Well, would you look at that. We've filled up our first post here in the new blog, hooray! So that brings us to-*counts on fingers* ...close to 30,000 posts!! Wow, everypony, just...wow. We need to send somepony to count EVERY post in Equestria Daily, see how many we need to match that *laughs* Anyway, heres our new post, and ADORABLE TWILIGHT SPARKLE for our new pic! Hee hee, its fun being able to pick the new pictures...in fact...I can post anything....hmm...
(.....I'll remove it later okay, sorry XD)
«Oldest ‹Older 3401 – 3600 of 4998 Newer› Newest»@Rita Lot
[*melted in cheese... or CC ate him... or I dunno, something]
{Will stuck to the ceiling work?}
(*Looks up* oh, there he is.)
@Rita Lot
[*is glued to the celinin by sticky cheese. Not sure how he ended up there*]
(*looks up* ...How?!)
@Afro Mane
[*Ask Rita, her idea, he was dead all the time*]
(Morning Anypony)
(Hi, I'm back.)
@Rita Lot
(Hello Rita ^^)
(Went to the science center ^-^)
(Hi Slots, Hi Rita.)
(*looks up and laughs* Look at him!)
@Rita Lot
(Oh that sounds like it was fun!)
(hey there)
@Black Rain
(maybe we should get him down.)
@Rita Lot
(Good idea... *turns and grabs a stool*)
@Black Rain
I'm pretty sure he's dead.
@Black Rain
(No need for that! *horn lights up*)
Afro Mane
(Huh? What do you mean?)
@Rita Lot
(No no no, hear me out! *picks it up and throws it in the air, hitting Afro as it comes back down*)
@Black Rain
(...*watches*....Quick Step...no...get....why....throw?...)
@Black Rain
(... did you throw that just to hit Afro?)
Quick Step
(Oh, hey Quick Step.)
@Rita Lot
(*scratches head* That played out so much better in my head...)
@Rita Lot
@Black Rain
(Yeah, most things are like that.)
@Quick Step
@Rita Lot
(Ummm... *grabs a bigger chair*)
@Rita Lot
(*studies you*....Rita....nice....name......Hello.....)
@Black Rain
(*looks at him*.....Please....no...throw....*points at stool*....Example....)
@Quick Step
@Black Rain
@Rita Lot
((Derp! Here's what goes under Black Rain.))
(Um, no. *takes chair*)
@Rita Lot
(*gets chair taken away* Aww...)
@Black Rain
(We don't want you hurting anypony.)
@Rita Lot
(But-but-but... *slumps down*)
@Black Rain
(Sorry, but I don't think Afro or anypony else here wants permanent brain damage. Let me get him down. *magics away the cheese holding Pewny to the ceiling, sending him crashing into another pile of cheese)
@Rita Lot
(*laughs again* Oh man!)
@Black Rain
@Rita Lot
(No no, it's funny! He's like...not..even.....moving......)
@Black Rain
(How is that funny?)
@Rita Lot
[*He is dead and now battered. What next?*]
@Rita Lot
(*turns to her* This is your fault. I'm not cleaning him up.)
(*a ton of cheese falls off the ceiling* Oops.)
@Black Rain
(Neither am I.)
@Rita Lot
(*pauses, then turns to Afro, who he assumes is on the ground still* Hey, dude. Uh, you kinda need to clean something up...)
(*pokes dead Pewny*...Dead....no...good.....why.....)
@Black Rain
(I'll do the cheese, not him. *starts levitating cheese*)
@Quick Step
@Rita Lot
@Black Rain
(*whacked in the head by a stool, and knocked unconscious, landing in the fondue*)
@Quick Step
(Eh, he'll be alive again before too long. Nopony stays dead forever around here. I know a mare who died several times before, now she's still alive.)
@Afro Mane
(*watches you* where'd the stool come from.)
@Rita Lot
(*steps back* Uhhh....heh.)
@Rita Lot
(*looks to you*....That....wrong...still.....Quick Step....know.....He....almost....died.....)
@Quick Step
(Really? What happened? *realizes something* OH! Not that you have to tell us, of course. You don't have to if you don't want to.)
@Black Rain
(No, you threw that one a while ago.)
@Rita Lot
(I may or may not have thrown another...)
@Rita Lot
(*shakes head* Quick Step....can't.....not....ready.....Master....says.....too.....traumatic.....)
@Black Rain
(*facehoof* Rain. I thought I told you not to throw any more furniture!)
@Quick Step
(OK. I won't push. You can tell us when you're ready.)
@Rita Lot
(No you didn't. you just took it away...)
(*right hind leg twitches*)
@Black Rain
@Afro Mane
(*grabs hoof* You act as if that hurt...)
@Black Rain
(Wood... Head... Heavy...)
@Afro Mane
(Heh heh! It's like when a dog is sleeping, and he has a dream about chasing something!)
[[...... Could I be ressurected finally? I mean, the whole death thing is not canon, since Sonic killed me in []s, so fully OOC but come on... How long can it take XD]]
(*punches in the stomach* GET UP!)
@Black Rain
(Don't think that's gonna work.)
@Rita Lot
(Hmm...i'm no doctor, but I don't think he's okay...)
[Pretty far.XD It gets the Rp going]
@Black Rain
(He'll come back soon enough. Like I said. Nopony around here stays dead for long.)
(*twitches again*)
@Afro Mane
(*throws him up* Get up! *balances him on all fours* Stay....stay...)
@Black Rain
@Black Rain
(*drops to a sitting position, and hazilly looks up at Black Rain* ...Momma...?
@Black Rain
(*drops to a sitting position, and hazilly looks up at Black Rain* ...Momma...?)
@Afro Mane
(*facehoofs and whispers* Celestia...)
@Afro Mane
(*falls on the floor laughing, dropping the cheese that was being levitated onto Rain*)
@Rita Lot
(*gets covered* *sighs*)
@Black Rain
(*still giggling* Sorry.)
@Rita Lot
(mhm. *shakes most of the cheese off, some is still in his hair* This'll take forever to get out...)
[I didn't read, so I assume melted cheese]
@Black Rain
(*hides a smile*)
@Black Rain
@Rita Lot
(*starts picking where it is stuck* This is bothering me...Do you have some magic for this? You seem to have a lot of it.)
@Black Rain
(Um, no hair washing spells. I can pull it out though. *starts tugging on the cheese*)
@Rita Lot
(*closes one eye* AAH! Not so hard!)
(Huh? *shakes self awake* Okay, what happened?)
@Afro Mane
(*rolls his eyes as cheese is getting pulled* Hi son! *laughs*)
@Black Rain
(Sorry. *pulls more gently*)
[And then I read this and with powers that I have over the interwebz...you are alive once again....MAGIC!]
@Black Rain
(What? *tilts head quizzically*)
@Afro Mane
(*rofls again*)
@Rita Lot
(AH! You're tugging again!)
@Rita Lot
(*looks at her* Wh-what's so funny?)
@Afro Mane
@Black Rain
(*calms down* Heh. Sorry. *stops tugging*)
(Whatever. *raises to all fours, and notices about half a pound of fondue in his hair* ...Buuuuck...)
@Afro Mane
(*tugs it out of your hair*)
@Afro Mane
(*looks over* Yeah buddy, now you know how I--OW!--feel...)
@Black Rain
@Rita Lot
(...AAAAHHHA-HA-HAAA!! Owwww...)
@Afro Mane
@Afro Mane
@Quick Step
(Yeah, not fun...ow)
@Rita Lot
(Look, whatever. Anypony wanna go to the bar or something?)
@Afro Mane
(*looks around* Are any of us even OLD enough?)
(Guuuuuess who's back from getting his paycheck and picked up Skyward Sword and is freaking enjoying the bonus CD with wonderful Music!? 8D)
[*points at you* THAT GUY! *brohoofs* Nice! Enjoy the game it took five years to make but is totally worth the buy.:D]
@Black Rain
(Ponyville has a drinking age?)
(*brohoofs* INDEED!! I SHALL enjoy tyhis game, and of course its okay to wait, its freaking ZELDA!!! 8D)
@Afro Mane
(*shrugs* You tell me!)
@Black Rain
(I've been to Ponyville's bar before.)
@Afro Mane
(Do they serve apple juice?)
@Afro Mane
(I'm pretty sure the three of us are too young. Young ponies tend to do stupid things when drunk.)
[Geekout like the Zelda fanboys we are....Check....Still have to geek out for another 10 minutes. DIE GANONDORF! DSGFGDFGDFGD! That was me, Wrecking all over him. XD]
(dude you have no idea right now (sister is yelling at me to stop raising my hands like Im directing the music XD) I just cant wait to start playing this game and get into Zelda again, it has been far too long, too many 360 games.)
@Black Rain
(I... Think so.)
@Rita Lot
(*turns to her and coos* Oh, look at you, trying to be the voice of reason. *turns to the kitchen entrance* Let's roll, Bronies. *trots toward the door, attempting to place swagger into his walk*)
@Afro Mane
(*sees how you walk* You sure you're not drunk already?)
@Rita Lot
*to Afro*
@Afro Mane
(*looks* You look stupid.)
@Quick Step
(*nods* yeah. We do.)
@Rita Lot
@Quick Step
(Always makes me laugh when stallions think that this will impress mares. Happens surprisingly often.)
@Rita Lot
(And some mares even LIKE it! Looks like you gotta use the bathroom all the time to me.)
@Black Rain
(Uhuh. I don't like stallions who do that. I'd like a colt who could just be him...self. *realizes is surrounded by colts right at this very second and that this is very awkward*)
@Rita Lot
[[Let the shipping commence]]
@Rita Lot
{Shut up, you!}
@Quick Step
@Rita Lot
(Well, you're already above the bar for most of the kids at my school)
@Everypony *stops at the door* Alright, alright... *turns around* I can see my swag is too fly for you.
@Afro Mane
(Yeah, cause anypony with a brain could like that...)
@Afro Mane
@Black Rain
@Afro Mane
(*double facehoof + face-cheese)
@Rita Lot
(*looks* What? It's true!)
@Black Rain
@Black Rain
@Quick Step
(*is very confused* Did I...what?)
@Black Rain
(Alright, I get it.)
@Black Rain
(*shakes head*.....Nevermind...)
(*still blushing*)
@Afro Mane
(I don't think you really get it. But are we going inside or what? I'm freezing!)
@Rita Lot
(*notices* You cold too? Heh.)
@Black Rain
(Huh? U-uh yeah! Cold. Totally.)
@Rita Lot
(Come.....let's.....go......need....to....see.....how......mares....laugh....at....*point to Afro*...him.........)
@Quick Step
(heh heh! Yeah!)
@Quick Step
(*laughs* Yeah, cotton candy pony, why don't you try your "swag" on the other ponies?)
((Daw this is adorable watching this ^-^))
((*eyebrow raise*))
@Rita Lot
((what? I have never in this blog life seen you blush heh!))
@Rita Lot
[[Be honest Rita, you feel something for Black Rain, that's why you blush *smiles*]]
@Slots and Pewny
(( XP ))
@Black Rain
(*stares straight at him for a few seconds, then backs off*
@Rita and company
Just stay cool, and everything will be okay.
@Afro Mane
(What? They'll know we're under age. We're a lot shorter than you.)
@Rita Lot
@Quick Step
(Yeah. And Afro doesn't have the most common sense. He once set of explosive in a forest.)
@Afro Mane
(I'm still wondering why we're here anyways. I didn't agree to come.)
@Black Rain
(Neither did I.)
@Black Rain
(....Wait....*facehoofs*.....We......some....how.....walked......without....noticing......Quick Step.....feel.....dumb.....)
((Did Somepony say they were too young to enter a bar? Well, young no longer! For just five easy payments of ten bits, you can be so much older! Or, for ten payments of five bits, you could be disguised as other ponies to get in!
Order today!
Warning: Product only works when injested mixed into a liquid. Some products may take a bit to work. Ask your doctor if you suffer from not-turning-back-itis.
(Yes, I am lurking, but busy playing Skyrim)))
@S.Aura Knight
(Or, you know, we could do the old fashion trench coat method to make us look older.)
@Black Rain
(I call not bottom!)
@Rita Lot
(....I....bottom....I....good at seeing...past....objects........training.....for....eyes.....)
@Quick Step
(Ya sure you can hold us? Also, TOP!)
((And thus Foal Saga was born again....without any of us becoming fillies or colts XD))
@Black Rain
(*nods*.....Quick Step.....deal....with.....worse......go ahead.....I.....no mind....)
@Quick Step
(*gets up on your back* If we get busted, we tell them it was Afro's idea. Agreed?)
@Quick Step
(Alright! Lets go! *jumps on top*
I think we need a coat...)
@Black Rain
(Yeah, a coat would be good.)
@Rita Lot
(*produces coat* I.....use....this.....to.....*pauses*....Nevermind......put on......)
@Quick Step
(I don't wanna know. *levitates coat around us*)
@Quick Step
(*skeptic look* Alright...everypony ready?)
@Black Rain
@Black Rain
*nods*....Ready....Forward...*moves with ease forward using magic to guide his movements*
@Quick Step
(*whisper* You guys do the movements with your magic. I'll be the talker. Got it?)
@Quick Step
(*wobbles a bit but still manages to stay on your back and keep Rain on mine*)
@Black Rain
(*whispers* got it, but what am I supposed to do?)
@Black Rain
(*nods* Fine.....I.....don't.....talk.....much.....anyway.....)
@Rita Lot
(*shrugs* Look....adorable.....Quick Step....don't know.......be the middle while....we.....somehow.....get.....in)
@Rita Lot
(I don't think Quick can do everything. you help with the magic. *they push through the door, a small, lightless room filled with a few ponies. they all stare at them*)
@Quick Step
(*wobbles* *whispers* OK. and don't shrug.)
@Rita Lot
(*nods* Ok....Bad...idea....never....again.....*walks forward into the bar, he walks to Afro*....Hush...now...)
@Quick Step
(*puts head back in* What do you want to drink?)
@Black Rain
(Non-alcoholic apple juice.)
@Black Rain
@Quick Step@Rita Lot@Black Rain
(*calls out from the bar* Hey stranger, how's it going!?)
@Quick Step
(Alright. Hold on... *looks over the shelves* There doesn't seem to be any apple juice. What a world....Take a look at what you want, he's not looking. I don't know what any of this is...)
@Black Rain
(*peeks through coat* *whispers* Um, I don't think Marely Temples are Alcoholic. I think I've had one before. It's just lemon/lime soda and cherry juice.)
@Rita Lot
(....Give....some....Never...tried....soda....good....had....orange cream...once...)
@Quick Step
(*whispers* WE should be quiet now.)
@Rita Lot
(*whispers* What's gin?)
@Rita Lot
(*nods and whispers*....sorry....)
@Black Rain
(*whispers* Alcohol.)
*chatting with an uninterested mare*
@Rita Lot
(Ah. What about brandy?)
@Black Rain
(*whispers* Alcohol.)
@Rita Lot
(*getting impatient* Vodka?)
@Black Rain
(*whispers* Hint.....look lower....usaully.....non-liquior....lower....)
@Quick Step
(*sighs* I'm not thirsty anyways..*waves bartender down*)
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