BANG! Another post filled up! May have taken quite sometime, but hey, it got there. We now have filled up over 50,000 post of pony, RP, and chat.Amazing what a small group of friends can do huh??
A request from our dear member, Rita. Must say, other than Vinyl Scratch and Octavia, these two ARE cute together. Woo for fandom background pony shipping!
«Oldest ‹Older 1401 – 1600 of 4990 Newer› Newest»@Afro Mane
(*whacks you with a frying pan* PRETEND I SAID THAT!)
@Rita Lot
(*slumps to the floor* I win...)
@Afro Mane
( never win! Meh.)
@Afro Mane
Darling, what ever are you doing on the floor? You'll ruin your magnificent coiffure!
(Whats Rarity doing here in the blog?)
Oh, sweetie. I just through you all could use a pony of style to help make this place more classy.
*gets up* ...Rarity?
@Afro Mane
@Sweetie Belle
*jumps* Gah! Sweetie Bell! ...W-what's up?
@Afro Mane
I'm helping sis out! She tells everyone it's so I won't make a mess again, but I know it's really because she wants my help and values my style!
@Sweetie Belle
Okay... What's your sister doing here?
@Afro Mane
A lady need not tell her secrets.
@Afro Mane
She looking for something.
Didn't know it was on a need to know basis. How ya doin'?
@Sweetie Belle
@Sweetie Belle
Sweetie Belle!
@Afro Mane
*Ahmm* Yes, I am... looking... for something.
...Care to explain? Maybe I can help.
(Thisll be interesting to read at work. Please go on.)
@Afro Mane
Well, I'm looking for... rare, expensive, one-of-a-kind designer, custom-ordered, jewel-encrusted sunglasses, although I don't know why they would be... here.
(I thought Sweetie Belle was still in the clutches of the tumble weeds? Unless that's fake Sweetie Belle. Also, cool story. For her birthday, my sister is getting her room painted. we were looking at color swatches, so I looked at a pretty purple swatch. I found a pretty set of 3 lavender like colors. The bottom 2 are Lavender Sparkle and Twilight Pearl. I found this awesome.)
@Rita Lot
... What's a 'tumble weed'?
@Rita Lot
Nah, I struck a deal with those guys a while ago. The tumbleweed king and his subjects live in a deserted, alternate timeline now. We probably won't be seeing them again. The malicious ones, anyway.
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
that sounds like it would fit in a G1 episode XD]
(I'm bored...I wonder how many would be interested in either playing MC, or watching me just play heh)
(Sounds interesting.)
@Rita Lot
(Do you play Minecraft Rita?)
(No, but I like it. I just don't have it.)
@Rita Lot
(Darn. If it was your birthday again, Id so get it for you to play. Heck, Id even make you a pony skin)
(I might get it eventually, but right now I need to finish schoolwork.)
@Rita Lot
(You should. Its a fun game, something I think we could all enjoy. But yes, work first heh.)
(I like the creativity. Also do the cows really stock you or is that a myth?)
@Rita Lot
(I'll play!)
@Black Rain
(Ive had a few show up alot in my house yes heh. And it IS creative heh)
@Black Rain
Ill think about making a server for us all. My only problem is I couldnt keep it running forever.)
(mfw you reply to me twice
Also I don't play that much so having it up at all times won't be necessary.)
@Black Rain
(Welp, we can see what I can do with it later then heh. I do like Minecraft)
(Yes? XD )
@Rita Lot
(*points dramatically* I KNEW IT!)
(*points dramatically* INDEED!)
@Rita Lot
(*points to a light bulb* LOOK AT THAT! AMAZING!!)
(*gasps dramatically* HOW SHOCKING!)
@Rita Lot
(*gasps and points at you* SO ARE YOU OML!)
@Rita Lot
Yes, I am very bored. How ya doing :P)
Also I'm fine, how are you?)
@Rita Lot
Pretty good, freaking sleep as hell though in the morning, even though I got plenty of sleep heh. Other than that, Im good, excited my Mass Effect N7 jacket is almost here!)
(A jacket, huh?)
@Rita Lot
(The birthday gift I got myself yes. Kina useless since Vegas weather is warming up, but its too awesome not for me to get here and now, especially since Ive been dieing to get one since I finished ME2)
(Lucky you, Florida never even got a tiny bit cold.0
@Rita Lot
(Heh yeah Ive heard that, just humid, bleh. So Ill stick with my weather thanks.
@Rita Lot
@Rita Lot
(XD Twi just steals it!)
@Rita Lot
(Thats all anypony watches when you see this clip, its like, impossible XD Unless you watch it a second time, like alot do too after XD)
(And now for something completely different. Meep.
...I'm not too sure either.
To be fair I've been awake for the past 29 hours or so.
*Falls unconscious.*)
(....Why is this catchy as hell and I like it.... CURSE YOU CATCHY MUSIC)
(*is listening to his music*)
(OK, I'm back)
@Rita Lot
(Welcome back Rita heh ^^)
@Rita Lot
)PLaying a game right now, but will respond when I can heh. Anything else going on?)
(Not much, just going to bed.)
@Rita Lot
(Night Rita!!)
(AFGLGFHJKLYFKL. I GOT IT. I FINALL Y GOT MY N7 JACKET!! And it. Is. AWEEEEESOOOOOOME!!! *most happiest face he could ever make*)
(fancy comment, huh?)
@Rita Lot
(Appropiate for the situation. Gah Id send pics but I must not be seen!)
(So what, are we ninjas?
Actually, that sounds ideal...)
@Black Rain
(We ALL are secretly ninjas.
Except Afro.
He's a pirate.)
(Uh... Nothin. *Hides*)
(Ooookay? Back to epic jacket)
(By this time tomorrow I'll be on a bus heading for Disney land with a bunch of other people I know
One of two options will occur
Hilarious Shenanigans! <-- My personal Favorite
Then there is
Nothing will happen<-- I hope this doesn't happen or I'm gonna die on a bus with absolutely no chance for a second life....BUT WHAT ARE THE ODDS OF THAT HAPPENING?!
Shenanigans! DO-DOO-DO-DO-DO-DO
Shenanigans! DO-DOO-DO-DO-DO-DO
I'm now going to relax and then have all of the Electricals charged so I can have all the FUN!)
(WHOO! Jacket that keeps you warm but gives you insane amounts of cool to the power of 1000000!
I now is jelly which provokes the response "I KNOW DON'T YOU WISH YOUR JACKET WAS COOL LIKE MINE!~"
But I'm glad the jacket is epic!)
I could toss-out a prompt, to start you lot marching like puppets, but then what stories would I have to tell later?
It needs to be something grand. Epic. Adventurous.
A tail that spralls across the lands,
Through dark caves and stormy skies,
Over windy plains and murky swamps.
And I have nothing of the like that doesn't involve a leading character.
(...Slots...? Did you get into Mastermind's medicine again?)
@Afro Mane
(What medicine?)
@Mysterious, Disembodied Voice
(If I could honestly RP out something big, I would, but I barely have the time with how much I work, and when Im not, Im doing stuff with my family, which is work.)
(Heh have fun at your trip Sonic, will all be fine. And yes, the jacket IS awesome, All I need is my dog tags and some biotic powers and Im pretty much Commander Slots Shepard.)
@Afro Mane
Haven't you heard?
The pills,
they do NOTHING.
Did I mention Mastermind is a compulsive liar
Nah, you left that one out.
(That's common knowledge.)
@Afro Mane
(Ah I thought so. Good, good.)
(Good indeed.
...Are you a hologram?)
@Afro Mane
(...Why do you ask?)
(Because if you are, this won't hurt. *buck*)
@Afro Mane
(*lands flat on his belly, in between CC's holo-legs*
...Hologram wang. That is all.)
@Afro Mane
(Uh... *Steps back* That's great.)
(*gets up* What?)
@Afro Mane
(*Raises eye* Nothing?)
(I leave you all, with this. SEE YA LATER SINCE IM OFF TO WORK WOOOOSH)
And thus, the candlestick maker, the baker and that stallion from down the street who always seems to be giving everypony the stink-eye with a really creepy grin, set-off on the quest for the fabled 'Salad Bowl of Infinite Greens'.
@Mysterious, Disembodied Voice
(Voice, you are so random!)
@Rita Lot
(And we love it for it.)
@Mysterious, Disembodied Voice
Hm... What dressing?
(Thousand island?)
(And thats the twist. There IS no dressing!!)
Pff, doubt it. I mean, maybe if it was just the candlestick maker and the baker... But the stallion from down the street?
(And thats the piint! He doesnt want dressing, he wants cheese! CHEEEEEEEEEEESE!!! (for the record I habe been asked this. Arbys customers are wierd))
(*sniffle* Why does nopony keep me company when Im at work late here on the blog ?
;_; )
Cause ahm watchin Cops.
Slots so ronery ;o;
Because pretzle ponies.
@Mysterious, Disembodied Voice
I enjoy this.
So much.
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(screw cops!)
@The voice
(that looks painful..)
...All I imagine from that line is a scene of Slots running from pony officers screaming "FUQ DA POLICE".
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(Now I cant unsee it. Thanks MM.)
All in a day's work.
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(Eeeyup. *returns to his music that fits Roulette too well*)
(*yawns* Morning guys *grabs his stuff* I'll see ya'll in five days meanwhile I'm bout to go to Disney I'll see ya'll Laters! -Sonic)
@Rita Lot
(Hello, but not for long. Im off to work again. SO see you 5pm blog time!)
(It's 7pm blog time. What the hay, brony?)
@Afro Mane
(Oh, crap. I'm two hours behind blog time. Ignore me, Slots. Get back to the minimum wage grind.)
(I have added Pinkie Pie to the family! That makes 2 pony toys, plus one from last year!)
@Rita Lot
@Rita Lot
(And I just got a confirmation text
My McDonalds pony family is complete. ^.^)
@Black Rain
(text for what?)
(Yay, ponies!)
@Rita Lot
(Obviously from my mom telling me she got Rarity and Pinkie)
@Black Rain
(Yay. Mane 6 IRL (as IRL as it gets, sadly.))
@Afro Mane
(We all must do what we can to get money Afro, be it minimum wage or not. Just be happy YOU dont have to as such yet.)
(I need a job.)
@Afro Mane
(Get one. We all need one, and the sooner you get it, the better)
(I have a summer job, but I need to upgrade to Part-Time.)
@Afro Mane
(You should look into it. More jobs are opening up Im sure)
(Next year I can start bagging at Publix if I want.)
@Rita Lot
(That be something, some money in your pocket is always nice)
(yeah, and money's tight in our family, so we could always use more.)
(My McDonalds stopped selling pony toys... Without ever getting Applejack and Lily Blossom...)
(go to another one.)
@Rita Lot
(I don't really have access to any others...
My only real hope is a friend of mine, who may be able to get the two, if the one near him has them. ...If.)
( D: )
[Ugh, you goddamn US Bronies with your goddamn easy accessible (MLP is not popular here it would create a really awkward situation) and cheaper toys, with your goddamn parents that don't give a damn about you watching the show...]
(U mad bro?)
[More like jelly]
(U jelly?)
(Why does this work. And why does it work so well?)
(I dunno)
[Hear Hear! (well apart from the parents bit but yeah..]
(Also got a custom Future Twilight blind bag on eBay today. Hopefully it doesn't get stolen like the last thing I got on eBay :P )
@Black Rain
(*holding Future Twi* Muhahahaha... *presses down on her horn, as a bright life engulfs Afro, sending him hurtling through space, and time*)
@Afro Mane
(B-but my toy...)
@Black Rain
(*returns, a crown on his head* ...I am now the 14th ruler of Equestria. *hands futureTwi to Rain* Thanks, bro. Gotta go edit Wikipedia.)
@Rain (and Afro)
(That was silly.)
(I think you mean "awesome".)
[Best episode, due to things mentioned in the paper]
(WAs it the Mansion? Afro? Et cetera?)
[If Mansion was mentioned I would go WTF.
If you were mentioned I would stop watching the show.
Etc? Nah]
(Oh, you...)
*walks in the front door, carrying groceries and the Ponyville Paper*
(So much continuity! Continuity makes Rita a happy pony!)
@Afro Mane
*eating daisy sandwich*
@Rita Lot
*trots in the kitchen* Sup, Rita? *tosses paper on the table*
[It also makes others happy too XD]
[Also: I'm just gonna leave it here]
More plz.)
To anyone who didn't watch ep yet, my links will moooostly be spoilers]
(MORE! I don't care about spoilers!)
*clears throat*
[If I find more...]
(...I dun get it.
[Not a spoiler, I just have to put this here]
(Oh god so alone.)
Dat Griffon. Finally a new one, after Gilda! Seen in that "next episode preview"... Strange thing is, I actually saw a picture of that guy on JackleApp's tumblr over 2 weeks ago. Thought it was fake. Huh. (Warning: If you plan on browsing, other posts on that Tumblr are often NSFW.)
How come this was never on EqD?
Or was it, though I just missed it?
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(Don't know, don't care.
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
[I think it's been mentioned when we got the screencaps before.
I wonder how if it'll affect the Gryphon's portrayal in fanon? Probably not XD]
(Everypony knows ponies are the master race.)
(I wasted my day on Omegle talking to other Facebook pages. o.o)
@Black Rain
Brushy brush?
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(I'm in.)
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
Okay ^.^
@Black Rain
(Brushie brushie brushie)
*trots out of the kitchen, still holding the paper*
...You guy missed the reference. Ah well.
@Black Rain
*Brushie brushie brushie...*
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
*sees Mastermind brushing Rain* ...Okay...
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
*smiling happily*
@Afro Mane
Hi. *Grins* ^-^
@Black Rain
*brushie brushie...*
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind oh, and Rain
Uh... *just stares*
@Afro Mane
Always gotta look your finest! ^-^
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
*fluffs fro* I'm good.
@Afro Mane
@Black Rain
*Brushie brushie brushie*
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
*continues staring, confused* Say, uh... Check this out. *tosses paper to Mastermind*
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
*purrs a bit*
@Black Rain
@Black Rain
Lalala... ^^
@Afro Mane
Hm? *Glances over* What is it?
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
The gossip section. Check it. *points*
@Afro Mane
@Afro Mane
Local budding couple Black Rain and Rita Lot were spotted kissing in Ponyville Park before being confronted by Princess Celestia's neice, Princess Cadence, while on her publicity tour, creating hype for her upcoming wedding to local librarian Twilight Sparkle's brother Shining Armor. Princess Cadence broke up the two lovers. When asked why, she replied "Public displays of affection shouldn't be allowed in our plain view. it gives the foals and fillies "ideas". Dirty, filthy ideas".
The young couple could not be reached for comment.
Ya see!
@Afro Mane
(Even though I totally resent this...i'll play it)
*isn't reading, enjoys brushing*
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
*pokes Mastermind* Eh?
@Black Rain
(Yes, follow my commands. *evil laugh*)
Hey, Rain. *pokes* Check this out. *shows you*
@Afro Mane
Huh, that's interesting...
@Black Rain
*Brushie* Hey Rain, did you meet Princess Cadence?
@Afro Mane
Hmm? *looks and blinks* You know I struggle at reading things.
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
*looks up* What? N-no! Why would I?
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