BANG! Another post filled up! May have taken quite sometime, but hey, it got there. We now have filled up over 50,000 post of pony, RP, and chat.Amazing what a small group of friends can do huh??
A request from our dear member, Rita. Must say, other than Vinyl Scratch and Octavia, these two ARE cute together. Woo for fandom background pony shipping!
«Oldest ‹Older 801 – 1000 of 4990 Newer› Newest»(Second on the new page.)
@Rita Lot
(sorry away for a bit doing homework EARLY today heh XD)
(Ok. Maybe we can troll Afro some more later!)
@Rita Lot
(Hope so heh, was super fun! See you in about half an hour to an hour!)
@Nurse Redheart
Wait, she still has the book in her stomach?
(*pokes head in* Anypony about?)
@Rita Lot
(Oh? Oh well. *wanders off to play games*)
(Ok. *follows*)
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
It's a different book this time. Two of them.
I swear, she must be trying to start a library of her own in there.
@Rita Lot
(Will probably be back when Slots gets home)
(Afro's back.)
*feebly struggles against small mountain of fondue* Mmph. Mrrmrmph mr mrrf mrph. (Dang. This sucks but I have to admit this is original. (Translation)).
*stomach growls*
(When will that be?)
@Rita Lot
(About an hour, but might be back before then)
@Aura and Rita
(You better let me out soon.)
[Due to a recent time change that occured in US (and not yet here) I'm a bit confused, but I think in about an hour]
(Help me?)
[Haha, no.]
(What have I ever done to you?)
[Good point...... Still - no]
(Why? What's Afro ever done to you?)
@Afro Mane
*sees you covered in cheese* Hmmm... Me gusta... *opens the window and trots in*
[I'm fairly certain that back on EqDPO something did appen but meh. I just don't feel like getting in the RP mood, even tho by freeing you I would finally use the bag Pewny has (to take out hammer and a screwdriver to act as cisel)]
(C'mooooooon, brony...)
@Pizza Pie
*attempts to turn his head* Mmrp?
@Afro Mane
@Rita Lot
@Afro Mane
*Looks you over* Hmm... *sniffs* ...Aahhh...
@Afro Mane
(The Applejack parts)
@Rita Lot
(Am I really that bad, ponies?)
@Pizza Pie
*attempts to wiggle a bit* Mmmrp? Mrrg Nrrf Mrf. (Huh? What's goin' on?)
@Afro Mane and Pizza Pie
(This better not turn into clop.)
@Rita Lot
@Afro Mane
*nibbles on his face cheese*
@Pizza Pie
(I think I am speaking on behalf of everypony when I say that you should not continue down this path before Slots gets on.)
*hears hoofsteps, freezes, and jumps out the window*
@Pizza Pie
(Very good.)
*trots into the room, seeing the blob that was Afro* What the...?
*from outside* I'll be back, my cheesy friend.
@Pizza Pie
*Hears that* ...I have no idea what is going on.
*wiggles again* Mrrpf?
@Afro Mane
*trots in* Oh look, my revenge is still there. But it seems to have been nibbled.
@Afro Mane
Oh my god that blob is alive! *runs out of the room yelling for help*
@Rita Lot
*Right behind you* You think he is trying to free himself?
@Aura Lot
No,no. The nibbling is on the outside.
@Rita Lot
...who would want to free him by eating him out?
@Aura Lot
[That sounded.......... nevermind]
@Aura Lot
I have no idea.
@Rita Lot
Well... should we fill that spot in?
@Aura Lot
Yes. We should.
(By the way, you were never formally reintroduced to the mansion. Do we just pretend you were?)
@Rita Lot
(I stole a key to get back in, and just come and go whenever I feel like it is what I was going to go with.)
Okay, lets go get some fondue.
@Aura Lot
OK. Let's go. *trots to kitchen*
@Rita Lot
Right! *follows behind you*
@Rita Lot ; @Aura Lot
*is hiding in the kitchen, watching both of them enter, utterly confused* What the hay has happened to this house since I was here last!?
(I'm just having fun with this lol)
(I have one more hour to go ponies. And yes, for the record whoever pizza ponywas, and Afro, please watch it. I said no clop. There will be NO acceptions. If you want it so bad your welcone to make your own blog. Just not here. Again we have those that dont want it and chdren too.)
(Wait really, they holding you another hour?
And pizza WAS Afro.)
*does not hear you and gets some fondue*
@Rita Lot
Rita what are you and... yourself doing??
@Rita Lot
*grabs a second kettle of fondue*
*continues wiggling, freeing his snout from the fondue trap, thanks to the nibble hole* *deep inhale* HELP! Help! Rape! Somepony help me!!!
*startled* Huh? Who's there?
@Rita Lot
*waves* Uh, hello?
@Rita Lot
*from upstairs* Help! I'm hungry and thirsty and I'm pretty sure I was almost raped! *breaks a hoof free* Woo! *wipes the cheese from his eyes* ...Still in my bed. I'm gonna need a new mattress and everything... Whatever, HELP!!
@Afro Mane
*still from upstairs* Slots! Rain! Laz, if you're still here, HELP ME!!!
(12pm-5pm Aura. Always been like that.)
Do I... know you?
(You changed your entire look, so of course she's confused.)
(...No? You have always been home between 7:15 and 7:45 my time, and at last check you are affected by the Spring Forward. I have Skype logs to prove it!)
@Rita Lot
Uh... yes? I lived here?
*stops for a moment* Hi me. *continues trotting out of the kitchen*
@Rita Lot
*more whining from upstairs* I'm sta-ha-a-a-a-arving!!
*squints* ...Aura?
@Aura Lot
*looks at you* What?
@Afro Mane
@Rita Lot
@Aura Lot
...Wait what? Stop!
*glomp* Aura!
@Rita Lot
Gah! *is jumped upon, being thrown to the floor*
@Afro Mane
*Trots in, fondue kettle floating behind her*
@Rita Lot
It's fine Rita! But yeah, it is me. But... who was that?
@Aura Lot
*sees you* ...Why...?
*shrugs* I dunno. I assumed it was Mastermind.
(perfectly plausible excuse.)
@Afro Mane
*Shrug* No reason still. It stopped being funny.
@Rita Lot
She definitely said "Hi me" to me.
@Aura Lot
..Have mercy, Rita... Please...
Mastermind wouldn't say that if she was pretending to be me.
@Rita Lot
So then who is it? And don't answer a ghost of me or something, since those do not exist.
@Afro Mane
*sets the kettle down on top of you instead of tipping it out*
They don't exist anymore, I know. I really have no idea.
@Rita Lot
Magic maybe?
maybe I wandered into a leftover cloning potion? But that wouldn't explain why she said "Hi Me" to you. Is that a nickname?
@Rita Lot
Not that I know of? Maybe I wandered into something?
@Rita Lot
MY HEAD! First the Blob is attacking the house and now this!
@Aura Lot
Oof! Th-thank you... *wheezes, as the crusted over fondue begins to crack*
@Afro Mane
*beings to tip it over onto your face and the cracks*
What Blob?
@Aura Lot
*sputters* No. No! Please, no!!
@Rita Lot
The one in the other room?
@Afro Mane
*keeps pouring*
@Aura Lot
*sputters again* Stop, Rita, please!! *chokes on fondue*
You mean Afro? Other Rita and I covered him in fondue for REVENGE.
@Rita Lot
Revenge for... what exactly?
@Afro Mane
*empties kettle, and begins to walk out*
(you all are confising me sayong I should be home when my time says different.....)
He tried to kill Rain and I the other day because we dyed him crazy colors.
(Were you still here when Rain and/or Laz joined?)
(Slots... it is currently 7:50 PM EST where I am. The blog says you posted that at 4:48 PM. Last I checked, you worked something like 10 AM to 4 PM on Thursdays. Unless that changed between last week and this week, you should have been home roughly half an hour ago.)
@Rita Lot
Oh, I see. Well I guess that counts.
(Yeah, I was.)
@Rita Lot
Well... so that is NOT the Blob out there then?
(Happy Ides of March. Wait, its not supposed to be happy. UNHAPPY IDES OF MARCH EVERYPONY!)
@Rita Lot
Well... okay, that sounds a lot safer then. I thought Mastermind had broke something.
Mastermind does break things. but not today.
@Rita Lot
Good to know that has not changed! So uh... can I stand up yet?
@Aura Lot
*coughs up fondue, clearing his throat* You won't get *cough cough* --away with this!
@Rita Lot you will please get off of me?
@Afro Mane
*glances back* Au contraire, mon ami. I already got away with it, and there is nothing you can do to escape.
@Aura Lot
Oh, really, Ms. Lot?
*begins struggling like mad*
@Afro Mane
Duh? if you could have broken out before you would have.
@Aura Lot
(And then Aura Lot was crazy mustached Aura from the elements RPG.
Oh. Right. *hops off of you*
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(Oh my Celestia I completely forgot about him! Also that pic XD )
@Rita Lot
*Gets up* Thank you Rita!
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
We should probably go find... Meyou. let's call her Meyou.
@Rita Lot
Oh oh! What about Uoyem? ...that's a bit hard to pronounce huh?
(Elements RP?)
*continues struggling, small cracks forming around the chest*
@Afro Mane
(Second post on EqD, if it still exists.)
*teleports the fondue from the kettle Rita had grabbed onto you*
Yeah, Let's stick with Meyou.
@Rita Lot
Isn't that wrong capitalization? Shouldn't it be MeYou?
(shush, been reading these Thursday Next books, and they are so meta its crazy.)
Who cares, lets go find her.
@Aura Lot
*more fondue dumped on him* *gulps the fondue from his mouth* *inhales deeply* ...Rita... *pants* ...Can't we talk about this...?
@Rita Lot
Right behind you! And possibly above you if we need to flee.
@Afro Mane
If you would apologize?
*from the window* Help! Rita's trying to kill me!
Um, thanks, I guess...?
That doesn't sound good! we should hurry!
@Aura Lot
Yes, yes, I apoligize, Rita. A thousand times! I'm sorry for snapping and almost killing you. I'm sorry for all the crap I've done over the months we've been together. I'm sorry for plotting to kill Trixie!
@Rita Lot
Yeah yeah lets go!
@Afro Mane
What else are you sorry for?
*runs to Afro's room and barges into the room* STOP RIGHT THERE!
@Rita Lot
*stops, not doing anything*
@Aura Lot
I'm pretty sure that's everything!
@Rita Two
*looks* ...What the hay?
@Aura Lot
What do you think you're doing?
Shh. Later.
@Rita Lot
Getting apologies from him, then letting him go?
@Rita Lot
Drowning me in fondue.
@Aura Lot
Apologies for what?
@Rita Lot
Being an ass. Even I have to admit that.
@Afro Mane
Yeah, you do. Wait, drowning you in fondue? I was just going to imprison you in it until somepony bothered to set you free!
@Rita Lot
I know, what the hay? I at least used something easier to tread.
...Who the hay are you?
@Afro Mane
I'm the real Rita, I have no idea who she *points to other Rita* is.
@Rita Lot
I knew you wouldn't kill me? Wanna free me so I can take revenge?
@Afro Mane
On her, right?
@Rita Lot
Hells yeah.
@Afro Mane
OK! *frees you*
(A winner is me!)
@Black Rain
I went back to my McDonald's again today, though they seem to still be only giving Rarity and Pinkie Pie...)
(Gah, the two I don't have!)
@Black Rain
(My mom gets em. She stops by like 3 McDonalds to see what they have)
@Black Rain
(...Your mother buys you ponies?
(I guess so)
[ Just walk in the door and ask which ponies they have. ]
@Nurse Redheart
(I did a few times now, as well as asking if I could get a complete set.
The response I got was the cashier usually having next to no idea what I was talking about and then just barely looking then showing me one randomly, and in one occurrence the manager claiming they only had numbers 1 and 2 (Pinkie/Rarity) and that they "get new shipments Fridays" (which, based on what I've read on EqD and other websites about they way they get the toys, is just false)... Nng...)
(Well, looks like they finally changed something!
Cheerilee joins the family! ^^
(Changed... wha?)
@Rita Lot
(I mean my McDonald's switched their stock. o.o)
(Cool! Also, Did CC ever really make it back from mars? He seems to "Not physically possible for a regular pony"-ish. Also right now he's a hologram.)
@Rita Lot
(Yes, he is here, though to tell the truth, the last time the real CC was seen was actually when the apparition appeared, and he fainted in the forest after using his dark magic.
...I plan on elaborating his whereabouts soon.)
(The apparation that pretended to be Doc even though we didn't know it was pretending to be Doc? That one?)
@Rita Lot
(Yes, that one, which CC eventually warded off. Effectively, this was his last appearance. That is, with possibly one somewhat recent exception...)
(Ah yes. I poked you.)
@Rita Lot
(Not that that's particularly possible, considering he's nowhere near the mansion... But, nyes...)
(You never quite made it clear that he was not in the mansion. So when can we expect the RP where CC returns? Also, he's been asleep for many months. He's gonna be pretty hungry.)
@Rita Lot
*sneaks behind Aura Lot* Beware the Ides of March, imposter... *pushes her out the window*
@Afro Mane
*is under the window, and gets flattened*
@Black Rain
*looks out the window* ...That's not your marefriend, Rain! Sorry!
@Afro Mane
(Why would actually dare pushing a foal out a window? Even if an imposter, that is pretty low)
(He's Afro. Still, that is pretty bad.
Also, this)
@Black Rain
(It is. I hate child abuse, be it real or not. So, thank you for scarficing your back to save her. I owe you a massage.
@Rita Lot
(Yeah, I know. o3o Mah bad.
Um... Whenever I get to it. Honestly been meaning to get to it for a WHILE now, just been lazy. ...And he probably wasn't sleeping the entire time. o.o)
(First floor maybe?)
[*watches the episode on livestream*
*looks at the stream chat*
*groans and headdesks multiple times*]
(Huh, never heard Fus Ro Dash before.)
@Rita Lot
@Derpy Hooves Clone Mastermind
(She tried to drown me in fondue! She deserved it.)
@Rita Lot
(It doesn't have Aang so it sucks >:p
@Afro Mane
( I DON'T GIVE A FUUU! I want to see it!)
@Rita Lot
(I expected a lot more "RITA ISN'T A FOAL AAAGH" comments directed at Slots. :o
I is disappoint.)
@Afro Mane
(I've actually heard this sentiment before.
Though in my opinion any ATLA universe is good ATLA universe.)
[*still hasn't gotten round to watching series three*]
(I'm honestly psyched. I loved Avatar, and I can't wait to see where LoK goes.
So :P)
(And my opinion is better than yours because I was here first.
...Who wants to go back to Mars?!)
@Afro Mane
(Ooo~ I'm so scared...Seriously I'm quaking in my boots...that don't exist....I quaked so hard that they disintegrated! HOLY SANDWICH! :O)
(That's right, Mr. Soccer Tumblr.)
(ASK ME TUMBLR QUESTIONS JSDFSFSDFL;asdkfja; I need attention.)
Yo, calm down bro. :/
... I hate today.
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