BANG! Another post filled up! May have taken quite sometime, but hey, it got there. We now have filled up over 50,000 post of pony, RP, and chat.Amazing what a small group of friends can do huh??
A request from our dear member, Rita. Must say, other than Vinyl Scratch and Octavia, these two ARE cute together. Woo for fandom background pony shipping!
«Oldest ‹Older 3001 – 3200 of 4990 Newer› Newest»@Rita Lot
Unless you join us and eat biscuits!
@Rita Lot
Mmm thats better~ You need to do that more often~ Now, if Leeky is done with you, run along off with your Coltfriend~
If you say so dear. *takes another sip* This is nice by the way~
Of course it is!
@Leeky and Roulette
*runs away*
So what else is new Leeky?
not much I guess.
Oh really hm~? No fun or anything~? What happened to that wonderful slave of yours, Doc as you said~?
Oh really hm~? No fun or anything~? What happened to that wonderful slave of yours, Doc as you said~?
I think he's on a something...
*looks around sipping some more tea*...Hmm, seems hes not here dear~
*Floats above*
I see nozhing gets by you anymore.
*grins and attempts to tackleflyhug him*
Hm..could he always fly~?
Oh boy...*phases through him once more but he still moves backwards a bit*
Leeky...You never learn do you?
I have learnt everything there is to learn!
Hmm, that seems familiar.
How come you still haven't figured out zhat I'm still a specter...You've done zhis 4 times already.
*sits back and rinks her tea just listening with a smile*
*looks to you*
Ah, Roulette...Don't know if her insanity is enough to see me...*waves hoof* I vonder?
I don't know what you being a Specter has got to do with anything? I mean, just because you make lightbulbs...
I have enough knowledge of the dead to see you dear Doc~ Thooough I DO need to get going. Busy busy life~ *sits up and places the glass down* Please, continue chatting~ Til next time, dear Leeky~ *waves and trots off*
*gives a quick tackle hug to Roulette* Come see me again soon Rolly!
@Afro Mane
*poke poke*
@Afro Mane
*walks over to you, sighs, heals you, and walks away*
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
*did not see you*
@Leeky It means Leeky zhat I'm still intangible and you still don't get zhat.
Ah, Ja..I understand your position. Tschuss Roulette.
Well...I can do whatever I want! I'm Queen!
@Rita Lot
*chases after you*
*shakes head and sighs*
If I've learned anyzhing from ze time I've been vith you are indeed Queen.
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
*turns around*
@Rita Lot
*stops short in front of you*
...What was that you did just now?
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
*blinks* What?
@Rita Lot
To Afro?
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
I didn't do anything.
*grins triumphantly and slightly cluelessly*
Oh! I have a meeting with the Sock master in a few yesterdays. I need to get going. *attempts to tackleflyhug Doc again, then gets up and trots towards the ceiling*
[And now I need to go to sleep, Night y'all and enjoy the finale!]
(You too!)
@Rita Lot
You just walked up to him... Then did something. Magic.
*laughs* Alright Leeky.
Have fun!
*phases through again*
five times now...*chuckles*
*watches as you Trot off*
(You too Leeky G'night!)
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
Yes. I am a unicorn. I magic. I was just making sure he was alive.
@Rita Lot
*Squints* You use magic to check he was alive?
@Rita Lot
[ You know, it's really not nearly as bad as you think it is in Slotso's mind. It's a bit small and stuffy, but it's not too bad at all. ]
@Midnight Phantom
(I imagine it being like a Slots-themed batchlotette party.)
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(The other parts of my mind seem to enjoy it, so.)
@Midnight Phantom
(Yeah..wait did you just call me small minded?)
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
...I'm not good at finding pulses?
(That moment when you realize that Azula and Katara are only a year older than you and it's weird. (not counting Korra))
@Afro Mane
(Yes, but this morning is lasting FOREVER! Oh, I better change!)
(Is it too small, do you think?)
(I think I fixed it.)
(I'm reaaaady!)
@Afro Mane
(I see you added the cutie mark.)
@Rita Lot
(Of course.)
@Afro Mane
(Remember when a while ago when I said I had a new OC to debut soon? I think that day's gonna be today!)
@Rita Lot
(Hello ponies of the blog!)
(Hello! There is one hour left to Extreme Awesomeness! (with some slight sadness on the side))
@Rita Lot
(Good thing I'm dressed for the occasion no?)
[*the only one who didn't give enough damn to even try make a suit for his character*]
(Want me to make one for you? I can do it pretty quick.)
@Rita Lot
@Rita Lot
(Yay! New Rita!
I feel underdressed.)
@Afro Mane
(You don't seem the "Suitish" type.)
@Rita Lot
(Good call. I am not.)
@Afro Mane
(A simple bow-tie suits-err, fits- you better.)
(Wedding day, and i'm sick.
@Rita Lot
(I see what you did there.)
@Afro Mane
@Black Rain
(Read Rita's comment.)
@Afro Mane
(Still don't get it.)
@Black Rain
@Rita Lot
(I'm sick on said wedding day.)
@Black Rain
@Rita Lot
(She said a bowtie 'suits' me more than a suit.)
@Rita Lot
(She said a bowtie 'suits' me more than a suit.)
@Rita Lot
(She said a bowtie 'suits' me more than a suit.)
@Rita Lot
(She said a bowtie 'suits' me more than a suit.)
@Rita Lot
(She said a bowtie 'suits' me more than a suit.)
@All dem Afros
@Black Rain
(Do you get it now?
Also my phone wigged out. Sorry.)
(HOLY BUCK LUNA! *squee*)
(It appears Roulette is cannon.)
@Afro Mane
(One way to put it. ...Dang, this is best episode...)
(>implying any episode can even compare to this)
(THAT was a freaking epeisode my god! Songs? Villians!? VINYL SCRATCH!? WOOOO)
@Afro Mane
(I found the Changling Queen creepy.)
(Guys If I die tomorrow I'm glad it's tomorrow because I AM HAPPY BEYOND EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Rita Lot
(BEST EPISODE EVER! Now for the accompanying RP.)
@Rita Lot
(I wasnt expecting her at all but was awesome to see. Reminded me of Malefacent)
(I cried. At the end. Anyone else cry? I cried.
Ponies, man.)
(That episode is now my favorite Disney movie)
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(I was just so happy to see all I wanted. And the songs man the SONGS)
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(Somewhere in there, yeah.)
(ME TOOOOOOOO! But I don't want to die.)
(IT REALLY WAS! And yes!)
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(I'm not afraid to admit manly tears were almost shed several times.)
(She kinda did. AND BABY TWILIGHT!!!!)
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(I was this close to crying I swear it...And now the waiting till September begins...)
@Rita Lot
(SO much good Twilight fun my gosh I was squeeing so much!!)
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(I never cry for stuff like that. I almost did once at my "End of 5th Grade party" as they were showing the slideshow. but I didn't.)
(I just want to rewind everything and play again!
Who else feels they want to relive the whole episode for the first time? I can't be the only one!)
(Also young Cadence was pretty cute too!)
(If I had to repeat this day over and over, Groundhog Day style, I'd be happy.)
(Alright, I'll say it.
>Mastermind is a changeling)
@Rita Lot
(She was! Like that perfect babysitter.)
(She was changing before changing was cool)
(It makes the most logical sense. XD
(Yep! I remember when we thought SA and PC were OC's from the staff! They've grown so much!)
(Hpppppptftfhtfht I didn't even think of that. xD)
@Rita Lot
(Seriously, we ALL thought they were fake! WHO KNEW!?)
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(And then it ALL made sense lol)
Woah! I kinda feel dizzy now, so much awesome.
(*eyes shift back and forth uneasily*)
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(Maybe you've been pretending to be a pony for so long you forgot about your true form and just thought you could shapeshift.)
(I know!)
(I love your outfits!)
@Afro Mane
(SO much awesome yes!)
@Afro Mane
@Rita Lot
(Let us begin to attempt to match the episode!)
*trots downstairs* I'm ready!
@Rita Lot
(I'd probably make something like this true if I didn't already have plans. o.o)
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
Me too!
@Rita Lot
*checks out your dress* ...Different. I like it.
[Now I've got to wait until someone uploads part 2. My internet died in the last 2 minutes or so.]
(...And the blog dies...)
@Afro Mane
(Cause Part 1 and 2 are up. Were all rewatching it I bet.)
@Afro Mane
(I'm taking in the episode Afro!!!!
I'm holding on to what is left!!!)
@zSONICoz and Slots
(No! The episode's over. Pay attention to me now.)
(I just checked the scene on my recording of the episode, went frame-by-frame. It's small, so it's hard to see, but they look like the exact same redish-magenta they were on the flash asset.)
@Afro Mane
[Part 2 is up?]
(Yup, check EqD its there)
@Rita Lot
*comes out behind you* I like it too, but it's not as good as mine!
@Rita Lot
...Where are the others?
Uh, hey.
@Afro Mane
@Afro Mane
...I'm Afro Mane... Who are you?
@Afro Mane
I'm Tinka.
Well, Tinka... How'd you get in my house?
@Afro Mane
Rita let me in.
So, you're Rita's friend?
I'm gonna go get the others. *trots off*
@Afro Mane
Kind of. Actually, I'm- *sees that you left* *turns to Rita* Does he do that often?
Yeah. Not the most polite pony.
@Rita Lot
Yeah, I got that.
@Rita Lot
*from the stairs* I can't find 'em! Did they already leave?!
*Trots in*
Hello, Hello everyone!
How you doing?
*appears from nowhere, as if by teleportation* Found Slots. He's getting ready. Hey Sonic.
What were you saying?
@Afro Mane
I don't think so.
*Trots to you and Rita*
Well Hello there!
Who might you be?
@Afro Mane
*looks at you*
Afro...Since when can you Teleport?
@Afro Mane
Oh, I was saying-*interupted by Rita*
@Rita Lot
*looks at her* What?
Ancient Canterlot Scroll. I love it!
@Afro Mane
*realization and anger* You stole it back!
@Afro Mane
I said I didn't think they left, but you stole back the scroll?
@Afro Mane
Afro...Why do you have that?
Out of curiousness I ask this?
(My dress or Tinka's which is better?)
@Rita Lot
C'mon, Rita, it's your cousins' wedding. Let me keep it!
He stole it from Princess Luna. Who then came and sent him to the moon yet never took back the scroll.
...I found it.
@Afro Mane
Nnnnnope. Where is it?
@Rita Lot
@Rita Lot
He stole a scroll?!
@Rita Lot
@Afro Mane
You "found" it huh?
That's not what Rita is telling me.
Nonononono! Luna gave it to me!
@Afro Mane
Sure. I think I trust my sister to tell me the truth more than I do you, especially because of what she's told me about you.
...What lies has she fed you, young Tinka?
...Is your sister who I think it is?
@Afro Mane
None! She just told me you were an alcoholic obsessed with mares. Although she did say you were a blank flank, I guess that wasn't true.
Who do you think it is?
See! A liar! I have a Cutie Mark. *turns to Rita* And I've cut back, dang it!
I think he thinks it's me.
@Afro Mane
*eyeroll* *turns to Tinka* The cutie mark happened a week ago.
@Rita Lot
Ah, I assumed as much, Rita you never told us you had a sister.
Although I could guess why...
@Rita Lot
That explains it.
(Seriously, who's is better?)
(new page)
It was a good idea of Rita to never mention you around us because of him *points at Afro*
Wise move on Rita's part.
(In my opinion it looks like you took more time with Tinka's dress or am I wrong?)
@Afro Mane
*looks at you*
Something wrong *stands up again*
*stops staring* Of course not!
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