Who hoo! School is over, summer begins, and everypony is happy! To all finishing up school, congrats! Time to move on in life to much bigger, better things! To others that are still striving to that point, congrats on the summer vacation! Some of us lost that WAY long ago hahaha! Time to break out some big RP for us all and be ready for the summer until Season 3! Question is: What will it be? Will see as we go!!
Okay this isn't a shipping pic, but hey, I can break that whenever I want! Besides, this picture look so amazing. Look at that sparkle in Twilight's eyes, its so adorable.
«Oldest ‹Older 2001 – 2200 of 4984 Newer› Newest»@Black Rain
*avoids your hoof and nestles in your mane*
@Black Rain
(Meant either)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
... *spins in a circle to get a look* W-where'd it go?
@Black Rain
Let it go, dude. They love it. *grabs Tinka and crams her in his mane*
@Black Rain
*chirps at you*
@Afro Mane
*the purple parasprite flies out of your mane in a panic. It seems to be scared. It goes to nestle with its friend in Rain's mane*
@Afro Mane
They love it...
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
*glares* As long as they don't mess anything up...
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
C'mon, it's built like a nest!
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
Huh... Sure is acting like a newborn para... Afro maybe that second one was already hiding in your mane.
It was born in my mane.
@Afro Mane
Would make more sense though if it actually hid there when you weren't looking. Otherwise they would probably be able to speak... ...And have multiplied again by now...
Man, you jinxed it.
...Hey, can they turn other ponies into parasprites by biting them?
@Afro Mane
*the purple one looks thoughtful at this, then bites your ear*
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
*swats at it* HEY!
@Afro Mane
*it evades your hoof and sticks its tongue out at you before going back to sit in Rain's mane*
(The rain on Rain falls mainly in his mane.)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
*rubs ear* Am I gonna be a parasprite now?
@Afro Mane
...They infect you?
@Afro Mane
No. You're fine.
...They don't even have teeth.
Are they sorta like flies? Do they actually do anything?
@Black Rain
Eat. Multiply.
@Afro Mane
I'm pretty sure that can apply to any creature...
@Afro Mane
Yeah, pretty much. Ravenous appetites. Once old enough, they start to multiply like crazy. Actually quite intelligent, but they can ravage entire towns... We should be fine though, as long as I'm around.
Right. You bend space/time.
...Turn back into yourself.
@Afro Mane
... Dun wanna.
Do eet.
@Afro Mane
I'm trying to save my energy. I use much less when I'm tiny...
They don't eat ponies, do they...?
@Black Rain
Well, not now. Once they get big enough...
@Afro Mane
...And we're letting these in our house?
@Black Rain
Ignore him. They're herbivorous creatures.
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
So I'm NOT gonna turn into one?
No? Okay.
@Afro Mane
*you start sprouting wings-no you don't.*
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
(Or I could...)
@Afro Mane
(Let's not go there.)
@Black Rain
(No. We must.)
@Afro Mane
(you must not.)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
...What now.
@Afro Mane
*their tiny stomachs start growling again*
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
...Soyeah. Somepony alert me if they get out of control or something.
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
*opens the fridge* Go for it.
@Afro Mane
*they rush to the fridge and devour most of the food*
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
*stares, mouth agape*
@Afro Mane
@Afro Mane
*the purple one emits a tiny burp. The pink one laughs, but then emits a larger burp. They both laugh.*
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
*chuckles* Dang that's cute..
@Afro Mane
*they flutter around a bit before zooming upstairs*
(Suddenly, Season 3 preview.)
@Black Rain
[The animation...It gives me so much hope!]
(It is amazing!)
I like the Crystal Fair song better.
(I did too, but then the other one actually had Spike singing so, I think that is a plus to the other. Now, off to bed with e, super dang sick, and still must work ugh.
Also, MM, whats the status since on your computer issues?)
I guess. I really hope his few lines there are signs of more Spike singing to come. :3
My friend gave me her real old abandoned laptop she doesn't use anymore. I've been also using that for the last few weeks or so actually, but I stress old and abandoned. I don't love using it all the time outside just checking up on stuff every once and a while.
It is what I've been using to RP though, when I've been here.
(Is it old and abandoned twice?)
(I think I should have one of the parasprites lead Slots on a magical journey of rescuing and vandalism.)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
(Wait whats being plotted behind my back now?)
[Yes, behind your back there should indeed be a plot.]
@Dead Pewny
(Nice one!)
@Dead Pewny
(Do hoo hoo hoo.)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
(ANYwho, why is it always some kind of insect leading me to do crazy things and go on grand adventures etc? What Im not good enough to talk to a pony or something?)
(Think about what I said. Remind you of anything? A game, perhaps?)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
(Oh you clever clever little parasprite you.)
(Yes I am.)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
(I was debating too to make a parasprite version of me. Maybe Terra too for the fun of it.)
(Everypony shall be a parasprite!)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
(I was gonna, but then I remembered I'm bad at recoloring.)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
(That be funny to see hahaha)
@Black Rain
(Mine are horrible too. I took a parasprite pattern off of google images.)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
( Derp derp)
(Much better than mine.)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
(At work at 7am in the morning. Fun fun.)
(My, how fun.)
(Fun Fun Fun.)
(Warning, possible spoiler.)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
(Warning. Possible Catchy Song.)
(DId you see the pic?)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
(I did.)
(He's cool looking.)
(Is that canon or fanon?)
@Afro Mane
(Apparently it was off the Hub's wedding site.)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
[ponies ponies are going fishing.]
(But ponies don't eat fish.(
(Hey. Hey. Hey. HEY.)
@Afro Mane
@Afro Mane
(Cmon man, it's Howard Stern, you can expect that kinda stuff from him. I could care less.)
@Black Rain
(I know he's a shock jock, but... rraaaaaage...)
[Beep beep. I failed hard.]
[Let the bell of freedom.]
@Dead Pewny
Pewny is best photowhore.
@Dead Pewny
[Pewnify everything?]
[If I feel motivation to do it, why not]
(Pewny doin' all the pony memes.)
@Afro Mane
[Not all]
@Dead Pewny
(I said ALL.)
@Afro Mane
@Dead Pewny
(Do eet. Or I shall invoke the wrath of...
@Afro Mane
[Who dat?]
@Dead Pewny
(The very bane of ponykind...)
@Afro Mane
(...Who is leading someone in a testicular cancer self-check up. Classy, Howard. Classy.)
@Dead Pewny
(Radio show host who recently spoke out against bronies. Of course it was extremely mislead, but he's know for being an ass, so nothing is that surprising. Best we just ignore it)
@Afro Mane
@Dead Pewny
Oh, and you're still dead.)
@Afro Mane
[Nope, I'm a cloud]
@Cloud Pewny
(Oh. Cool.)
(Been awhile since I linked a song here, so.)
(Hey Hey Guys....I'm visiting Guatemala for two weeks starting tomorrow. So I'll be back later
I'm not sure what else I should say and in case I don't appear I just wanna say Happy 1st year anniversary to our little blog. :D
I think that's it for now guys and hopefully I'll be in touch with you as soon as there is wifi! Until then!)
(Until we see you again Sonic heh. Have fun, see ya soon!)
(But... I'm not even a Pegasus...)
@Afro Mane
[Yeah, I'm pretty much the only one. And I don't give a damn about wonderbolts.]
Have fun!
(Beep Beep!!)
(No. No. Again I say no.)
@Afro Mane
[Beep beep]
@Cloud Pewny
(Oh yeah?)
(I shall now make a prediction! I predict episode four of season three will be... A Crusaders Episode!)
@Cloud Pewny
I don't care about the Wonder Bolts.
...Unless Rainbow Dash is one.
Is she a Wonder Bolt? I bet she is! They'd be crazy not to have a pony as super-awesome-fantasmically-stupendous as her!
@Afro Mane
I see you~♪
(Oh God no.)
Oh. Hello there.
@Afro Mane
Good-day. ...Po-nee.
Uh... Good day to you, too. What's on the agenda for today?
@Afro Mane
Just monitoring...
No science today?
@Afro Mane
Monitor process is done in the name of science. Observation is a key function in the scientific method.
...But no fancy guns or portaling?
@Afro Mane
*Extends weapons* Guns can be used if necesary...
Whoa, whoa, man. Wrong guns. Like, the portal devices.
@Afro Mane
Perhaps we can sing, instead..)
Naaaah, that's dumb.
@Afro Mane
*Retracts weapons* I am not equipped with an Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device.
Melodious tunes can be most comforting.
I would like to sing. But the po-nee has made the accusation that it is unsatisfactory. Or, as they put it..'dumb'.
You two sounds like computers.
*knocks on your case* Hello?
*knocks on yours* Heeeellooooooo?
@Afro Mane
*Extends weapons* Please do not do that.
*knock knock knock knock*
@Afro Mane
I mean it...
*continues knocking* You aren't loaded... Slots wouldn't let anything deadly or flammable in the mansion!
@Afro Mane
The one called Slots has stated he only controls the po-nees under his control. So others would be free to do as they will less it endangered the mansion itself. So, we do not apply to that, since we are not flammable.
@Afro Mane
*tick* Preparing to dispense product.
...Oh, crap.
@Afro Mane
For he's a jolly good fellow~...
*darts into his room* SLOOOOOOTS!!
@Afro Mane
Hey!? Where did you go?
@Afro Mane
*peeks his head out*
@Afro Mane
Please come back.
...You aren't gonna shoot me, are ya?
@Afro Mane
..We're different.
@Afro Mane
*trots up to you and gives you a hug* Sorry, turret.
@Afro Mane
There you are..
@Afro Mane
. . . Hello.
@Afro Mane
T'is very quite around here. Were's that tumble-weed got to?
(Does anypony play Professor Layton?)
(We shall make cats of our OCs. And we shall post them. And it shall be glorius.)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
(Will do so when I get back from work tonight, Rita. One of me and Terra heh.)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
... ... Damnit Rita.
@Hologram CastMare
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
(At least I tried.)
(Hey ponies!)
Hey! Listen!
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
(NO! I know how to use bombs!)
@Afro Mane
(...what is that?)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
@Cloud Pewny
(It's cute.)
-Races around the living room-
(I don't get it.)
*trots downstairs, half asleep* Hey all... *hears squeaking* What?
@Afro Mane
(Socks! For adults! Of course, they don't have best CMC, but they do have best pony and best princess!)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
(Whoops, didn't paste the link.)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
(One does not simply "forget" Sweetie Belle)
@Black Rain
(Sweetie Who?)
(Sweetie New Page, that's who.)
@Black Rain
(Sweetie New Page is best Pony..er, Page.)
(Cutie Mark Crusaders "New Page" posters!
@Black Rain
(Surprised our CMCs havent gotten their marks for that.)
(Because they haven't tried it!)
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