BANG! Another post filled up! May have taken quite sometime, but hey, it got there. We now have filled up over 50,000 post of pony, RP, and chat.Amazing what a small group of friends can do huh??
A request from our dear member, Rita. Must say, other than Vinyl Scratch and Octavia, these two ARE cute together. Woo for fandom background pony shipping!
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 4990 Newer› Newest»@Twilight Sparkle Toy
(Muwahahahaha... *Wisps away out of the vacuum's fan.*)
(*groans and turns on his headphones to some music*)
(New page)
(Slots, why didn't you tell us your birthday was in a week?)
[Because it's still a week until that?]
(good point.)
. . .
@Nurse Redheart
Where. Is. The doctor?
@Nurse Redheart
(I don't know where Mastermind is. She's probably... Masterminding. Check the sandworm room, she might be feeding Wyrmias.)
(Happy Pi day!)
( :) )
(Happy 3/14 everyone! Eat a pie today!)
(Pfft! Screw pie, I had Picakes, Picookies,PiCupcakes! I SMASHED SO HARD ON THOSE AND I DON'T EVEN CARE!!!! WHHHOOOO!! I'M SO HYPER! CAN YOU FEEL IT!
No?...Oh well Happy Pi Day and Happy birthday Albert Einstein!)
(>Nopony responds when I say it: >everypony responds when Aura says it. :( )
@Rita Lot
(HAPPY PI DAY RITA! I'm sorry that was meant for everyone in general.)
>Only Sonic responded
Don't be silly XD]
( :) )
(I like being silly.)
@Rita Lot
(Happy Pi Day from Central time zone!)
@Black Rain
@Black Rain
(Delete the in the URL. It messed up.)
(it's pi day!)
@Black Rain
(mine is awesome too!)
@Rita Lot
(Your's is pink! You must like Pinkie)
@Black Rain
(pink is my favorite color, duh. it has nothing to do with poni.)
@Rita Lot
(Blasphemous. You now live Pinkie)
@Black Rain
(oh, I'm blasphemous, am I? *eyebrow raise*)
@Rita Lot
@Black Rain
(*other eyebrow raise*)
@Rita Lot
@Rita Lot
[I've realised XD
Uh, happy Pi-Day everyone?]
@Black Rain
(Personally I love the pink she has there; what is the theme you have Rita?
But since everypony else did it, why not me? Happy Pi day from next year!)
(I heard it vas Pi day und decided to say to you all
Glückliche Pi Tage!)
(I dunno.)
(Hi Doc!)
@Rita Lot
(Aw man. i need it! :P)
(Change the color?)
@Rita Lot
(*bows* Ah Guten tag Frau Rita! Good to see you all again.
It has been so lange.)
@Black Rain
(...this is Vista! That is too needlessly complex!)
(Oh. Well it's just as easy as changing the color on 7)
[From what I see Rita is using 7 so... she can't really help you here]
(It has indeed ^-^)
@Black Rain
[It's been long XD]
(*nods* Mmm, Ja da stimmt, sehr, sehr lange.)
@Rita Lot
(You've grown from ze last time I vas heir.)
MINION! Where have thou been!
(Yeah, kinda.)
*phases through*
Once again she doesn't realize...
I need to stop doing zhat.
'... A doctor's a doctor.'
"Doctor, we need you in the ER. a pegasus was brought in with convulsions, a broken wing and a a book embedded in their abdominal region."
Minion's ought to know when their Queen needs their company.
@Nurse Redheart
You can see me?...Vait...
*tries to hold a lamp from the table and strangely it can be held then slips a bit then stops again repeated in certain intervals*
*looks at you and raises eyebrow and bows*
I'll give zhis bow Leeky since I've been rather un-minionlike.
*sigh* When will she realize?
@Rita Lot
I don't she ever vill!
It's Leeky after all...Und how are zhings going around here?
Pretty good!
@Rita Lot
Are you still in denial? Or is it safe to come out?
@Rita Lot
*gives a questioning look*
Pretty good?
Vhat nothing interesting happen?
*tries and fails to look unhappy* Well, your back now so that'll do *grins*
Not much.
Eh, sure.
@Rita Lot
*looks confused* I've realised everything that could be realised!
*laughs at the faces you make*
Still ze same except for ze hair?...You dye it? Unless you ate too many leeks und it got zhat vay....Actually I'm villing to bet zhat's vhat happened.
@Rita Lot
...Vow talk about deadness in zhis place.
Well, the other day, Rain and I dyed Afro crazy colors and then he tried to kill us, but that was pretty much the most excitement we've had for a while.
@Rita Lot
Of course I've realised parents! I invented parents! I AM PARENTS!!!
Pfft, I don't change. I'm awesome just the way I am.
*sighs and facehoofs*
@Rita Lot
...I believe ze dying hair part but Afro trying to murder....zhat's like trying to watch penguins fly...I highly doubt it.
*raises eyebrow and gives you a mirror*
Check again und look at your mane und tail.
@Rita Lot
I'm not going to be the one to pay for the book being over-due.
He did. Tried to drown us in the pool.
Nope, nothing don't want me to change, right?
@Nurse Redheart
@Rita Lot
...Vell zhen I'll smack him vhen I get back.
Really? *looks in the mirror and back at you*...Huh?...Vell...und to answer the question um which part of you do you not vant to change or do you mean everyzhing in general?
@Nurse Redheart
*looks at you*
Nurse zhere should be a tool to in ze ER zhat pulls things's painful but it'll get ze job done.
I'd do it except I can barely hold zhings in mein hooves.
I don't care who does it, I'm just not getting pinned with paying the over-due fines for that book.
(Yay! Doc's back!)
@Nurse Redheart
I'm pretty sure its ruined anyway.
@Nurse Redheart
If you need bits zhen take zhat gold coin I have in zhat jar on ze table I'm sure zhat should get zhem to shut up. Anyways zhat device is in ze cabinet on ze right.
Do you need anyzhing else?
@Afro Mane
(Hey dummy I'm not back but when I do get back my hoof is going to be in your face. )
*sigh* Minion, I already told you. I don't change. You can't change from perfection.
(Can't you kinda hold things now though?)
Zhen vhy ask a silly question like zhat vone if you don't change at all?
Seems razher...Un-needed.
@Rita Lot
(...*begins slapping Afro*
(...I believe you're enjoying this a little bit too much.)
@Rita Lot
(Perhaps...but it's not like you don't want to see it happen you did say you dyed his hair and I'm pretty sure you enjoyed zhat!)
@Afro Mane
(Because abusing you makes everypony laugh it's true so don't lie.)
Don't question my questions.
(Eh. True. And I kind of deserve it. Attempted homicide and all...)
*covered in fondue*
[...That's kind of depressing.]
I'll still question you vhezher you like it or not. *grins* I'm simply like zhat!
(...It seems razher bad but zhink of it...We don't really get hurt we just zhink we do!
Slots gets hurt but ze next day he's fine! PHYSICS NEVER EXISTED HEIR UND NEVER VILL!!
Ze ponies who silence zhose who know vill now come after me.)
*yawns, breaking the fondue crusted around my snout* Ugh... *opens eyes*... Oh, dear Celestia I'M BLIND! *tries to move* ...AND PARALYZED! *girlish scream*
*blows a raspberry at you*
@Afro Mane
*continues screaming*
Zhat's razher....Cute to say ze least. *laughs lightly* Never seen you do zhat before?
@Afro Mane
*ear flick* *to Doc* did you hear something?
*starts kicking* Somepony help meeeee!
Not much. Yeah, it's my super secret awesome weapon of mass destroyeness.
@Rita Lot
It's probably a cat, squirrel, dog, or somezhing...*shrugs*
You're probably right. lets ignore it.
*rubs your head*
Oh Leeky. *shakes head*
...I vould vant to see vhat it does to somezhing else ozher zhan me!
@Rita Lot
*from somewhere upstairs* You all suck!
@Afro Mane
*can't hear you*
Summon my hoards to destroy my enemy's. But I guess it didn't work on you since you're also my minion.
besides, I don't think I'd want you destroyed...your a useful
...and a bit fun to be around
Only a bit. Don't think the Leek Queen will lower herself to stand along mortals.
*chuckles and then grins*
Vhatever you vish Leeky, Vhatever you vish?
Seems rather quiet around here...Hmm...Curious?
Pah! Curiosity is a leaf only weaklings know.
*looks and you and grins again*
Says ze vone who didn't vhat snow vas. *mocks* Right curiosity ist fur ze veak~!
Huh, you're right.
(where did everypony else go?)
@Rita Lot
(Ich habe keine idea!
No clue.)
Not to much goes on zhese days...Ve should fix zhat vhen I get back!
We could celebrate tomorrow by eating JAM!!!
*waggles hoof*
Don't zhink you can change ze subject you didn't reply to me pointing out you being curious...but I do like ze idea of jam.
*nods* With toast!
@Rita Lot
...I vould love to have some chocolate toast!
Don't be silly, I'm not a leaf.
@Rita Lot
And marmalade sandwiches!
And bagels!
Chocolate toast?
Neither am I yet heir ve are!
Marmalade ist sehr gut!
@Rita Lot
Rita habe nicht essen Chocolate toast!
You must try it! It is simply...yeah...I can't describe!
@Rita Lot
We can celebrate yesterday with chocolate toast!
I shall order leek in chief to draw up the plans!
*trots off*
*trots back*
And Doc, please don't go for to long next time.
*trots off*
[And now I need to go catch up on sleep.
It was fun being Leeky again. Hope I can be back tomorrow.]
*nods and bows grinning*
Yes mein Queen.
(Guten Abend! Sleep Vell!)
*looks at the time*
...Hmm...I should get going. I need to look into somezhing....
*looks to Rita*
Rita, I need to go now I'll be back as soon as time permits me.
SOMEPONY HELP ME!!! *continues kicking, and frees a hoof* ...One down, three to go...
*screams* ...HELP!!! *continues struggling*
*finally hears you and comes in*
@Rita Lot
*sees you* Oh, thank Celestia, it's Rita. A unicorn. Wanna help me out of... Whatever this is?
@Afro Mane
@Rita Lot
(Hi again you guys, around for like fourtyish minutes this time)
@Afro Mane
*comes back*
@Rita Lot
@Afro Mane
*leaves again*
@Rita Lot
Rita WAIT!
@Afro Mane
*Walks in from the opposite direction Rita left from, hearing the screaming*
@Aura Lot
Don't leave this time!
...Also, help me?
@Afro Mane
...*walks out*
@Aura Lot
Oh, C'MON RITA!! *begins struggling again*
@Aura Lot
*walks in from opposite direction you walked out immediately*
@Rita Lot
@Afro Mane
*leaves again*
(Aura and I be trollin.)
@Rita Lot
(Best trolling)
*walks in again, thinking she saw Rita just a second ago*
@Aura Lot
Dang it, stop doing that and HELP ME!!!!!
@Aura Lot
(best trolling is best)
@Afro Mane
*turns around and leaves again*
@Aura Lot
@Afro Mane
*comes back in and leaves immediately*
@Rita Lot
*Does the exact same thing as soon as you leave*
@Rita Lot
@Afro Mane
*comes in* nah. *leaves*
@Rita Lot
(Also, Slots sends his regards, and to continue trolling, since he wants a laugh at work XD)
Nope. *leaves*
@Rita Lot
*starts wildly kicking, attempting to free himself* *screams, breaking another hoof through* Ha HA!
@Aura Lot
(I aim to please.
...And drown bookworm fillies.)
@Afro Mane
(*covers you in more fondue* What was that?)
*continues kicking, the front right and back left legs free*
@Aura Lot
@Aura Lot
(Tell him we will!)
*comes in a skips out*
@Afro Mane
(Thought so.)
*comes in again and watches you kick*
@Rita Lot and Aura Lot
Please help me... *sniffs*
@Afro Mane
Pleeeeeaaaase...? *attempts to look adorable covered in fondue*
@Afro Mane
...*walks into the kitchen and comes back with a vat of fondue*
@Aura Lot
...What's that...?
@Afro Mane
*starts to pour it over where you freed your hooves*
@Aura Lot
Hey, cut that out! Ah! Ah! Hot! Ah!!
(Guess who went to McDonalds?)
@Aura Lot
(XD poor Afro, the punching bag and fondue pot of the blog!)
@Black Rain
@Black Rain
(I just got an Applejack today! No picture because no camera, but whatever.)
(Pretty much! Also, about time for me to go again.)
...Not the face!
@Aura Lot
(*sigh* of course it is. Bye.)
@Rita Lot
(Sorry! Homework calls though.)
@Aura Lot
(It was taken with my phone *shrug*)
@Rita Lot or Aura
...Have mercy... Not the face...
@Aura Lot
(I hate homework.)
@Black Rain
@Rita Lot
(I accidentally got two Twi's. I'd totally mail one to you.)
@Black Rain
(Nah, I can get my own, thanks.)
@Rita Lot
(Are you gonna fondu me or what? Oh, and say something awesome beforehand, like
"Say cheese, Afro"
"This is not good-a"
"I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel here"
Something awesome like that.)
@Afro Mane
(I don't find those awesome. I find those very punful.)
*trots in and picks up from where Aura left off, including on your eyes, then hardens it then leaves.*
@Rita Lot
Whyyyy?!- blublublblubblub *hardens* *canned scream*
@Afro Mane
*now speaking with a british accent* Why, Afro dear, it's quite a simple concept. *smiles evily* Revenge.
@Rita Lot
*more canned screaming, something along the lines of "Sweet Celestia, I'm suffocating!"*
@Afro Mane
*moves the fondue away from your nasal area, but leaves the rest intact.*
@Rita Lot
*inhales deeply* ... *ragged breathing*
@Afro Mane
@Rita Lot
*blind* ...Hm? Rrta? hrro?
@Afro Mane
*struggles a bit*
@Nurse Redheart
(that has to be the worst way to go. Smothered in fondue .)
(*ahem* Gentleponies.)
What are we talking about and WHERE ARE THOSE DOCTORS!?
@Nurse Redheart
Whyy, I thought I already fixed that patient.
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
She came back. With her other wing broken and a limp.
At least she's not trying to bite everypony who tries to remove the books this time...
@Nurse Redheart
(Aren't there other dictirs in the hospital?)
@Rita Lot
I wouldn't be having such a hard time trying to get one to the ER if there were.
Somepony in staffing was brilliant and hired two doctors and three nurses for a four-floor hospital with two-hundred-some rooms.
@Nurse Redheart
(They're all busy? Even that little nurse in training?)
(New page)
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