Friday, May 25, 2012

Summer Starts! Everypony Celebrate!

Who hoo! School is over, summer begins, and everypony is happy! To all finishing up school, congrats! Time to move on in life to much bigger, better things! To others that are still striving to that point, congrats on the summer vacation! Some of us lost that WAY long ago hahaha! Time to break out some big RP for us all and be ready for the summer until Season 3! Question is: What will it be? Will see as we go!!

Okay this isn't a shipping pic, but hey, I can break that whenever I want! Besides, this picture look so amazing. Look at that sparkle in Twilight's eyes, its so adorable.


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Tinka Lot said...


Leeky said...

@Tinka Lot
Yeah Tinka. Honestly, filly's today!

Roulette said...

@Tinka Lot
Because *her smile fades as she pulls out a revolver* I said so...

Terra said...

*shrieks* Shes got a gun!

Leeky said...

I know! Isn't it awesome!!!

Terra said...

Not r-really It..its scary..

Tinka Lot said...

...Oh, heh, why didn't you say so? I'm Tinka! *nervous grin*

Leeky said...

What? How's it scary? It's green! Green things aren't scary.

Roulette said...

@Tinka Lot
*grins* Muuuch better. Tinka hm~? Thats a nice name. *looks over to Rita* Now, friends of yours, sweety~?

Roulette said...

Green manes though are, Leeky. Very much so. *winks* No offence~

Leeky said...

Unless it's my army of unstoppable leeks.
Or me when I go to battle.
Then green is terrifying.

Sitcom Mansion said...

*Eyeing your revolver* Woah there miss... *Glances at Leeky* Miss Rolly! Tinka was just feelin a lil bit shy! Y'all don't need to feel alarmed now...

Leeky said...

@Braeburn Clone Mastermind
*notices glance*

Leeky said...


Roulette said...

@Braeburn Clone Mastermind
Oh but how else would I get it from such a rude filly~? *grins, spinning the revolver in her blue aura* Such fillies need to be scared, mister~ Whos to stop me if I do, hm~?

Roulette said...

*nods* Of course, of course dear~ I like it.

Tinka Lot said...

*shifts uncomfortably* You could say that.

Roulette said...

@Rita Lot
Well, Id like a little more say then on the matter~ Who are they?

Sitcom Mansion said...

*Whispers* Er, that was her name, right?

Well, ah guess y'all did have yer reasons... Well, Miss Rolly, just be careful not to be injurin' anyone, m'kay?

Pewny said...

@Braeburn Clone Mastermind
[Not that she can]

Roulette said...

@Braeburn Clone Mastermind
*giggles* No promises, cowboy~ *smacks his hat up again with the tip of her gun*

Tinka Lot said...

Well, Terra, whom I'm both surprised and not surprised at all hasn't met you until now, is Slots' daughter.
And Tinka is my, ah...*mumbles something*

Roulette said...

@Rita Lot
Im sorry, sweetheart, say that last one again~? *tilts her head and ear down to her*

Tinka Lot said...

*mumbles something that sounds like "mim mizzr")

Roulette said...

@Rita Lot
Im sorry, one more time please~? *spins the chamber of her revolver*

Leeky said...

@Braeburn Clone Mastermind
*whispers*It's actually a nickname. I heard if anyone ever says her real name, the musical instruments all explode and opena portal to pluto where every pony falls through.

Sitcom Mansion said...

@Rita Lot
*Holds a megaphone in front of her mouth*

Slots said...


Tinka Lot said...

My sister

Roulette said...

@Rita Lot
*blinks a few times* Your..sister..? *smiles more and more* You have a sister??

Tinka Lot said...

Apparently I do. ...Why are you smiling like that?

Roulette said...

@Rita Lot
I just never knew! My favorite filly, has a sister~! *giggles in glee* oooh my, what a discovery!

Leeky said...


Tinka Lot said...

F-favorite? What?

Leeky said...

You should place a flannel on her.

Roulette said...

@Tinka Lot
Oh I see Rita hasnt told you much about me now, hm~? *giggles and smirks* I happen to be, as you could say, her aunt in a way. Or I at least treat her as such~ She has yet to show the same love though.

Leeky said...

Or was it a flag...

Slots said...

(Just, so confused XD)

Tinka Lot said...

Ah...ha. No, she didn't mention you.

Sitcom Mansion said...

@Roulette @Tinka Lot
Can't say I've heard of ya either...

Roulette said...

@Tinka Lot
*grins more* Hmm, wonder what her reason can be now~

@Braeburn Clone Mastermind
Oh, well now you do cowboy~ *giggles* Dont forget it now~

Sitcom Mansion said...

Alrighty! And, well, welcome to this here mansion then, Miss Rolly! I'm the mastermind, owner and proprietor of the Sitcom Mansion!

Roulette said...

@Braeburn Clone Mastermind
Are you now? I could have sworn you were a mare once~...

Sitcom Mansion said...

*Shrugs* Might'a been. Ah don't think the two of us have met though. *Taps his head* 'Less this here noggin a' mine be forgetting things again!

Roulette said...

@Braeburn Clone Mastermind
*grins* Mm perhaps, but whatever. Now I know who you are at least, as do you~ Wonderful to meet the owner of the household~

Sitcom Mansion said...

Wonderful t'meet you too, darlin! Feel free to come around any time!

Leeky said...

@Braeburn Clone Mastermind
Yes! Except on Rundays. That's when the building goes swimming.

Slots said...


(Alright stepping out for awhie ponies, eel free to start anew or wait for this one! If I dont come back today I can tomorrow!)

Afro Mane said...

(You guys did a Roulette RP without me? You guys suck.

Except Rita. I feel bad for you.)

Afro Mane said...

(And now to play the waiting game...)

Sitcom Mansion said...

@Afro Mane
(You always ask to RP. Then when one starts, you never show up.
Why you never show up? ;-; )

Afro Mane said...

@Braeburn Clone Mastermind
(I stopped refreshing the page every five seconds.)

Sitcom Mansion said...

@Afro Mane
(y u no email alert)

Laz said...

(The one day I'm out doing

Tinka Lot said...

(Having the Doctor's name be Doctor "Hooves" means that she actually is Derpy Hooves. I dunno if they did that on purpose or not.)

Afro Mane said...

@Tinka Lot
(So does that mean Hasbro loves us?)

Pewny said...

@Afro Mane

Afro Mane said...

@Cloud Pewny
(Right. Last time Hasbro endulged us everyone got plothurt over Derpy's voice.)

Afro Mane said...


Afro Mane said...

(Speaking of everyone, where'd you all go?)

Leeky said...

@Tinka Lot
[I think it's a precaution to avoid legal action by the BBC.]

Tinka Lot said...

(Yes but still.

Also, new controversial question:
Why are pegasi so darned adorable?)

Pewny said...

@Tinka Lot
[*beep beep*]

Afro Mane said...

@Tinka Lot
(Dem wingboners.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Cloud Pewny
('s more female pegasi.)

Pewny said...

@Tinka Lot

Sitcom Mansion said...

@Afro Mane
I agree with this statement.

@Tinka Lot @Cloud Pewny
OOOOuuuuchh, that HURTS.

Afro Mane said...

(Okay, all we need now is Slots, and we can resume.)

Leeky said...

@Tinka Lot
[Um...because...I have no idea.]

Tinka Lot said...

@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind

Tinka Lot said...

(Seriously! They are! I shall use an example from the tumblr blog, ask the crusaders, specifically Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.

Here's a picture from an old answer.

Note how while all three ponies are cute, Scootaloo is slightly cuter.

Now here's a picture from after the breed swap resulting from a run in with poison joke. As you can see, (If you ignore tarpony-Sweetie)Apple Bloom is a pegasus and Scootaloo is a unicorn. Again, all three ponies are very cute, but Apple Bloom is now slightly cuter than before.

And here's a picture that's even more recent. If you ignore hairless Sweetie and Black eyed Scoots, You will see adorably brooding bloom, up in the corner, reading a book.)

Pewny said...

@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind

Tinka Lot said...

@Cloud Pewny
(I was referring to exactly show model ponies, hence why I used ATC in my examples, because his/her art is really super close to the real thing.)

Leeky said...

@Tinka Lot
[Hmmm, I see what you mean. I think it's got something to do with the proportions. Though those examples were all filly's so I'm not sure about mare and stallion pegasi.
But now; TO SLEEP!
Good Night,]

Tinka Lot said...


And it isn't just fillies, it's most female pegasi. Obviously Fluttershy is cute, but what about Rainbow Dash? She's cute! And Derpy is cute! Blossomforth? Cute. Flitter? Cloudchaser? Cute and cute. ALL FEMALE PEGASI ARE CUTE!)

Afro Mane said...


But Earth pony is best pony.)

Sitcom Mansion said...

@Tinka Lot

Afro Mane said...

@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(But I'm best pony.)

Sweetie Belle said...

Am I doing it right?

Afro Mane said...

@Sweetie Belle
(Close enough.)

zSONICoz said...

@Sweetie Belle
(*compares* Yeah you're doing it right I'd say.

Guys Guys I'm coming home tomorrow! YAY! I can finally be on 24/7 maybe! I'm not sure...but I leave you with this
*hugs* I'll be home soon!)

Leeky said...

@Tinka Lot
[But aren't most ponies rather cute?]

Leeky said...


Afro Mane said...

(Huzzahs for all!)

Tinka Lot said...

(Yes, but pegasi are slightly cuter.)

Afro Mane said...

@Tinka Lot
(It's the wings, isn't it?)

Sitcom Mansion said...

A page from The Promise Part 3!!!
Oh. Oh god. Azula why.

Tinka Lot said...

@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(I still haven't read part one D:)

Afro Mane said...

@Tinka Lot
(I don't even know what that is, but WHY?!)

Afro Mane said...

@Tinka Lot
(I don't even know what that is, but WHY?!)

Leeky said...

@Tinka Lot
[Meh, agree to disagree.]

Leeky said...

[Tea, wonderful tea!]

Leeky said...

@[Here's a present for you Rita, hope it can cheer you up a bit...or something.]

Leeky said...

[Actually I should have probably have asked you first now that I think about it...If you want I'll take it down as soon as possible.]

Afro Mane said...

(Oooh, OOOH! Me next!)

Tinka Lot said...

(Don't take it down, it's great! Thank you so much!)

Afro Mane said...

@Tinka Lot
(She looks chubby.)

Leeky said...

@Tinka Lot
[*phew* Glad you like it. :D
It was supposed to be a surprise, but not an unpleasant one.}

Leeky said...

@Afro Mane
[I actually kind of have my hands full with the NATG. It's surprisingly hard work. Though if you ever the fit the prompt then maybe. XD]

Leeky said...

@Afro Mane
[It's closer to my art style which tends to be a little chubby. Sorry Rita.]

Afro Mane said...

(Yay! Free art!)

Afro Mane said...

(Now where'd everybody go?)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
(Everywhere and nowhere.)

Afro Mane said...

@Tinka Lot
(Seems legit.)

Afro Mane said...

@Tinka Lot
(So wait, what's Tinka's talent? I never really figured that out.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
(It should be obvious after seeing her cutie mark.)

Afro Mane said...

@Tinka Lot
(She... tinkers?

I thought that was CC's job. Or Pewny's.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
(She programs robots, she's basically "What makes them work" which is why her CM is gears. Yes, CC and Pewny also specialize in electronics, but in different ways. Pewny does appliances, and CC has holograms.)

Pewny said...

@Tinka Lot
[Just as a matter of fact, it was never fully stated what is the extent of Pewny's skill, and CC I believe did more than just his holograms at some point. I may be wrong but at least with him it was stated he does more than that]

Tinka Lot said...

@Cloud Pewny

Afro Mane said...

@Tinka Lot
(Well then...)

CC said...

@Tinka Lot
>(It should be obvious after seeing her cutie mark.)

(To be honest, I've never been able to tell what exactly Tinka's Cutie Mark was. The picture's too small. o3o
I always assumed it a thought bubble, actually, and that keeping with the sorta "intellectual" thing of "Read a lot" and "Dream a lot", her pun was "Think a lot". ... ... *Shrug*)

Tinka Lot said...

@Hologram CastMare
(I had no idea I was doing that. Well, you learn something about yourself every day.)

CC said...

@Tinka Lot
(That was the impression I got, anyway. o.o I guess I was wrong.)

Afro Mane said...

@Hologram CastMare

And you're still a mare.)

Tinka Lot said...

(Well, this happened quickly.)

Pewny said...

@Tinka Lot
[That tumblr showed up about an hour after the photo of the toy was revealed]

Tinka Lot said...

@Cloud Pewny
(It did. But if it's really Cadence's and Shining Armor's child, Terra could actually be physically possible.)

Sitcom Mansion said...

@Tinka Lot
... ..Terra previously wasn't physically possible? *Scratches head*

Tinka Lot said...

@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(Trixie and Slots' daughter, who they'd have a short while before, possibly days, is very knowledgeable about the world already, and grown out of foal stage into "Crusader age" and grows even more in a matter of months.)

Afro Mane said...

(This fandom works fast.)

Sitcom Mansion said...

@Tinka Lot
Wasn't that explained through some whole time warp thing? I recall this one RP where Slots, Trixie, Aura, and Pewny all "moved out" of the house, to live their lives and effectively, raise their kids. And there was a whole big sadness and farewell for them. They returned after a number of years from their perspective, though the time bubble around the house was manipulated so it was just a day or two from the mansion's view.

...or maybe I'm mixing things up...

Pewny said...

@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
[It was just Pewny and Aura (which didn't happen in the end) but I guess Slots and Trixie could use the same method]

Sitcom Mansion said...

@Cloud Pewny
...It was? Oh...
For a long time now I've always been running under the assumption that that was why Terra aged so quickly. At least, I swear the time bubble was mentioned at some point as having had something to do with Terra's age, anyway...

Pewny said...

@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
[The time bubble was mentioned here and there, true. However, Terra showed up suddenly one day and it was NEVER explained when and how.]

Afro Mane said...

@Cloud Pewny
(Ya see, when a stallion and a mare love each other very much...)

Pewny said...

@Afro Mane
[Wow, an overused joke. Way to go. You KNOW what I mean by 'how']

Rita Lot said...

(Slots and I have actually come up with explanations about this (that are Trixie-approved), but I leave it to him if he tells you guys the industry secrets or not.

Now would also be a good time for me to mention too that I'm definitely not going to be active very much until probably November or December. I'm starting college in about two or three weeks, I have a ton of games to play, and I've hit some rough times in life recently that have required anywhere from bi-monthly therapist visits to bi-weekly.

I'll try to be around to discuss season 3 as I can, but don't expect much in the way of me being around RP wise for a while.)

Afro Mane said...

(Well, best of luck and hurry back, Aura!)

Tinka Lot said...


Afro Mane said...

@Tinka Lot
(Blood pressure... Rising... Oh God...


Afro Mane said...


Afro Mane said...

(So scrunchy...)

CC said...

@Afro Mane
(Da scrunch hash been doubled)

Tinka Lot said...


Slots said...

@Tinka Lot

(CUUUUUUUUUUURSE YOOOOOOOOO-nah kidding lol. Awesome Rita!)

Laz said...

@Tinka Lot
(I hope it's me! Is it me?)

CC said...

@Tinka Lot
(Freeeee? Why free. I want free stuff toooo...)

Tinka Lot said...

(All four!)

(It can be if you go to Walmart and get some.)

Sitcom Mansion said...


Tinka Lot said...

@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(You did the same thing...)


CC said...

@Tinka Lot
(But how freeeeeeeeeeeeeee)

Slots said...

@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(Well Ive been at work since like 3pm and will be til 12:30am tonight. So..yeah.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Hologram CastMare
(There's no price tag on them, so they give them to you for freeeeeeee.)

Sitcom Mansion said...

@Tinka Lot
I know
I'm also a hypocrite

Slots said...

@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(Hypocrites all around YEAH.)

Tinka Lot said...


Leeky said...

@Tinka Lot

Tinka Lot said...

(Do they not have Walmarts in your country?)

Pewny said...

@Tinka Lot
[Just because there is a Walmart in UK doesn't mean they have the same inventory.

And no Walmart in Poland]

Tinka Lot said...

(Guess who has a hoof and fell earlier getting out of the car and scraped the palm of her dominant hand so much it bled a bit and now probably won't be able to bowl with her robotics team tomorrow night? *points to self* This mare. D:)

Slots said...

@Tinka Lot
(*hugs tight* Im sorry, Rita. Try to get better.)

Tinka Lot said...

(It's hard to type this even now, but I'll probably be ok.)

Afro Mane said...

@Tinka Lot

Slots said...

@Tinka Lot
(Still, its a bad injury. Just try to recover okay?)

Afro Mane said...

(We'll be here for support.

Or, at least I will.

I never leave...)

Slots said...

*trots downstairs with a smile, sitting at the living room couch as he opens a letter reading it to himself* Heh..

CC said...

*Phazes in, 5 inches from your face.*
What's that?

Slots said...

@Hologram CastMare
BWAH! *pants a tad*...Ugh darn it CC! *tries to push the hologram away* Back up...ugh anyway its a letter from one of my old friends.

CC said...

Hrgm.. *Takes a few steps back.* Yer old friends?

Slots said...

@Hologram CastMare
Yeah. Way back when I was on my own, I met some random pegasus in a town close by Manehatten.We kept meeting eachother in a bar, and shared some drinks and chatted. Soon enough we became pretty good friends. day he just..stopped showing up. *shrugs* Didnt think Id be hearing from him again. But hes coming now, out of nowhere heh.

CC said...

Sounds innocent enough... *Raises eyebrow.* He's comin' here?

Slots said...

@Hologram CastMare
*tilts head* Uh..yeah? I stay at the mansion so much that Ive made sure I get letters here. So, the letter came here, and I sent one back telling him where to come.

CC said...

Oh, er- Didn' mean it that way... Just intrigues me t'know an old friend a' yours is comin' here... Ah mean, from the little I know of yer past, I get than not all of yer old friends are exactly... "desirables".

Slots said...

@Hologram CastMare
*ears fold down a tad* Well..yeah there ARE some I rather ignore..but hes someone I didnt have any trouble with. he was actually a good friend of mine, so to see him again will be nice.

CC said...

Well, sounds great, then! Hope y'all reunion works out. When's he comin' round?

Slots said...

@Hologram CastMare
Well, from his last response, it may be tonight. So Im keeping an eye out really to see.

CC said...

Huh, really then..? *Glances towards the window.* That'd be neat. Hope he does, 'td be nice t'see what he's like.

Slots said...

@Hologram CastMare
He is something else to chat too heh. And with how many years its been now, who knows.

CC said...

So what's the stallion's name, anywho?

Slots said...

@Hologram CastMare
Carbon Strelock. But, word of advice. Just call him Strelock heh.

Afro Mane said...

*emerges from the kitchen, balancing a muffin on his Afro* Hey Slots, hey CC. What's up?

Slots said...

@Afro Mane
Not much Afro, just I have a old friend visiting soon enough heh.

Afro Mane said...

Oh, really? Who, Slapstick?

Slots said...

@Afro Mane
*shakes head* No, even older. His name is Carbon Strelok. But..JUST Strelok, okay? Hes a buddy I knew from quite some time ago.

Afro Mane said...

Why "Just Strelok"?

Slots said...

@Afro Mane
*shrugs* Honestly I dont know. But I do remember he didnt like being called anything else. So stick to Strelok. Alright?

Afro Mane said...

I'll try.

(C'mon, you all know I'm gonna call him Carbon.)

Slots said...

@Afro Mane
Thanks. All I need is an old friend upset.

Afro Mane said...

Why? Wassa matter, Slots?

CC said...

In hindsight, ya probly shouldda just said his name was Strelok. *Grins*

Slots said...

@Hologram CastMare
*rolls eyes* Yeah maybe.

Rita Lot said...

(You mean your friend Bill or something? That guy seems pretty cool from what you've told me about how much he loves guns. And shown me from what his art is like.

But so what was the price to get him to agree to an RP here on the blog lol? Do him a vector of his character?)

Slots said...

(Its Will. And yes, its him heh. Someone wanting to join since.

And nah, hes been wanting to join for quite some time, but since the blog has been inactive, he hasnt had the chance.)

Afro Mane said...

(Maybe new life will be breathed into the blog, eh?)

Slots said...

@Afro Mane
(We sure can hope so, as long as you guys learn to not need me to revive you all XD)

CC said...

(Mmmmmm we'll think about it.)

Slots said...

@Hologram CastMare
(Oh goody lol)

Afro Mane said...

(I try my best, dang it!

...We gonna keep this RP going or what?)

Slots said...

@Afro Mane
(Be patient.)

Strelok said...

*knocks three times, steps back from the door and patiently waits*

Slots said...

*hears the knocking* Oh one sec guys. *gets up and trots over to the front door, and opens it* Hello?

Strelok said...

*Smiles* Well hello, Slots it's been a while. May i come in?

Slots said...

Strelok, hey! *pats your shoulder* Great to see you, yes please come on in! *steps aside to let him in*

CC said...

*Eyes him.*

Strelok said...

It's been too long friend. Staying out of trouble, i hope? I haven't heard a ya yet, so i'm assuming so. *steps inside* What-a-place..magnificent.

Slots said...

*nods closing the door* Yes, I have thankfully been doing so. And yeah, welcome to my friend Mastermind's mansion heh. She spares no expense. Come on, meet some of the others in the room* trots down the hallway*

Strelok said...

We'll, i hope i'm not intruding. Please, introduce me to your friends, any friends of slots are friends of mine.

Slots said...

*laughs and shakes his head* Nah the love meeting new ponies. Come on there over here heh.


Guys? This is my friend, Strelok. Strelok? This is CC, and Afro Mane. Just Afro is good though heh.

CC said...

*Phazes out.*
*Phazes in a foot or so in front of you.*

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