BANG! Another post filled up! May have taken quite sometime, but hey, it got there. We now have filled up over 50,000 post of pony, RP, and chat.Amazing what a small group of friends can do huh??
A request from our dear member, Rita. Must say, other than Vinyl Scratch and Octavia, these two ARE cute together. Woo for fandom background pony shipping!
«Oldest ‹Older 3601 – 3800 of 4990 Newer› Newest»@Rick Mastermind
*Sees you from the entrance among the scrambling crowd.*
MM! Sonic and I are out here!!
*the twins run to you, chased by a couple changelings* CC! help!
*valiently fighting off changelings* Bring it! *one changes into Afro* ...Oh, it's on.
@Afro Mane
*stays in bush*
@Evil Afro Mane
@Afro Mane
*Comes running over to you*
*the twins are currently hiding under tables in the dining hall.*
@zSONICoz My only regret is being a virgiiiiii-- *swarmed*
@Rita Lot
*Pushing the changelings to the side*
CC, lets go!! *Runs past CC*
@Afro Mane
*The Sonic suddenly warps into a Changeling, revealing itself as a fake as it tackles you*
@Afro Mane
*emerges* THEY'RE EATING MY LOVE! *swarmed again*
*the swarm flies off to assault others as the Sonic changeling tackles Afro* OOF!
@Rita Lot
*Spots the two of you under the table, and worriedly backons*
@Black Rain
*they run over to you* Rain! You're ok!
@Rita Lot
*Three Masterminds slowly sneak under the table behind you*
*getting the upper hand* Eat hoof, you abomination *hoof to face*
@Rita Lot
*The Black Rain suddenly rears up, transforming back into a changeling!*
*gasps and falls over*
@Rita Lot
*slides up next to you*
*gets up and scrambles back*
@Rita Lot
*A shot of magic quickly shoots into it from the side, sending the Changeling flying*
Rita, Tinka, behind you!!
*tackles the other* Eat it! *reaches out for Rita* C'mon!
*tries to sneak away while staying in the bush*
[also; derpy did get to attend the wedding after all!]
@Afro Mane and Mastermind
*they both run towards you*
@Afro Mane
*The three Mastermind clones suddenly reveal themselves behind you, rearing back to jump*
*Pops head out of the bush, then blinks at you.*
(Gotta go, be back soon, I hope.)
*takes out leek from under hat*
Sunshine Sunshine?
*A second CC pops out beside the first.*
*rears back as well*
*begins bashing both CC's on the head with the leak*
*The two CC changelings revert and fall onto the floor.*
*attacks other changelings*
That will teach you not to challenge the Leek Queen!
@Afro Mane
*One of them falls to the ground, as the other two jump at you*
*ducks one and attacks the other*
@Afro Mane
*Suddenly leaps out from beside you, bucking and knocking out the second one, who falls beside the other*
Come on, come on, go go!
*Continues for the exit among the crowd, dragging Rita behind him*
@Rick Mastermind
*gallops after him* Woo!
(I'll be back later~)
@Afro Mane
*Running behind you.*
*follows, still in the bush*
@Afro Mane
Shut yer yap and run! *Shoots a beam of magic at a rearing Changeling in front of him*
@Rick Mastermind
THIS IS SO FREAKING AWESOME! *ducks a charging Changeling*
(And we're all gone.)
(12 hours later. Still gone.)
(Home from school.)
(Nopony's caught the problem with my sentence yet. For shame, ponies. For. Shame.)
@Rita Lot
(That you don't go away to school?)
@Rick Mastermind
(Exactly. But, I actually did go to school today.)
@Rita Lot
(Oooh. Do tell.)
@Rick Mastermind
(I took tests.)
@Rita Lot
(Ah. FCAT.)
@Rick Mastermind
(Yeah. I didn't know those in other states knew about it.)
(I don't.)
@Rita Lot
(Most wouldn't. I only know because I know others taking them.)
@Rick Mastermind
(You know other Floridian teens?)
@Rita Lot
(*shrug* Eh, a few.)
@Afro Mane
(*jumps back* AAH! How did that colorful cow get in here?!
(...Or not.)
(Oh god so alone.)
@Afro Mane
(Yeah, alone, no one one else but my BASS CANNON!! *fires*)
(*blown back by sheer beats* AAAAAH!)
@Afro Mane
(*gets up* WHAT THE BUCK?!)
(...Are we still doing the wedding RP?)
@Afro Mane
(And that I have no idea. Ive been out of the loop since. And work again today, damn it.)
(*blasted again* Noo! Ponystep!!)
(*gets back up, wielding a boom box* EAT METAL!!)
@Afro Mane
((Eeyup. I work ALOT this week.))
(Your link fails you!! TAKE MY MUSIC *fires again*)
@Afro Mane
(*nothing happens* Oops. Forgot to plug it in. *plugs in boombox* Alright... NOW-- *blasted by ponystep*
The beat! It's... so catchy!! *recovers* NOW EAT METAL!!
@Afro Mane
(*shrugs off the tune* Eh, its okay really. I liked it. Still THE WUB WUBS WILL WIN *fires*)
@Afro Mane
(Too short! Same theme! You FAIL. TAKE MY DUBSTEP RAINBOW FACTORY!!! *fires off another shot*)
Help me Mark Hoppus!
@Afro Mane
@I don't need books! I have the INTERNET!!
@Afro Mane
(And I have THIS)
@Afro Mane
(*victory dance*)
(Yeah, but I still have Blink-182.)
@Afro Mane
(And I still have Alex S.)
(Yeah, well, shut up.)
@Afro Mane
(No, seriously, what is that?)
@Afro Mane
*Is napping, but wakes up as you say that* I'm going to have to hurt Afro later. But for now... *back to nap*
@Rita Lot
(Wait, whaT?)
@Afro Mane
(Look what comment I replied to.)
@Rita Lot
(It's Afro, Rita. The pony doesnt check profiles to see if like, which Slots is the real Slots in cases of dresses.)
(It's funny when you wear a dress.)
(Of course. The books.
...Are we still doing the wedding?)
@Rita Lot
(You WOULD think its funny I wear a dress.)
(Same here, Aura.)
@Afro Mane
[You missed pal, you didn't check the profile again]
(Quiet, CC.)
@Afro Mane
(No, dang it, you're Lazulic.)
@Afro Mane
(Then I... I must be The Great and Powerful Trixie!)
@Afro Mane
(I would most likely be Mastermind or somepony.)
@Afro Mane
(*smoke bombs go off* Gaze in awe as Afro disregards what he learned last time, and once again becomes... *appears* The Great and Powerful Afro!! *pose*
(Oh, and too late.)
@The Great and Powerful Afro Mane
(You cannot stop The Great and Powerful Afro! *more smoke bombs*)
@The Great and Powerful Afro Mane
(Dont make me prove it and smash you with Tom Dan again.)
@The Great and Powerful Afro Mane
[*trots by* Oh, Afro, I didn't knew you were into crossdressing. *trots away*]
@The Great and Powerful Afro Mane
[No, thanks. I'd rather stay, you know, a STALLION]
(Of course. You berate The Great and Powerful Afro to validate your own puny self-worth!)
@The Great and Powerful Afro Mane
(Im going to work. someone delete his comments if he gets out of hand.)
(How would I get out of hand?)
@The Great and Powerful Afro Mane
(>Set mansion on fire.
>Mock Trixie in some harmful way
>Clop pretending your Trixie
>Mock me behind my back since your dressed as Trixie)
@The Great and Powerful Afro Mane & Slots
(He has a very valid point Afro. You probably should go back to normal before I hurt you for making fun of Trixie... again.)
(>I've learned not to.
>See 1
>Most plausible)
(Good point Slots.)
(A very good point isn't it Slots?)
(Yes, it is Slots.)
(Afro challenges you to try!)
@The Great and Powerful Afro Mane
*Runs up and bucks you straight between the legs, then rips your costume off*
*drops* ...AAAaaaaa...
Okay... Afro is done... *sob*
@Afro Mane
I thought so. That is what you get for that, Afro.
W...Why? *sob*
@Afro Mane
Making fun of my marefriend and planning to make fun of me?
Y-you're Aura... Why d-do you care? *sobbing, cradling his... cradle.*
@Afro Mane
Nope. I am the actual Slots now, since he left.
W-what? *more manly sobbing*
@Afro Mane
I. Am. Slots. Until he comes back, I have his permission to be him while he is gone. And I am not happy that you were making fun of my marefriend.
Where's Slots..?
I am so confused... *gets up* Aah... Ow... I hate you, Slots. Or Aura. Or whoever you are. *sits gingerly on couch* Ow...
@Afro Mane
Have you learned your lesson Afro?
...No.. What's going on?
@Afro Mane
Are you going to dress up as my mare ever again?
M...maybe. Why do you care? You're Aura!!
@Afro Mane
I am Slots. And that is why I care.
@Afro Mane
(Aura dated Trixie too.)
@Rita Lot
(...This is also very true! XD)
@Rita Lot
(Aura's a mare.)
You're Aura. You're delusional. You're a MARE.
@Afro Mane
(...Afro clearly doesn't remember ANYTHING about Mars or before.)
I am Slots. I am not Delusional. And I will MAKE you a mare if you insult me or Trixie one more time.
@Afro Mane
That's totally something Aura would say.
@Rita Lot
(Honestly... I dunno. Aura was a man at one time?
I gotta find those old RPs.)
@Afro Mane
*rolls eyes* Ugh Afro, just do not do it again, okay?
(Uh... no. Aura and Trixie were dating well before she went to be with Slots. In fact, at first Slots was even with Twilight, not Trixie.)
(Where was I in all this?
Incidentally, I can't find any of my posts in the old RPs on EQD.)
Gonna wuss out now? Huh?
@Afro Mane
*growls* Afro, do NOT test me.
(Apparently not all there in the head, considering that Aura and Trixie were dating... well, until Terra showed up.)
Try me. *gets up*
@Afro Mane
*Kicks down again*
(...How do you seriously not remember that? I mean, I can expect it from Rain, since he only even joined this blog when it got to this incarnation, but you have been there since the start?)
*gets back up, tackles Slots/Aura*
(I have. I honestly don't remember.)
@Afro Mane
*rolls over so you are underneath, and kicks you again between the legs*
(That is kinda sad.)
*bites your leg*
And yes. Very sad. Care to refresh my memory?)
@Afro Mane
*blinks... and smacks your face in, then gets up, and kicks you again between the legs*
(Not really.
Aura and Trixie were dating until Terra came along. That... is pretty much it.)
[I will just leave this here]
(Should have left this one here, since about halfway, three fourths of the way down is, right there:
The Great and Powerful Trixie said...
@S.Aura Knight
*glares at Slots* Stay away from Trixie's marefriend! *gives Aura a deep passionate kiss* stop playing pretend, Trixie demands your attention!
(What the hell, cheater?)
*beaten more* *somehow gets back up* Not yet...
(I still can't find any of my posts.)
@Afro Mane
(Slots is like... three times bigger than Afro. It isn't cheating really.)
...Afro, just stop. Seriously.
*stumbles forward* Scared? *weak buck*
@Afro Mane
No, not scared. I just don't want to actually hurt you.
So you're scared then. *stumbles behind you and bucks you*
@Afro Mane
*is hit and doesn't budge, but sighs* Ugh Afro, no I am not scared. You are just trying to drag this out.
*hoof between the legs* What now?
(Like, a punch. Not a molestation.)
@Afro Mane
*shakes his head, and bucks you*
*dropped* Okay... *cough cough* ...It's a tie.
@Afro Mane
Why did you try to punch me? All that was asking for is a buck.
I...Not now. *rolls over, and begins snoring*
@Afro Mane
*blinks* ...uh... okay then. *trots out of the room and to the kitchen*
(Gotta sleep it off.)
(Only Afro could lseeo from be being bucked so many times.)
@Afro Mane
(Of course...? Ill uh... just go back to playing games then lol, less somepony else is around.)
(I don't understand. how do you lseeo?)
*from the living room* ...AAAAH! Sweet Celestia, the pain! All at once! AAAAAAAAH!!!
@Rita Lot
(By typing "Sleep" on a phone.)
@Afro Mane
*ignores and pours a drink*
@Rita Lot
(Im on a phone leave me alone!! *cries and goes back to work*)
I HATE YO AURA ow my nuts.
@Afro Mane
*calls out to the living room* I am Slots Afro ugh jeeze how hard is that to understand!?
(Be back in about an hour or so have to do something.)
(half an hour more, have to eat now)
(And back now! Anypony around?)
(...nopony is around? *shrugs and goes to game*)
(I am)
@Rita Lot
(new page)
@Rita Lot
(What are you up to?)
(Chillin'. Minecraft.)
(Not much.)
(Nopony asked you.)
@Rita Lot
(Which makes is my duty to speak anyway.)
@Rita Lot
(Ah I see then heh heh, I am just playing games XD)
(Yay for games)
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