Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Another post filled, another waiting to be!

BANG! Another post filled up! May have taken quite sometime, but hey, it got there. We now have filled up over 50,000 post of pony, RP, and chat.Amazing what a small group of friends can do huh??

A request from our dear member, Rita. Must say, other than Vinyl Scratch and Octavia, these two ARE cute together. Woo for fandom background pony shipping!


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Tinka Lot said...

(Oh, new page. apparently.)

Leeky said...

@Braeburn Clone Mastermind

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot

Tinka Lot said...


Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot

Tinka Lot said...

(your pic still cuts off at the top)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(I know. It's annoying.)

Tinka Lot said...

(yeah it is.)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(And worst is that I have no way to fix it myself.)

Tinka Lot said...

(Somepony (Slots) needs to scale down the image a bit, and that should fix it.)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Would be nice, but I don't see him around right now.)

Tinka Lot said...

(Me neither)

Pewny said...

[And couldn't you ask him yesterday?]

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(So yeah.)

(I did.)

Tinka Lot said...

(Hello mister lurkylurk.)


Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(So how are you today?)

Tinka Lot said...

(fine, I guess. You?)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Sickly, hence why I am on right now heh.)

Tinka Lot said...

(being sick stinks.)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Tell me about it. And it doesn't help that we seem to be the only two talking right now.


Pewny said...

[*is on university busy building SQL queries so may be unable to talk for a while*]

Tinka Lot said...

(my guess would be having lives.)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(That explains everypony not Afro and us, but since you are homeschooled and I am sick, that explains everypony not Afro.)

Tinka Lot said...

(I have no idea where Afro disappeared to.)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Hm... oh well. Sounds like it is just us then. Somepony else will likely show up later. And then the real fun begins!)

Tinka Lot said...

(yay! fun is good!)

zSONICoz said...

(*crashes through the ceiling*
.....*holds a hoof up*
Hey guys...I'm hurt but that's ok since I'm a cartoon. *groans* I at least I hope I am)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Fun is fun and good and all. Then you add two and two and two and you get Matilda.)

Tinka Lot said...

(I do not understand that statement, but I will pretend to! Except that now I just said I'm pretending which just ruined the illusion oh well.)


zSONICoz said...

@Rita Lot
(How is you all doing today? Besides establishing yourself among the interwebz?)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Illusions of understanding, huh? You want to know the real illusion? This entire time, we have been each other!


Tinka Lot said...


Tinka Lot said...

(Good, you?)

zSONICoz said...

@Rita Lot
(Doing just lovely! ^_^
So what goes on in the land of the blog while I was battling the forces of schoolwork?)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Search your feelings you know it to be true.)

Tinka Lot said...

(Not much.)

Tinka Lot said...


Aura said...

@Rita Lot

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot

Aura said...

@Rita Lot

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot

Aura said...

@Rita Lot

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Have you ever wondered what somepony's mane smelled like?)

Aura said...

@Rita Lot
(Wouldn't it just be whatever smell the shampoo they used last is?)

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(That would involve stealing their shampoo.)

Aura said...

@Rita Lot
(Or at least seeing what flavor was on the bottle, if any. Which would still involve stealing it.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(or at least breaking into their home.)

Aura said...

@Rita Lot
(Whose home do you have in mind?)

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Nopony, it was just a theoretical question.)

Aura said...

@Rita Lot
(Oh. Well theoretically, the easiest way would be to be weird, like this one show or movie I saw before, where a character was like "Can I sniff your hair?")

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(I know somepony who would probably do that.)

Aura said...

@Rita Lot

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(My friend/enemy Whimsy. I think you met her once. she's insane. not kidding. Once we went to Perkins. She used her pancake as a napkin.)

Aura said...

@Rita Lot
(Didn't you bring her here once? I remember that.

But that is pretty insane.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Also she's slightly sadistic. Once she texted me and told me to play Story of the Blanks because it was a happy little game. Luckily I didn't. I asked her about it later, and she said she was indeed trying to trick me.)

Aura said...

@Rita Lot
(Yeah that is not a happy little game at all. Little yes, happy no no no. But that is pretty mean of her too.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(but we did have huge roles in each others lives. we actually met a couple years ago at a Mensa thing, and then again because we were part of the same Odyssey of the Mind team. and then we met up last year at a glee club/ dance group. She introduced me to ponies, I introduced her to A:TLA.)

Aura said...

@Rita Lot
(And now you bend water as your secret power... Well fondue cheese.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Pff, no, who said that?)

Aura said...

@Rita Lot
(*dumps fondue over you* That said that.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(*dumps fondue all over you*)

Aura said...

@Rita Lot
(*teleports the fondue off me and onto you*)

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(*teleports it back onto you and freezes it slightly*)

Aura said...

@Rita Lot
(...You are good at this.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(as are you.)

Aura said...

@Rita Lot
(...help me teleport all of this into Afro's room and on his bed?)

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Of course! *does so*)

Aura said...

@Rita Lot
(*teleports all the fondue onto Afro in his bed, since he isn't here to say where he is*)

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot
((I thought he slept on the couch?))

Aura said...

@Rita Lot
((Then his room is the living room, and the couch his bed. It all plays out!))

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot
((don't we use the couch too?))

Aura said...

@Rita Lot
((There is a second one.))

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot

Aura said...

@Rita Lot
((That would make the most sense if a couch is where Afro sleeps, we would need a second one.))

Pewny said...

[And then Afro will make the other couch "unclean"]

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot
((It would wouldn't it.))

Aura said...


((Yeah. Making sense out of nothing seems to be our specialty when put together.))

Tinka Lot said...


Pewny said...

@Rita and Aura-Lot
[I just meant he will sleep on it. What did you two think I meant...]

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot
((Well, a pony and another pony who looks exactly like the first pony think alike.))

Aura said...



((That must be pretty true if it is working right now.))

Tinka Lot said...

((just sleeping on it would not make it unclean, you trollish troll of trollishness.))

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot
((Must be))

Aura said...

@Rita Lot
((That is true it would not.

and it must be because it is true, or is it true because it must?))

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot
((I know knot how to aknswer))

Aura said...

@Rita Lot
((Hm... well what do you think about crazy cat ladies?))

Aura said...

@Rita Lot
((My non-sequitur has managed to kill the chatting. I don't know if I should be happy.))

Laz said...

@Rita Lot
((You've gone loco in the coco))

Aura said...

@Black Rain
((I don't think I am the only pony to have gone loco in the coco.))

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot
((My grandmother is one.))

Daisy Pusher said...

Do I need to get the straightjackets out?

Aura said...

@Rita Lot
((My aunt is one.))


Leeky said...

@Rita Lot
[My friend is one.]

Aura said...

(Everyone knows a crazy cat lady in their life apparently.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot

Tinka Lot said...

@Nurse Redheart
((No, that will not be necessary, thank you.))

Pewny said...

[I don't]

Aura said...

((You will. Just giver her time.))

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot
((Couldn't have said it better myself! Wait...))

zSONICoz said...

(.......I'm willing to bet that this is Afro.
All in favor say aye.)

Aura said...

((And then your link was scaring and borderline, if not past the line.))

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot
((I agree. Too borderline, maybe past.))

Tinka Lot said...


Aura said...

((aye aye))

Aura said...

@Rita Lot

Why would somepony even use that picture? Why would somepony even have that picture?))

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot
((Because some people are perverts who only care about clop))

Pewny said...

[Clop in moderation is fine if you ask me]


Tinka Lot said...

((well I didn't.))

Aura said...

@Rita Lot
((Those people are worse than perverts I think.))

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot
((Yes. they are vertpervs.))

Aura said...

@Rita Lot
((The people that give pony fans bad names because they use that art.))

Pewny said...

[The argument that this kind of art gives Bronies a bad name doesn't have sense taking that nearly every fandom has those sort of pictures (Pokemon, Avatar:TLA, even live actiton shows like Dr Who and such)]

Tinka Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(they do. It's disgusting. I do like seeing interpretations on what ponies would look like as humans, but not if they make them look like that.)

Tinka Lot said...

((Still, we don't need to have it on our blog.))

Leeky said...

@Rita Lot
Love and tolerate

Aura said...

@Rita Lot
((Yeah some of them can be kinda cool, but not when they are just pin-ups like that.

And we definitely don't need it on our blog.))


((Its true but again, don't need it on our blog. Slots has a rule against it.))

Daisy Pusher said...

[ The pony kind is pushed in everypony's faces, though. It caused issues on ED, PS and even got some banned from BroNYCon because of what their art is of. ]

Tinka Lot said...

((So you enjoy seeing others corrupt adorable ponies into something ick?))

Pewny said...

@Rita and Aura-Lot
[True, we don't need it here, I just said that there is no way to avoid it in any fandom.]

@Last Rita's comment
[Just because they are adorable ponies it's bad? Know what...... While not popular like ponies there is also some Rule-34 on things like Care-Bears... Hell, think of the most adorable thing you can and I bet there is something like that with it. It's the internet, everything can happen here]

Tinka Lot said...

((My doggy?))

Daisy Pusher said...

[ Anything can and does, but it's not in your face unless you're looking for it, and not here. With ponies, that line tends to be dangerously close or behind the not-looking-for-it one. ]

Pewny said...

[...... I meant from things like shows and such, not something personal XD]

[You have a point miss]

Leeky said...

@Rita Lot
[Um, not at all really. But the world doesn't revolve around me so I don't have the right to tell people what to and what not to enjoy.
Since there are rules here, perhaps that link wasn't the best thing to post.
But I don't think we should speak negatively of people we don't even know for having their own views and tastes (if no one was seriously hurt in the process) that we disagree on.
But again, those are just my views.]

Tinka Lot said...

((you said the cutest thing I could think of. which would be my dog.))

Tinka Lot said...

((Your opinion is respected, but I disagree. same for those who do enjoy it. I don't like it, but I respect that they don't try to force it on others. However. The anonymouse who posted it most likely knew we have a rule against it, as we have stated many times, so it's very rude to post it here, where ponies may not want to see it, and not at least warn us.))

Aura said...

((Life just came up telling me we are going out to eat. So be back!))

Laz said...

((-_- Anon, seriously.))

Tinka Lot said...

@Not the previous anon

Laz said...

((Also, pretty sure it's Afro. Remember the Tumblr thing? Yeah.))

Pewny said...

[Anon... I... Seriously... Anon, if it had to contain at stallion couldn't it be at least with a mare? [/sarcasm]... I could've lived without seeing THIS......]

Tom Dan the Mod Cop said...

(Due to Anons breaking rules and deciding they can post Rule 34 in this blog when there are younger children in here, Anon posting is now to be taken away, until further notice. Complaints can be sent to me or Slots.)

Leeky said...

@Rita Lot
[I agree that it was slightly rude.]

Leeky said...

[Now I feel rude.]

Tinka Lot said...

@Tom Dan the Mod Cop
(Yay! Thanks Tom!)

Slots said...

@Black Rain
(If it IS Afro, he had better watch out, I will NOT allow that kind of stuff IN the blog. IF he wants to post that stuff, he can do so on his own tumblr. Not here, there are kids on here.)

Tinka Lot said...

((Even Afro isn't that stupid. He wouldn't. Probly a roaming anon troll.)

Slots said...

@Rita Lot
(I took care of it. May be a temp thing, but will see. I may have another drastic solution, but that one will be something later if it gets worse.)

Rita Lot said...

(Wait, what?

Also, yes, back already. Or, rather, got ready and never left.)

Rita Lot said...

(Testing, testing, 1, 2, 5.)

Leeky said...


Rita Lot said...

(Slots was trying to fix my avatar problem, and... it idndt work.)

CC said...

And now to completely change the subject!

So, I live across the street from a McDonalds.
After coming home from school I decided to go over and try and get a pony.
I am now the proud owner of a Rarity toy.
I feel so freaking manly right now.

Rita Lot said...

(One test, two test, red test, blue test)

Leeky said...

[I can honestly say I'm jealous XD]

Tinka Lot said...


Tinka Lot said...

(looks good!)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Yes it does! Finally, no more annoying cut off!)

Tinka Lot said...


Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Now you can all see the part of the edit that CC did!)

CC said...

@Leeky; Rita Lot
*Combs her hair.* /)^3^(\



Tinka Lot said...

(Yes! Very nice!)

(Nothing is more manly than not being embarrassed by getting a pony toy.)

Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Hint, it is the shoes.)

Tinka Lot said...


Leeky said...

[Good night!
(that feels a bit out of nowhere XD)]

Sitcom Mansion said...

Matt I can't handle your sheer manliness.
Please, take me, ravish my body!

Pewny said...

[I laughed way too hard]

Afro Mane said...

(You guys honestly though I'd post pony porn?

I am going to have drunk sex all over both couches.)

Afro Mane said...

(Drunk, sloppy, fondue-covered sex.)

Laz said...

@Afro Mane
(When you put it that way.....yeah, I still do)

CC said...

@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind


Afro Mane said...

(I'll take a crack at it. C'mere, Mastermind.)

Tinka Lot said...

(Afro, you're not exactly helping your case y'know.)

Daisy Pusher said...

The patient...?

Tinka Lot said...

@Nurse Redheart
(there's a pony version of that)

Daisy Pusher said...

I know. I've talked to the Doctor quite a bit.

Tinka Lot said...

@Nurse Redheart
(I meant this.)

Tinka Lot said...

@Nurse Redheart
(also I love that blog!)

Tinka Lot said...


zSONICoz said...

@Rita Lot
(Hola! )

Tinka Lot said...

(Oh look, somepony. Hi.)

Tinka Lot said...

(Quick discussion question. What does everypony think about in fanfics when pegasi besides RD make Sonic Rainbooms? It kinda bothers me, but I wanna know what you all think.)

zSONICoz said...

@Rita Lot
(Ok, first it has to be a good reason to even make one in the first place.
How does one pull one off if they don't even have a rainbow colored mane? That's what I wanna know.)

Tinka Lot said...

(Exactly! the only reason Rainbow Dash can do it is because she flies fast enough and she has a rainbow mane and it's her special talent. Not every single pegasus who flies fast enough can create a sonic rainboom!!!!)

zSONICoz said...

@Rita Lot
(Plus if a pegasi were to fly that fast the most they could create from that speed is just a Sonic Boom. Now, here's a hypothetical situation that could pass off.
A pegasus flying at that speed and just so happens to pass through a rainbow at the moment of the Said Sonic boom then I could believe that.)

Tinka Lot said...

(Or maybe if they soaked themselves in liquid rainbow first.)

zSONICoz said...

@Rita Lot
(Another situation I could believe other than rainbow soaked and passing through a rainbow. I just don't see the point of pegasus making a Sonic Rainboom)

Tinka Lot said...

(unless it was Rainbow Blitz, but that would be different.)

zSONICoz said...

@Rita Lot
(Yes, that is a whole nother story.
And universe.
Which Mastermind is familiar with.)

Tinka Lot said...

(yup, she probably is.)

zSONICoz said...

@Rita Lot
(SO ANYWAYS! What's new?)

Tinka Lot said...

(not much. brb.)

Tinka Lot said...

(I'm back.)

zSONICoz said...

@Rita Lot
(Lovely and just in time for me to leave now. XD Oh what a cruel mistress time is!)

Tinka Lot said...


Rita Lot said...

@Rita Lot
(Hello, hello, I'm the Nostalgia Critic...

I mean hey.)

CC said...

So, it was definitely not enough.

I couldn't take it...

...I had to go back.

But... Was it worth it...?


Of course it was because I now have Pinkie Pie!! ^-^

Slots said...

(Slapstick is gonna murder you now, you know that heh?)

CC said...

*Hoards pony figures*

Slots said...


CC said...

(*Waves around a plastic sword.*

Slots said...

((The irony you say to buy them, when I read that in a pirate voice) NEVAR!!!!)

CC said...

((Oh, um, please excuse that. ...*Ahem.*)

Slots said...


CC said...


Slots said...


(I dont care! My blog my claim I AM A DICTATOR SURRENDER YOUR PONIES!!!)

CC said...

(*Disappears in a blast of dark smoke.*)

Slots said...

(*vacuums it up*)

CC said...

(*Is CC's.*)

Slots said...

@Twilight Sparkle Toy

CC said...

(*Is still CC's.*)

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