Friday, May 25, 2012

Summer Starts! Everypony Celebrate!

Who hoo! School is over, summer begins, and everypony is happy! To all finishing up school, congrats! Time to move on in life to much bigger, better things! To others that are still striving to that point, congrats on the summer vacation! Some of us lost that WAY long ago hahaha! Time to break out some big RP for us all and be ready for the summer until Season 3! Question is: What will it be? Will see as we go!!

Okay this isn't a shipping pic, but hey, I can break that whenever I want! Besides, this picture look so amazing. Look at that sparkle in Twilight's eyes, its so adorable.


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Tinka Lot said...

@White Snow

Tinka Lot said...

@White Snow
(I refuse this "new page" and substitute my own.
New page)

Afro Mane said...

(But... But you just approved.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mare
(The Whose Line site. Ah, memories. My sister and I always watched it. Well, repeats, as it was no longer on when we were little.)

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot

...Wanna roleplay?)

Leeky said...

[I just had to click the links to the creepy pasta pages, didn't I...]

Afro Mane said...


Slots said...


Laz said...


Slots said...

@White Snow
(Why do you look like you have a Beatles haircut?)

Laz said...

All you need is love.)

Slots said...

@White Snow

Laz said...

Anyways, I'm here, why did you summon me?)

Slots said...

@White Snow
(Eh kinda wanted to see whos around and maybe finally do an RP for once.)

Laz said...

(That's silly. We don't RP here.
You must have us confused.)

Slots said...

@White Snow
(Oh right. Silly me)

Laz said...

(It's okay, we all make mistakes.)

Slots said...

@White Snow
(In all seriousness though I do hope to get some RP off the ground for us all sometime in the future.)

Laz said...

(We need something big. And for people to show up. *taps hoof*)

Slots said...

@White Snow
(No kidding. I actually have a newcomer wanting to join, but more so when the bog is alot more active.)

Laz said...

(Always like newcomers in the bog.)

Slots said...

@White Snow
(*head desks* Will you and Pewny stop being such grammar nazis!? XD)

Laz said...

(We can all go to froggy bottom bog!
Maybe fight a Hydra!)

Slots said...

@White Snow
(Adventure Ho!!)

Laz said...


Nobody is here.)

Pewny said...

@White Snow

Laz said...

(....Okay, we got one!)

Pewny said...

@White Snow

Slots said...

@White Snow
(Reeling in Pewny is nothing and you know that. Hes ALWAYS there in the shadows, like Voice and CC. Just, less smokey.)

Laz said...

(I was gonna say something else instead of that, but I decided not to. Yes, I do know that.)

Apple Bloom said...

@White Snow

Laz said...

@Apple Bloom
.-. What?

Apple Bloom said...

@White Snow

Slots said...

@Apple Bloom
(Applebloom come back! It isnt those ones!!)

Laz said...

....Please explain for me.

Slots said...

@White Snow
(In the past blog a bunch of evil tumbleweeds kidnapped Sweetie Belle and such, and now most of the CMCs fear them and run for their lives if they spot o-wow this sounds very dumb when trying to explain it.)

Laz said...

Well that's....interesting.

CC said...

@Slots; White Snow
Didn't Mastermind say though that that there Tumbleweed King an' his subjects live in some deserted alternate timeline now? If'n ah'm rememberin' correctly, anywho...

Tinka Lot said...

@White Snow
(tumbleweeds are mean.)

Laz said...

@Rita Lot
(Sure they are...)

Afro Mane said...

(Tumbleweeds are the bane of ponykind.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mare

CC said...

Ah think they're just misunderstood...

Slots said...

(CC? Your southern voice drive is acting up again.)

CC said...

...Uh, ah guess. *Shrug*

Slots said...

(Just letting ya know. Bye. *goes to work*)

Tinka Lot said...


Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Well hello, for as long as I can be around.)

Tinka Lot said...


Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot

Afro Mane said...

(Or not. Meany.)

Afro Mane said...


Afro Mane said...

(Give me attention!)

Sitcom Mansion said...



Slots said...

(Hugs sound very nice after a hard day's work for me, thanks MM *hugs back*)

Afro Mane said...


Slots said...

@Afro Mare
(Thank you. Ill see you later in the day, going back to sleepy now heh)

Afro Mane said...

(Fine. I'll occupy my time some other way.)

CC said...

@Slots; Afro Mare
*Group hugs* d'awww

Afro Mane said...

How are you hugging? aren't you a hologram? *starts waving a hoof at you*

CC said...

@Afro Mare
Ah can hug if ah wanna hug.

Apple Bloom said...

Cain't hug...
Tumbleweeds'll git me...
Tumbleweeds git away with... stuff...

Afro Mane said...

@Apple Bloom
*trots over to Applebloom and hugs her* It's okay, little filly... The tumbleweeds won't hurt you...

Afro Mane said...


Slots said...

@Afro Mare

Slots said...

(Something I thought I'd share if not seen on EqD.

Hoof gripping explained.)

Tinka Lot said...

(Seen it before. Isn't it cool?)

Slots said...

@Rita Lot
(The science behind how it works? IT really is!

The idea of how it could be worked for ponies? HECK YEAH. Take THAT you fancy unicorns and your "I grip anything' magic, and YOU pegasi with your super weight lifting, creepy finger wings! WE EARTH PONIES CAN FINALLY PICK UP A CUP!!)

Tinka Lot said...

(XD it's kind of anticlimatic when you say it like that.)

Slots said...

@Rita Lot
(*waves a cup* CUUUUUUUUUP!!

Yeah Im the best pony for build ups.)

Tinka Lot said...

(I have the sudden desire to create a pony whose special talent is dramatic build ups.)

Slots said...

@Rita Lot
(That be like the most annoying pony in the world.

*is eating breakfeast*

Pony: But then, Slots did something never expected for him to do at breakfeast. Something..mind blowing. Something no pony was ready for!!

*eats a piece of toast*


Will you shut up!?


Tinka Lot said...

(I guess.)

Slots said...

@Rita Lot
(Breakfast would be ruined for all!)

Tinka Lot said...

(It would indeed.)

Slots said...

@Rita Lot
(Oh yeah. Good morning.)

CC said...

(*Waves and snips around and pair of scissors in front of your face.*
Yeah, good luck manipulatin' one'a these with yer granular jammin' hooves.~
*Dashes away, giggling.*)

Slots said...

(*throws the cup at the back of his head*)

Afro Mane said...

(*picks up a cup* Aw, hell yeah.)

Slots said...

@Afro Mare
(But you have to figure out how the buck you use scissors, Afro.)

Afro Mane said...

(Wait! *grabs a pair of scissors in one hoof, and hops onto his hind legs, gripping the other "hand" hole* *snip snip*


Slots said...

@Afro Mare
(I..guess that works. Maybe thats why there are so few Earth Pony Barbers.)

CC said...

(*Runs back in.*
Yeah, Afro ain't gotta worry 'bout that! Usin' scissos s'already his special talent! Y'all ain't so lucky though, Slotso.~
*Dashes out the room again giggling.*)

Afro Mane said...

(*watches*...Seriously, can we reprogram her?)

Slots said...


Afro Mane said...

(...Can I change back now?)

Slots said...

@Afro Mare

Afro Mane said...


Afro Mane said...

(AURA, where are you?!)

Slots said...

@Afro Mare
(Shes out for the day.)

Afro Mane said...

(Well, crap.

...Wanna help me with potionmaking?)

Slots said...

@Afro Mare
(Trusting me with potion making is like trusting Vinyl Scratch to sew clothes. It just will not work. Just wait for her to come back)

Pewny said...

[I think worse would be trusting a mudpony to sew clothes]

Afro Mane said...

(A what now?)


Wait! Zecora!)

Slots said...


Slots said...

@Afro Mare
(Its been established Zacora and Aura are good friends, brewing things here and there together. So, really Zacora would just leave it as it is. Since she would think Aura had good reason to do it.)

Pewny said...

[*takes out a remote control and presses a button, cutting off the power from whole mansion* You were saying, muddy?]

Afro Mane said...

(No, seriously, what's going-- *flash*)

Slots said...

(You do know the Bass Cannon has been shown to not be powered by any external source, so thus does not require to be powered from something like a cord, thus can work without it?)

Pewny said...

[Well bu- *blown through the wall*]

Afro Mane said...

(*flash* ...What happened?)

Slots said...


Afro Mane said...

(*trots up and flips the on/off switch* Seriously, where'd you get that?)

Slots said...

@Afro Mane
(How DARE you touch my cannon! *turns it around to him and fires*)

Afro Mane said...

(Oh bu-- *thrown across the room. Into Pewny*)

Slots said...

@Afro Mane
((Lessons Learned. Bass Cannons are not powered by any external source, and DONT MY BUCKING BASS CANNON!!))

Pewny said...

@Afro Mane
[1. Different direction of the shot
2. I was shot THROUGH the wall of the mansion, so I'm outside]

Afro Mane said...

((Bass Cannon. Don't question its' trajectory.

But whatever.))

(*thrown clear of Pewny*)

Afro Mane said...

(*by like, thirty feet*)

Slots said...

(Im stepping out, see ya)

Afro Mane said...

(Bye Slots!)

Mysterious, Disembodied Voice said...

But little did Slots know, his seemingly-average trip out was about to become anything but...

Leeky said...

@Mysterious, Disembodied Voice
Chapter 1
In which something rather peculiar happens to Slots.

Slots said...

(what is being plotted behind my back?)

CC said...

Our story begins on a hot and sunny afternoon. It was a quite average day, or so it seemed.

Afro Mane said...

Slots was listening to the laest DJ-Pon3 single

Afro Mane said...

(And then NOTHING happened.)

Mysterious, Disembodied Voice said...

But that all changed when the Fire Nation attacked.

Afro Mane said...

@Mysterious, Disembodied Voice
100 years past and we found the new Avatar, a wub-bender named Slots

Tinka Lot said...

@Mysterious, Disembodied Voice and Afro

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
And though his wub-bending is great, he still has a lot to learn before he can save anyone.

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
But I belive Slots can save the world

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
(That's my Avatar thing for the day.


Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane

Slots said...

(You all are flipping ridiculous. I love you all XD)

Tinka Lot said...

(We love you too!)

zSONICoz said...

(I'ma just leave this little picture I made here. Okay? Okay.

Tinka Lot said...

(Somepony arted!)

zSONICoz said...

@Rita Lot
(Yes, Yes Somepony arted..and this pic right there that all done by mouse no tablet just mouse and you can tell it is mouse as well. Look closely at the lines.)

Tinka Lot said...

(It's pretty good! Is that a Dragonball Z character?)

zSONICoz said...

@Rita Lot
(Um, No It's from an anime known as Captain Tsubasa that right there is Tsubasa himself.
He's sort of my inspiration)

Tinka Lot said...

(Oh, OK. I haven't seen many animes.)

zSONICoz said...

@Rita Lot
(It's fine I never knew this one existed at all until I stumbled upon the game! XD)

Leeky said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Afro Mane said...

(Cool story brony.)

Leeky said...

Chapter 1
Parking Problems.

“My shopping basket on wheels has been towed away!” exclaimed Slots hotly.
He gazed at the spot where he had left it before going into the cut-price grocers in the market. In all the years he had lived in Ponyville such a thing had never happened to him before and he could hardly believe his eyes. But if he thought staring at the empty space was going to make it reappear he was doomed to disappointment,
‘It’s coming to something if a young pony gent can’t leave ‘is shopping basket unattended for five minutes while ‘e’s going about ‘is business.” Said one the stallholders, who normally supplied Slots with vegetables when he was out shopping for the Sitcom Mansion residents. “I don’t know what the worlds coming to.”
“There’s no give and take any more,” agreed a colt at the next stall. “It’s all take and no give. They’ll be towing us away next, you mark me words.”

Leeky said...

“You should have left a note on it saying ‘Back in five minutes’,” said a third one.
“Fat lot of good that would have done,” said another. “They don’t give you five seconds these days, let alone five minutes.”
Slots was a popular figure in the market and by now a small crowd of sympathizers had begun to gather. Although he was known to drive a hard bargain, he was much respected by the traders. Receiving his custom was regarded by many as being something of an honour: on a par with having a sign saying they were by appointment to the Royal Sisters.
“The forepony of the cart said it was in the way of his vehicle,” said a mare who witnessed the event. “They were trying to get behind a carriage they wanted to tow away.”
“But my buns were in it,” said Slots.
Were is probably the right word,” replied the mare. “I dare say even now they’re parked in some side street or other wolfing them down. Pulling those great big tow-away carts of theirs must give them an appetite.”
“I don’t know what Mr Slapstick is going to say when he hears,” said Slots “They were meant for our elevenses.”
To be continued...maybe...

Afro Mane said...

(Meant for our elevenses?


Leeky said...

@Afro Mane

Afro Mane said...

(Are you at work or something?)

Leeky said...

@Afro Mane

Sitcom Mansion said...

*Collapsed on floor* I... I cant...
..My spleen....!

Afro Mane said...

*races over* Oh, God, her spleen! I need 4 CC's of Muffinephrin ,stat!

Leeky said...

Have no fear. Just sit down and have your elevenses and you'll be better in a jiffy!

Afro Mane said...

I still don't know what the means! Where's that Muffinephren?!

Slots said...

(*is laughing hard reading at work*)

Afro Mane said...

(You're welcome.)

*Starts whacking you in the chest* LIIIIIVE!

Sitcom Mansion said...

@Afro Mane
*tiny insect body gets crushed to death*

Tinka Lot said...

(But Mastermind, you are an immortal being.)

Pewny said...

@Rita Lot
[Mastermind will reincarnate as Hypnobutterfly

Afro Mane said...


Slots said...

(*yawns* Ugh curse you no wanting to sleep, body.)

Tinka Lot said...

(All Glory to Hypnobutterfly!)

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Relevence. this has it.)

Afro Mane said...

(Has our wub-bender forsaken us?

Also, isn't Rita a waterbender?)

Tinka Lot said...

@Afro Mane
(Yes? So? It's still a funny post and relevant to the conversation we had the other day, but everything changed when the fire nation attacked.)

Afro Mane said...

@Rita Lot
(So... Now it's not relevant?)

DJ Pon-3 said...

@Afro Mane
(What's not relevant?)

Afro Mane said...

@DJ Pon-3
...DJ Pon-3? How'd you get into my house?

DJ Pon-3 said...

@Afro Mane
*looks over* Oh hey! Um, wait, this is your place? I thought that one filly said it was somepony's else? *scratches head* Now I'm confused..

Afro Mane said...

@DJ Pon-3
Yeah, Uh... She's not here at the moment, so I kinda am the head of the house.

So again I ask: How'd you get in my house? And why? And ohmigawd I have to find Slots!

DJ Pon-3 said...

@Afro Mane
Wow heh, your the head of all this huh? That pretty rad! *smiles* Well I dunno, I kinda felt I had a open invitation to show up whenever really. Didn't know it changed up so much. *ear flick* Slots? Who's that?

Afro Mane said...

@DJ Pon-3
Slots is like, your biggest fan! And yeah, it is pretty rad. *trots over and puts a leg around your neck* Yep. All mine.

DJ Pon-3 said...

@Afro Mane
A big fan huh? Wonder why I didn't notice him. *blinks and looks at you as you hold her* Um..yeah heh, nice..Can you give me some personal space buddy?

Afro Mane said...

@DJ Pon-3
*drops the leg* Uh, sure... *cough*

DJ Pon-3 said...

@Afro Mane
Eheh *rubs her neck* Thanks..Um, so where is everypony?

Afro Mane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Afro Mane said...

@DJ Pon-3
Uh... They pop in and out from time to time. I'm sure one'll pop up.

DJ Pon-3 said...

@Afro Mane
hah. Pop. That's a funny word. *making a popping noise*

Afro Mane said...

@DJ Pon-3

Sitcom Mansion said...

@Afro Mane
*flutters over, landing on your head*

DJ Pon-3 said...

Say, Mr. Owner. You seem to have a moth problem. *points at the creature* Though that thing looks wicked cool!

Afro Mane said...

@DJ Pon-3
Huh? *grabs Mastermind* Oh hello there.

DJ Pon-3 said...

@Afro Mane
What is it? *tilts her head looking over his shoulder* Ya got more?

Afro Mane said...

@DJ Pon-3
No idea. *looks at Mastermind* Is there more of ya?

Sitcom Mansion said...

@Afro Mane
*wriggles antennae*

DJ Pon-3 said...

*looks to him and back to it* You really weren't expecting it to answer you were you?

Afro Mane said...

@DJ Pon-3
*shakes head* No... *back to Mastermind* Is that a yes?

Sitcom Mansion said...

@Afro Mane
*wiggle wriggle*

DJ Pon-3 said...

*giggles and nudges* I think the bug is on to ya and making fun.

Afro Mane said...

I'll take that as a yes. Where are they?

DJ Pon-3 said...

@Afro Mane
Ya know you just got done telling me your not talking to it. So..what exactly is this then? *tilts her head the other way*

Afro Mane said...

@DJ Pon-3

Sitcom Mansion said...

@Afro Mane
*jumps up and flutters over to Pon-3, landing beside her ear*

DJ Pon-3 said...

*giggles and smiles looking up to it* Well hey there fella? *looks to a mirror* Ya know, your a pretty good combo with my mane. Ya do shows?

DJ Pon-3 said...

(Sorry party ponies, this one's got the munchies! Be back!)

Sitcom Mansion said...

@DJ Pon-3

Afro Mane said...

Oh, I see how it is!

DJ Pon-3 said...

(Ha, man what do those ponies put in those taquitos!? So delish~!)

*blinks and removes her glasses* Huh? What was that?

Afro Mane said...

@DJ Pon-3

Sitcom Mansion said...

@DJ Pon-3
..Pssssst. *whispers* The bushy maned pony... He's keeping us trapped here...

DJ Pon-3 said...

*Looks up to it blinking* He's what? *looks back to him* Your kidding?

Sitcom Mansion said...

@DJ Pon-3
My friends and I... Haven't seen sunlight... For weeeks.... uusss...

*gets up, and starts to flutter away*

DJ Pon-3 said...

What?? *glares at Afro* Hey, what's kind of pony are you buster?

Afro Mane said...

@DJ Pon-3

DJ Pon-3 said...

@Afro Mane
Don't what me! I know what your doing to these poor ponies here *gets up into his face and glares more* No WONDER I haven't seen any, your keeping them from being seen! Where are they huh? Ya better tell me!

Afro Mane said...

@DJ Pon-3
WHAT?! I'm not hiding anypony!

DJ Pon-3 said...

@Afro Mane
Your a liar! I know you are! I got it from a good source! You aren't in charge at all huh!?

Afro Mane said...

@DJ Pon-3

...Well, no, but I'm not hiding anypony anywhere! Go look!

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