Well, would you look at that. We've filled up our first post here in the new blog, hooray! So that brings us to-*counts on fingers* ...close to 30,000 posts!! Wow, everypony, just...wow. We need to send somepony to count EVERY post in Equestria Daily, see how many we need to match that *laughs* Anyway, heres our new post, and ADORABLE TWILIGHT SPARKLE for our new pic! Hee hee, its fun being able to pick the new pictures...in fact...I can post anything....hmm...
(.....I'll remove it later okay, sorry XD)
«Oldest ‹Older 3201 – 3400 of 4998 Newer› Newest»@Leeky
(Here in Vegas, they can be sadly quite common. Drugs have gotten into schools here and there, heck, I've seen the stuff slip in.
But, compared to other cites, we have it better controlled than many other cities in the US may have. It's still bad for them to slip into the schools, but thankfully it isn't anything truly hardcore.
Does that answer your question?)
(new page!)
[The latter.
Yup, I think, sort of. Well it answers the question but I have no idea what I was asking in the first place now that I come to think about it.
@Rita Lot
Yeah, sorry. Weird question.
It's just...drug raids on farms.
I mean it makes sense, I guess when you think about it...
It's just the sort of thing that feels like it wouldn't happen.
Have I scared everyone away?]
@Leeky[Um no I just got home. XD]
(No Leeky you haven't, I have to step off to clean a kitchen over here, don't worry, you haven't upsetted anyone, okay? *smiles*)
[*shrugs* No, not really.]
@Rita Lot
[*laughs* Hey Rita. ^^]
( :) )
@Rita Lot
Here you go Rita! Make sure to use the choice 'from the web' and post the link, to keep it that size, let me know if anything is off!)
(Ok, I switched it!)
@Rita Lot
[Looks Good!]
[Oh sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. But I sometimes tend to scare people into silence when I say weird stuff. hehe. But well, I seemingly haven't, that's good. I guess XD]
[...Leeky if you were to see me on my birthday...Slots,Pewny...you know what I'm talking about...That stuff was weird.]
(Not sure I wanna know.)
@Rita Lot
[You don't EVER want to know. All you need to know.]
[You mean how you were chased around school by five ho- *gets shot*]
[*holds gun and blows smoke away* All you need to know]
(That's the first time I've ever seen somepony take credit for that.)
[They're gonna find out sooner or later...not by you but by other methods of communication. No not by me...You crazy if you think I'm gonna do that.]
*raises eyebrow*
(*cold cheese fondue falls on your head*)
[*looks at you all*
What, you don't wanna know. Simple as that really.]
@Rita Lot
[*laughs* OH SNAP!]
@Quick Step
(*shrugs* had some cheese leftover from yesterday.)
@Rita Lot
[I kinda saw that and I'm laughing at him for that.]
@Quick Step
(*nods* I see.)
(It got quiet)
@Rita Lot
Kitchen, again, and then off to get my sister from school. Not good to type with wet hands :P)
(Everypony else got quiet too)
@Rita Lot
[I got nothing to say really. XD]
@Rita Lot
(They being sneaky, lurky ponies. *looks back and forth* *whispers* Watch your back...)
@Rita Lot
[*is dead*]
(*more fondue falls on you*)
@Rita Lot
(He's dead why would you pour more fondue on him.)
(*shrug* need to do something with all this fondue)
(Wait, why is Pewny dead?)
@Afro Mane
(Don't worry about it.)
@Afro Mane
(Ask Sonic *points*)
Well, dead ponies taste pretty good with fondue.
(...And you know this how?)
@Rita Lot
[He's the pony who holds a cleaver and stuff I thought that was pretty obvious.]
@Rita Lot
...I was raised on a farm.
@Quick Step
(*eyebrow raise*)
@Rita Lot
@Rita Lot
(...Don't care ta' elaborate any further if you don't mind...)
(*Fondue falls on ur head*)
@Rita Lot
[Pony no explain to Rita...You get fondue on head! Simple equation.]
@Rita Lot; zSONICoz
(...Can't say I wasn't expectin' that... *Shakes body violently.*)
(*fondue to the head*)
(*more fondue drops from the sky*)
(*facehoofs* Rita...What the Buck....really..)
[*shrugs* Eh, something or the other what's not to expect from this blog.]
@Rita Lot
Ah heck no! *Leaps out of the way.*
*shakes head*
Quick Step...confused...only...food...why run....eat...
(*the fondue follows you and hits you in the face*)
(And for zSONICoz, fondue to the head.)
{That's for not getting the reference.}
@Rita Lot
(*Dripping wet.* ...Of course.)
@Rita Lot
(*sarcasm* YAY!)
[Rita, I do get it. REACTIONS! DO YOU HAVE THEM? XD]
(More fondue to the head!)
{Oh. You should have made it clearer.}
@Rita Lot
(*covered*...Well this sucks...)
[I know, I've been getting that]
(*Suddenly, the room explodes into fonduey goodness, and everything is covered. Except Rita and a small area around her.*)
@Rita Lot
(*Trots back in after the explosion*
*looks around*...Yellow...Sticky...)
@Rita Lot
(Taaackle!! *jumps from nowhere and grabs you, pulling you into the fondue, laughing and giggling* Hi Rita!!)
@Quick Step
(*trots to you wiping himself off* Hey there Quick Step...Feeling better?)
(Hi Terra!! *strangely, not a speck of fondue is on her*)
@Rita Lot
(What are ya doing with all this cheese? *laughs and dunks her head into it, coming back out more yellow than blue*)
(*nods* Yes....pain...still...present....not much...fading.)
(Throwing it at ponies! It's fun!)
@Quick Step
That's good...have you tried the fondue?)
@Rita Lot
(*giggles* I see, it seems fun! Everypony is here, and it's tasty! *licks her face a bit*)
(...*picks some up and sniffs it. Eats it.*...Good...*picks up some more and inspects it*)
(*levtates some off the growing pile and eats* Mm.)
@Rita Lot
(*shakes a bit off her coat* So, what now? *looks around* this is alot of cheese, we don't have to clean it up, do we? *tilts head*)
@Quick Step
(Quick Step, why don't you go play with Rita and Terra. I'm sure you could have some fun with them.)
(Nah, it'll go away by itself with a spell. *horn glows purple and the cheese is all gone... then it all comes back and lands on CC*)
@Rita Lot
(*giggles watching* wow, that's really cool! Your about as good at magic like Twilight and Trixie!!)
(*looks at you*
........No....Quick Step......no want.....no trust.......trust...Sonic....and Master...only.....ponies...hurt....Quick Step....no...hurt.....no....more.........)
@Rita Lot
(Uhuh. Yep. *Sighs.*)
@Quick Step
(You have to open up to the others sometime...)
(Yeah, except when things backfire.)
(......Quick Step....open....when....Quick Step...want....)
@Rita Lot
(Oh, well Mommy doesn't lose much control of her magic, but I know Twilight has sometimes, but she is still really really good, even if Mommy says otherwise!)
@Quick Step
(*sigh* Things would be easier if your Master was here...)
...*shifts uneasily at the words you speak*...
@Quick Step
(*looks over and smiles, waving big*)
(*looks away from you not responding to you*
@Quick Step
(*looks down at you*
Go on she won't hurt you, Come on Quick Step....)
@Quick Step
(*stops waving and tilts her head in curiosity, still smiling*)
(*shakes head*
....*softly* no....no....want....)
(...*shifts behind Sonic*...)
@Quick Step
(*closes eyes slightly but still looks over, tilting head the other way, still smiling*)
(*looks to Sonic*
@Quick Step
(*smiles at you*
She is only saying hello to you.
*looks to Terra*
Hello Terra! How have you been? *trots to you*)
(*stays behind you staying hidden*)
(Oh, Hi Mr. Sonic! *gets up and shakes off the rest of the cheese and trots up* I've been good, just been with Daddy! *looks behind you* who's your friend?)
That's good. *laughs* Terra meet Quick Step. *motions to Quick Step*
Don't be shy now Quick Step, come say hello.)
(...Aaand... There. *Shaking the last bit of fondue off him.* Clean again... *He takes a step, and then and slips, again covering himself.*
...I should really stop sayin' these things out loud.)
[And I find out that my last Awr Fawr that I missed due to sickness was actually good. Yup, definitely that sort of day.
Goodnight everybody!]
[G'night Leeky. Sleep well]
(Night Leeky!)
(*looks at Terra studying her*
(Oh, I see!)
@Quick Step
(*looks to you* Hello, Quick Step, my name is Terra! 8tilts her head like you do, slightly studying as well*)
(*looks back and giggles* Are you okay, Mr. CC?)
(*Studies some more*...Hello...Terra....)
@Quick Step
(*tilts head the way you do, giggling slightly* Hello~! How are you, Quick Step?)
(*looks down*
@Quick Step
(Huh? Lucky? In what?)
(*walks in*)
@Quick Step
(...Nevermind....Quick Step....talk too much....Terra...stay happy. *gives you a small smile*)
@Quick Step
(*tilts head the other way* Oh...okay then. Um, I will, but you should to, Quick. *smiles and give him a hug* we all should be so!)
@Black Rain
(*looks over* Oh, hello! Hmm....have I met you? I feel I've seen you before!)
(Yeah? I think you took a liking to my sister, Sugar?)
*smiles and hugs you back*...thank...you....Terra....
@Black Rain
(Sugar...Sugar, OH! That filly I met on Nightmare night, huh!?)
@Quick Step
(*nods and giggles slightly* Your welcome Quick!)
(*nods* Yeah. I think...who's your friend?)
@Black Rain
(Oh, this is Quick Step, he's somepony new, like you! But uh, he doesn't sound like he likes talking. so um, we should let him speak if he wants to!)
@Black Rain
(...name....Quick Step....who...are...you?)
@Quick Step
(*holds out hoof* Name's Black Rain!)
@Black Rain
(*cowers away from your hoof*)
@Quick Step
(*looks at you* Quick?)
(Be back in a little. DINNER!)
(*hides himself under his hooves*.....no.....no.....no....hit....no....hit......No....hurt....Quick Step.....please....)
@Quick Step
(*tilts head in concern* Quick?? *nuzzles lightly* Calm down, he..he isn't going to hurt you?)
(*shivers*...No....Mommy....Daddy....why.....why....hurt...Quick Step....Quick Step....no...hurt....Quick Step....loved.....why.....why....*cries softly*.....Only....want...love....)
@Quick Step
(*trots to you and hugs you*...It's Ok Quick Step...)
(*looks up to you* Mr. Sonic...?)
(*looks to you*
Yes, Terra?)
(Is...is Quick....going to be okay? *tilts head*)
(*nods and smiles*
Yes, he just needs time to adjust...*nuzzles Quick*)
(*shivers and sniffs*...)
(Oh...okay then. As..as long as he gets better, we all deserve to be happy *slightly smiles*)
(brb ponies. Things to do now)
[Take your time.]
(He will, don't worry Terra.)
(*puts hoof down and turns to him* Did I do that?)
@Black Rain
(No, far from that really...Quick is just..afraid of hooves of ponies he doesn't know...he's never known a proper hoofshake...)
(*puts hoof out to him* Do you?)
@Black Rain
(*nods* Of course. *shakes his hoof* Black Rain I over heard before Quick's episode. You may call me Sonic.)
(Sonic. Awesome name! So, uh, should I not ask why he's afraid?)
@Black Rain
(*nods* It's...a bit unhappy..I don't want you being unsettled by it.)
((I have returned!))
@Rita Lot
[Welcome Back. ^^]
(*smiles, and lowers his eyes* Buddy, it takes a lot for ME to be unsettled. But I'll take your word for it.)
@Black Rain
(*nods* Alright then. Quick how are you holding up?)
(*stands up and wipes the last few tears away*...Better...)
@Quick Step
(I think somepony needs some cheering up! *throws more fondue at Sonic*)
@Rita Lot
(Blurgh *Covered*...*snickers then Laughs*)
(*looks at you*....Why...laugh?...You...covered....)
@Quick Step
(*smiles at you*
Because it's all in good fun Quick Step. She doesn't want to harm you or me. She's just looking to have fun. Do you want to have fun?)
*smiles a bit*
[Ugh, Sorry guys...mind is dead and I need some sleep now. I'll talk to you all later.]
@Quick Step
*chuckles* That's the spirit.
[Alright guys Laters.]
{Laters everypony}
(I'm still here.)
@Rita Lot
[I'm back, but I can only make sporadic appearances, doing stuff]
@Black Rain
@Rita Lot
(*runs in, knocking into her*)
@Black Rain
(Ow! *falls into pile of fondue, still getting none on self*)
@Rita Lot
(AAH! *falls face first into a fondue pile*)
@Black Rain
(You OK?)
@Rita Lot
(*turns and licks his face clear* Yep! Mmmm, good!)
@Black Rain
(Yeah, it's a bit cold though. Y'know, I don't think we've met before. I'm Rita. *holds hoof out*)
@Rita Lot
(*shakes it violently* Black Rain. But you can call me Rain.)
@Black Rain
(*discreetly shakes hoof out after you stop shaking* Nice to meet you, Rain.)
@Rita Lot
(*studies you* Hmm, not really the adventurous type, i'm guessing?)
@Black Rain
(No, not really. HOw'd you guess?)
@Rita Lot
(*shakes hoof like she did* Good guesser. And you let ponies in without asking why they're there in the first place. Kinda like me.)
@Black Rain
(Interesting. Now that you mention it, why are you here?)
(*Wanders in* Hey, Rita, hey... Other pony. *looks down* ...Who melted?)
@Afro Mane
(*looks* Your head made out of cotton candy?)
@Afro Mane
(Nopony. It's fondue.)
@Black Rain
(Nooo... *looks back at melted goop, then Rita* CC? Aura?)
@Afro Mane
@Afro Mane
@Afro Mane
(The lady said nopony. *sicks a hooffull of fondue in his mouth* See?)
@Black Rain
(*BAM. FONDUE MOUTH* Mph? Mmmm... Mmhmm. *swallows* Yup. Fondue. Kinda cold.)
@Afro Mane
(*laughs* Just kidding. It's totally a pony.)
@Afro Mane
(Remember the swiss cheese from yesterday? That's where I made it from)
@Black Rain
(*stares* ...Yer bluffin'.)
@Afro Mane
(*rolls eyes* Yeah, like i'd make you eat REAL pony!)
@Black Rain
@Rita Lot
(If you tell me you're a cannibal...)
@Black Rain
(No, not that. But Pewny's been under the Fondue for a while now, and...)
@Black Rain
@Rita Lot
@Black Rain
(Oh, Our friend. He's a pegasus.)
@Rita Lot
(Still don't see what this has to do with you eating him.)
@Black Rain
(We aren't. He's just been underneath the fondue for a while.)
@Rita Lot
(*sees a lump* Hmm, that can;t be good for him.)
@Black Rain
@Rita Lot
(*pokes the lump* Okay this is weird...)
@Black Rain
@Rita Lot
(*looks back* Not very talkative, eh?)
*Asleep in the corner, on the ground, after having cleaned himself again again again.*
@Rita Lot
(*Looks at lump* Sh...should we help him?)
@Afro Mane
@Rita Lot
[*still dead*]
(*moves away cheese from the lumo to find... nothing.* Oh, I guess he's somewhere else.)
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