BANG! Another post filled up! May have taken quite sometime, but hey, it got there. We now have filled up over 50,000 post of pony, RP, and chat.Amazing what a small group of friends can do huh??
A request from our dear member, Rita. Must say, other than Vinyl Scratch and Octavia, these two ARE cute together. Woo for fandom background pony shipping!
«Oldest ‹Older 4801 – 4990 of 4990 Newer› Newest»@Afro Mane
(Are you?)
@Rita Lot
(I love statues. My best friend is a statue.
@Afro Mane
(I do not even know what that is.)
@Rita Lot
(It means you're racist. Toward statues.)
@Afro Mane
(I just meant that only ponies were allowed to vote. Ponies that live in the mansion. I have nothing against statues.)
@Rita Lot
(oh, so now you're some sort of elitist? *breaks out of statue with magic* I'm moving into your attic.)
@Rita Lot and Discord
(Good job, Rita. See what you did?)
@Afro Mane and Discord
(No. Cause he's still not a pony.)
@Rita Lot
(We have the Lord of Chaos in our attic now. Good job, Rita. Good job.)
(You know what that means? Our resale value is shot.)
@Afro Mane
(And that also means everyone leaves.)
@Afro Mane
(*drops in randomly* You've still got me, young Afro.)
(*notices Discord* ...I must be sleeping again.)
@Afro Mane
(Not this time, young Afro. I've seen your dreams. Naughty little things, aren't they?)
(Come back, ponies!)
(I miss you...)
(...So much...)
(Ponies? Come out, come out wherever you are...)
(Forever alone)
@Afro Mane
(forever a scone.)
(forever a pon.....y.)
@Hologram CC
(Forever atoned.)
(Forever a pwned.)
@Afro Mane
(Forever a cone.)
@Hologram CC
(Forever a pony? Well, not nessecarily...)
@Rita Lot
(Tom Dan: Forever a stone.)
@Afro Mane
(Mastermind: Forever a clone.)
@Rita Lot
...Yeah, I got nothing.)
@Afro Mane
(Bee: Forever a drone.
Four Dollar a Loan
@Midnight Phantom
(I declare this win.)
(As do I.)
(One hour later...)
@Afro Mane
(23 minutes later)
@Rita Lot
(I don't like that show very much.)
@Rita Lot
@Rita Lot
(I do have a funny story about it though. I think I was like 5, and it was my sister's birthday and it was also the night of Kids Choice Awards so my parents gave everyone at the party little ballots to guess who won everything. One of the choices for "Best Cartoon" was E,E&E. My parents always told me not to watch that show, so I decided to get them mad by voting for it. I didn't exactly understand how voting worked yet,LOL.)
@Rita Lot
(Aaaahh okay makes sense then why you dont like it, if your parents told ya otherwise. As for me, I LOVE the show, and can probably recite some of them by heart XD But hey, we cant all like all the shows of cartoons heh)
(True. Did you know my sister pretty much knows Mean Girls by heart?)
@Rita Lot
(I think we all have that one silly thing we can recite XD)
(...I don't...)
@Rita Lot
(Can you recite an MLP song?)
(Everybody's special! NOW RP!)
@Afro Mane
(Busy slightly.)
@Rita Lot
@Afro Mane
@Afro Mane
(I am close enough to Rita!
...I have glasses!)
(You'll work. RP?)
@Afro Mane
(If I had been here when you asked instead of getting called away to fold clothes, sure. As it stands now, I am going to be in half an hour.)
(I'll be waiting... *backs into the shadows*)
@Afro Mane
(*blinks* Uh.... okay? The crow caws at midnight?)
... ..Caw?
>not midnight
Crow go back to bed
... ..caw caww.... *flies away*
(...What was that?)
@Afro Mane
Perhaps Aura has a pet crow?
Come out, come out wherever you are~)
@Afro Mane
(Too simultaneously excited by this and this at the moment.)
(Blowing your mind now)
(Also :D)
Pay attention to me!)
@Afro Mane
(*looks up from schoolwork* I'm sorry, what? *goes back to schoolwork*)
@Shoo be doo, shoo shoo be doo...(for a bit)
(All work and no play makes Rain a dull colt)
@Black Rain
(So stop being dull.)
(Yeah, cut it out.)
@Afro Mane and Rita
@Black Rain
(Say what?)
@Black Rain
(Does that mean murder?)
@Rita Lot
(...Is he gonna murder me, Rita?)
@Afro Mane
(We can only hope not)
@Black Rain
(Don't go Blackjack on me now.)
@Afro Mane
(*sits there, tapping a hoof, staring at you*......)
[of course...]
(*still oblivious*)
(It's Saturday, and no pony. What do?)
@Afro Mane
[Why not SCIENCE!?]
@Afro Mane
(Watch Korra of course. Korra is replacement pony.)
@Rita Lot
(I would, if I could find the first 8 episodes.)
(I don't feel like Portal )
@Afro Mane
@Rita Lot
(Hulu! Of course!)
Hulu doesn't have actual episodes, though, so here.
(Just gonna leave this here.)
@Afro Mane
(*Phases in.*
@Hologram CC
(That's beautiful.)
@Black Rain
(It really is huh?)
@Afro Mane
*Phases out*)
@Hologram CC
(What was that?)
(Hello? Anypony?)
@Afro Mane
(*Rephases in*
@Hologram CC
(Wh-- How are you doing that?)
@Afro Mane
@Hologram CC
(Like, holograms and junk?)
@Afro Mane
@[Pre FIM Big Mac? XD]
(...Help me kill boredom!)
(I dun get it.)
(Herro ponies?)
(shoo be doo be doo)
@Black Rain
(Sho shoo be doo.)
(Shoo be do?)
(Shoo shoo be doo?)
Call upon the sea ponies
When your in distress
(I'm just gonna SHOO BE DOO! SHOO SHOO BE DOO!)
@Seapony Maid Bonbon
(So alone... Nopony to play with...)
@Afro Mane
[Dude, seriously, wait a little while longer till vacations start for everybody and it should get more lively. Pretty much everyone is studying for exams and such ya know]
(But it's summer for me!)
@Afro Mane
(What Pewny said, i'm still catching up on work and stuff.)
@Afro Mane
(And for some its next month a week in like for my sister. Just wait it out. Be happy you get a vactaion. Some of us lost that ages ago.)
[ Haino Haino Haino! Yoisho Yoisho Yoisho! ]
(Hello? Time killers?)
(I sound like a broken record.)
@Afro Mane
(I like broke a sound record)
(Aura did you get into my stash again?)
@Afro Mane
(I gotta hide the hard cider better.)
@Afro Mane
(Why wouldnt I have my own huh?)
(Because I'm the main alcoholic in this mansion.)
@Afro Mane
(You forget one important thing: Aura no longer lives in the mansion!)
(Wait, what?)
@Afro Mane
(it was established forever ago that Aura moved out of the mansion)
...You wanna RP? Post's about to hit the ceiling anyway. We have 50 available comment thingies.)
@Afro Mane
(Busy playing TF2 right now)
(Screw TF2! Play with me, Aura!
Exept Pyro. Pyro is best class.)
@Afro Mane
@Afro Mane
(Excuse me!?)
@Afro Mane
@Afro Mane
*throws potion*
*hit by potion*
NOOOO! My sandvich! CC! MAKE ME A NEW ONE!
@Afro Mane
*hands you a sandwich* Here, take this one.
*eyes it suspiciously*
@Afro Mane
@New Sandwich
...Did you just talk?
@Afro Mane
...Nah... Yo' jus' wasted right now. ...C'mon. Eat me.
@New Sandwich
@New Sandwich
...A'ight. *nom*
@Black Rain
Bro, try this sammich.
@Afro Mane
(You've GOT to try this sandwich! It's no ORDINARY sandwich! It's a sandwich made from Jellyfish Jellyyyyyyyy~!!!)
*The sandwich was clearly and actually just the sandwich that was splashed with the potion*
@Afro Mane
*spits it out* You tried to poison me!
@Dumb Old Sandwich
(...I trusted you...)
@Afro Mane
Poison? Nah. However, you did intake some of the potion... *watches the glob you spit out hit Rain* ...and now he did too.
...I hate you so much right now. *flash of light*
@Afro Mane
*smiles* Thank you!
@Afro Mane
*it hits his face and he staggers back* Bleh! Keep it in your mouth! *wipes it off with a swipe*
@Black Rain
Well hello Rain! Are you ready to be a filly?
*mare'd* ...Ya never get use to it.
What? No. Why?
@Afro Mare
*blink* You will! Now... I'm just going to leave you to your own devices. Come to me later and I'll turn you back.
@Black Rain
Because that glob of sandwich that hit you will turn you into a filly.
*blinks and runs up to the bathroom, entering and locking himself inside*
@Black Rain
*waits for the scream*
*it is high pitched and short*
@Black Rain
*trots up to you* One question: Why?
@Black Rain
Ah silly kid... she'll come out soon enough though.
@Afro Mare
(Because you wanted an RP lol XD)
Do you get some sick thrill out of messing with other ponies' genders?
@Afro Mare
*shakes her head* Nah. I just like messing with ponies period. Its in my blood... thanks to a failed potion, it literally is in my blood to mess with ponies.
*trots in* What's up?
@Rita Lot
Hey Rita! How're ya?
Fine. How're you?
@Rita Lot
Riiiiita! Aura made Rain and I mares!!
@Rita Lot
*points to Afro* Fine.
@Afro Mare
Not like you both haven't been mares before.
@Rita Lot
Well, yeah, but... Has Rain ever been a mare?
@Rita Lot
(Was I? I don't recall.)
@Black Rain
(Pretty sure not actually... this is new for Black Rain.
Also, last.)
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