BANG! Another post filled up! May have taken quite sometime, but hey, it got there. We now have filled up over 50,000 post of pony, RP, and chat.Amazing what a small group of friends can do huh??
A request from our dear member, Rita. Must say, other than Vinyl Scratch and Octavia, these two ARE cute together. Woo for fandom background pony shipping!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 4990 Newer› Newest»(Aaaaaand First.)
I wonder how Miss Cheerilee and Big Macintosh's Hearts and Hooves day went...
@Sweetie Belle whose post was still most definitely not eaten by wild, ravenous Lepperchans who thought her posts were magically delicious
Eww, it's that splashy guy again.
... And her cutie mark is bubbles. Ah' think there's a clue here somewheres.
*knock knock knockity knock*
[Not even one Doctor Who reference
Well at least he appeared, and the music during the time travel scene does kinda sound like "I am the Doctor.
Great episode though!]
(In before Rita again)
(BUT He was standing with both Dinky and Sparkler during the crowd scene.)
[Ahhhh, a new thread finally, now to subs-...... Wait... where the hell is the subscription option (note, not the "Post Comments (Atom) one)?! WHERE THE %^&* IS IT?!]
(Don't you control the layout of the blog?)
@Rita Lot
[I do, but this option was in the comment form, something I DON'T have control on...... I can add myself to the mail list in blog settings to get those emails, but I know a few people here were also subscribed to older threads :/]
(Can you subscribe them too?)
@Rita Lot
[I could if they say they want to and give me their emails. And I found WHY the option is not there:
"I finally found the "Subscribe by Email" option. It's available, but, you have to have "Embedded below post" selected on your Settings - Comments - Form Placement screen feature. It is not present in any other form of Comments placement."
The "Embedded below post" is the old style, where the comment form was below other comments. The problem is...... It's that one with the threads and no pages (the "load more" button) so I can't bring that back sadly]
(I see the button on mine though.)
(Twilight shall always have the best well as alot of funny lines from Pinkie Pie.)
(I have yet to see it.)
@Crazy Mane!
@Rita Lot
[Huh? Where exactly?]
(Very bottom of the page. it says Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). That's it, right?)
(Sorry? I'm cool with spoilers.)
@Crazy Mane!
(Oh. pinkie pie can walk on air.)
[Ooh! Dragon Quest next week!]
@Afro Mane
(I don't give a buck.)
[It just reminded me of a premise in G1 and I was wondering how'd they do it this time.]
@Afro Mane
(You still have the crazy afro pic on)
@Rita Lot
[From my first comment:
"(note, not the "Post Comments (Atom) one)"
The Atom thing is not by email, it's an RSS feed, something different]
[Ehhhh, screw this. If anyone here wants to be subscribed to comments here, send me a message ( with your email address, I will manually add you to the list]
(...I did not notice that.)
You can't just find a way to set the comments back to how they used to be? EqD had it fixed and back to normal days after the change happened in the first place. Shoot Sethisto an email or something. *Shrug*
(Finally got around to seeing A Friend In Deed. Still need to watch Read it and Weep, Putting your Hoof Down, and the latest one.)
@Afro Mane
(You're really behind.)
[*turns on the threaded comment system*
It's only TEMPORARY, tomorrow I will turn back to the page-based system. This one is an idea of Mastermind, so people who ere subscribed can subscribe since the method I talked about earlier... Creates a mess in inbox (comments are not grouped like they were, by a thread, but by the sender... So they are not really chronogically set like they should).
Please, do NOT use the reply function. Instead just write a new post and manually add @name to it. When I turn off the threads it will be lost and it may look odd.
Again, the system will be back tomorrow, and if Seth tells me how he fixed EqD then we will have the comment form down there too, while keeping pages]
I almost want to try and use the Reply function anyway just for lulz. ...And to see what it looks like when we turn it back. Mostly lulz.
*Blog breaks in half*
(The appearance of this page leads me to believe it'll just flatten.)
[Yeah, it will just flatten and such, but beter not use it.
1. Someone replies to an older post - the post is NOT pushed to the bottom. It stays up there so it may be ommited by those that are not subscribed
2. There is a chance that when turning off, the flattening will... go along the threads, completely ommiting the chronological order of posts, creating a mess]
Whelp, that's enough testing.
*Flies off somewhere*
Whaaat? You know I have an insatiable appetite for testing.
(what the buck?)
@Mastermind, Sitcom Mansion and CC
[That's what I was talking about, the cluster-... the mess even MOVES to the emails. It doesn't show what GLaDOS or Sitcom Mansion responded to, I was sure it were normal messages, and there SM explosion was to my previous comment.
Also, remind me and Slots to NEVER give Mastermind administrative rights on the blog, or we can have a real explosion of Sitcom Mansion here]
Yep. And by the looks of the popup/mobile site, it'll all just shift to chronological (like the emails) when you change back. So, testing was HUGE SUCCESS!
Also that is a very very very good plan.
(Okay, I'm bored. RP?)
*sneaks about mansion*
*lying outside on the deck*
*sneaks outside, dragging a small cart filled with leeks*
*lurks behind you*
*twitch twitch*
*picks up leak*
*ear flick*
*thwacks you on the head with it*
(I think the most ironic thing is that EqD just went into a different, non Blogger comment system just a bit ago, thus invalidating everything.)
[Really now? I wasn't there in quite some time. But I do remember that after Blogger changed it Seth was able to bring it back to what it was...... And right now I managed to do it myself by removing that Atom feed subscription.]
(Literally an hour and a half ago they changed to a new system, yes.)
[Pfffff. Then yeah, no way I would notice that. But I asked Seth, he said he doesn't remember but pointed me where he found it so yeah, fixed it, until the next time blogger decides to screw up something]
(Which Blogger screwing up stuff, eating comments and blowing up threads, is WHY Seth just changed the comment system an hour and a half ago.)
[The eating comments part is not fault of the comment system itself. It's fault of the stupid anti-spam feature google added that can't be turned of and that sometimes catches NORMAL comments as spam. There was a few comments in the spam filter when I checked today...... By accident I clicked to release them and you can see the effect by each thread having over 5000 comments now...
Besides, I am NOT going to change the comment system to anything else because it WOULD screw up our RP. Blogger remembers the name and avatar at the time of posting. Each and every other comment system uses variables of the type: user_name and user_image, meaning they ALWAYS show the ACTUAL name and avatar. Let's take Mastermind, she would be screwed with that system because all comments she made, would change name to whatever her account is at the moment, making the thing that is up there (Mastermind with a different avatar in each comment, GLaDOS, Sitcom Mansion) impossible wthout using more than one account.]
(I was no suggesting a change to a different system, was just pointing out why there were changes over in EqD.
And beyond that, it would be hard for an Anon to stay Anon with a different system, because many do not support Anonymouse commenting, or make it traceable anyway, or what have thou.)
[Hmmmm, true, you didn't. Oh well, explaied anyway why it won't happen XD
And yeah, most don't support anony-...... Oh, hai Rita]
(Oh hai wrong person.)
@Not Rita
[I only ever saw Rita use the term "Anonymouse sooo...]
(There was a Anonymouse in the fourth post!)
@Not Rita
@Not Rita
Oh, now the popup option is gone though. Tsk, I liked the popup. Ah well.
I wouldn't call the comment eating that bad a problem anyway. In the entirety of this RP since its creation, I think I've had maybe 2 comments eaten. And if the "50,000" as described in the first post is to be believed, that would make it 0.00004% which isn't a bad number at all. Put in measurement of time instead... In 11 days that'll be 2 posts in 8 months of RP.
...Damn, almost 8 months already? I feel old.
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
[The popup shows up when you click on reply and is in the link that shows in email ("Post a comment.")]
(Hate detected! Prep the Orbital Friendship Cannon for Encyclopaedia Dramatica!! (although this is a sight designed to troll/ make people mad as hay, but still, surf at your own risk.
P.S. We're not furries!
...Are we?)
@Afro Mane
(Also, somehow, they got all of Seth's contact info. Like, everything.
...Fire the Orbital Friendship Cannon!0
@Afro Mane
...The internet's insane, man...)
@Afro Mane
(Meh I ignore that kind of stuff honestly cause its stupid. There will always be haters. I say let them have thier fun.)
(Yeah, ya gotta take it with a grain of salt, but Jesus, they have EVERYTHING.)
...okay yeah that was a terrible joke.)
(I liked it.)
@Afro Mane
(Wouldn't Rita be in bed by now?)
(It's the weekend!)
@Afro Mane
(But seriously I am not Rita!)
(Oh, sure...)
@Afro Mane
(Do you know who I am?)
(...Quick Step?)
@Afro Mane
(See name)
@Not Quick Step
(...Lyra?! *grins*)
@Afro Mane
also your still have that creepy afro avatar on)
@Not Lyra or Quick Step
(Yeah, I'll fix it eventually.
@Afro Mane
(Almost there!... maybe.)
@Just grasping at pony names
@Afro Mane
(One last guess before I reveal myself)
@Non-Canon so probably one of us
(...Shining Armor?)
@Afro Mane
@Old Afro
...Now do Insane Afro!)
@Afro Mane
@Cloned Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
*tilts head* How'd you do that?
@Afro Mane
Also Magic.)
(What the hay?!)
@Afro Mane
(I 'unno!)
(*whips out gun from under the couch* Eat lead, mutant! *pew pew pew*
@Afro Mane
(you make this too fun to reveal myself))
@Test Admin 1
(*Stops shooting* Okay, that's pretty cool.
...*pew pew pew pew pew click click*)
@Afro Mane\
(*stands there*)
(Laz? Where the hell have you been? *reloads*)
@Afro Mane
(Please dun shoot no more Mr Afro!)
(*lowers the gun* Okay, what the hell?)
@Afro Mane
Yay! I mean... *disappears, never to be seen again*
@Sweetie Belle (still missing)
(*scratches head*)
@Afro Mane
Whoa! Was that Sweetie Belle just now!?
... *Scratches head*
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(I dont even know whats going on.)
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(Derp derp.)
@Cloned Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
Derp herp derp daderpa?
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
Maybe cocaine was not the best choice before bed.
*Shrugs* Beats those potions...
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
No, I mean those potions I stole fr-
Yes, what terrible coffee.
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
Stole from whoooo? *blinks seductively*
(Okay, what?)
@Twilight Sparkle
Who stole what?
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
Trixie knows what you stole!
@Afro Mane
(Do you really not know who Trixie is?)
@The Great and Powerful Trixie
(Go away! I don't love you!)
@The Great and Powerful Trixie
I ain't steal nothin'. Except terrible coffee.
@Afro Mane and Mastermind
Who stole what?
@Rita Lot
Um.... Supreme did it.
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
Why, darling, it is unladylike to lie like that! Now why don't you just tell us what you did?
@Rita Lot
(I knew she was awake! Suck it, anon!)
Now who you callin' a lady?
@Braeburn Clone Mastermind
Oh, uhm, sorry sir. I didn't mean to.
@Braeburn Clone Mastermind @Fluttershy
(Considering I know who the pony is and such, I can say you two are very silly ponies.)
@All the random ponies
...and bring back braeburn...)
Dont worry yerself 'bout it, t'sall just fine n'dandy!
@Braeburn Clone Mastermind
BRAEBURN!!! Just what do ya think yer doing!? Git back to Appleoosa afore tha buffalo find out!
@Afro Mane
(*cocks shotgun and fires at your 'fro*)
(*pellets tear through his 'fro, leaving tiny holes* He's mine!
Sorrythere miss! But ah'm a bit tied at the moment.
@Braeburn Clone Mastermind
What sort of business do you have here?
(I don't even know anymore, this is the last image I have to dredge up, so I'm fresh out.)
@Braeburn Clone Mastermind
(Yeah. Leave him alone, AJ!)
(Thank Celestia.)
Hey, ain't that yer sissy!?
@Braeburn Clone Mastermind
Yes, it is. Afro, leave her alone!
Who, Applejack?
Well that's mighty nice! How come w'aint never meet'er yet?
@Afro Mane
No Afro, Miku!
@Braeburn Clone Mastermind
Cause she isnt one to reviel herself and such.
What interstin' folk!
*tilts head* Who?
@Afro Mane
He's sayin' he want'chall ta' leave alone his sister!
(I don't even know)
@Afro Mane
Ugh forget it. Go back to being confused.
@Braeburn Clone Mastermind
If ya think so.
@Afro Mane
IMPOSTER! *pew pew pew pew*
@Afro Mane
*Looks around*
Everythin' looks pretty normal 'ta me.
(Anypony around this morning?)
[Seems only I am here right now.
On another note, checked EqD. Seth used Intense Debate, eh? I will say, he knows what's good.]
(Well morning then.
Is it a good service?)
@Rita Lot
Well, a year ago I was often on a blog that used it. Aside from the time IDs server were a bit overloaded and comments didn't want to load (but a bit later it stopped happening so I guess they got over it) it never lost a comment and such. But it wouldn't work for our RP needs]
(BTW everypony. I was not on at all last night. I was at an Elton John concert. that was not me.)
@Rita Lot
@Rita Lot
(Yeah everypony but Afro figured that out Rita. G'morning!)
(Oh really? you figured out exactly where I was and how awesome it was?)
@Rita Lot
(...well... no, but definitely figured out that it was just me. Do you know who I am?)
@Rita Lot
(...I really wish Blogger did not default to the account option.)
@Rita Lot
@Rita Lot
(No. One more guess.)
@Rita Lot
@Rita Lot
[ID ending with 028, Test Admin 1... I know who you are, but since you'd rather stay "anon" I won't tell.]
(The Great and Powerful Trixie!!
@Rita Lot
(Nope. Somepony you haven't seen in a long long time.)
(Anonymouse for like a few more minutes.)
@Rita Lot
[If you wanna tell then tell, I'll be staying silent and will miss it anyways since gotta leave in ~8 minutes]
@Rita Lot
(Trixie or Aura?)
@Rita Lot
(Finally someone with common sense!
...oh, I guess a real hello works too huh?)
@S.Aura Knight
@S.Aura Knight
(Why does your OC look hipster?)
@S.Aura Knight
[It's not the hosting, it's the pic resolution, it should be more "square". Same with Pewny, when he had a tophat a bit of it was cut.]
@Rita Lot
(Because like months ago in early January Slots and I redesigned her. And this is what we came up with, since he was experimenting with new Photoshop techniques.)
@S.Aura Knight
(*rubs eyes* ...Aura?
So that wasn't Mastermind the whole time?)
(Well then time to yell at CC for that, not Slots.
@Afro Mane
(Eeyup. Last night was me messing with you, and Mastermind helping when she showed up.)
@S.Aura Knight
[Neither it's CCs fault XD When Slots gets on tell him to change canvas size so width and height are the same, then the pic will show up properly.]
@S.Aura Knight
(...Congrats. You have successfully mindfucked both Afro and his human.
15 Gamerscore (or a silver trophy, if you're a PS3er.))
(I STILL BLAME CC since he was the last one to touch the current one I am using.)
@S.Aura Knight
(And your mane changes yet again. This is what, third time?)
@Afro Mane
(Score! But what if I just use Steam, what then?)
@Rita Lot
(This is like my third full pony change entirely, not just mane.)
[But CC didn't touch the resolution XD Hell, If I didn't have to leave right now I would change it myself now]
(...shush you!)
@S.Aura Knight
(uh huh.)
@Aura the Mindfucker
(Then it's still meaningless.
...Welcome home Aura RP?)
@Rita Lot
(Yeah... uh...
So that was pretty much all me from yesterday! Did you like the parts where both Afro and Pewny thought I was you?)
@Afro Mane
(Actually was just stopping in to chat with you all since I broke your minds with the stuff last night.
I have plans for today and tomorrow and things.)
@S.Aura Knight
(Man, everyone has "plans" all of a sudden. What the hay?)
@S.Aura Knight
(yeah, that was pretty funny. though technically I was awake, I was hyped up on the caffeine I used to stay awake during the concert, and didn't fall asleep till 5 my time.)
@Afro Mane
(It's called a life. you should get one.)
(So, I did win, but I didn't, but... *mind blank*)
@Afro Mane & Rita
(Its why I pretty much left before, only with a lot more problems!)
(Yeah, seriously what? XD And oh wow that is really insane.
But yeah, so that's why this account here is currently you. Since they thought I was you.)
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