Friday, May 25, 2012

Summer Starts! Everypony Celebrate!

Who hoo! School is over, summer begins, and everypony is happy! To all finishing up school, congrats! Time to move on in life to much bigger, better things! To others that are still striving to that point, congrats on the summer vacation! Some of us lost that WAY long ago hahaha! Time to break out some big RP for us all and be ready for the summer until Season 3! Question is: What will it be? Will see as we go!!

Okay this isn't a shipping pic, but hey, I can break that whenever I want! Besides, this picture look so amazing. Look at that sparkle in Twilight's eyes, its so adorable.


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Afro Mane said...

(I just rewatched "The Stare Master", and I kinda wanna throw the medusa chicken thing in now...

You got anything?)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mare
(Medusa chicken thing. Really?

also no.)

Afro Mane said...

(Cockatrice, sorry.

And... Let's see... Can't burn the mansion down again... Clop is permabanned...

...Where's Rita?)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mare
(Eh, sure.)

Afro Mane said...


Mother of Celestia...)

Afro Mane said...

(Sure what?)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mare
(I'm sure there are many nebulas shaped like horse heads.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mare
(That last idea.)

Afro Mane said...

(I mean OUR horsehead nebula.

And k.)


Afro Mane said...


Afro Mane said...

("Oh, yeah, let's roleplay Afro!"

>Rita disappears)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mare
(Haha, I am best troll.)

Afro Mane said...

(Well stop.)

Afro Mane said...

@Afro Mare
(I said stop!)

Afro Mane said...

(I hate you.)

Afro Mane said...

(So much.)

Afro Mane said...


Pewny said...

@Afro Mare
[Shut up will ya?]

Afro Mane said...

(But I need attention!)

Pewny said...

@Afro Mare
[Then go back to 4chan]

Afro Mane said...

(4chan is... Weird.)

Afro Mane said...

(And /b/ plays the "Trololo" song whenever the page loads.)

Pewny said...

@Afro Mare
[And just some time ago you were saying you don't visit 4chan...]

Afro Mane said...

(It kills time when I'm not bugging everypony on here.)

Afro Mane said...

(And /mlp/ is cool.)

Leeky said...

did it really take me over a year to realise that? *facepalm*]

Tinka Lot said...

(...realize what?)

Leeky said...

[I am not whining. Whining sounds like whinny.
Well, maybe that wasn't intentional. Sounds like a pun though... ]

Leeky said...

[I should probably have added quotation marks to that first sentence.]

Leeky said...

[Ooh! liver spoons!]

Leeky said...

[I'm starting to understand how Afro feels...probably.]

Slots said...

(Feedle deddle diaddle doodle boodle bored at work daaay~...)

Leeky said...

[It's ok! Tomorrow's liver spoon day!]

Slots said...

(Liver spoons yeah!!!)

Tinka Lot said...

@Slots and Leeky
(those are the carved wooden ones, right?)

Slots said...

(From what Leeky has shown us, yes.)

Tinka Lot said...

(may I present: LOK pony poof doodles!)

Tinka Lot said...

(OK. Still dunno why their called liver spoons.)

Pewny said...


Slots said...

(They so adorable!)

(And I dont know really either)

Tinka Lot said...

@Grammar Nightmare PewnyPL

Tinka Lot said...


Pewny said...

[Upload it to imageshack or something]

Tinka Lot said...

(Is this better?)

Afro Mane said...


Slots said...

@Afro Mare
(Stop being rude and trying to upset others. Im seriously not in the mood to see it.)

Leeky said...

[I have a new liver spoon!
And mud. And water. Lot's and lot's of mud and water.]

Slots said...

(Heh sounds lovely Leeky.)

Tinka Lot said...

(good for you!)

Afro Mane said...

(I wasn't trying to upset people.

I succeded anyway.)

Pewny said...

@Afro Mare
[And that's why nobody loves you]

Afro Mane said...


Rita Lot said...

@Afro Mare
(Afro, you are an idiot and a jerk. No one would ever WANT to be you unless it was to make you even less liked... which is hard.)

Sitcom Mansion said...

The fuck is wrong with you guys?
All he said was "No."

Slots said...

(I had a bad morning today and also found out one of my friend's cars was robbed last night, who stole his subwuffer along with his cap and gown for graduation. So, I wasn't in the best of moods. I am sorry though, Mastermind, and you too Afro. I didn't deserve to do that.)

Tinka Lot said...

(I thought you didn't have internet?)

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
(He came to save me. She's my knight in shining armor.

Unlike Knight, who is a meanie munsta.)

Slots said...

@Afro Mare
(She did have every right to say it. We shouldnt be fighting. Or, I shouldnt be saying things. Again, sorry Afro. Just..really bad morning.)

Afro Mane said...

(It's cool bro. *hug*)

Leeky said...

And then there was friendship. Huzzah!

Afro Mane said...

(And that's how season one works. Any questions?)

Tinka Lot said...


Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
(Yes, friendship.)

Tinka Lot said...

(Just watched the new episode of Korra. Omigosh. Amazing.)

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot

zSONICoz said...

(So I was ready to come back to the blog then I realized that today Denmark goes up against The Netherlands and then after that Germany against Portugal and so on and so forth for the next three weeks so...Postponed for me cause I am gonna a no life....AGAIN!)

Tinka Lot said...

(Who needs a life when you have ponies?)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mare
(Also, the trailer for the season finale *-*)

zSONICoz said...

@Rita Lot
(I don't need a life I guess cause Ponies, Football, Games and eh anything else I guess. XD

How have you been?)

Tinka Lot said...

(Good! How are you? How's Quick Step?)

zSONICoz said...

@Rita Lot

(I'm doing fine really fine nowadays. Though been away from the blog for quite some time now. I want to come back. Also Quick Step is doing fantastic he said that sometime this month he wants to return to the blog so there is your good news for today! ^_^

Netherlands had 10 shots on goal but Denmark opens the score!

I am such a fanatic just like with ponies. XD)

Tinka Lot said...

(Yay to all!)

zSONICoz said...

@Rita Lot
(...That awkward moment when I'm all alone in my house and I'm yelling at the Tv screen to players who are playing in the Ukraine some 3000 miles away and yelling at them to score. XD

Yup just a normal match. XD)

Leeky said...

[Flood floodity floods.]

Leeky said...

[Hey, you're alive! Hello!]

zSONICoz said...

(I'm always alive! XD
I've just been busy with things. )

Tinka Lot said...


Slots said...

(Sheesh. Gang is all coming back now, chatting, and having a good time, and I sadly have plans XD Sister's graduation party is today, so I wont be on for long guys, but have fun please!)

zSONICoz said...

(Hey Slots y'know having a life is cool and tell your sis I say Congrats and good luck with whatever she wants to do later! :D)

Slots said...

(My life keeps bringing me away from this place cause of work and such XD But Ill be back soon enough I hope for more activity. And Ill pass the word heh, see ya guys later.)

Afro Mane said...

(Y'know, I was just thinking about you today...


Tinka Lot said...

(I just made a ponycode for Moonastuck Woona!
ponycode: 002S000210AEAAB5FFC49D00401AFB8BAUN1930543000000Y0AFB8BAFF7FFF0W107F3FCC004CB2


Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
(Me gusta, Rita...)

zSONICoz said...

@Afro Mare
(Really?...That's hawkward. XD)

zSONICoz said...

(*squee* OH EM GEE~! GERMANY VS. PORTUGAL! YES! TIME FOR THE NATIONAL ANTHEMS! This game will be good! *dances happily*)

@Rita Lot

zSONICoz said...

(Proper Clothing is needed for this!)

Afro Mane said...

(QUICK! Soccer or futbol?)

zSONICoz said...

@Afro Mare
(Afro BOTH IS GOOD! Though the correct world term is FUTBOL!)

Tinka Lot said...

(It has to be caps?)

zSONICoz said...

@Rita Lot
(Yes Rita it has too...well for me...because why not use the Royal Canterlot Voice to Advertise FUTBOL! XD)

Afro Mane said...


Afro Mane said...

(Now, does goal have 14 or 22 o's?)

zSONICoz said...

@Afro Mare
(Well depends how long you want to scream it. I know I scream GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLL!!! For as long as I possibly can. It all depends.

Here have an example.
Victor Hugo Morales In my opinion the BEST spanish Commentator!)

Leeky said...

@Rita Lot
[Umm, in reply to the flooding. Yeah, there was a lot of rain yesterday and quite a bit of our area ended up under water.It was sort of bound to happen eventually.]

Afro Mane said...


Now RP!)

Tinka Lot said...

(I believe Sweetie knows what to say.)

zSONICoz said...

@Afro Mare
(*still watching match*
You say something?)

Afro Mane said...


zSONICoz said...

@Afro Mare
(*still watching*
Yeah I'll get back to you afterwards. Germany has yet to score a goal and if they don't win I will be mad and sad and you no like it when I is sad and mad.)

Afro Mane said...

(No! Pay attention to me!)

zSONICoz said...

@Afro Mare
(*grins creepily at you*
Hey Afro~ NO!
*continues watching*)

zSONICoz said...


Afro Mane said...

(...Did you get into Masterminds' cocaine again?

Oh, and gimmie yo Skype.)

zSONICoz said...

@Afro Mare
(That what if I did?

Ah, skype?....Mmm, Don't know...Are you gonna constantly spam me?)

Afro Mane said...

(Ask Slots. Or Pewny. Or Aura.

Long story short, maybe.)

zSONICoz said...

@Afro Mare

Then I shall afraid and hide myself and never allow you to see me any closer then the blog! *hides*)

zSONICoz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Afro Mane said...

(Aw, c'mon. I was kidding! No spam!)

Afro Mane said...

(Come baaaaack!)

Afro Mane said...


Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mare
(I'm not here, I'm just a figment of your imaaaaginaaation~)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Really? You're just a figment of Afro's imagination? ...that scares me.)

Tinka Lot said...

(It scares me too. I'm going to stop being that now and actually exist.)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(I'll take your place for you to exist!)

Tinka Lot said...

(Do you really wanna be part of Afro's imagination?)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(It's better than you not existing.)

Tinka Lot said...

(I can exist on my own without need for anypony to "take my place". I would not wish that on anypony.)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Suit yourself then! XD)

Afro Mane said...


Sitcom Mansion said...

@Rita Lot
I have limited access through, like, Wii, and stuff.

Slots said...

(Dear Luna internet on the Wii ._. How!?)

zSONICoz said...

(It's possible Slots, I have a Wii myself and it does say it can access the internet.

Good morning all!)

Slots said...

(I know it can, Ive used here myself too. I went that way cause...HOW do you deal with typing with pointing!?)

Slots said...

(I also now have Vinyl Scratch as my mouse cursor set for my desktop. And she bobs and taps in sync to almost any music I play. Can you say, freaking awesome?)

zSONICoz said...

(That is awesome to almost ANY music sounds like a fun time just watching her sit there. :D)

Slots said...

(It really is heh. I love it!Suits my laptop since it pretty much always has some wallpaper of hers)

Afro Mane said...

(Hey bronies.

Fluttershy is best pony.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mare
(that's an odd way to spell Twilight Sparkle.)

Slots said...

@Rita Lot
(Indeed it is.)

Leeky said...

@Afro Mare
[Trees can't qualify for best pony.]

Leeky said...

[Maybe unless it's a Fluttershy though so...]

Slots said...

(Especially after this)

Tinka Lot said...

(Why is there a sign with a poodle?)

Slots said...

@Rita Lot
(Mom's dog.)

Tinka Lot said...

(She has a poodle?)

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
(Oh, I get it. She's your cousin, so she's best pony.)

(Totally thought you'd say Trixie. Or Vinyl.)

Leeky said...

[Do they have one of those signs for Norwich terriers? XD]

Leeky said...

[Oh! The tree! Sorry, the sign distracted me. How did that happen?]

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mare
(nope. She's just best pony.)

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
(What, because she saved Equestria like, 5 or 6 times now?)

Leeky said...

[I've been meaning to ask for a while so...whose the better villain; Chrysalis or Discord?

Afro Mane said...

(Chrysalis. She's adorably evil...)

Afro Mane said...

(So evil, yet so kawaii~)

Slots said...

(That darn sign heh heh. Anyway, the wind really picked up last night, and it just fell over on it. Close by room in fact with a loud thud. We didnt know til we saw it in the morning. We got it down now, down to the base. Branches are all down above the house. So were all good, no damage.

For now, Im gonna go swim heh. Ill see you all later kk? Bye!)

Afro Mane said...

(Still got Afro.)

Slapstick said...

(hello Any pony here tonight)

Afro Mane said...

(...Hey, whoever!)

Tinka Lot said...

(Unfortunately, I'd have to say Discord, because even though I love Chrys' character design so much, he had hold of Equestria a whole lot longer than Chrys did. Seriously, Chrys had it for an hour, maybe two tops. Discord had it for about a day in a half!)

Tinka Lot said...

(I remember in kindergarten when a hurricane knocked a tree on our house. whenever the teacher asked to draw my house, or whenever we were given doodle time, I always drew the tree too!)

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
(So every picture of your house had a large tree on top of it?)

Afro Mane said...

(First Sonic, then Slapstick. Takin' all bets! Who will come back next? 2:1 on Quick Step, 5:1 on The Great and Powerful Trixie!)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mare
(I'd say Quick Step, Since Sonic said he'd be back soon. And not every picture, just the ones from between when the tree fell and when the tree was removed. And it wasn't a large trees. the trees around our house are fairly skinny, and the only damage it caused was to the roof which was damaged anyway)

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
(Seems legit.)

Slots said...

(I am the proud brother of a 2012 graduate. Congrats sis, you made it! And to ALL others that finished, congrats! Congrats to 2012!!)

Laz said...

(Dat photobomb in the back.)

Slots said...

@White Snow
(That's Slapstick heh heh. Hes about as silly as his OC pony is in real life haha XD)

Laz said...

(You guys aren't ninjas anymore. I have seen your true form.)

Afro Mane said...


Afro Mane said...

(Are you on the left or right?)

Tinka Lot said...

(You look completely different than how I imagined you in my head.)

Slots said...

@Rita Lot
(Do I huh heh? Well what did I look like then to you heh?)

(to Afro: im the one in the white with the stashe, hugging my sister)

Tinka Lot said...

(I don't really know, but not like that. Well, I knew you probably going to look exactly like my thoughts, but oh well.)

Slots said...

@Rita Lot
(Well sorry to dissapoint haha!(

Slapstick said...

(PHOTO BOMB!, time for the Magics!)

Tinka Lot said...

(Not disappointed at all. ^-^)

Laz said...

@Rita Lot
(What do you think I look like?)

Slots said...

@Rita Lot
(Oh alright then! Glad I didnt heh. She had a good day though!)

Afro Mane said...


Tinka Lot said...

@White Snow
(*ponyshrug* I don't really have set visions for you all, it's just kinda in the back of my mind.)

(good for her! Tell her I said congrats!)

Laz said...

@Rita Lot
(Okie den)

Rita Lot said...

(I know what you ALL look like; I don't need guesses! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!)

Laz said...


zSONICoz said...

(...I don't believe you at all! XD)

Rita Lot said...

(You ever wonder why there are cameras on the street and in school and such? I own them all!)

zSONICoz said...

(Nah, Those are owned by the higher ups. Besides if you are a "Higher up" Aren't you the clear enemy for all people who have any type of common sense?)

Rita Lot said...

(Clearly, I control the higher ups, AND common sense. I am a physical god! *mad cackle*)

zSONICoz said...

(I'm sorry what? I was busying watching recaps of the Ukraine beating out Sweden...Cause everyone in the world drops everything that they're doing to watch Euro 2012 well mostly the people on Europe anyway. XD)

Pewny said...


zSONICoz said...

(You hush ok you said Poland would lose and they ended up tying. XD)

Pewny said...

[In classification for going out of group it counts as losing anyways]

zSONICoz said...

(I bet they make it to the Quarter Finals. Russia will go out and Poland will follow! I bet you!)

Pewny said...

[I'm fairly sure Poland won't make it out but *shrugs* not that I care about this anyway]

zSONICoz said...

(If they make it I will constantly bug you about EVERY DAY OF YOUR LIFE TIL THE END OF TIME!!!!! XD)

Pewny said...

[Then I will just block you ;P]

Afro Mane said...

(Hey, people are here! Roleplay?)

zSONICoz said...

(*shakes head* Fine. XD
Still I think they have a chance. XD)

Afro Mane said...


Tinka Lot said...

(Even if that was true, and you have seen me before, how could you know it was me?)

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot

Afro Mane said...


Afro Mane said...


Tinka Lot said...

(enter the konami code on moonstuck.)

Slapstick said...


Afro Mane said...

(Already joined the herd, Slappy.)

Afro Mane said...


Afro Mane said...

(Don't leave me alone. I get bored. Then I burn things.)

Pewny said...

@Afro Mare
[If you want to burn your house down, go ahead. Otherwise get ready for Tom Dan falling on top of the fire to put it off, then on top of you (while still hot). Eventually in reverse, falling on you and THEN (with you "splotched" on him) onto the fire.]

Afro Mane said...


*slowly puts down matches*)

Laz said...

(I will never sleep because of this.)

Laz said...

(Also, new page)

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