BANG! Another post filled up! May have taken quite sometime, but hey, it got there. We now have filled up over 50,000 post of pony, RP, and chat.Amazing what a small group of friends can do huh??
A request from our dear member, Rita. Must say, other than Vinyl Scratch and Octavia, these two ARE cute together. Woo for fandom background pony shipping!
«Oldest ‹Older 2601 – 2800 of 4990 Newer› Newest»@Slots
(It is hard to impersonate him you know without the "Blogs I Own" thing.
Oh, and by following Rooster Teeth.)
(Somepony divided by 0)
(Oh well. I'll have fun anyways)
(*facehoof* Oh jeez why..)
(Well that was odd.)
@Black Rain
(Yeah, you really are not fooling anyone with common sense.)
(Wasn't really trying to fool anybody...)
(...Okay, you've lost me.)
@Black Rain
(Sorry, thought it was someone trying to be you now, not actually YOU you derp.)
@Black Rain
(...Okay, I am confused beyond all hell... Let's turn it into an RP!)
@Afro Mane
(We never did finish the one with the evil clone me who was also clone Aura and was trying to kill you.)
@Rita Lot
(I had no idea where I was going with that.)
(Me neither)
@Rita Lot
(So yeah lol)
@Rita Lot
(I think we all killed Afro with this... Who wants to party!? I am already dressed up! XD)
@Rita Lot
(Oh, yeah! That one was good because she nearly succeded. Let's do it!)
@Afro Mane
@Afro Mane
(Aw man, you had to go and ruin my hopes of a party!
Plus I am kinda doing things that means I can only have one account on right now and that is this one, aka my own.)
(...So change the pic and name?)
@Afro Mane
(But that takes wooooooork when I have the other account likely still set up!)
(...So sign in?)
@Afro Mane
(Signing out of this one and into that takes work, especially when as I said I am doing other things XD)
(I refer you to option one.)
(Lazy lazy you.)
@Rita Lot
(Lazy lazy me.)
(I thought it was your dream to watch me die, or something.)
@Afro Mane
(Nah, I am living my dream right now! *pats dress*)
(... A cross dressing stallion?)
@Afro Mane
(Well... That's not a very good dream at all, is it?)
@Afro Mane
(...Just do Evil Rita.)
@Afro Mane
(No, crossdressing Slots.)
(...Are you still psychotically deadly?)
@Afro Mane
(I do not think so?)
(Man, you suck.)
@Afro Mane
(I am also Aura looking like Slots, not Slots.)
(...So you're not homicidal?)
@Afro Mane
(No, because I am regular, real Aura! Is Aura homicidal? *knife from nowhere* Is she!?)
@Rita Lot
@Rita Lot
@Afro Mane
(*jabs at you with knife* so you think I am homicidal huh?)
*jabbed* Hey!
@Afro Mane
(I am NOT homicidal! *throws knife at you*)
*ducks* AH!
@Inconspicuous Potted Palm
*still watching you with an expression of awe* How does it do that?
@Rita Lot
*turns around* What's it doing?
@Inconspicuous Potted Palm
...When did we get a plant that DOES that? *ignoring Afro with his mane pinned to the wall by my knife*
I have no idea and... Are you wearing a dress?
It seems to be... leafing? I don't know what to call... that.
@Rita Lot
Uh... its a long story, but will you just go along with it if I say I am Aura?
*attempts to get closer to the plant, but is stopped by the knife* Whu?
...I guess...
@Afro Mane
You deserve it.
@Rita Lot
Yeah, just go with that. Now... what IS this plant doing, did you say?
Leafing, I think. I don't really understand how one can "leaf", yet it seems to have accomplished just that.
@Rita Lot
Wow... and I thought getting shoved in this dress by Aura- er... being stuck as Slots...? Whatever, I thought taht was the weirdest thing I would experience today....
What? Why?!
@Afro Mane
Because... of everything you did to get your cutie mark?
@Rita Lot & @Afro Mane
*shrugs* I have no idea. Did the plant throw that at you Afro?
...It's a plant.
I've been watching it for a while, it didn't throw anything.
@Rita Lot
It has just been... leafing?
Yup. Just leafing.
@Rita Lot
Well... that is odd. Dont plants do more?
Obviously you threw it.
@Afro Mane
Does it look like I could throw a knife? *holds up his hooves*
How did you get stuck like that anyway?
Well, you're a unicorn.
@Rita Lot
Uh... experimental potion...? Yeah, experimental potion, go wit with that...
@Afro Mane
Well, most of the time.
@Afro Mane
...When have I EVER been a unicorn!?
Whatever. (How do earth ponies do anything anyway?) *teleports next to her*
@Afro Mane
*jumps* Gah! Hiw did you-!?
(With their mouths and what can be held in a hoof?)
*skeptical* Uh...huh.
He stole a scroll that apparently lets him teleport and Luna sent him to the moon and Mastermind sent Slots to the moon for "male bonding time" and now they're back.
@Rita Lot
Who are you being so skeptical?
Huh? Oh. *pulls out teleportation scroll* Read it and try it. It rules!
@Rita Lot
Yet she never took it back.
*blinks* Uh... no thanks.
@Afro Mane
Don't understand that either. *snatches scroll from you*
@Rita Lot
I am telling the truth Rita. Uh... I drank something I, which I really am Aura in a dress, made and this happened!
@Rita Lot
Hey! You can already teleport! Give it back!!
@Afro Mane
With great power comes a need for common sense, of which you have none.
@Rita Lot
What do I have to do to prove I am not just Slots in a dress??
*flying upside down above y'alls*
Well, Aura has turned into Slots before...
But never in a hilarious outfit... Hm...
@Rita Lot
Bad Rita! That's stealing!
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
*looks up* Oh, hi Mastermind.
*waves* Hello identity unconfirmed!! ^^
@Rita Lot
Yeah I do! You can't stand the fact an Earth pony is on the same level as a unicorn. RACIST!
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
I told you I am Aura ugh!!
@Afro Mane
Sorry identerloper, protocol and all.
@Afro Mane
...But even if it was Aura, you'd be kissing the body of Slots...
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
And how to do you scan if someone is who they say they are then?
Y'know who else wouldn't kiss me? Slots. Who you are. Obviously.
Uh... Ahdunno. Scientific method, maybe?
Or perhaps 20 questions. That's always fun! ^^
@Afro Mane
Ugh screw you Afro!
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
Neither of those sound fun..
That sounds a lot like Slots...
@Afro Mane
I really am not!!
(You all are extremely random.)
(You are extremely not-Aura.
Then, Question #1!!
Who was your co-pilot?
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
What...?? I dont know... CC???
How can we be sure, whoever you are?
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(I think I was the co piolit, and it was Sonic. OrChewy as I called hm)
Incorrect! That’s one strike, Mr. Fake!
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
How can we be sure?
@Afro Mane
Because I missed a question?
Nuh-uh-uh! I’m running this quiz show, I’ll ask the questions! If there’s gonna be any 'buts', they’re gonna be from me!
...Okay, Question #2!! how much do the Hay Fries cost!?
How about some potions?
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(I dont eat hay fries. I perfer soup, like Trixie and Terra)
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
Ugh I wont play your games MM!
*squints* ...Aura loves games...
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
Hey.. What about potions?
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
I dont want to play this game right now though!
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
*Looks around* Well, doesn't look like much else is goin' on.
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
So... whats your verdict then??
Well, I find the Hay Fries are much more expensive than they need to be.
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
*facehoofs* I meant about me!!
I don't believe you have a set price.
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
*buzzes in* The cost of the hay fries is too damn high!
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
*throws hooves up* Ugh! You know what, screw it, I'm going to bed! *storms off*
(G'night all!)
....Does this mean I win?
@Black Rain
Aw... Well, alight then. G'night Aura! ^^
@Black Rain and Mastermind
You know who I miss? Lazulic.
@Afro Mane
@Inconspicuous Potted Palm
*squints* ...Are you gonna do something?
@Afro Mane
@Inconspicuous Potted Palm
*steps back* Oh, crap...
@Inconspicuous Potted Palm
*poke poke*
(I'm waiting for it to go NMM on us.)
After a thousand years, I'm finally free!
@Night Mareigold
*jumps back* AAAAH!! *attempts to teleport* ...Rita...
@Afro Mane
(Welp, this ones on you Afro. Im at work. Have fun!. Dont give her the box.)
((Also is that REALLY all it took was a poke??)
(Great. Rita's gotta be lurking around sonewhere.)
Wh...What do you want?
(You know, now that I think about it... From all the things we've done, from conversing with it to offering it plush toys... I don't think anyone ever actually touched it.)
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(*was contemplating hopping in yesterday and ripping it apart but didn't*)
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(Thats just sad. I bet NMM was just going "YOU IDIOTS JUST TOUCH ME GAH!!" the entire time. Or..leafy leafy as she put it)
@Black Rain
(Wanna back me up?)
@Afro Mane
(Nope. And all it took was me insulting it last time.)
@Rita Lot
(oh, come on! She's an alicorn! I'm an earth pony. I'mma be torn apart!)
@Afro Mane
(Actually, she's a flower.
...A delicious looking one at that...)
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
@Afro Mane
(You are also a ridiculously stubborn one with no common sense.)
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(I dont think eating her would be a good idea.)
(I will!)
@Night Mareigold
@Afro Mane
[This is getting awkward]
@Afro Mane
...Well? ...What does it taste like!?
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
Evil... *smacks lips* ...and cheese.
(Get it? Moon made of cheese? Nightmare Moon? Eh? EH?)
(Care to join us?)
@Afro Mane
*nom nom nom nom nom* ...I have the POWER!!
@Afro Mane
(To eat the flower?)
@Rita Lot
(I am Nightmare Moon!)
She sprouts from atop Afro's afro. "Ah hahaha! Now I finally free from my rooted prison! And with this new host, I will cast the world in eternal foliage!"
@Night Mareigold
AAAAAH! Kill it! Kill it with magic! *attempts to yank it out*
@Rita Lot
(It's just a wedding! How are we even gonna get in?)
@Night Mareigold
*walks by and stops* Afro, why is Nightmare Moon in flower form growing out of your hair?
@Afro Mane
(I'm family of the groom. and it's a public event anyway.)
@Rita Lot
(So we're like, VIP?)
*turns to Rita* That palm plant died and turned into Nightmare Moon as a flower, and I ate her, and now she's a part of me! HELP!!
...Oh, and gimmie my scroll back.
@Rita Lot
Whats going oAH! *spots Afro* What the!?
*turns to Slots* He-e-e-elp meee!
@Afro Mane
What did you DO!? Why that...WHAT??
It's Nightmare Moon! As a flower! Get some hedge clippers!
@Afro Mane
(I am, and one guest. Which will be Rain. because he is my coltfriend.)
I knew it looked familiar! Also no.
@Afro Mane
What is Nightmare Moon doing in your fro? And more, so A FLOWER!?
"Foals! You'll never stop me!" Tendrils of green sprouted from the afro, lashing for the other two.
@Rita Lot
(...So I gotta sneak in?)
I ate her and now I think she controls my left ear and nostril!
@Night Mareigold
Get out of the way Rita! *grabs her and jumps away*
*trots into whatever hallway or room this is going on in* *sees Afro* ...What is going on?
Run Aura!..Or me, or, you know just RUN!
*is pulled out of the way* Eep!
@Night Mareigold
You're a flower.
I don't know gardening spells.
@Night Mareigold
GAAAAH! *runs out the door* Save yourselveesssss...
*blinks, and turns to follow* Uh... sure?
@Afro Mane
@Rita Lot
*Puts Rita down* Okay...well, Afro has been taken over by Nightmare Moon, that is a flower, that is out of his fro...Any ideas?
Ah-ha! I knew that was Aura!
@Rita Lot
*runs back in with hedge clippers, tossing them at Rita* Do it! DO IT!
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
Wait, who?
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
@Rita Lot
[ Was the royal wedding the other year open to the public? ]
The green tendrils reach out and snag on the skirt.
"I'll hosts out of you all! Then no pony will be able to stop me!"
(Oh by the way, Pewny made this for me and Trixie, thought youd all want to see this too, heh)
*falls on the floor, narrowly missing being stabbed by lazily thrown hedge clippers* Afro! Do not throw sharp things at me! *takes clippers and tries to clip the plant off, succeeds, but also takes off a chunk of your fro because you are running* Oops...
(where did the yellow stars come from?)
(new page)
@Rita Lot
*fro-snip* ...AAAAAAAHH!!!!
@Rita Lot
(I updated Terra's cutie mark awhile ago actually)
@Night Mareigold
INCOMING! *ducks*
@Afro Mane
*ducks down under a table*
@Rita Lot @Night Mareigold
[Actually, if you look closely at the most recent clip, it looks like there's a dome or force field around the castle... You can see it glimmer.]
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