Who hoo! School is over, summer begins, and everypony is happy! To all finishing up school, congrats! Time to move on in life to much bigger, better things! To others that are still striving to that point, congrats on the summer vacation! Some of us lost that WAY long ago hahaha! Time to break out some big RP for us all and be ready for the summer until Season 3! Question is: What will it be? Will see as we go!!
Okay this isn't a shipping pic, but hey, I can break that whenever I want! Besides, this picture look so amazing. Look at that sparkle in Twilight's eyes, its so adorable.
«Oldest ‹Older 2201 – 2400 of 4984 Newer› Newest»(CURSE YOU ALL! CURSE SLEEPING!)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
@Queen Chrysalis
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
(I think she was laughing at you.)
@Afro Mane
(Maybe she was laughing at you.)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
(No, I'm pretty sure she was laughing at you.)
@Afro Mane
(She was laughing at you, I'm sure of it.)
(Ah, the Olympics. the time when people from all the countries we live in gather in one place without being tourists visiting Disney World. And believe me, I have experience with those.)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
(Nonono, she was totally laughing at you.)
[She was laughing at all of us, end of topic]
@Cloud Pewny
(And then. It turned out she wasnt. She was giggling. *BWONG*)
@Queen Chrysalis
(Ghahahaaa... Ah, how I do love laughing at that Rita... Ahaaaaa~....)
@Cloud Pewny
(Nah, I'm pretty sure she was laughing at Rita.)
@Queen Chrysalis
(My point exactly.)
@Queen Chrysalis
(Do parasprites get stuck in your leg holes?)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
(Well-bodied Changelings, such as myself and my subjects, actually can flex the tissue around our calf tears, and violently crush to death and expel any insects or sediment inside...
Just some fun Changeling anatomy... Ghehehe...!~)
@Queen Chrysalis
(How do you shapeshift?)
(Reveal unto me your secrets, Queen of the Changelings..)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
[Ah, the Olympics. The time where you can't catch the bloody news because it's all covering the sports.]
[Can changelings turn into inanimate objects?]
(No. Only Nightmare Moon can do that :P)
(I see this is becoming a Q&A now... Sigh...)
@Afro Mane
(Our appearance shifting is almost entirely magic-based, and stems from the love we divert from those we have entranced by our spells... However our physical bodies help greatly with this. Our organs are very flexible, and very easily adapt to any forms we may take.)
@Leeky @Slots
(Actually, yes, we can, but it is quite difficult to pull off believably... When we shift, it must be to those of at least similar body shape. Generally, four legs, two eyes, etc.... If one of us were to curl ourselves up into a ball, we may perhaps be able to pass off as an oddly shaped rock, or a bush. We do not really bother however. Our usual methods are to hide in plain sight, and to impersonate others. If such fails, we tend to attack in large groups, and perplex out shifting. We rarely rely on camouflage.)
(Does that answer your questions?)
@Queen Chrysalis
(No. I still have one. One extremely, very important question..)
(Yes, young stallion?)
@Queen Chrysalis
(Do you know..the muffin man?)
I'm... I'm not quite sure, Slots...)
(*eyes go wide as he looks at her*...T..T-Tixie..?)
(*Walks closer* Good morning, Slots! Trixie is delighted to see you!)
(*steps back a tad* No no no..your the Changling Queen..that's all this is...all this..is..)
(*In front of you* What is the matter, Slots...? *Begins to look sad* Are you... Are you not delighted to see Trixie...? *Starts to tear*)
(*shirks a bit as she saddens* Wh-what? No I..I'd never bu-but your..your not..I..well uh...I...)
(Well, Trixie supposes Slots should be mad at her... The other day was the anniversary of when Slots and Trixie met, and she was not here for it... *Sniffle* ...Slots has every right to be mad...)
(No, no! *hugs* Id never be upset with you, Trixie, you know that! I love you too much to do that..)
(*Her horn flashes green momentarily behind your back* Oh, Trixie loves Slots too! *sniffle* Trixie was worried... But she has nothing to be worried about! She has the best coltfriend in the world! *holds tightly*)
(*smiles slightly and hugs back just as tight, nuzzling* You know you should never be worried with me Trixie, heh. I just..can never get upset with you.)
[[[[Bloody spy!]]]]
(*nuzzle* Still though, Trixie missed her anniversary... She must make up for it somehow! Perhaps Slots could meet her upstairs and prove how much he loves her, hmm?)
(*smiles* Of course I can join you heh. You dont have to, but I am not one to deny you dear. *trots up the stairs with her to their room*)
((Hate to cut this short, but I worked today from 4:30-12:30am soooo Im tired lol. Lets continue this later, ok?)
[[And then they fucked, the end.]]
(*just outside their door*
Oh, wait, Slots, Trixie has one thing she needed to take care of quickly! How about you get ready about she meets you inside in a couple minutes? *starts back down the stairs*)
(Uh sure Trixie! *smiles and nods* Ill go ahead wait then for you in side heh *steps in and shuts the door*)
[[And then he c- umm, nevermind]]
(*Back downstairs*
Ah, what a nice snack that was, and what a sweet stallion. Sigh, as much as I would like to... Hnhnn, and I really would... ...oh the things I could teach him... It's too bad...)
(You know how my DA name is Pinkeepiper? Really funny story. The name started as my sister's user name on clubpenguin.com. Piper is my dog's name and pink was her favorite color at the time. I had my own account, but I couldn't remember so we shared. Then she stopped playing so it was mine. I adopted the name and started using it for everything, including DA. Today, we all went swimming. Piper was wearing a purple collar and she jumped in the pool. But then she tried to get out of the yard so we put her back in the house. Later, when we were done, my mom noticed a pink splotch on her comforter right under where the dog was laying. So she shooed the dog off the bed and took her collar off... where we saw that the fur on her neck was now dyed pink. So now, she really is "Pinkeepiper"!)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
(See. Irony can be fun sometimes.)
(Irony is usually fun. I just wanted to share.)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
(Well thanks for sharing! :D)
(Sharing is caring, apparently.)
(Check out what I did on my free time heh!)
(I have close relations to Future Twilight elsewhere. Hope you don't mind if I use this sometime. It's awesome.)
@Black Rain
(Please do! I'd love others to see and use it ^^)
@Black Rain
[And then young Rita's heart broke]
@Cloud Pewny
(Yeah it's totally like that.)
(Fellow bronies, I have a startling announcement!
Quickly, repent before you too become gay transsexual athiests with a passion for lesbianism!
(WARNING: Read only if easily amused or offended.))
@Afro Mane
(Ah, Christwire...so silly.)
@Black Rain
(Repent! Before you become an athiest communist transsexual gay horse molesting furry with a preference for lesbianism!)
@Afro Mane
[I thought we already were]
@Cloud Pewny
(We are? Okay, orgy then?)
@Cloud Pewny
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
@Black Rain
(*you squish the parasprites in your pony death embrace*)
@Afro Mane
((You don't direct what I do! You're not my dad!))
@Afro Mane
[Subtle XD]
@Afro Mane
(Pff rude.)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
(You're just mad you got squished.
Oh, and I have braces now.)
@Afro Mane
(Me too, although I've had mine for a month.)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
(Welcome to the club!)
@Afro Mane
(For a year before that I had 4 brackets from another orthodontist on my front top teeth, and they were going to pull some teeth and put the rest on, but they never did, so I've been part of the club for a long time now.)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
(Oh, cool.)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
[And I.
After waiting for nine years.*grumble*]
(What do you mean?)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
[There was a long waiting list.
@Black Rain
I've been watching it over and over again all morning.]
@Black Rain
(He/she should be an animator for the show! Instead, s/he's a Tumblr artist.)
[Um, At the risk of annoying people, I was just wondering, how busy are people these days?]
[Sitting at home, doin' nothing... I'm nearly always here]
(I got nothin' to do.)
@Cloud Pewny and Afro
(same here)
(Mostly here.)
@Parasprite Rita and Tinka
(Hurrah! Nothing to do! Now let's RP.)
Pewny, Afro, Leeky, Rain and Rita, all sat round the kitchen table. They were bored.
But then...
[The fire nation attacked]
[[Sorry, had to]]
@Cloud Pewny
[I had a feeling someone might.]
(Leeky had a feeling somepony would make that joke, but everything changed when the Crystal Kingdom attacked.)
@Rita Lot
(And so, the the sitcom mansion came under siege and from that day on, nothing was the same.
Unfortunately, no one quite new what it had changed to.)
(...So is the mansion controlled by the Fire Nation or the Crystal Kingdom?
Or maybe the Changelings, I thought Chrysalis was shacking up in our attic or something.)
@Afro Mane
(Maybe all three?)
@Afro Mane
(Changelings in the attic.
Fire Nation in the closet.
And the Crystal kingdom in the basement.]
(Glorious. *tapes a sign to the closet door* "Do not disturb: Fire Nation")
[I just love the look on NM's face in the villains poster.]
(Is that an official map of Equestria?!)
(Also, that S2 poster is too awesome for me to describe the parts I like best. I mean, sleeping Derpy, Lyra, and Apple Bloom wearing Luna's necklace? Amazing!)
@Rita Lot
[I for one, am wondering what the hell Vinyl is doing to Octavia...]
(Aaah, that awkward friend hug. My ship just got more solid.)
[So it's now canon that Vinyl has no sense of personal space? Or at least when she's around Octavia.]
[And I just noticed, still no Dinky! Oh Hasbro, why can you not notice the heartwarming adorableness that is mother Derpy and her daughter Dinky?]
(I know, when are they going to make it canon?)
[*Stay up till morning to finish artist training ground picture*
*Can't get it in by the deadline*
Moral of the story; Art is evil.]
@Rita Lot
[Too bad Luna isn't so happy about it.]
@Cloud Pewny
(What I want to know is where her crown went...)
(I thought they were dancing.)
@Rita Lot
[Maybe Sweetie Belle ate it?]
(Or maybe I didn't see that it was on her head.)
@Rita Lot
[I didn't see the crown either. But then again it's not the best quality.]
@Cloud Pewny
(I used a close up I found on EQD.)
@Rita Lot
[Really? I can't seem to find it.]
(I really need some support right now. My family's having a fight between themselves while I'm stuck in the middle. No one is sane anymore, least of all me. I'm scared, and I really need a huge dose of friendship right now, and you're the only ones I've got. I'm really scared.)
Little Crowny Thingy
@Mysterious, Disembodied Voice
(Yes, I finally noticed.)
@Rita Lot
(*hugs tight* Im so sorry Rit, this whole ordeal going on with your family. Always know were here fof you though. I know I habent been aroind due to so mich work the past months, bug I always keep an eye on all of you.
Tomorrow Ill make an effort to be on alright? Ill bring along Terra and will habe some fun, okay? Just hang in there. Im at work as of now too, but will respond as I can.)
(*hugs back* thanks. I really needed somepony to be there for me!
Also, that's a lot of typos.)
@Rita Lot
(*nods and smiles* I know. And I will do my part finally to help. Im going to try and be here more often. I have the feeling everypony misses me heh.
*laughs* well even on a smart phone, its hard to type! And being backline for Arbys this night doesnt help heh!)
@Rita Lot
[I'm so sorry to hear that Rita *hugs* I do hope things work out for you, and meanwhile you've always got us. I'm probably not the best one for the job, but if you ever need to talk to someone you can always send me an email.]
(None of us are honestly the best im this kind of situation. But we all care about eachother and that is what matters. Were all here for ya Rita dear. Slots, Trixie and Terra!)
(I think it's getting about time for Tinka to meet somepony who's rather "Influential" in Rita's life...)
@Rita Lot
(Hi Rita!! *smiles and hops out of nowhere smiling*)
(Hi Terra!)
@Rita Lot
(*hugs tight and giggles* I havent seen you in like..forever Rita!! How are ya doing?)
(Stepping out to get something to eat be back!)
(*hugs back* Great! How are you?)
@Rita Lot
(Ive been good! I got to see Mommy awhile ago from her big trip shes taking!)
(That's great! Hey, I don't think you've met my sister yet!)
@Rita Lot
*gasps* You have a sister Rita!? Really!? *jumps up and down excitedly*
Yep! She just moved in!
@Rita Lot
Where is she? Id love to me her if I can please!! *giggles and jumps more*
I think she's out doing some errands, but she'll probably be back later!
@Rita Lot
Woo hoo! New friend, new friend!! Oh! *stops jumping and tilts her head* Wheres that coltfriend of yours too, Rita? *smiles*
*shrugs* I dunno. He goes places.
@Rita Lot
Oooh I see! *giggles again* You two always seem so happy together too, like Mommy and Daddy!
Yeah, I guess!
*hears frantic knocking at the door* Wonder who that could be...
@Rita Lot
We should go check! Or..should one of the adults?
Nah, I'm sure it's just my sister. Wonder what's got her so frantic though...
@Rita Lot
Well come on lets go see then! *trots over to the front door with Rita and opens it*
*a purple blur zooms past you*
@Tinka Lot
*spins in place from her moving so quick, eyes spinning* Wh-whoah...
@Tinka Lot
[Is Afro chasing her or something?]
@Tinka Lot
Wh-what is it!?
@Cloud Pewny
(*pushes button on Bass Cannon*)
@Tinka Lot
A mad..mare? What are you talking about Rita's sister? *tilts head*
@Tinka Lot
[Slots, why did you release Roulette?]
@Cloud Pewny
(Hey I had nothing to do with this madmare okay? IF its her of course.)
I don't even know, strange filly I've never met!
*from behind a portrayed*
I bet it's the trees,
N-no, I don't think it was trees.
@Tinka Lot
Hmmph! Don't trust them!
@Tinka Lot
Listen here... Now, I'm not sayin' it was aliens...
...But it was aliens.
@Braeburn Clone Mastermind
@Tinka Lot
Well. who exactly did you see then? Like., did you get a look at the..mademare..?
N-no. I just heard screaming and maniacal cackling. But before I ran I saw a glimpse of something really horrifying... her grin.
@Tinka Lot
See! More proof that it was a tree.
@Tinka Lot
Waitwait, did you manage to count how many tendrils the creature had?
@Braeburn Clone Mastermind
It wasn't an alien, sir. It was a mare, definitely.
It wasn't a tree.
@Tinka Lot
*shivers a tad* That..that is really cr-creepy..is she coming to the house..?
*in a hushed voice*
It's probably already here *grins*
@Tinka Lot
It was probably in disguise.
Ah! *jumps and ducks under Bareburn, shivering* Wh-where?? I..I dont want t-to say the m-mare!
*Glares at Leeky and sits down to try to comfort you* Relax, filly. I'm sure that madmare doesn't even know about this place.
@Tinka Lot
*looks up to her shivering* Y-you sure? I..you said sh=she was really creepy and everything..I..I dont want to meet whoever this is..
I'm sure she doesn't even know about this place!
@Tinka Lot
You don't know that for sure. Many aliens can actually track creatures and locations, such as through scent!
@Tinka Lot
Well of course the tree knows! The trees have eyes everywhere...
@Tinka Lot
*a slight giggle is heard from behind her in the shadows* Ooh I wouldnt say that dear~...
*gasps and hides under more* Wh-what was that!?
Uh oh.
@Rita Lot
R-Rita?? Who is that!?
I'm not entirely sure, but I think it's your Aunt Roulette.
@Rita Lot
Wha- Who? you know the madmare?
@Rita Lot
A-Aunt?? I..I dont know a p-pony by A-Aunt Roulette??
Really? Oh. Thought you might've met her. I guess you're going to now though...
Hello... Xenomorph!
@Rita Lot
*The voice giggles again* Oooh Rita, you make it sound as if its a bad thing to meet me~!
@Braeburn Clone Mastermind
*steps out smiling fromt he shadows* Wrong dear~..
[Because it is]
*eyes go wide as she scoots back more*....
*squees* Rolly?!?
@Cloud Pewny
(Shush you, before I make you whistle through your head *grins*)
Leeky! Oooh wonderful to see you! *winks* And how is my number one fan~?
Hmm... This's ooone interestin' alien...
@Braeburn Clone Mastermind
The correct term would be Xenopony Sweetheart~ *smiles and flicks his hat up slightly with her revolver* And while I am out of this world, Im not as such~ *giggles again*
*hugs, grinning from ear to ear*
Well I'm actually feeling a bit carrotish today. I think the effects of the battle hasn't worn off yet.
(Gah, forgot to hit "save profile)
You all know this pony?
*Hugs back smiling as well* Aahh I see! Still off doing what not hm~? Well I am very happy to see you, along with a few new faces~ *glances down to to Terra*
*gulps and hides more shivering* Mm....
@Tinka Lot
*shakes her head* N-no I dont know her!
*whispers* Be careful, I think that ones a tree spy.
*puts a hoof to her mouth and smiles down to Terra* Shush Leeky, I believe she is nothing more than an innocent filly~~ Perhaps she can tel me her name? *grins*
T-Terra m-madam....
Oh, right to the name, so polite~ *looks to Tinka* And you~?
Hm... This creature seems t'know very little 'bout proper Xenomorph alien syntax... Seems like'ts not one of them, anyway...
Why should I tell you my name?
*oblivious to Rita waving frantically*
(new page)
@Tinka Lot
*grins more getting a tad close* BEcause I asked for it..
@Tinka Lot
C'mon now! Don't be rude to the creature! She ain't seem so bad ta' me.
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