Well, would you look at that. We've filled up our first post here in the new blog, hooray! So that brings us to-*counts on fingers* ...close to 30,000 posts!! Wow, everypony, just...wow. We need to send somepony to count EVERY post in Equestria Daily, see how many we need to match that *laughs* Anyway, heres our new post, and ADORABLE TWILIGHT SPARKLE for our new pic! Hee hee, its fun being able to pick the new pictures...in fact...I can post anything....hmm...
(.....I'll remove it later okay, sorry XD)
«Oldest ‹Older 4401 – 4600 of 4998 Newer› Newest»@zSONICoz
(You guys are shipping maniacs!)
(New page!)
[How is everyone?]
(Well, I guess you could say that Slots is absolutely glowing with health!)
@Rita Lot
[...um, should I look at the previous page?]
@Rita Lot
[*points to Quick Step*....Blame him and the person behind him. I had nothing to do with that. And besides I'm pretty sure that the ponies around me *coughs*SlotsPewny*coughs* are shipping maniacs]
[Cheese turns radioactive when it...wait, cheese can go off? But isn't it?...I'm confused.]
[Why are you guys asking me?! I'm not saying this stuff I'm trying to draw a de Havilland Comet On a scrap sheet of paper. Ask my bro I'm sure his laughing flank is here.]
[*As Doc* You rang fur me?]
@Quick Step
[*pushes you in front of the teeming masses* Answer their Questions because they all seem to be asking me when they should be asking you. so uh trot to it.XD]
[I want to feed some lambs.]
[Then go feed them good person/pony! XD]
[I thought you wanted ME to do this?]
@Quick Step
[I can't. My last close farmer relative died quite a few years ago. Besides, it's the wrong time of the year for lambs. At least I think so. There maybe some November lambs if I can remember, but I don't know any.]
[Or was that September...or was it a dream...]
[You've confused me. XD ]
(Woo! Blackjack is now finished fully!! Check him out!!
Thanks CC for making the blades!)
[Sorry, I was just remembering how I used go feed the lambs on my uncle's farm. And how adorable they were. My mother used to have a pet lamb. Then my grandmother killed it and served it for supper...]
(She confuses everypony. And lambs are CUTE!)
[There's nothing wrong with that. :) I'm just saying really...also why she do that...if it's a pet. That like saying I had a pet dog and my grandpa killed and ate it....Seems wrong in both ways when I look at it]
[Cool :D]
[Sorry, I think I've gone a little more cloudland cuckoolanderish than usual.]
[Eh, It's cool. I don't anything wrong with it.]
[I think she did it because they needed to eat...yeah, it wasn't the nicest thing to do (fluttershy would have a heart attack) but I think that's just what life was like back then
And they all lived happily ever after. The end.]
[I could understand those terms...you gotta live I guess. (Don't even mention that she could hear us *looks around*) And yeah, it's during a rough time in history.
I see then. XD]
[Rough time in history?]
[Wait....Scratch that last statement of history I'm still think about something else. XD Go figure]
[Okidoki ^^
Marshmallow, marshmallow, why do you hang from that Fluttershy's arm?]
[*hold an apple in his hand* That is the question. I had too.XD]
@Rita Lot
Well that didn't last long.]
@Rita Lot
[Also BRB gotta do SOMETHING! that doesn't involve me drinking blood or anything cause that would be strange.]
[umm...alright. How does one be normal?]
(No idea.)
@Rita Lot
(What the hay's normal anymore?)
@Black Rain
(Rarity marshmallow or marshmallow marshmallow?)
@Rita Lot
[I'm guessing rarity marshmallow....You ok Leeky?]
@Rita Lot
[My Rarity marshmallow hanging from fluttershy's arm! I lost it!]
[Oh..I'm sorry for that. *hugs* Hope you find it. :)]
[Not really, now I've got to start over again...]
[....Oh...That sucks...DX...Thats terrible. *hugs* ]
[Thanks *hugs back*
I'm going to get some tea.]
[*nods* Yeah, go relax for a bit. It'll do you good.]
@Afro Mane
[I lost my marshmallow that was hanging from fluttershy.]
(That sucks.)
@Afro Mane
[But now I'm close to getting her back :) And tea.]
[*Throw hands up* WHOO! Go Leeky! Encouragement powers go or something....Yeah! Anyway WHOO!]
[Yaaaaay! Good going Leeky *hugs*]
[*body glows with some sort of glowy aura and draws faster due to encouragement*]
[Goodnight y'all, I'll have to finish marshmallow tomorrow.]
[G'night Leeky! ^^]
(Now for another random RP to hold us over. Any ideas?)
@Afro Mane
(Hello. *sits in front of you*)
((Minor mistake. Ignore it.))
*turns to him*Hey, Blackjack. Long time... No see.
@Afro Mane
*nods once* Indeed, Afro Mane. It has been quite sometime me and you have met. *taps a hoof slightly, the clink of the blade loud and clear*
((Swear to Celestia I'm playing Halo with someone named "SoulOfAria".)
*Nervous chuckle* Y-yeah. How ya been? *hears clink, widens eyes*
@Afro Mane
(((I hope you realize that's not exactly an uncommon thing...
@Afro Mane
I have been well, Afro Mane. That is all. My accessories have finally been finished, as you can see. *continues tapping*
*notices tapping* W...waiting for someone?
(Am I screwed?)
@Afro Mane
Yes. I am waiting for you to do something, as you had asked for somepony to show. I did. Is that an issue. Did you not want me perchance. *taps a bit louder*
@S.Aura Knight
(Here was the first I'd heard of it.)
Well, you weren't exactly... Expected.
@Afro Mane
are not all ponies allowed to be here, Afro Mane. Am I now not wanted around here.
(Yeah! Doing thanksgiving stuff on the day after thanksgiving! woo!...I'm going to bed.)
Not unwelcome, just unexpected.
@Afro Mane
even so. You seem...disturbed by my presence. *stops tapping*
@<a href="okng defensive* No, not at all! It's just... not everyday I See an international assassin. Especially one from the mind of a colt who has housed me for two months.
@Afro Mane
Indeed. I can see your logic behind that. But I am now here. Slots shall be out for a moment. So if you do not have any ideas, you have wasted my time.
Uhh... What do you do for fun? I- I'm up for anything.
@Black Rain
(*looks up from his drawing* Yes?)
(*walks over* Whatcha drawing?)
@Black Rain
(Well come take a look then. I don't mind.)
@Afro Mane
I don't have 'fun' Afro Mane.
(*hops up, struggling to see the picture* I can't...*grunts* See...)
@Black Rain
(Slots has asked me to tell you you are being, as he puts it, 'adorable' and to continue.)
@Black Rain
(*chuckles* Whoops!...*floats a chair over to you and as you sit on it you notice the picture is of a stallion hung in mid-air kicking a ball into a net*)
[There I did it ya happy bro? XD]
[Verily happy. XD]
(*looks at it* I really like his....kicks?)
@Black Rain
(*laughs* Yeah, it has a bit of it's own history behind it. You do know what sport this is right? Not many recognize it because they say it's a useless sport some say.)
(I've seen it before, but I don't know the name. *mimics the picture with his leg*)
@Black Rain
(Well technically there are two names for it but the one they use most of the time is Football. This stallion right here his name was Edison, bland name I know but he was simply referred to as Pelé...he was immortalized for his role in making the sport more known.)
[Bro I'm going through a lot a trouble just to put these up this better not be one those things you make me do only for you to tell me later that you don't want this anymore...I will flip.XD]
[Hmm....Such a tempting offer you give me....Man I feel like I should just do that to you. XD]
(*continues to lightly kick* So, do you play?)
@Black Rain
(*nods* A few times yes. I played when I was young and I'm starting to get back into it again. It helps for when your bored you have something to do. *laughs* Though I admit my skill has gone since I was little...but practice always helps me.)
(*yawns as he trots in*....Sonic....I can't sleep.....Oh....Hello Rain.)
(Could you teach me? *he does a big air kick and falls to the ground*)
@Black Rain
(....Are you sure? It's not a sport to take lightly. You have to train very hard...but if your up to it I can teach you.
*looks to Quick Step*
No sleep huh? Well I guess you can sit with me and Rain for now.)
(Yeah, I can handle it! Rita said that earth ponies are more athletic then unicorns, and if you're any good, then I bet I can be great! *gets up* Hey Quick!)
(*nods* Ok, *looks to Black Rain* How are you?....What are doing?....)
@Black Rain
(*laughs* You got confidence, Thats good. Alright I'll teach you then. You ready to learn?)
(*looks to Quick* Football! *turns back to Sonic* Maybe tomorrow? I'm beat!)
@Black Rain
(Alright then tomorrow it is then. How about I teach you too Quick Step would you like that?)
(*collapses to the ground* Ahhh. *he falls asleep at his hooves*)
(*nods*...I kinda want to.)
@Black Rain
(*looks to you* I'll learn too. *smiles*)
@Black Rain
(*laughs softly* *He produces a blanket and pillow and floats you above the ground just enough for the pillow to slide under and places the blanket over you*
I think we should get some sleep too Quick Step. Shall we?)
(*nods* Yes,but Sleep with....Rain...Can I?)
@Quick Step
(*nods and smiles* Alright we can sleep here with him. *produces two more pillows and blankets and they both after a while fall sound asleep. They looks so peaceful sleeping like that*)
[And now something for fans of Skyrim, Dr Who and TF2]
(Episode is awesome.)
@Rita Lot
[What new pony?
And...... Just WTF was with how that baby foal looked? Seeeriously O_o]
(I thought it was kinda cute. And new episode of pony.)
@Rita Lot
[Oh, you meant that. And well, I think it looked strange... I think that baby had a bigger head than, let's say, AB O_o
And well, Bucky McGuilicuty and Kicks McGee to the rescue!]
(LOL She named her hooves! You see Dinky's younger sis?)
@Rita Lot
[That she did. And wait...... Derpy's family just keeps getting bigger and bigger...
(*snickers* Nyan Dash.)
@Rita Lot
[Eeeeyup. And well, fans of AJxRD ship can cry now. Duirng the photoshoot RD drags in AJ and kisses her at some point. Lter we see AJ wlking away fom her, stickin her tongue out in disgust...... Problem, shippers?]
(And Rainbow Scoot. Don't forget Rainbow Scoot. XD )
(Never forget Rainbow Scoot.)
@Afro Mane
(She's unforgettable! A million fanons have just been proven from one second of Rainbow Scoot.)
[And the marshmallow was finally completed.]
(I came, I saw, I faved.)
(Does somepony wanna do a random RP?)
(I have finally seen my pony and must say it was...pretty good heh. Not great, but not bad ^^)
(Cool! Can we see?)
@Rita Lot
(Huh? No, I meant I saw my pony episode today XD As for my design, well, eh...I dont think it could work.
Also Why does this work so well!?)
(OOOOOH. And link broke.)
@Rita Lot
(heh yeah. And Darn it, now?)
@Rita Lot
(I'll try and RP. Also, when I saw the Masked Mare Do Well, I totally thought Trixie.)
(...Or not.)
@Afro Mane
@Black Rain
@Afro Mane
(How's your swag comin, cotton head? *laughs*)
@Black Rain
*stares menacingly*
@Afro Mane
(Oh, don't take it so hard! I'm sure you got ALL the mares!)
@Black Rain
(If only...)
@Afro Mane
(Oh? *he jumps on your head and leans in front of your eyes* What's the matter?)
(Tried to find the Pinkie Pie ornament at toys r us, no where to be seen. I'm thinking that Bronies stormed it yesterday and took them all.)
[*salutes* I hope this is enough for you old friend may you Rest in Peace.]
And.. then.. they.. all .. went.. swimming..
@Afro Mane
[Um Phone again right?]
(iPod that time.)
@Afro Mane
[Well alright then what were you trying to say on that comment?]
@Rita Lot
(Somepony on my Facebook Bronies page had 4 ornaments, so yeah probably :/ )
@Black Rain
(Dumb black friday bronies and they're stealing of all the Pinkie Pie christmas ornaments :P)
[Gaaaaaaaaaaah... But of course.. Of ALL the manes in the OLD pony creator, I had to pick for Pewny the only one that NO PONY IN THE GODDAMN SHOW HAS >_>]
@Rita Lot
[The front-most part is different]
@Rita Lot
[Checked his appearance in Best Night Ever...... Indeed, Pewny's manestyle is based on Caramel, just for some reason there are very minot differences...... But very minor, so it's good. Thank you for help Rita]
(You're welcome. Y'know, my birthday is coming up in a few months, and I was thinking of redoing Rita's design, making her look more older. Not the complete adult design, but older. You have any suggestions for mane and tail styles?)
@Rita Lot
[Well, I would love to help Rita...... But I really suck at designing ponies... You would need to ask Slots about it, he would be able to help a lot]
(True. He has designed many ponies. And yes. he would Help a Lot XD)
@Rita Lot
[Grraah. Not into the puns, IT BUUUURNS!]
(You're the one who said it :P )
(Anypony here?)
@Rita Lot(Just woke up actually. Good Morning)
[Good morning anypony within the range of this comment.]
@Rita Lot
(How ya been Rita?)
(Good! You?)
@Rita Lot
(Doing alright, looking at the new comment system in EqD, and was able to post in the old Mars RP XD)
(cool! My birthday's coming, at the end of January, and I was going to do a Redesign for Rita to make her look older. Do you have any suggestions?)
@Rita Lot
(Indeed, though now that post has everpony with a picture of Twilight XD
And oh? Is it now! Wonderful. And a re design, huh? Hmm....Well, matters what style of mane you wanted to go with, spikey, straight, curvy, poofy. I can also make you a custom mane too, if you would like. I just need a basic layout of what you, and your colors would be, a code works well, means I can edit what I need quick.)
(Kinda similar to what I have now, but older.)
@Rita Lot
(Kinda huh, hmm, makes it a tad harder, ugh do you plan to add sortof highlights, such as what I have? even subtle?)
(Not really sure about highlights, hard to explain what I want. I just want her to look... older. Tried experimenting with different manestyles, couldn't find anything that worked.)
@Rita Lot
(How about this then; Go in the generator, and make Rita again, same mane, same tail, same colors and such, just you know, taller and stuff. Then, send over the code. Afterward, I can see what I can find, and possibly make a whole new mane in photoshop. I am a bit backed up on pony designs, but I need more practice when it comes to custom designs.
(Sounds good to me.
Body code: 272S000100FEA6DAFFC49D00201AE00FEUN1837000000000214F4500FFFFFE0U107F3FCC004CB2
@Rita Lot
(Thank you! Don't forget your glasses. I have your cutie mark, and add that in Photoshop, anyway (comes out nicer and cleaner)
(Don't even need a code for the glasses. It's the slanted ovally ones, completely black.)
@Rita Lot
(Got it now. Will begin to try and make something, though this will be a challenge, for how simple Rita is, compared to the rest of the ponies I've made heh heh)
[*is sucked into some sort of time and space hole*]
[Hole being solely named...."Art" DUN-DUN-DUN!]
(Yeah. You did a lot of editing on your ocs, even if it was just flipping them to face the right.)
(Well that isn't good :O)
@Rita Lot
(Heh well remember, I gave Terra a custom mane, as well as Haven. And Roulette has the most done, hers is a combination of manes and tails put into one. So I can do the same for you actually.)
[or Mocks.]
(Good morning everypony! How're you all today?)
@S.Aura Knight
(Morning Aura heh.)
@Rita Lot
(Rita I've finished your design, do you still want your background, or how we have ours?)
(I'm fine with a vector, but whatever is easier for you to do is good. Don't want to put you through to much trouble!)
@Slots @Rita Lot
(Neither of you actually answered my question and said how you were XD)
@S.Aura Knight
(I'm fine!)
@Rita Lot
(*laughs* Nah it isn't any trouble, Rita heh. I was jut wondering. Beleive me, I have fun with these designs, I always do now since you all seem to like them. So, here is the older you!
Now you can go ahead and post this in your deviantart, just give me some credit ^^ Less you want me to post it in mine? Also, it would be better if I could SEND this to you, so you can get the higher quality one. But, no email.)
@S.Aura Knight
(cause we talk in Skype, silly :P)
(Nice! ^^ I like it! I'll post it in mine, but I'll link to you.)
@Rita Lot
(that's good! See you contracted Slots heh.)
(But the rest of the blog doesn't know how you feel! For them Slots!)
@Rita Lot
(heh Im glad you like it ^^ And be my guest heh!)
@S.Aura Knight
(I'm fine, anypony asking XD Even though Im sure they would know I was designing :P)
(new page get)
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