Friday, October 21, 2011

Da Munsters Guys!!

Well, would you look at that. We've filled up our first post here in the new blog, hooray! So that brings us to-*counts on fingers* ...close to 30,000 posts!! Wow, everypony, We need to send somepony to count EVERY post in Equestria Daily, see how many we need to match that *laughs* Anyway, heres our new post, and ADORABLE TWILIGHT SPARKLE for our new pic! Hee hee, its fun being able to pick the new fact...I can post anything....hmm...


(.....I'll remove it later okay, sorry XD)


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Quick Step said...

@Afro Mane
(*giggles* But is Somepony there to receive you?)

Anonymous said...

[*gives up*]

they give their thanks, and are on their way towards town

Afro Mane said...

(I have no idea.)

Quick Step said...

(I'm sorry. I hope I didn't upset you)

*watches them as they go before returning to Lazulic.*

Anonymous said...

[not you, me]

Quick Step said...

(Perhaps you could try again sometime. I'll be glad to help you.)

Mysterious, Disembodied Voice said...

[ We would much rather not return there. ]

Afro Mane said...

*tries the door* Locked. Hayseeds. Well, I'll pay for it. *backs up, gallops at full speed, and rams right through a window* ...Never fails.

Anonymous said...

"Um, where are we going anyways?"

"Wherever we need to. Until somepony is nice enough to take us in."

they continue to walk aimlessly wherever they may go

Afro Mane said...

(We cannot get anything going.)

Mysterious, Disembodied Voice said...

[ I'm not going anywhere with all these... things... around me! Crawling, Squirming. Wriggling. Creeping. Leaping. Snaking. Slithering. Lunging. Dragging.

Burning! ]

Anonymous said...

[Why not just finally acknowledge that the blog is dead? Slots doesn't even come here anymore. Rita disappeared without word. Pewny came back to lurking. Aura's plot is going slower that a snail. Sonic and Lazulic try to do some random plot, which doesn't really work. Afro tries to put himself in, works for a whle, then nothing. Honestly, is there even any point to it now?]

Slots said...

(Look guys I am deeply sorry that I haven't been showing up, like, at all. I have been reading the blog, and keeping up with what you guys do, but sadly, I haven't, well, found a way to Rp really in any of them. Plots come and go, and other times, its work. I sadly have gotten pretty busy.

I understand how everyone feels, no plots are going anywhere, as well as drop dead when no one comes back to do them. I understand that. But, I really would like this to flourish...

But I know I can't expect that without trying to make the time needed to participate and actually BE here, because without me, well, it leaves it very limited. Im deeply sorry everyone feels this way, I really do. Please, if it we can try to do something, lets. Im here, I will Rp any role asks me to do with any OC I have, just, *sighs* I dont want this to die.)

Anonymous said...

[Oh, so you are here. I thought you were dead or something. And you could just write OOC messages then. A lot did that, among them CC, Pewny and Luna. Well, maybe luna wasn't really OOC, who knows her. And there were too many plots dead. While I don't mind grimdark ones dying, there were some fun ones that we never came back to. And you Rping as your OCs? With who? You are the only one that answered this comment. Nobody else cared.]

Slots said...

(I know, and I don't blame you for thinking as such. and I know, Pewny got on my case for not doing that myself, so you have all the right to be angry by then. And yes i know, grimdark Rps have been going on alot here, which is no problem, but, I dont care much for them either. To be honest, I think I need to bring the mansion back, even if Mastermind has yet to show up. I need to, i think the RPers miss it. and well....true, no one else is here...yet. They do show up later on. I know two are here,, at least. and if my OCs can save this, I will RP as them, any of them. and there is someone that cares, Me. And you, whoever you are.)

Pewny said...

(So what, just drop everything and go away? Without even trying? I think Aura's plot can set things straight here. We just need to wait for it to have a chance to develop. And don't be so harsh on Slots. Maybe he didn't comment anything lately, but why think he is not here? Should've just asked if he is around)

Anonymous said...

@Slots @Pewny
[You two may be right. The mansion did give everyone a chance to fit into anything without problem. But can YOU bring it back? Some time ago Mastermind said herself she will come back here. I don't think bringing back the mansion would do good for her. And yes, that plot. The plot that moves so slow it does nothing? So far only Aura roleplayed with herself, no other people were involved. The moment it seemed it would go for something more it just went silent once again. If it is going to be like that I don't see a future for it. Especially with how she argues about those plans of hers. She just can't take any changes to it. That's the exact same thing that happened on previous blog. She started bitching how the mansion burning down won't let her bring her kid in.]

Pewny said...

(... Aura was "bitching" about it only because our foal was planned for like 2 or 3 weeks. That sunday was the day it was to show up NO MATTER WHAT. It was a last chance, or "fuck it". And then suddenly no way to do it.)

Slots said...

(it did do so for alot of us in so many ways. But....that is true, Mastermind wants to come back, at some point. But...can the blog stay alive til that point? *sighs* If only I could contact her in some way...And as for the plot, Aura has stated to me she wants all the bloggers here, to do a grand one. But, so far lots of ponies have been kept bust, one, being Leeky. Which in her case, she really cant help because of her time frame. we can save this. I just need to put more effort in showing up, like the others do.)

Anonymous said...

@Pewny @Slots
[So what it was planned for so long? The mansion was supposed to be brought back after 10 days. It would propably be cut short to one week. And then you would have the chance. Or just think up something to be able to do it in Ponyville. But no, better to say "last night didn't happen" just for the sake of ONE plan. And really Slots? You need to bring in the mansion now, but you can wait for one pony to show up? I see some contradictions here]

Slots said...

(look I dont know what to do, alright Anon? Here we have you declaring the blog is dead, and well, its just putting me in a sad mood. I...if you think we can wait for Mastermind, fine, I will wait. If I can wait for Leeky and such for our plots, I can do so for Mastermind as well. But then, I need to do something then, cause not doing so is dropping this.)

Anonymous said...

[Well... Seems I picked up a very wrong topic now. Seems all of you are losing faith in saving it. I just tried to point out that if you did try to do more, it could be saved. But instead we are just arguing why we are not doing anything. I won't tell you who I am. I don't need to get yelled at more by you two than I already was]

Slots said...

(I am not arguing that its dead, I WANT to save this. I CAN save this. I KNOW I can. I did so for us once when we lost the older blog, I'll do so here too. I just need help. And if you really want to save it too, I need you to play as ponies then. react, ask me who to be and I will be.)

Anonymous said...

[Not at the moment. I don't want you to know who I am. I don't want you and Aura to start yelling at me. I know that would happen. I just posted this and most likely crushed both of your hopes]

Slots said...

(You dont have to tell me who you are then, sicne I have no idea who it is. But I need help. Go anon, make random profiles, I dont care. My dreams have yet to be crushed, in fact, there growing. If you dont want to state who you are, fine, but if you care for this blog as I do, then help. Please.)

Anonymous said...

[You know who I am. You know who cared most about a certain thing I pointed out here. This wasn't meant to crush your hopes. This was meant as reminder what could be done.]

Slots said...

(No I dont, at all. And you did rekindle my minds. I am reminded that to keep it up, I need to work at it. We all do.)

Anonymous said...

[............ you SERIOUSLY have no idea who I am? I thought that the writing stly would be recognisable. But if not, oh well, at least I won't be yelled at for eternity.]

Slots said...

(No I dont, at all. As have been proven, i guess Im a bit bad at judging things, like how I didnt think i was that important to be here. Now I know. so yeah, i honestly dont know, nor why you think I would yell at you either.)

Mysterious, Disembodied Voice said...

Why are you sounding like Pinkie? She said she wouldn't come back, so the only option is that you were there then. Even Pinkamena hasn't come back.

I know only one person who ever used the same marks as Luna, and that was Lozenge.

Anonymous said...

[*sighs* Well, now I know that my plan backfired and nothing will be happening from what I thought may. I wanted to fix it and it will only die now. Should've never write that first comment in the first place]

Slots said...

(backfired? what? Your not making sense? What are you talking about?)

Anonymous said...

[Yes, backfired. Knowing Aura she will now go "oh well" and will quit again. Leaving the plot not finished.]

Slots said...

(So what, thats it? Your going to let it go, even after I offered to begin a new plot, with any of my OCs?)

Anonymous said...

[If you knew who i was, which you should already know, you would know why that won't work]

Slots said...

(*sighs* You know what, fine then think that way. I am not letting this drop, I want this, thats all that matters.)

Anonymous said...

[And now what, you are going to spend every while you can here?]

Slots said...

(Ill atl east check in here and comment when I see others comment of course. Its the most I can do, til we can begin something.)

Mysterious, Disembodied Voice said...

Gee, suddenly, Bad Apple has feeling.

Afro Mane said...

(Man, that convo was a bummer.)

Slots said...

(*yawns* ugh, I hate sleeping late ugh, morning everypony)

Seeker said...

(Good Morning. Luck-filled Pony whom they call Slots I believe.)

Slots said...

(*nods* Hello there tall dark pony I can't make out because of the dang lighten in here. SOMEPONY GET ME A LADDER.)

Seeker said...

(*chuckles* You wish to make out my appearance, Sadly that time is not now, but time draws near for you as well as the others. In time you shall know me, for now call me Seeker.)

Slots said...

(*looks out from the utility closest* Oh really? Huh, how do ponies do that around here. *shrugs* Oh well. Good ta meet ya there Seeker. Now...where is that step ladder...)

Seeker said...

I believe you left it out here since it's right next to me. And how I do it, the same as any other, cloaks and such or what our brethren call them robes.

Slots said...

*looks and sees* how the heck did it get there...Oh, robes and cloaks huh? Blackjack does the same thing too. Anyway, gotta get a bulb now..*trots back with a large bulb in his mouth, trying to speak* Herrr wesh grss. Nssh tss clmmrb ussp!! *begins to step up the ladder*

Seeker said...

Ah Yes, The Assassin whom deems disturbances and eliminates them with great efficiency. Yes I've read about him. Indeed a pony to be reckoned with. *Side-steps away from you*

Slots said...

*spits the bulb out and begins to remove the old bulb* Huh, really? You read about him? Odd, I didn't think he'd allow himself to be written about. But eah, he is something. *places the old bulb down*

Seeker said...

No, we keep track of everypony from past to present and well into the future. Whether your hidden well or not we know everything there is to know.

Pewny said...

(Seeker, is SPY!)

Slots said...

*blinks* huh...Um, watch your back then, since well, if BJ finds out, he'll uh, deem YOU a disturbance. He's not one to allow that kind of stuff. Alright, now to get the bulb in.. *places the bulb into the socket and begins to insert it*

Seeker said...

We have taken precautions to him and his powers that he possesses. I see no reason for him to not live he only deems disturbance as he sees fit that cause pain and suffering.

Breaker, Ice, Surge said...

(We are the three you do not know, can not see. All you know of us is what we deem.)

Slots said...

well thats good to know you have. And well, that is true, he doesn't go around killing random ponies, thats Roulette's job. Come on, you stubborn bulb, FIT!! *keeps turning*

(And now I'll brb ponies. Maybe about an hour,)

Slots said...

(And now I'm back. For now, before i go to work in like, 2 hours ugh DX)

zSONICoz said...

(*looks around*
Dare I ask is anypony here?)

Anonymous said...

(And now for some non-canon fun.)

*Calypso music starts to play as a figure comes on the floor with a Calypso outfit. The outfit is filled with ruffles on the arms and legs as he steps out into the light it's none other than Doc.*

Doc. said...

*He looks up and grins widely as he begins to dance*

Shake, shake, shake, Senora, shake your body line
Shake, shake, shake, Senora, shake it all the time
Work, work, work, Senora, work your body line
Work, work, work, Senora, work it all the time

*He begins to form a line with random ponies in the crowd then breaks off and goes to the center*

My girl's name is Senora
I tell you friends, I adore her
And when she dances, oh brother!
She's a hurricane in all kinds of weather

*He goes back to the front line*

Jump in de line, rock your body in time
OK, I believe you!
Jump in de line, rock your body in time
OK, I believe you!
Jump in de line, rock your body in time
OK, I believe you!
Jump in de line, rock your body in time

CC said...

...I see.

Pewny said...

(I see not only I was like "What?" After this. Also, why are you no longer a mare?)

CC said...

(...I don't know.)

Pewny said...

(Oh well... Could've been worse. Like Headless CCMare)

CC said...

(...Headless... CCMare...? *Blink blink.*

I see.)

Pewny said...

(Damn. And here I was sure that when I write it you will just make that image XD)

CC said...

(I'm not as predictable as Slots. :P)

Pewny said...

(Sometimes Slots is not as predictable as you think XD And I thought that mostly because you did put that pumpkin on when wrote that he put it on there XD)

CC said...

(Oh I see. ;D

Ah, I only did that because I already had that planned.)

Pewny said...


You had it planned? So bloody Slots just had luck to write that, eh?)

CC said...

(Yep. The purpose was to be sort of a Headless Horseman thing. ...Headless Horse-man. ...Uh... Horse. ...Thing.)

Pewny said...

(Headless Horseman?...... I preffer Horseless Headless Horseman............ Wait, that's still impossible to ponify... Oh well)

CC said...

(Well, awkwardly ponified puns aside...)

Pewny said...

(Meh, that Horse-man wasn't that bad. And yeah, aside with that)

CC said...

(I wonder what happened to CCMare anyway...)

Pewny said...

(Surely not thanks to Aura. I'm certain you/CCMare wouldn't pay the price for it)

CC said...

(Eh, too lazy to pay.)

Pewny said...

(Yeah. Then what could it be? The same unknown thing that changed you into a mare in the first place?)

CC said...

(It's impossible to be certain.)

Pewny said...

(True that, unless we get to know what changed you the first time, we won't)

CC said...

(It is most surely impossible then.)

Pewny said...

(Seems like it)

Slots said...

(Who's talking 'bout me when I'm away :P)

CC said...

(Uh... Nopony.)

Slots said...


CC said...

(NO U)

Slots said...


CC said...


Slots said...

(I'm always misguided when it comes to this blog though! XD)

CC said...

(Exactly! And if you take that logic, bend it at a 47 degree angle, twist it horizontally, and then flip it upside down, that means I win.


Slots said...

(And then I abuse my power and delete your comment so that logic never existed XD I R DA BEST!!)

CC said...

(Sorry can't hear you I'm too busy PARTYIN' YEEAAHHH)

Slots said...

(I SAID oh forget it XD Haaah another long day of work ugh.)

CC said...

(It's okay though, because you have me now. And I will never leave you.
*Rubs the side of your face.*

Slots said...

(*goes wide eyed and pulls away* ooookay That's not creepy at all heh..)

CC said...

(*Holds up a cleaver.*
What are you trying to say.)

Slots said...

(*sees cleaver* whoa whoa whoa whoa.....whoa...What's with the cleaver CC?? P-put it down! *looks for an exit*)

CC said...

(*Slowly inches towards you.*
This is my friend. He never leaves me.)

Slots said...

(uuuuh not to be rude, but I don't really like your friend getting um...colser so if you two could uh...back off? *slowly backs up more*)

Laz said...

(what is this I don't even...)

CC said...

(*Keeps stepping forward.*
Are you saying you don't like my friends.)

Slots said...

(Not all your friends, but at least Mr. Cleaver there, okay? So please, stop? *keeps backing up*)

(This is what happens when we can't think of anything, I get my life threatened XD)

CC said...

(I think ya might like him though. We do lots of things together. We tell each other all our secrets.)

Slots said...

(Look I don't care WHAT you two say to eachother, all I know is, I'd rather keep my distance...)

CC said...

(So you don't trust my judgement? Are you sayin' you don't like me anymore?)

Slots said...

(What? No I'm not saying that but....okay I'll bite, what does your friend want with me?)

CC said...

(*Steps forward.*
We just want to play. Do you like games, Slots?)

Slots said...

(uuuh.....yes? *backs up more*)

CC said...

(*Advances more.*
Good. What is your favorite game?)

Slots said...

(Uh....the game of Life? (*ba dum TISH* *gets shot*))

Laz said...

(*slow clap emulator*)

CC said...

(*Nears you.*
That's a fun game. Say, what kinds of games did you used to play when you were a colt?)

Slots said...

(Oh good, that still works :P)

(*backs up, only to hit eh wall* and Kit and Kat used to play....cops and robbers? *eyes the cleaver and gulps*)

CC said...

(Oh, I like that game. Say, how would you like to play a round with me? True friends play games with each other, right?)

Slots said...

(Um....yes they do eheh...)

CC said...

(Good. So how about you chase me. Is that okay Slots?
*Steps in front of you.*)

Slots said...

( *tilts head*)

CC said...

(...Do you not like my idea?)

Slots said...

(What? No, it's fine. I just...wanted to make sure?)

CC said...

(How about I... Chase you then?)

Slots said...

(I can do whatever CC, just..wanted to make sure.)

((Sadly, sleep beckons me (thanks work :/) Will have to continue this in the morn. Ill be up quite early too so...yeah. Sorry again, goodnight.))

CC said...


((So you are leaving me...?
*His coat suddenly darks in color.*))

CC said...

((*The rest of him also shifts color.*
...I don't like being left alone.))

Rita Lot said...

(Well hey everypony what's- *reads entire page* ...going... on...)

Mysterious, Disembodied Voice said...

*Hiding in the bushes ponyratzi mode*

Slots said...

(What mode??)

(Good morning everypony else *yawns* haaah so early lol)

Pewny said...

@Sentinel 012
(I HAVE NO IDEA! But I know I laughed hard.)

Slots said...

(dum de dum...)

Pewny said...

(You be careful before you get shipped with a cleaver)

Slots said...

(You keep quiet before I get Roulette in here to RP with you :P)

Pewny said...

(At least she won't ship me with a sharp cleaver)

Slots said...

(But she has revolvers. And she's insane. And she could take what your saying as an enticement. Now imagine, and let it haunt your mind.)

Pewny said...

(If I had to chose between havin a certain thing propably cut of by a cleaver, or getting shot to death by a revolver... I choose death)

Slots said...

(It wouldn't be Shot to death, Pewny, shot...think.)

Pewny said...

(*thinks* Hmmmmm *notices he said earlier about shipping Slots with cleaver* Wait... WAIT! *blinks* Revolver goes WHERE?!)

Slots said...

(I told you shes insane! So no joking!! XD)

Pewny said...

(...... So first that and then she pulls the trigger. Oh well... I will die and then CC will make you into a mare anyway)

Slots said...

(Darn it Pewny!!! DX)

Pewny said...

(What. You will just be seen as a mare by others. And I will be dead.)

Slots said...

(I dont want to be a mare though lol)

Pewny said...

(Then you better run away fast, last time I checked CC was very close to you with that cleaver)

Slots said...

(When CC is back will see what I do.)

Pewny said...


CC said...

(What do you mean what are you planning to do my friend Slots who I would never leave ever.)

Slots said...

(I'm uh...not really planning anything, CC. And um....thanks for not leav-...what happened to your coat?)

CC said...

(*His eye twitches.* I would never leave. I waited for you. All night. Jut for you.)

Slots said...

(CC....your kinda freaking me out....why are you so obsessed with me now??)

CC said...

(But we're friends. You would never just, leave me behind either, right?)

Slots said...

(I I wouldn't. Of course not but...that doesn't explain why your obsessed with me right now!)

CC said...

(I'm. Not. Obsessed.
I'm just your friend. Friends hang out together. They play games together. Like me and Charlotte.)

Slots said...

(Um, well, thats true, but...wait, whos Charlotte?)

CC said...

(*He holds the cleaver up to his cheek and rubs it against him.*
Charlotte is my friend.)

Slots said...

(*blinks and smiles slightly* uh huh....Um....I see.....heh..)

CC said...

(*Right in front of you.*
So how about that game then?)

Apple Bloom said...

Why would som'pony put anoth'ah pony in a box with cooking knives an' thun mail them? Why not jus' let thuh pony take thuh knives themself?

Slots said...

(u-uh yeah...sure...why not?

Leeky said...

(The clocks have just gone back an hour!)

CC said...

(Okay then. This is going to be lots of fun, isn't it Slots? I will give you a moment to get a head start.)

Slots said...

(uuuh yeah heh heh, Im sure it...will. I go! *gallops off away, thinking* 'oh luna OH LUNA what the hell!')

(Hello there ^_^)

CC said...

(*Holds the cleaver up in front of him.*
Oh, isn't this fun Charlotte! We're going to go find Slots now! He's a really good friend of mine.)

Slots said...

(*continues galloping away*)

Rita Lot said...

(Good day, Leeky!

Finally, at long last, I think all the important pieces are here. We can move on! We can... Ooh pretty flower... *gets distracted from plot for rest of day*)

CC said...

(So what do you think of Slots? ...What's that Charlotte? ...Oh, how naughty hahehe.)

Slots said...

((Im in serious trouble when he catches me huh :P))

Leeky said...

(Hello! Also, I'm going to press on my previous comment and in case sort of...uh...well basically I think it means I'll be around for an extra hour or so till about January I think :D
Anyway, I'll just catch up and I'll be here properly.)

Pewny said...

(Only for the week Leeky, the rest will have time change next sunday)

Rita Lot said...

(Around an extra hour? Well, that's good. Now, if only we North Americans were synced with the rest of the world. Daylight Savings doesn't end (begin? I forget which is which) until next Sunday.
And you don't have much to catch up on really. Just this page I think.

Now, back to pretty flower.)

Leeky said...

Bloody Scottish play...)

Afro Mane said...

(Anypony home?)

CC said...

(Well, Charlotte, I'm not really sure he would like that... ...You sure? Well, maybe, we'll see.)

Leeky said...

@Afro Mane
After a week and a half of travelling about, I can honestly say that I am home :)

Leeky said...

(Corny much?

Slots said...

(*peaks from the corner to see if hes following*)

CC said...

(Okay, we should start looking for him now. But remember, we have quiet or else he will hear us and get away! *Begins to trot through the house.*)

Slots said...

(Oh Luna...* ducks and hides in a closet*)

CC said...

(Hm... I wonder where he could be... *He trots down a hallway.*)

Slots said...

(*stays quiet*)

CC said...

(Hm... *He steps slowly right past the closet Slots is in...*)

Slots said...

(*sees the shadow under the crack of the door, and goes a bit wide eyed but remains quiet*)

CC said...

(*He continues silently, to and up the stairs.*)

Slots said...

(*sits there thinking* 'Oh Luna, should I try to make a break for it!?')

Pewny said...


CC said...

(Hm, Slots sure does have a nice house, doesn't he Charlotte?
*He peers behind a door.* Oh, it's Slots and Trixie's room...)

Pewny said...

((Here, have a link that is not blocked in US))

Slots said...

(*hears and whispers* whats he doing in there??)

CC said...

(Hm... He doesn't appear to be in here Chatlotte... *Backs away and continues down the hall.*)

Slots said...

(*remains as quiet as ever, worried to make any sound*

CC said...

(*Turns to a door with a small dry erase board mounted on the front. The board has musical notes written all over it and says "~TERRA!~"*)

Slots said...

((How did you knwo that detail of her room? :P) *stays quiet since he doesn't know where he is*)

CC said...

(Hm... *Knocks on the door.*)

Slots said...

((And now I'm going to have to leave this in suspense as I need to go. Be back when I can ponies))

Afro Mane said...

(You've still got Afro!)

Leeky said...

Hey I want an interview!

Leeky said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leeky said...

*puts on moustache and begins "stealthily" searching ponyville, trying to keep herself hidden*

Leeky said...

*stage whisper*
Anypony here?

Seeker said...

*Meanwhile Seeker has been conversing with the remaining soldier asking for any info they may have*

Does Canterlot have a detention center somewhere?

Leeky said...


Leeky said...

Is there anypony I can interview here? No? WHY MUST YOU ALL DEPRIVE MY MANY READERS???

Anonymous said...

*A voice speaks to him*

Yes it does, ol'boy.

Seeker said...

*He looks around trying to locate the voice*
Come out so I may speak with you directly.

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