Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Another post filled, another waiting to be!

BANG! Another post filled up! May have taken quite sometime, but hey, it got there. We now have filled up over 50,000 post of pony, RP, and chat.Amazing what a small group of friends can do huh??

A request from our dear member, Rita. Must say, other than Vinyl Scratch and Octavia, these two ARE cute together. Woo for fandom background pony shipping!


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Tinka Lot said...

(New page already?)

Afro Mane said...

(What the fu-- I mean, thanks!)

Laz said...

(when he gets lost, and his face appears on the milk carton, milk sales go up.)

Laz said...

@Rita Lot

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
(It shows off your flank. How blank it is, I mean! ^-^)

Laz said...

@Rita Lot
(I imagined Scootaloo saying "You it a problem with blank flanks?")

zSONICoz said...

@Black Rain
( Shows up at The 2012 London Olympics...Wins all the Gold medals!)

Laz said...


Laz said...

(I still like bad luck Brian the best.
I think that's what it's called, I was never really sure.)

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
(So what?)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
(There will be ponies there. Tons of ponies. So many ponies. So many adult ponies. All the adult ponies will have cutie marks. except you.)

(He's an adult. Without a cutie mark.)

zSONICoz said...

@Black Rain
(Yeah it's called that and was this what you referring too? If not then my bad on that one but eh it happens. XD)

Laz said...

@Rita Lot
(when I get home, and off my phone, I wanna get my Cutie Mark. Far overdue.
But these batteries are running out, so bia for now!)

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot

Laz said...

(He went as Batman for Halloween

Parents get killed.

Okay going for realzes now.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
(The wedding.)

Leeky said...

@Rita Lot
(Is the room where the service is held really going to be that big?)

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
(When is that?)

Tinka Lot said...

(Yes. Yes it is.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
(Saturday after next.)

Leeky said...

@Rita Lot

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
(oh, crap!)

Tinka Lot said...


(My advice would be to earn a cutie mark by then.)

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
(Gimmie dat hair!)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
*teleports far away* no.

Laz said...

@Rita Lot
*teleports right in front of me* Ah!

Sitcom Mansion said...

@Rita Lot

Also, in other news.

Afro Mane said...

@Black Rain
*Teleportation* Give it!

(oh, yeah, I still have the scroll, so Slots and I got off the moon. Shut up.)

Laz said...

@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(I was gonna post that if I wasn't on a phone)

Tinka Lot said...

@Black Rain

GAH! Why can you teleport? *runs away*

(Um, aren't you an earth pony though? They can't use spells anyway, scroll or not.)

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
(I want evidence.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane

Sitcom Mansion said...

@Rita Lot
>External source of magic

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
*brandishes scissors* C'mere!

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
*runs faster* NO!

Sitcom Mansion said...

@Afro Mane

Afro Mane said...

@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
Hey. Wanna help me capture Rita?

Sitcom Mansion said...

@Afro Mane
Sounds enticing, but... Why capture Rita?

Afro Mane said...

@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
For my Cutie Mark.

Sitcom Mansion said...

@Afro Mane
Oh, the manecut thing.

...Why not cut your own mane?

Afro Mane said...

@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
Because that would be dumb.

Laz said...

@Afro Mane
No, it's logical. And don't touch her! *behind you*

Afro Mane said...

@Black Rain
*flips around and snips randomly at you*

Sitcom Mansion said...

@Afro Mane
...*Flashes brightly*

Laz said...

@Afro Mane
*flies back* Hey, you couldv'e poked my eye out! And no way!

Sitcom Mansion said...

@Afro Mane
What about now?

Afro Mane said...

@Afro Mane Mastermind
(Me gusta.)

Tinka Lot said...

*hiding in undisclosed location*

Laz said...

@Rita Lot
*comes through the front door with a book, it looks new*

Tinka Lot said...

@Black Rain
*appears next to you*

Sweetie Belle said...

She calls from over both of your shoulders, "What'cha reading?"

Tinka Lot said...

@Sweetie Belle
*goat faint*

Laz said...

@Sweetie Belle
Oh, well, it's-
*watches her faint*

Sitcom Mansion said...

@Afro Mane

Afro Mane said...

@Afro Mane Mastermind
Let's go! *clomps onto fro and teleports to bathroom*

Tinka Lot said...

@Black Rain
*recovers* Sweetie Belle! Don't do that!

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
*listening from the bathroom* ...Oh, buck...

Sitcom Mansion said...

@Afro Mane

Afro Mane said...

@Afro Mane Mastermind
*commences manecut*

Afro Mane said...

@Afro Mane Mastermind
Nothing, just Rita. So, how've ya been? *snip snip*

Afro Mane said...

*snippity snippity snip*

Sweetie Belle said...

@Rita Lot
"It wasn't my fault. It was all Scootaloo's idea!" She isn't anywhere on the floor.

Tinka Lot said...

@Sweetie Belle
*looks around* Uh...huh. So, what's up?

Slots said...

(Ya know that feeling when you buy some nice, new, over ear headphones, pop it on your laptop the first time, channel the music to it's loudest, and literally smile wide when you first hear that beat and bass on all your favorite songs, mixes and pony songs?

I do.)

Sitcom Mansion said...

@Afro Mane
Oh, good good.
Been doing some spatial displacement transmogrification recently. Pretty fun.

Scootaloo said...

@Rita Lot
A brown feather falls from above, landing upon your nose. "If we always end-up covered in tree sap without using it, I figured we wouldn't get covered in it if we did use it."

Apple Bloom said...

@Rita Lot
"'What's up?' Ya mean, aside from us?"

Laz said...

@Rita Lot
Are you okay? Or just really paranoid?

Tinka Lot said...

@Black Rain
She startled me!

@Scootaloo and Apple Bloom
*looks up* How did you even... I don't understand the physics of you three.

Scootaloo said...

@Rita Lot
"What's there to understand?" She squirmed a bit, trying to shrug. "We always end-up covered in tree sap."

Tinka Lot said...

Yes, but how did you get on the ceiling?

Apple Bloom said...

"Well, *NNG*," she grunted as she tried to pull a hoof stuck to Sweetie's head. "We probably wouldm' be if'n ya'll did tell us to use tree sap from the gummy tree."

Sweetie Belle said...

@Rita Lot
"We were trying to fix Fluttershy's birdhouse before she found out."

Tinka Lot said...

@Sweetie Belle
How did you end up in the mansion?

Scootaloo said...

@Rita Lot
"We needed brushes."

Apple Bloom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tinka Lot said...

@Apple Bloom
OK, but how did you end up on the ceiling? Last time I checked, Scoots wasn't the best flyer.

Apple Bloom said...

"So we came ta borrow some." She squirmed again, trying to nudge the pegasus.

Laz said...

@Rita Lot
...Are these your friends?

CC said...

@Rita Lot
*Phazes in.*
Bah Rita, so analytical.

Tinka Lot said...

@Black Rain
These are the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They... um... I really don't know how to describe them.

Tinka Lot said...

@Hologram CC
*squeaks* CC, don't do that!

CC said...

@Rita Lot

Laz said...

@Rita Lot
The huh?

Tinka Lot said...

@Black Rain
The Cutie Mark Crusaders. They Crusade for their cutie marks.

Laz said...

@Rita Lot
Oh really?

Afro Mane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
(I know that feel, bro.)

@Afro Manestermind
...Aaaand DONE! *flips her around to a mirror* DO you love it?

Afro Mane said...

(Why do my comments keep getting eaten?)

Tinka Lot said...

@Black Rain
Yes, really.

Sitcom Mansion said...

@Afro Mane
Well, 'twas your practice test, on your body.
What do you think of it? ^^
*Poses for you*

Tinka Lot said...

@Suave Mane Mastermind
(So suave.)

Daisy Pusher said...

Well, Google's gone and done something stupid.

The login for the Voice, Twilight and Blix has gone missing.
It no longer exists.

The profile's still there, but they won't acknowledge the login.

Tinka Lot said...

@Seapony Maid Bonbon
(When was the last time you actually used Blix?)

Daisy Pusher said...

Blix was months ago, but she shares with Twilight and the Voice, and the Voice was last on yesterday.

Afro Mane said...

@Suave Mane Mastermind
...Nice... *looks at flank* ...*gasp* *Boosh, Cutie Mark* *Squeals like a filly*

Tinka Lot said...

@Seapony Maid Bonbon

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
*bursts out of the room, shoving his flank in your face* SUCK IT! *gallops around* Woo!

Sitcom Mansion said...

@Afro Mane

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
(Now you must edit your profile.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
Huh. Well, he was about the last pony I expected to get a cutie mark. *turns to crusaders* You girls better hurry up.

Afro Mane said...

@Suave Mane Mastermind
*gallops back in and kisses you* Thank you! *gallops back out again* WOooo!!! *stops by CMC* See girls, you'll get your Cutie Marks, it may just take a while! *galloping around like an idiot again* WOOO!!!

Afro Mane said...

*from outside* Yeah! Woo!

Sitcom Mansion said...

@Seapony Maid Bonbon
(Perhaps the error will re-fix itself over time?
Alternatively, perhaps this might help...
Or try to submit a bug report or something. I once had a glitch, sent a report, it was fixed by the next morning.)

@Afro Mane
Pleasure ta' be'a service, mister.
*Tips imaginary hat*

Pewny said...

*shouts out of window* SHUT UP WILL YA? PONIES ARE TRYING TO SLEEP HERE! *tosses random object at you and shuts the window*

Afro Mane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Afro Mane said...

*duck* Whatever, bro! *teleports into your room and shoves his flank in your face*

Tinka Lot said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Afro Mane said...

*teleports into your room and shoves his flank into your face* Check it.

CC said...

@Afro Mane
*Turns from his desk.*
The hay are you doing in here?

Afro Mane said...

*ass to face*

CC said...

@Afro Mane
*Face explodes.*

Afro Mane said...

...*screams like a little filly and faints*

CC said...

@Afro Mane
*Head fades back into view*
Heheh... *Smirks* Ah, illusionary magic. Much fun~
*Slowly pushes the fainted Afro out into the hallway, then relocks the door.*

Afro Mane said...

(Oh, you...)

Afro Mane said...

*gets up* *Looks around, and slinks off*

Tinka Lot said...

(Not a hologram?)

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
(He's legit.)

CC said...

@Rita Lot
(Holo is in the living room~)

Sitcom Mansion said...

(Evil Lurker CC?)

Tinka Lot said...

(So you're no longer in the forest?)

CC said...

@Suave Mane Mastermind

@Rita Lot
(There are many CCs, my dear.~)

Afro Mane said...

(oh, God...)
*sneaks up behind Rita*

Tinka Lot said...

(Um, what?)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
*swishes tail cutely*

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
*in head* D'aww...
*creeps up...* HEY RITA!

CC said...

@Afro Mane
*Watches carefully*

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
EEP! *goat faint*

CC said...

@Rita Lot
(Many CC's, muwahaha...~)

Tinka Lot said...


CC said...

@Rita Lot
*Looks over at her.*
...Huh. Odd.

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
*chuckles evilly* ... *poke poke*

Afro Mane said...

@Hologram CC
*looks over* You... No witnesses! *throws throw pillow at you*

CC said...

@Afro Mane
*It phases through him*
Cool story bro.

Afro Mane said...

@Hologram CC
This statement is false!

Tinka Lot said...

*still in same position as before*

CC said...

@Afro Mane
...That's nice. *Slowly walks away.*

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
*turns back* Hehehe... *teleports you to his room*

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
*shivers and rolls over*

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
*teleports in* Morning, Rita.

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
Go away. *leaves* (BRB)

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
...Forgot. Unicorn. More powerful than Earth Pony plus teleportation.

Tinka Lot said...

(OK, back.)

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
*teleports to living room* God, I love this scroll. *looks around*

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
*is curled up sleeping on couch, muzzle buried in hooves, ears flicking or tail swishing every so often*

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
D'awww.... *blood pressure spikes, heart begins irregular beats* ...Oh, Celestia... *squee*

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
*takes a picture* ...This is going on my Tumblr...

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
*poke poke*

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
*swats at you with hoof, then adjusts position*

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
(I expect you to put it on your Tumblr.)

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
(Have fun making the picture.)
*plot swat*

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
(You were the one who took the pic, it's your job.)

*kicks you in the face with hind leg*

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
(Aw, but I'm bad with editing programs! And I don't even know where to begin!)
*Grabs snout as he drops to the floor* AH!

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
(too bad, you're problem. And I would suggest pony creator.)
*pops up* Ah!

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
What was that for?!

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
You swatted my flank! What do you think it's for? Forget it, I'm going to bed. *teleports to room* (night)

Slots said...

(I probably could do it. If I wasnt at work. And woek tomorrow..and then the next day...and the day after that....and cause Im lazy.....and-ya know what I cant do it. Especially with me playing my new game Anno 2070 (look it up. Its awesome!). Soooo...yeah get on it Afro. 'grats on the cutie mark by the way.)

Afro Mane said...

(Thanks. And I'll get on it tomorrow.)

You were going to kill me with adorable! Whatever. *climbs up onto couch, curls up, nose nudged against Cutie Mark, and falls asleep* (Night all!)

Laz said...

*sneaks downstairs, And looks around, making sure nopony is around. He proceeds to slow dance with nopony*

Laz said...

@Black Rain
*after about 30 minutes, he quietly trots upstairs to pretend to be asleep*

Afro Mane said...

@Black Rain

Afro Mane said...

(Pay attention to me! I have a Cutie Mark!)

Leeky said...

@Afro Mane
(Then everything was changed!
And hurray!)

Leeky said...

[I had the strangest dream where the next mlp episode was about Slots was taking Trixie out on a date to the fair, but for some reason Trixie turned into a sea horse and had to be carried around in a bucket. And then Lyra and Bonbon were confirmed as being a pairing in canon...maybe I should take a break from looking at fanon material...]

Afro Mane said...

(So it begins... *writes something down on a notepad*)

Afro Mane said...


Afro Mane said...


Slots said...

(Ya know if Trixie reads this, I can expect this to be our next RP I bet in gmail.)

Afro Mane said...

(Yeah, where is Trixie?)

Slots said...

@Afro Mane
(How many times do I have to say this. She isnt around as much cause she has no computer right now.)

Lyra said...

But we are a couple.

Afro Mane said...

(The shipping possibilities... Oh yeah...)

CC said...


"...Hng.... ...Hn..."

CC said...

"Shh..." She put a hoof on him. "Rest, CC, rest..."

CC said...

...He falls silent.

CC said...

"Pft..." He whips his head to the side. "I still think this is pointless..."

CC said...

"why does one see this process as pointless?"

CC said...

"It's a waste of time and resources. He should just be made a new surrogate."

CC said...

"We went over this. He's in treatment." She turns to the red-hooded figure.

CC said...

"a new surrogate cannot be developed without sufficient risk for cc."

CC said...

"I think it's worth it."

CC said...

"You know full well she wouldn't allow it."

CC said...

"Arcvi could make her."

CC said...

"i will not support one's suggestion of force," they promptly respond. "one's suggestion could easily jeopardize the project."

CC said...

"Hmph..." he grunts loathsomely, before turning back to the red-hooded figure. "You, why do you keep saying 'one'?"

CC said...

"You won't give us your name."

CC said...

"i shall refer to one as one if one refuses to give one's identification."

CC said...

"i shall refer to one as one if one refuses to give one's identification."

CC said...

He groans at their comments, especially the second. "Fine... I'm representing Arcvi. Just call me that."

CC said...

"very well arcvi."

CC said...

"So then, when will he be finished?"

CC said...

"Finished healing, or with the proj-"

CC said...

"Healing," he quickly interrupts, as if a rush.

CC said...

She hesitates for a moment. "...A little while. Luckily, that machine is still around... As well as that masquerading 'mistake'... He-"

CC said...

"Fine then." He turns impatiently. "See to it that it continues. My business is done." He begin walking away.

CC said...

"we will continue arcvi's project. goobye arcvi."

CC said...

"...Hm..." She sighs quietly, glancing over CC.

CC said...

"is nightglow okay?"

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