Well, would you look at that. We've filled up our first post here in the new blog, hooray! So that brings us to-*counts on fingers* ...close to 30,000 posts!! Wow, everypony, just...wow. We need to send somepony to count EVERY post in Equestria Daily, see how many we need to match that *laughs* Anyway, heres our new post, and ADORABLE TWILIGHT SPARKLE for our new pic! Hee hee, its fun being able to pick the new pictures...in fact...I can post anything....hmm...
(.....I'll remove it later okay, sorry XD)
«Oldest ‹Older 1601 – 1800 of 4998 Newer› Newest»@Leeky
(It says the correct answer is flamingo... how many points is that?)
@Dreama Lot
(I know it would be, but I may be locked into this. Ask Leeky.)
[And just when I begin to wonder if I should go to sleep soon, everyone else begins to appear. Just my luck XD)
@Rita Lot
(Because it's me 500,0000 points! Now ask It a question.)
@Rita Lot
(This show is lock free!)
[It's just like with Slots!
Except not as bad. :P ]
("How do you do the things you do"?)
((And so I can just suddenly go back to normal?))
@Rita Lot
I'm pretty sure that it's called "Free Will" Something the Government is trying to control...don't let them or else were gonna end up like a certain country. It ain't pretty.
(...This is the worst tea house I have ever been to.)
@Rita Lot
(Is that question for me or It?)
[No, for normality is not aloud in this universe. Soon, all sign's of it shall be erased!
But seriously, feel free to go back! Like Jorge said it's free will and I have no reason to complain.)
(What is it?)
((No normality? Darn, where is Slots when I could be messing with him!?
Alright then, suddenly, boom, done.))
@Nurse Redheart
(*takes out her blaster and shoots you with it*
Don't worry! It's just a flesh wound!)
(References! Yay! Ok, back to work.)
[Since when can Leeky hit anything with that thing?]
@S.Aura Knight
(*gestures to Laz*
*he bites his bottom lip*
(Whenever there's a need for a Monty Python reference.)
[Ahhhh, Monty Python. Then it is a truly legit exception from it (no sarcasm here, I'm serious)]
(*blinks* Who is that?)
@S.Aura Knight
*turns round and stares at Laz*
I'm not sure...)
(...Well, the question is for both of you then.)
(*still has no idea they are talking about him*)
@S.Aura Knight
(Well, I accomplish it by merely existing.)
(I guess that works as an answer?)
(*turns to face you* Well, uh... "It"? Can you answer for me the question?)
[And I'm going to get some shut eye now. I'm really sorry! Feel free to carry on without me, I can just freeze or something.]
(Good night Leeky! Have a nice rest.
As for myself though, dinner'll be soon, and I'll be going missing until Friday night/Saturday morning around 7:30 Blogtime.)
@S.Aura Knight
(*is oblivious to your question, and continues to stare in your direction with empty eyes*)
[Night Leeky]
@S.Aura Knight
Sounds like another fun-filled night...*sips* OWWWWW!...*holds tongue* Suck! Thas wha I get fo saying dat...Ahhhh....Hot,hot,hot....but SOOOO good...Sweetness burns..
(*is unnerved, and pokes you* Sir? Are you okay?)
@S.Aura Knight
(*gets startled by the poke, and straightens up* ME? Um.....what was the question?)
(Are you okay? You seem... out of it.)
@S.Aura Knight
(Well, being called "it" doesn't really help. Also the fact that I can't actually SEE if you're taking to me...)
(I'm still waiting for my tea... Honestly. These rural towns...)
(Well... I don't know your name... wait, what do you mean can't see if I'm talking to you?)
@S.Aura Knight
(Lazulic. And i'm blind, completely. Wait, why am I here anyways?)
(Well met, I guess? And you're blind? Really? Huh... and your guess is as good as mine. Slots is here too... just... not moving.)
@S.Aura Knight
(Can I ask where I am?)
(I can't tell you at all... I was just dragged into here as well.)
@S.Aura Knight
(Is it safe to....leave?)
(*glances towards Leeky* I... don't think so.)
@S.Aura Knight
(Well then, what was the question?)
(Uh... "How do you do the things you do?")
@S.Aura Knight
(*puzzled look* Like breathing?)
(*shrugs* It just says that. I assume like your special talent or something...)
@S.Aura Knight
(Special talent? Um, I don't know, no Cutie Mark...)
(You... don't have a Cutie Mark?)
@S.Aura Knight
(Nope. Can't. Genetically impossible for me. You think i'm weird don't you?)
(Why would I think that? I don't discriminate.)
@S.Aura Knight
(Oh, I assumed most did. Next question then?)
(Yeah, I don't... and this question is "What is your deepest secret?")
@S.Aura Knight
(Uh, is this going to be on TV?)
(*looks around at all of the cameras trained on us, and watching ponies in the audience* No.)
((You ponies be crazy :P))
I blame Mars, And Gilbert Gottfried.
((You say that like you were expecting normalcy.))
Welcome back from the War, Warren.
((There you are Slots! Now, how to pull you back into this and mess with you too, since as Leeky said, there is only what we want to have happen happen.))
@S.Aura Knight
(Sounds legit)
((Of course I dont expect that. I mean, who am I to ask that when I have like, 15 personalities all in my mind heh))
@S.Aura Knight
(Oh, alright. *closes his eyes* I've been dismembered, sliced, abused, and beaten up to the point where I wonder why I'm still alive.
((Good then. *Nods slowly.* Good.))
(...That's... quite the secret. Care to elaborate? I myself have been killed, destroyed, buried alive, and lived a few months as a ghost.)
@Dark CC
*frowns and punches you* NO! We don't need that Damn cleaver back in this bitch!
*looks around*
What? It's true.
*Falls and looses consciousness.*
@S.Aura Knight
(This is not a contest. And no, I wouldn't like to elaborate.)
(Can we make it a contest? Ooh, I could show you some of my ghost powers!)
(Woo! I've only been electrocuted, beaten, dropped from 20 feet, and shot at by deadly lasers!)
@Dark CC
Well that was certainly quite interesting...
@S.Aura Knight
(*he opens his eyes* Show?)
@S.Aura Knight
(Aren't you alive right now?)
@Evil CC
I concur.
@Hologram CC
*Nods.* It fa'sure wasn' what I expected t'happen to 'em anyway.
(Bro, our timeline is so messed up, I'm not sure what's going on.)
Well, when ya'll consider wha' he did last time he came 'round here, wasn' too big'ah stetch.
@Colt CC
...What does it matter what happened to him... Like all ponies, he will still meet the same fate in the end...
Because it's just so much fun to watch!~
@Evil CC
*shoots you in the head breaking your pumpkin head into tiny fragments.*
I already know this!
(Show. You know, maybe you can't see it, but you could likely feel it, right?)
(It's called living inside of an Alicorn.)
@Dark CC; Evil CC; Hologram CC; CCMare; Colt CC; Xeccaset; Evil CC
Would y'all please get the f**k out of here?
@S.Aura Knight
(...fine. But don't make me regret this.)
@S.Aura Knight
(You living inside her? I thiught it was just her sacrificing her own live to bring you back... Maybe I just understood it wrong then)
(Does this look like a face that would make you regret anything?)
@S.Aura Knight
(*mumbles* Well aren't you a bucking riot...)
@S.Aura Knight
(Is this multiple choice?)
(Bah, lighten up. Alright, now, hold still.)
@Nurse Redheart
@Nurse Redheart
(Nurse, do you know a good psychiatrist? Because I think I'm about to go insane.)
@S.Aura Knight
@S.Aura Knight
(*sits up*)
@Hologram CC
((Oh shush you XD))
(*enters an ethereal form, and floats inside of you*)
@S.Aura Knight
(*shivers a bit*)
@S.Aura Knight; Lazulic
Ah can tell alreadeh' that this's gonna go well.
(Open your eyes.)
@S.Aura Knight
(*he complies, and opens his eyes*)
(*As you open your eyes, the first thing you should notice is that you can actually see now.* A temporary thing, this is.)
((Do not question this. It just is.))
@S.Aura Knight
Well you know what I'll question THE S**T outta it! *shades* Deal with it!
@S.Aura Knight
(*he begins to regain vision, but all colors are inverted. He first feels excited, but then sees the audience and cameras* Liar...)
((I'll question your face off.))
(...Maybe this wasn't the best idea.)
(*Suddenly, by forces not fully explainable, a wormhole opens, and Afro Mane falls out of it, landing on Leeky's desk*)
@S.Aura Knight
(*he begins to walk around the stage, getting his bearings*)
@S.Aura Knight
Bring it Sista! (Even though we are clearly not related cause that be wierd) I'm ready for this! Cause I have no idea what I'm doing. YEAH!
@Afro Mane
(Well, what do you think abou- *hears the crash, and turns your body around towards it* What the...?)
@S.Aura Knight
(*Groans in pain* ...What the hay...? *looks around, vision blurry*)
@S.Aura Knight
(...Wait fer it...)
@S.Aura Knight
(What? AHH! *he gets spinned around, dizzying his eyes and throwing him off balance*)
@Afro Mane
(I've heard Dr. Von Oatmeal is quite good, but I've never met them.)
@Afro Mane @Lazulic
(...Make sure he's alright.)
((What are we waiting for, suddenly Valley Girl CC?))
@S.Aura Knight
(Somethin's gon' happen...)
@S.Aura Knight
(*he wobbles around towards his direction* Excuse me, you with the blue hair. Are you alright?)
((What is it?))
*Turns to Afro Mane.* ...Blue hair?
(*looks over at Lazulic* What? Blue? *shakes head* I'm fine. But wait, how'd you get your sight back?)
@Afro Mane
(Long story, but all colors are inverted right now. Sorry about that.)
(Not going to tell him?)
(Well, at least you can see. *gets off Leeky's table* What's up? And... what's with all the cameras? *looks out to crowd* And frozen ponies? *looks toward Slots* Is that Slots?
@S.Aura Knight
(Ah can't say. Just know somethin's 'bout ta happen....)
@S.Aura Knight
(*out loud* No, you can speak for me if you want..)
((Something big? If it's something big, then I need to prepare. *dives into Slots*))
@S.Aura Knight
(*Squints her eyes.*)
(As you wish... Ahem, hello? Is this working?)
@S.Aura Knight
((*coughs uncontrollably as she somehow dives into him* Oh, what the hay!? when did I become a freaking vacant hotel to just take over!?))
@S.Aura Knight; CCMare
I think maybe she's just... Lost her mind.
((Recently, after I bought the title deed to your body.))
@S.Aura Knight
(*he puts his hoof in his mouth and thinks* Don't say anything bad...)
@S.Aura Knight
((Wait, what!? I am not for sale!! In any shape or form!?))
(I don't think I would.)
((You don't have to be for sale for me to buy you.))
((Well, a couple of your forms may be for sale... *Dirty grin.*))
@S.Aura Knight
((*groans out in frustration* I would think so!?))
(((So Pretty...)))
@Hologram CC
((Since when did I lose control over my OCs and there ownership!?))
((You forget that I more than half of the stock on your body!))
@S.Aura Knight
(okay then...*he releases his hoof*)
((Well, "for sale", if you know what I mean... *Winks*))
@Afro Mane
(Uh... yeah, that is Slots.)
@Hologram CC
*Buries his head in his hooves.*
@S.Aura Knight
((I demand it BACK then!! I gave no permission of this!!))
@Hologram CC
((*goes wide eyed* What are you implying!?))
[royally confused, give me a little bit. You can all play out your stories while i'm gone...]
Just... Just even speak to him... >_>
((Roulette sold it to me. So I think not.))
(I'm likely vanishing here soon to get ready to go out and get Skyrim anyway, so you won't see mane nor tail of me for a while as I said earlier.)
@S.Aura Knight
((ROULETTE!? That darn sick mare!!!))
((Ask who, theres alot of you running around today.))
Mmunngghh.... *Shifts slightly in his unconsciousness.*
@Dark CC
((Ooooh no, I am NOT dealing with you! *bonks his head hard against his*))
(Y-you okay?)
(("Sick mare"? What?))
*Falls limp again.*
@Dark CC
Aha... It's always so much fun seeing ponies get knocked out.
@S.Aura Knight
((she LOVES to do these kind of things ugh, ever since she slipped from my mind and became her own mare...))
((Well, nothing to be done about it now. *makes you smack yourself*))
*Stares at Evil CC.*
...How'd this guy get here'gain?
@Colt CC
He was born from the reaches of darkness...
@S.Aura Knight
((Yes there c-*cuts off as he is slapped by himself* OW! Dont do that!))
Stop taintin' the lil' colt with yer "heart" mumbo-jumbo.
((I won't then. *trots away from the group of CCs and towards a conveniently placed walk-in closet*))
*Rolls into the area.*
Oh? Seems I'm not needed. Carry on.
*Rolls back out.*
@S.Aura Knight
((Wait, where are we going!? WHY CANT I STOP US!?))
((We're going into there. And you can't stop us because I am moving us.))
@Slots; S.Aura Knight
Poor fool.
@S.Aura Knight
((For what!?))
((To get away from the Cast Crew.))
@S.Aura Knight
((Then what??))
@S.Aura Knight
*Bursts into smoke and floats over to her.*
Are you saying you don't like us?
((*shrugs* Dunno, find something to do in there.))
@Afro Mane
(Hi Afro! Care to join the insanity?)
@S.Aura Knight
((Then do it yourself, dont use ME...))
@Evil CC
((I'm saying that a few of you, not naming any, are freaking me out.))
((Legally I am doing it myself.))
@S.Aura Knight
*Compacts into a pony again.*
How judgmental, I say.
Any sec' now...
@S.Aura Knight
((*Ignoring the Pumpkin Head, enters the closet and locks it, and puts a force field around it so nopony else can get in*))
@S.Aura Knight
((*sighs, unable to do anything*))
(*you hear a whisper from the back* Hey, get outta here!)
(I'm in.)
*Looking up.*
...Hey, what's wit' this lil' thingy here?
((Heh heh heh...))
((Eh? Who said that?))
@Colt CC
*Flutters around.*
@S.Aura Knight
(*steps out* This is MY hiding spot! You're gonna get me caught!)
@Actias Luna
'Tis all glowy an' everythin'... *Tilts head.*
@Black Rain
((...Who are you hiding from?))
@S.Aura Knight
((Can we please come out?))
@Actias Luna
*Stares at it.*
@S.Aura Knight
(Sugar! And now she's sure to find me!)
(*Again, through science only known to Doc., Afro exits through a wormhole. Right on top of Slots.)
@Black Rain
((...Who is that?))
(((Unfortuaitly ponies, there comes a time where I must set out and wait around to get a copy of Skyrim. That's right now. You'll either find me dead on the floor after not sleeping for five straight days playing the game, or I'll be back Friday Night/Saturday sometime. Not sure which just yet.)))
@S.Aura Knight
(((See ya Aura, Ill take control for now I guess. see ya then ^^)))
((*gets landed* OOF!! Hey, get off!!))
@S.Aura Knight
[Buy me a copy too, but i'll probably get that tomorrow night anyways. Have fun!]
*Flutter flutter*
{*rolls over* Sorry. I honestly have no idea how this keeps happening.}
@Actias Luna
((*grunts a bit trying to get Afro off, when he sees a small glow*...Hey, out there, what is that?))
@Actias Luna
["*flutter flutter*"
What are ya, Fluttershy? ;P]
@Actias Luna
(It's like the faint glow of light being consumed with darkness...)
(Yer startin' ta' get on ma' nerves...)
((*opens the door and trots out* what is going on out....*blinks and stares at the small glowing creature* It...its back..))
@Actias Luna
[No no no no no no no. I am not hatin. I am laughing heartily here.]
*Lands on Leeky's desk.*
@Actias Luna
((*trots slowly up to its, the glow reflecting in his eyes* ...))
*Folds up its wings.*
@Actias Luna
[Pretty light *looks from unknown location*]
@Actias Luna
*tilts his head* Why are you back, now more than ever?
@Actias Luna
Somepony grab a flyswatter.
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