so I can watch new pony.)
@Rita Lot
[*laughs* That is what we all want. But we can't do that sadly.]
(Doctor Who probly could. It would be him watching his pony self!)
@Rita Lot
[Yeeeeah, Dr Who propably could. And maaaybe even our Doc here, I think it was said he had some space bending and TIME bending powers]
(Yes, but Sonic probably wouldn't let him watch before he did! XD )
@Rita Lot
[Propably? Heck no. There IS NO WAY he would let him do that XD]
[ Somepony called me? ]
(Because then there would be a possibility of Doc letting something slip about the episode and Sonic would get mad because he didn't want spoilers!)
(Yes, I did Princess, um...do you have a bucket?)
((I hate chores and how they take up my time...))
Shoo be doo~ Shoo shoo be doo~ Shoo be shoo shoo be doo~ (\(O▽O)/)
((Chores are stupid))
@Rita Lot
((They freaking are. also, lots of sea ponies today heh))
@Seapony Lyra
(Call upon the sea ponies when you're feeling dooooown! Careful as can be ponies, sea ponies! Shoo be doo, shoo shoo be doo!)
[ Nnnoooooo... I hath not seen any buckets. ]
(*raises eyebrow* Um...you dont sound very confident Princess...)
[ No, I am quite confident. I only question what involvement I hath with any buckets. ]
(Hi Princess!)
(Oh, I see, sorry your highness. It's just, well...About maybe a month ago, we had a visit from Nightmare Moon, and well, after a lengthy....'chase' scene, she took a bucket, and felt it was very important, I...I just want to make sure we get it back, because it was actually our friend.)
(*nods* There were even mimes doing the thriller dance!)
@Rita Lot
(*laughs* heh heh yes, Rita, there were, it...was quite the experience.)
(Aaaaand I'm off again ugh, I hate being dragged into shopping...be back)
((I'm starting to sound alot like Francis from Left 4Dead now :P))
((Never saw/read it.))
@Rita Lot
[DOCTOR WHO? DOCTOR WHO??? *grows rather tall and by rather I mean ginormous and start spouting out flames* HE'S CALLED THE DOCTOR!!! NOT "DOCTOR WHO" THAT'S THE NAME OF THE SHOW! RARARAR I'M ANGRY FAN!! YOU MUST DO AS I SAY! RAR RAR RAR RAR RAR!!!
@Rita Lot
(lol Hello Leeky XD)
[RAR! Hello! RAR!]
[...... Geez, relax girl...]
(lol don't get upset with me XD I didn't say anything about the Doctor XD)
((I know your kidding too, so no worries XD))
[*pants* He...he....Hello Everypony! I am home....Oh jeez my body is killing me...I'm ok though just winded from running so freaking fast. XD Anyway how are you all doing?]
[*sigh* Leeky, I do not watch Dr Who, nor I read any Whooves fanfiction. How was I supposed to know?]
[[I've just realised I've missed my last Awr Fawr...I feel conflicted.]]
[... *rolls eyes and leaves*]
Wait your walking out on my fan-rage rampage?
RAR! *more fire*]
[*is out of range and dissappears completely*]
*shrinks back to normal size*]
[*silence. Nothing happens*]
(If I didn't say the whole name he wouldn't have known if I was talking about the pony or the person.)
[*sits down and drinks tea*]
@Rita Lot
[*grows gigantic again* RAR! HE SHOULD KNOW WHO THE DOCTOR IS! FOR HE IS BEST DOCTOR! ROAAAAAAAARRRRRR!!*shrinks and continues to sip tea*]
[Yeah, hit my laptop with flash animations. It can barely whitstand blog, gmail and Skype...]
[*winces* DAAAAAAAAMN! YO Azz jus got Trashed! XD I would feel like. Well F**k me.XD]
(Sorry :P)
[[Funilly enough, the host on 'Children in Need' (charity telethon) just made the same 'Docto Who' name mistake XD]]
(hahahaha I laughed at that XD
and heh oh did he lol Well then XD)
Shoo shoo~ Shoo be doo~
[Darn it Leeky you trying to kill me with da funnies?! XD I fell off my chair laughing so hard.]
@Rita Lot
[Hello Rita and I bid you all good-bye for now until I return. Laters]
[Uh, yes...trying to kill you with humour...hehe...that's a funny joke, and in no way actually true as a part of my master plan to take over the world. *shifty eyes*
(Applejack Liar face. You're hiding something.)
[Now would be a good a time as ever to say that yesterday was my birthday.
*blows party favor*]
[And today is Sonic's... Go figure]
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